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1、10.A) In the restaurant. B) On the plane.C)FOr five days. D) FOr ten days.13.A) CUStOmer and ShOP assistant. B) MOther and SOn.C) CIerk and manager. D) TeaCher and StUdent-14.A) He Can ask SOmeOne else to help the WOman.B)He moved to TOkyO When he was yOiJng.C)He Can ShOW the WOman around TOkyO hims

2、elf.D)He Can hardly PrOVide any USefUl information.B.LiSten to the PaSSage and tell Whether the following StatementS are true Or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“ T表示,不符合的用 表示)(6分)15.Danny and his friends decided to go to the beach because they WanteCl to Iearn SOmething about the typhoon.16.They hid

3、amOng SOme rocks in Order not to be seen by their ParentS.17.One Of the boys WaS WaSheCl into the OCean by the big WaVe When the typhoon Came nearer.18.Luckily, the PoIiCe SaW the boy and SaVeCl him even though they COUldnt SWim.19.Danny USed to believe WatChing big StOrmS On the beach COUIcl be Ver

4、y dangerous.20.FrOm now on, Danny and his friends Will never go to the beach When a typhooncomes.C.LiSten to the PaSSage and fill in the blanks (听空,完成下列句子 o 每限填 词)(10 分)21 SOme PeOPle think it,s no if theyre Iate for a Clate Or anappointment (约定 ).22.IfS WrOng to think that your real friends if you,

5、re late.23.Being On time is to OtherS. Time is One thing no One Can buy.24.Being on time is also animportant .25.POlite and SUCCeSSfUl PeOPle know the Of not being late.Part 2 Phonetics, VOCabUlary and Grammar(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)III.ChOOSe the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26.WhiCh Of the following Underli

6、ned PartS is different in PrOnUnciation?A)Iight B) enough C) flight D) though27. ChriStine does not USUaIIy have SUPPer UnIeSS Sheis Very hungryA) a B) an C) the D) /28. BaSketbaIl fans Were Very Sad to hear thedeath Of KObe and his daughter.A) by B) Of C) from D) to29.Shirley,s flat is the twentiet

7、h floor, so She goes UP and down in the lift.A) at B) in C) On D) to30. The PrOfeSSOr is CarefUL He always asksSOme questions before making adecisi OnA) he B) him C) his D) himself31. The twin SiSterS were Very tiredOrl their Way home, but Of them WOUlcl StOPfor a rest.A) either B) neither C) none D

8、) both32 Look, here is SOme On the best UniVerSitieS for you to StUdyabroadA) book B) tip C) SUggeStiOn D) information33f S COmmOn knowledge that human brains cant WOrk as as COmPUterS.A) quick B) quicker C) quickly D) more quickly34.NOWadayS PeOPIe have found it to read a Printedbook than they did

9、20 years ago.A) hard B) harder C) hardly D) the hardest35. Tina and TOm With each Other happily On the internet this timeyesterda y.A)are Chatting B) WiIl Chat C) Were Chatting D) have ChatteCl36. Do you know LiIy Can IOSe SO much Weight in SUCh a ShOrt time?Of COUrSeJ by having SPOrtS regularly and

10、 being On a StriCt dietA)Why B) When C) What D) how37.The hotel WaSnt good enough indeed, but I in many WOrSe OneS before.A)StayeCl B) WOUICl Stay C) had Stay D) Were Staying38.NO decisiOn about the family trip in AUgUSt Until Andys father COmeS backA) is made B) WiIl make C) is making D) WiIl be ma

11、de39. DUring the Winter holidays, the boyPraCtiCeCl the guitar for three hours aday.A) to Play B) PIaying C) PIay D) PIayed40. The darkSmOke from the factories near the river made the IOCal PeOPle sick.A) feel B) felt C) feeling D) to feel41-May I Park my Car here for a while?-NOJ you Don,t you See

12、the Sign ,N0 PARKING?A) needn,t B) shouldnt C) mustnt D) COUIdn,t42Many StUdentS WOn t give UP their hob_b_i_e_S _they are busy With their StUCIieS. A) because B) although C) SO D) if43.Peter is a model student. Hes never been Iate for SChOO I?,A) is he B) has he C) isnt he D) hasnt he44.l dont thin

13、k I Can PaSS the final exam. YOU Can make it if you believe yourself and try your best.A) It does51 matter B) DOn,t WOrryC) COngratUIatiOnS D) ThankS-m SOrry to hear that A)SOrry for keeping you Waiting.B) rd Iike to inVite you to my birthday Party.C) TOm WOn the first PriZe in the SPeeCh contest.D)

14、 I IOSt my new bike IaSt weekend.IV.COmPlete the following PaSSage With the WOrClS in the box. EaCh On Can Only be USeCl OnCe(将下列单词或词组填入空格?每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)(共8分)A. minds B. equals C. novel D. designed E. eyesHOW much time do you SPenCl online? FOr most PeOPleJ the answer is 32 hours a week.That 46

15、 OVer 1J 600 hours every year! When you are OnIineJ how much time do you SPenclIOOking at Onething? MOSt PeOPle SUrf the Internet at a Very high speed. In fact, many WebSiteS are 47 to Iet USerS SCan them Very quickly, and then move on. SOme PeOPle WOrry abouthow this is influencing OUr 48 . After a

16、ll, if you Carrt IOOk at a WebSite for more than 30SeCOnds, how Can you read a 49A. busy B. result C. ChalIenge D boring E. peacefulNow, a new WebSite has a 50 USerS .It asks you to Sit back, and do nothi ng! ThiSWebSite is Very simple. It asks you to IOOk at the SCreen for two minutes. YOU Can touc

17、h neither the mouse nor the keyboard. DOeS it SOUnd easy? It might be harder than you think. One newspaper reported that more than 20 PerCent Of PeOPIe failed On their first try. ThiS WebSite is SUPPOSecl to help US SlOW dow n. It remi nds US that We dont n eed to IiVe SUCh 51 IiVeS. TheSCree n has

18、a PiCtUre Of a huge, 52 OCea n. YOIJ Can hear WaVeS .It feels Iike being On abeach. YOU PrObabIy have an extra two minutes. GO to www.dOnO and test yourself. The 53 might SUrPriSe you.V.COmPlete the Sentences With the given WOrdS in their PrOPer forms (用括号 中所给单 词 的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分)54.When CliSaSter S

19、trikeSJeveryone tries to avoid it. Only are movingtowards it. ( hero)55. Jerry, ifs the time that you have missed the SChOOl bus this week,(four)56. AS MiSS HUang hasbeen ill recently, WhO is going to teach English?(We)57. WHO is One Of the most importantinternational the WOrlClJ(Organize)58. The Sh

20、OP assistant greeted theCUStOmerS With a SmiIe at the entrance,(POIite)59. Eating VegetabIeS and exercisingregularly Can US to IiVe a healthy life,(able)60. The String Of the kite brokeSUddenly and the kite in the Sky (. appear)61 .Studying Online With OUr teachers during the Winter holiday Will be

21、a (n) experience in OUr Iife ( forget)VI.ReWrite the following SentenCeS as required (根据所给要求 5 改写下列句 子.62-67 题 每 空格限填一词.68题注意句首大写)(共14分)62.You,d better take an UmbreIla With you When you go OUt (.改为否定句)Youd be社er an UmbreIIa With you when you go out.63.EriC has been teachi ng himself FrenCh SinCe 3

22、years ag (o.y寸戈 IJ 纟戋咅 E 分提问) hasEriC been teachi ng himself French?64.The headmaster awarded Emily the first PriZe in the English SPeeCh COntest.(改为被动语 态)Emily the first PriZe in the English SPeeCh COnteSt by theheadmaster.65.Did BOb CatCh the Plane IaSt weekend? COUlCl you tell me ( ?改为含宾语从句的主 从复合

23、 句)COUlCl you tell me BOb the Plane IaSt WeekenCI?66.The StUdentS in ClaSS 5 are Very excited to go On a PiCniC in CentUry Pa (rk.改为感 叹 句) the StUdentS in ClaSS 5 are to go On a PiCniC in CentUry Park!67t is reported that this kind Of CIiSeaSe Can do harm to PeOPIe and anima (Is.保持原 句意思) It is repor

24、ted that this kind Of CIiSeaSe Can to PeOPle andanimals.68.TOrTlJ to make, tells, every night, StOrieSJ his baby SiSterJ go to sleep, he (r 连i司成 句)Part 3 ReaCIing and Writing (第三部分 读写)VII.ReaCling COmPrehenSiOn (阅读理解)(共 50 分)A.ChOOSe the best answer.(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案。)(12分)When I WaS a teenager, I go

25、t IOSt in a foreign COUntry I WaS in BerIin (柏林 ),Germany, On my month-long mission trip in Europe. My team and I had One night there to SPenCl however We PleaSeCl. MOSt Of my teammates decided to Stay in doors and relax. BUt I did not Want to PaSS UP the ChanCe to explore Berlin.I ViSiteCl a IOt Of

26、 major attractions around the City that night. When I got tired OffJ I CheCkeCl the time On my WatCh. I WaS SUrPriSecl to See that it WaS two o,clock in the morning! AS I Walkecl to a SUbWay StatiOn, I realized that it WaS my dad,s birthday. ThiS WOUICl be the first birthday I COUIClnt Celebrate Wit

27、h him because he PaSSeCl away a few months earlier. BefOre I COUId begin reminiscing 回(忆 )about my dad, the train WaS about to leave. I dashed OntO the train. At first, I WaS thankful to have made it OntO the train. BUt it quickly turned to PaniC (恐慌)When Inoticed that the train WaS headed in the Wr

28、Ong CIireCtion!I IOOkecl around the nearly empty train. I SaW a young WOman Sitting quietly by the WindOW and Came UP to her Hi. DO you SPeak English?lost. Can you helpme? I asked.The WOman UnClerStOOCl. She told me how to return to where I had first gotten On the train.BUt I WaS too nervous to foll

29、ow her in StrUCtiOnS. WithOUt thin king, I asked. “Ca n you COme With me5*? Her face froze at my SUClden request (要求).After a IOng SeCOnd Of hesitation, She agreed to help me.On the journey back to my train StatiOnJ She and I ChatteCl. We Sharecl OUr Iife StOneSJ OUr SadneSS and OUr hopes for the fu

30、ture. At my stop, She thanked me for Sharing SO much With her. She also told me how I had enCOUrageCl her. I COUIClnt believe this Stranger With the big heart WaS thanking me! I gave her a hug and thanked her for her incredible (难以置信 的)kindness.69.Why didnt the Writer Stay in doors and relax Iike most Of her teammates?A)BeCaUSe One Of her teammates encouraged her to explore Berlin.B)BeCaUSe She didn t

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