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1、随着市场经济的发展和经济全球化的冲击,我国企业面临着日益严峻的挑战。在所有这些挑战,如何吸引和留住员工尤其是核心员工已经成为最重要的问题之一,吸引和留住人才的最有效的方法是公平和合理的薪酬系统。然而,传统薪酬体系的目标是建立内部一致性的分配制度,为缺乏长远积极性的员工提供货币支持,但这并不能激起员工的积极性。2、 宽带薪酬体系的概念和应用2.1 宽带薪酬体系的概念宽带薪酬是一种新兴的薪酬设计制度,是适合现代企业组织结构扁平化和基于绩效的管理模式。根据美国薪酬管理协会的定义,宽带薪酬体系是指调整薪酬结构的数量和变动范围,从而建立一个薪酬等级相对较少而薪酬变动幅度较宽的薪酬体系。一般来说,在这新的

2、薪酬体系中薪酬等级最大值与最小之间的变化率应不低于100%。一个典型的宽带薪酬结构可能只有不超过4个的工资等级,但是每个薪酬等级里的变动率可能是200%甚至是300%,然而在传统薪酬结构中,这个变动率通常只有40%到50%。宽带薪酬体系最重要的特征是将多个薪酬级别压缩成少量的几个级别,并将每个级别对应的薪酬范围拉大,从而形成一个新的薪酬管理系统及操作流程,保持有市场竞争力的薪酬机会的同时,允许薪酬管理的灵活性。例如,在20世纪90年代之前,IBM使用的是24个等级的薪酬体系,之后,将它们合并成了10个跨度更广的工资等级。2.2 宽带薪酬体系的优点在传统的薪酬体系中,员工的收入总是与他的行政地位


4、位的重要性,强调个人的作用,强调绩效的现状。员工可以在没有升职的情况下获得一个大的薪水上升空间。例如,一个优秀的技术工人有可能比一个刚上任的经理获得更高的薪水。再次,部门经理参与员工的薪酬决策是宽带薪酬体系的另一个优势。在传统的薪酬结构中,出来人力资源部门的经理,没有人有权利决定工资标准;然而宽带薪酬体系很大程度上是基于个人绩效的,部门经理可以给本部门下属员工的工资提出更多的建议。甚至做出最后的决策。最后,宽带薪酬体系可以提高企业的团队精神。因为宽带薪酬可以客观地削弱员工个人歧视和心理失衡导致的职位的不同,它在一定程度上有助于企业的稳定。这对提高公司整体盈利能力是很重要的。2.3 宽带薪酬体系

5、的应用目前,宽带薪酬作为薪酬管理领域的有效工具被广泛应用于欧美地区。以通用电气公司为例,通用电气使用宽带薪酬已经10几年,现在只有4个工资等级,包含了从高管到普通员工的所有职员的工资。在中国,随着宽带薪酬体系在中国网通,西门子,北人富士印刷机械有限公司等一些知名公司的应用,宽带薪酬体系作为一种新型的薪酬管理模式受到广泛的关注。以北人富士公司为例,扩大在同等级由原来的4年级至10年级水平的工资与各等级的宽度为300%。3 宽带薪酬体系的设计基于宽带薪酬的基本原理和它在各个业务领域的实践,特别是外国公司的成功案例,总结了一些在宽带薪酬体系设计中有效的、可操作的程序。3.1 工作分析和岗位评估宽带薪

6、酬体系设计的第一步是工作分析和岗位评估。一般来说,工作分析的目的是记录职位要求和工作的执行;岗位评估是系统地确定一个工作在所有组织中相对价值的过程。这两道程序可以使企业内部的只为彼此区分,并为岗位的薪酬设计提供依据。3.2 确定宽带数在这一步里,应该确定全部岗位的宽带数量。这一步的目的是定义每个宽带合理的,明确的工作范围,这是对于后面设计的基础步骤。3.3 建立每个宽带的薪酬结构在每一个工作跨度里,应该根据不同工作岗位的特点和不同层次的员工需求,建立每一个职位的薪酬结构;对于具体的的工作,由于不同的职位分类,薪酬结构可以相应的变动。作为高级管理人员,他们的工作对企业的盈利能力有着全局性的影响,

7、因此应该加强绩效工资的比例;作为企业人力资本的核心,中层管理者在企业中起到了非常重要的纽带作用,他们的收入应该是固定的;同时使用计件工资制并拉大奖金差距,可能有助于提高生产线上的工人的工作效率。3.4 建立薪酬评估体系最后一步是建立一个包含硬性指标、软性指标和指标权重的薪酬评估体系。硬性指标是指容易量化的部门绩效和个人绩效;软性指标的评价内容通常涉及工作行为,工作态度,工作成就等,只要依靠的是定性分析,由于软性指标很难建立一个客观、公正的评价标准,所以软性指标不可避免的带有主观性和不确定性;尝试设计出各种方法和公式,将定性的标准定量化,从而提高评估的准确性,是解决上述问题的一个很好的措施。同时

8、,上述薪酬评估标准应该是对全体员工公开的。4 宽带薪酬体系实施过程中应注意的问题虽然宽带薪酬制度近几年在欧美国家很流行,与传统薪酬管理模式相比有很多优点,但它并不是适合所有类型的企业。在引入宽带薪酬制度的过程中,有几个问题是需要注意的。第一,企业要使用宽带薪酬体系需要分析自己行业的特点和自身的条件。企业使用宽带薪酬体系应该具备几个条件,比如说一个完美的人力资源管理系统、有效的沟通机制、以详细的数据为基础为实现宽带薪酬体系提供必要的技术条件等。第二,公司的管理人员要想引入这一新的薪酬体系,应该对绩效评估和宽带薪酬体系之间的关系有一个清醒的认识。宽带薪酬体系的关键评价指标就是员工对组织贡献的大小,

9、建立绩效评估体系对实施宽带薪酬体系是非常重要的。如果企业内部的绩效评估系统本身就存在问题,它既不能全面准确的评估员工的绩效,也不能体现他们的价值,宽带薪酬体系就无法很好的运行。企业在确定是否实施宽带薪酬体系之前,应先评估现有的绩效评估体系。第三, 宽带薪酬体系的激励功能不是万能的,很明显,它的理论和方法存在一些局限性,它只强调横向激励而忽视了纵向激励,这是它的推广变得更加困难。在传统的薪酬管理模式下,岗位是多种多样的,因此员工的晋升是很容易的,但在宽带薪酬管理模式下,员工可能终身都没有晋升的机会。众所周知,升职是激励员工的一种非常有效的手段,因此,在使用宽带薪酬体系后,员工可能会因为只加薪不升


11、绩效的宽带薪酬体系强调增强企业的活力,提升企业的价值,促进企业的良好发展。通过本文全面的分析,我们认识到薪酬改革是一个系统的过程,仅仅改革薪酬体系是远远不够的,还需要建立一个系统化的思维模式,并且要与其他人力资源政策相符,只有这样企业的薪酬体系才能变得越来越有效和合理。对于国内企业,应该根据企业的实际条件来推行宽带薪酬体系,否则将会浪费企业的资源。宽带 薪酬体系的运用将会引发企业薪酬制度的革命是毫无疑问的。原文:Broadband Salary System:An Innovative Sight of Salary ModeLU Shengying,JIA FangfangCollege o

12、f Science & Technology,North China Electric Power University, PRChinaAbstract:The problem of“the effective motivation in enterprises human resource management”has recently attracted the attention of many researchers from industry and academiaThis paper introduced completely innovative way to solve t

13、he above problemthe broadband salary system which based on performance evaluationBy analyzing the advantages and present application of the broadband salary system,this thesis explores the design flow of the broadband salary system,and then pointed out the problems needing attention in introducing t

14、his new systemKeywords:the broadband salary system,human resource management, performance1 IntroductionAlong with the development of market economy and the impact of economic globalizationThe challenges that the enterprises in our country face are increasingly severeAmong all those challenges,how to

15、 attract and keep employees especially core employees has become one of the most important questionsThe most effective method to attract and retain the talents is a fair and rational salary systemHowever, the traditional salary system of which goal is to build an inner consistence allotment system a

16、nd offer the currency support for the company staff that lack the longterm motivationAnd could not stir up the enthusiasm of the employeesTherefore,developing an innovative mode of salary System which can encourage the staff to keep working with highperformance has become an essential subject for en

17、terprisesThe broadband salary systemwhich is a new kind of salary management mode can be the improvement or substituting of the traditional vertical salary system and combine the interest of both the employees and the business together2 Concept and Application of the Broadband Salary System21 Concep

18、t of the broadband salary systemBroadband salary is a newlyarising salary design system which is fit for the modem firmsflat organization structure and the management pattern based on performanceAccording to the definition of the American Salary Management Society, broadband salary system means refo

19、rming the number and changing range of the salary structure,so as to establish a salary system which contains relatively less salary grades and wider salary changing rangesGenerally speaking,the change rate between the maximum value and the minimum value of the salary grades in this new system shoul

20、d be no less than 100A typical structure of broadband salary might have not more than four salary grades meanwhile the change rate in every salary grades may be 200 or even 300 In the traditional structure howeverthe change rate usually is only 40to 50The most important feature of the broadband sala

21、ry system is to condense a large number of salary grades into a smaller number of bands with wider spans,thus form a new salary administrative system and operation flow。in order to allow flexibility in managing Pay while maintaining market competitive pay opportunitiesFor example。before 1990s IBM us

22、ed a 24 grade salary system and merges into a 10 wider range salary grade later22 The advantages of broadband salary systemIn the traditional compensation system。the employees income always matches his administrative status or the grades in the organization,the higher he situate,the more he getsBut

23、under the influence of the worldwide revolution of flatting organizational structure。the grades of enterprises greatly reduced,so the job grade and the promotion chance is limited and the traditional compensation system cannot play an effective incentive effectsCompared with traditional salary manag

24、ement the broadband salary system has the following advantages:Firstly, the broadband salary system supports the flat organization structureSince 1990smany enterprises begin to replace the traditional Pyramid Organization Structure by the flat organization structure graduallyThe flat organization st

25、ructure reduced the number of the position in enterprisesAnd decreased the promotion chance accordingly, which influence the probability of salary increaseThe broadband salary systemwhich broken the s仃ict hierarchy maintained and strengthened by the traditional salary system,has just solved this pro

26、blemSecondly, the broadband salary system can lead staff to pay attention to increase personal skill and improve self-abilityThe broadband salary system can weaken the importance of position stresses the personal role and emphasizes t11e status of performanceThe employees can obtain a big rising spa

27、ce in salary without promotionFor example,an excellent technical worker may probably get a higher payment than department manager who just takes officeEncouraging the department managers to be involved in making compensation decision of the staffs is another advantage of the broadband salary systemI

28、n the traditional salary structureexcept the manager of Human Resource Departmentno one has the right to decide the wage standardWhile in broadband salary system which based on the individual performance to a great extentthe department manager can give more suggestions about the salary of the subord

29、inate employees in his sector ,or even make the final decisionsFinally, the broadband salary system can enhance the team spirit of the corporationBecause the broadband salary could objectively weaken the individual discrimination and psychological imbalance of employees resulted by position differen

30、ce。it help to stabilize enterprises to a certain extentThis is very significant to improve overall profitability of companies23 The application of broadband salad systemNowadays,the broadband salary system was widely used in European and American countries as a kind of effective tool on salary manag

31、ement areaTake General Electric Coas an exampleit has used the system for more the ten years and only has four salary grades now which contain all the employees from the executives to the ordinary staffIn China,with the application in several famous companies such as China NetcomSiemensBeirenfuji Printing Machinery Cothe broadband salary system has drawn extensive attention as a new kind of salary management modeBeirenfuji Company, for instanceexpands the horizontal salary grade in same rank from original4 grades to 10 grades with the width of the each grade is 3

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