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学年高二英语外研版选修8Module 13 综合测试题Word文档格式.docx

1、22. His parents _ him from going to work in the poor village, saying that it was a hard life, but he didnt change his mind. A. benefited B. protectedC. discouraged D. encouraged23. It was not until the late 18th century _ the British explorer James Cook crossed the Antarctic circle.A. when B. that C

2、. where D. before24. After he got to the new country, he had to _ himself to the customs there quickly. A. appeal B. adapt C. accept D. acknowledge25. Tom works as an accountant in a big company, but now he _ his mother in her shop, for he is now on holiday.A. helps B. is helpingC. has been helping

3、D. will help26. What a teacher says and what he does _ a great effect _ his students.A. have; on B. give; onC. make; in D. take; to27. _ for his athletic ability and confidence, Michael Jordan is often regarded as the best athlete in the world. A. Admiring B. To be admiredC. Be admired D. Admired28.

4、 _ the work with me and I will try my best to do it Ill never let you down. A. Leave B. LeavingC. To leave D. When left29. The fog was so heavy that I had much difficulty in _ the traffic signs.A. letting out B. taking outC. handing out D. making out30. _ Solomon will go to a key university next yea

5、r is _ his parents are concerned about.A. How; that B. Whether; whatC. If; that D. When;31. Do you like the way _ he deals with such matters? No, but I think the way _ he showed us to solve the problem just now is not practical.A. in which; how B. which; whichC. that; that D. which; that 32. After h

6、e retired from office, the old man began to _ the cause of childrens rights. A. take up B. save upC. keep up D. draw up33. Harry was scolded by his head teacher for being absent from school. _ that he was unhappy.A. There is no point B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. It is no way 34. Everyth

7、ing _ into consideration, his plan seems to be more workable.A. taken B. takingC. was taken D. being taken35. Do you always go on your holiday together with your wife? _. If we both have time, we will go together.A. Thats OK B. Never mindC. It all depends D. It doesnt matter第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满

8、分30分)Several years ago I was told I was suffering from cancer by my doctor. It was the most difficult time I have ever 36 . I think it was my sense of 37 that allowed me to hold onto my healthy mind. Like many people who have 38 chemotherapy (化疗), I lost all of my hair. I had always enjoyed wearing

9、hats, so when my hair 39 me, I ordered several special hats with the hair already 40 . It was easy and I never had to worry about how my hair looked. I have always been a 41 golf fan. In fact, I have been to twenty-three US Opens. At one point during my cancer treatments, my husband John and I took

10、a trip to Scottsdale, Arizona. There was a(n) 42 being played, and that seemed like just the ticket to lift my 43 . The first day of the match was exciting. It was a beautiful day, and I was in heaven. I was standing just 44 the third tee (球座), behind the fairway (球道) ropes, watching my favorite gol

11、fers 45 the tee. Just as they arrived at the tee, a(n) 46 thing happened. A huge gust of wind 47 and blew my hat and hair right off my head and into the 48 of the fairway! The thousands of 49 lining the fairway fell into a complete 50 and all eyes were on me. Even my golf idols were watching me, as

12、my hair was in their path. I was shocked! 51 as I was, I knew I couldnt just stand there. 52 had to do something to get things moving again. 53 I took a deep breath, went under the ropes and out into the middle of the fairway. I took hold of my hat and hair, and 54 them back on my head as best I cou

13、ld. Then I turned to the golfers and loudly 55 , “Gentlemen, the wind is blowing from left to right.” They said the laughter could be heard all the way to the nineteenth hole.36. A. touched B. experiencedC. memorized D. created37. A. humor B. smell C. feeling D. hearing38. A. suffered from B. shared

14、 withC. passed by D. gone through39. A. deserted B. troubled C. refused D. reached40. A. stuck B. added C. attached D. fixed41. A. pretended B. modern C. bright D. big42. A. activity B. eventC. performance D. incident43. A. brains B. minds C. spirits D. hearts44. A. off B. over C. in D. with45. A. o

15、bserve B. approachC. develop D. leave46. A. interesting B. unimaginableC. stupid D. strange47. A. came across B. came inC. came up D. came on48. A. side B. edge C. middle D. bottom49. A. fans B. playersC. assistants D. judges50. A. excitement B. sadnessC. anger D. silence51. A. Excited B. SurprisedC

16、. Embarrassed D. Frightened52. A. Anyone B. EveryoneC. Someone D. Nobody53. A. So B. HoweverC. But D. Though54. A. placed B. arranged C. wore D. stated55. A. cried B. announcedC. remarked D. concluded第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)For about eight minutes on Tuesday, through some streets near downtown,

17、police chased a driver who has no arms and only one good leg at the unbelievable speed of 105 mph. He got away. He is used to this sort of thing. Its said that the driver was Michael Francis Wiley, 40, who has overcome three operations, taught himself to drive with the left side of his body and has

18、become one of Pasco Countys most known traffic violators (违规者). His license has been stopped so many times that driving itself has become illegal for him. Tuesday, at about 12:50 pm, a New Port Richey Police officer saw Wiley in a suspicious car a blue Ford Explorer at a convenience store off Road 1

19、9, according to Capt. Darryl Garman. When the officer went to investigate (调查), the Explorer took off. The chase, eventually joined by a second officer, led down the highway to Sunset Road, back to Road 19, back to Sunset, and finally over the bridge into Port Richey. But the Explorer was seen a min

20、ute later on Grand Boulevard, Garman said. From there it went to River Gulf Road, then south on Washington Street to Massachusetts Avenue. At about 1 pm, the officers broke off the chase because it could have put others in danger, Garman said. The Explorer was last seen heading south on Grand. Polic

21、e decided to arrest Wiley today; charges could include fleeing an investigation and habitually driving with a revoked (吊销的) license. If it really was Wiley behind the wheel Tuesday and it is hard to imagine him being confused with another drive, this was not his most spectacular car chase. In 1998,

22、while driving a green Corvette, he led police down Road 75 at nearly 120 mph. According to court records, Wiley stole a car, kicked a state guard and attacked his wife in the past. He is waiting for trial on separate drug and illegal-driving charges. He faces up to five years in prison.56. From the

23、first paragraph we can infer that _.A. Wiley was released from prison not long agoB. Wiley is a disabled driver with perfect driving skillsC. the police caught up with Wiley finallyD. handicapped people are forbidden to drive a car57. Which route did Wiley take during the chase?a. Port Richey b. Roa

24、d 19c. Sunset Road d. River Gulf Roade. Grand BoulevardA. c, b, c, a, e, d B. c, a, c, b, d, eC. c, b, a, c, e, d D. b, c, d, a, c, e58. The police stopped chasing Wiley because they _.A. discovered they had mistaken another driver for WileyB. could not drive as fast as he couldC. got stuck in a hea

25、vy traffic jam in the rush hourD. were afraid of causing accidents if they continued chasing him59. The highest speed in the most spectacular car chase of Wiley was nearly _ faster than the highest speed on Tuesday.A. 20 mph B. 15 mph C. 45 mph D. 35 mphIn 1985 Barbara Morgan was selected as the bac

26、kup to teacher-astronaut Christa, who later died with six others in the Challenger explosion. Morgan remembers how she felt being selected. “We were all really excited to be doing what we were doing,” she said, “and Christa was, is and always will be our teacher in space, and our first teacher to fl

27、y.” After the accident, plans for a teacher in space were stopped. Morgan went on with her life, raising two sons, and teaching young people. But she never forgot her dream to fly in space and was always getting ready for it. In 1998 she rejoined NASA (国家航空和航天局) as a member of the group of the Endea

28、vour. She was to fly on a 2004 shuttle mission, which was later known as the shuttle program reorganized following the Columbia accident in 2003. Now Astronaut Morgan is trying again as part of a seven person shuttle Endeavour crew (全体人员) making NASAs 22nd flight to the international space station.

29、US Navy commander (指挥官) Scott Kelly is commanding the seven person crew that has been training for months. Charles Hobaugh is the Endeavors pilot. Astronauts Rich Mastracchio and Dr Dave Williams of the Canadian space agency are returning to space for their second missions. First timers in space, NA

30、SA astronauts Alvin Drew, Tracy Galdwell and Barbara Morgan round out the crew as mission experts. Astronauts work on the International Space Station. “The risks are the same for an educator, or a physician or an engineer or a pilot or a chemist, or anyone else who flies in space,” explains Morgan. “Were doing it to learn, explore, discover and help make this world a better place, and were doing it to help keep those doors open for our young people.” Like all shuttle m

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