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1、 insist to class, children in the learning attitude is so big change, and i think our two teachers efforts are inseparable. in this year, the child s level of spoken english has changed, the pronunciation than ever learn in kindergarten to standard, still remember the boy came to class, and the teac

2、her talk basically is a pop words, but now the children and teachers in the dialogue, are there in answering the question, also very naturally use acquired knowledge to real life, and often at home when the little teacher, teach what they had learned to grandfather grandma, this let me see the progr

3、ess of their children is very big also is very fast, thank you very much for xu liyan jemma and two teachers.the little friends stool over to help her, she wipes, because the parents feel a teacher just graduated from the school, not married and has no children, must be too dirty, but she did not th

4、ink of is, xu is the first step to her little friend eraser the ass, she was very surprised. after hearing her talk about it, i was very impressed by the. this bit by bit touching things there are to the jemma and xu liyan two the teacher said thank you very much, you have worked hard! pau

5、l mother 2011.12.30随便再给大家推荐几个不错的网站,希望大家在日常中能够用得上。以下15个好去处, 都是宅男宅女经常光顾的地方,建议你也看看去: 5. 美空网: 目前有超过300种的发型可供选择,并且还会根据你的照片进行相应的调 整,还没有找到一款适合自己发型的朋友这回有福了。 8.出国在线: 是一个专门收藏网上文档的网站,里面分门别类收集了互联网上许多精华 的文章,你如果觉得好,那么你也可以注册一个帐户收藏文章。站看看,里面有时下热门的电影资讯和网友们发表的影评,都是高清的最快的电影。 感谢信开头段常用句式和套话i am writing to extend my since

6、re gratitude for.i am writing to express my thanks for. i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for.i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for. i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话i must thank you aga

7、in for your generous help.i am most grateful for your selfless donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description.i feel most obliged to thank you once more.please accept my gratitude, now and always.例:directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person.

8、 write a letter: 1) mentioning what happened in the accident, 2) telling the person about your recovery, and 3) expressing your should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the

9、 address. 范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have b

10、een much more seriousdear staff, i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy. during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as

11、 i was able.abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that i could walk again. i would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me. forgive me for the times i lash

12、ed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me. never stop your beautiful way of working with people. your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well.affectionately, wang fang 译文 亲爱的全体工作人员: 我写这封信是为了表达我对你们的真诚感谢。现在我又可以一个人在家了,我真的非常 高兴。我在康复中心

13、接受你们的关照时,就已经决心只要一有时间就给你们写感谢信了。 对于你们每个人的耐心、专业精神和关心我表示深深地感谢。是你们使我相信自己能够 站着走路。你们说的每一句话、做过的每一件事我都不会忘记。请原谅我在受挫时对你们大 发脾气,谢谢你们的理解和对我的严格要求。 继续你们美丽的事业吧。你们的帮助对于我和其他需要帮助的人来说有着非常重要的意 义。 你们的朋友: 王芳感谢信写作攻略 感谢信是对收信人的某一行为表示感谢。感谢信的使用频率非常高,在收到别人的邀请 时,受到别人的表扬时,反正只要对方帮助过你,不管大小都应该表示感谢。感谢信带有浓 厚的感情浓厚,所表达的感情必须真挚。具体写作步骤:首段:表

14、明写作意图,让对方感受到你的谢意是发自内心的。主体段落:写明感谢的原因,要展开说明,可以说具体的理由也可以说接受帮助的具体 事例。比如说你在一家旅馆住了一段时间,在那里度过了一段美好的时光,你就可以写信表 示感谢。你可以从旅馆的服务、客房环境、饮食卫生等方面来说明感谢的理由。这样展开就 使文章显得充实丰满,也符合正常交际的习惯。 结尾段:再次表示感谢。必背模版句型 i am writing to express my thanks for.我写这封信是为了表达我对?的谢意 i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to

15、you for. 在信 中我要为?表达我真挚的谢意 thank you so much for the gift you sent me. it?s one of the most wonderful gifts i ever got.非常感谢你给我寄来的礼物,这是我收到的最好礼物之一。 many thanks for all the good things you have done in helping us to.非常感谢 您为帮助我们?所做的一切。篇三:常用英文表扬用语 常用英文表扬用语 (备课资料) fine!/thats good! 好!much better!好多了! not b

16、ad!/thats right!不错! thats really nice. 真好。 got it right贺你,答对了。youre really working hard today. 你今天真的很用功。 you are good at it. 那 可是你的长项。 good work./well done! 干的好! nice going. 做的不错。 youre really going to town. 你真的找对路了。 outstanding! 太出色了! that s great. 棒极了! thats it. 正是如此。 im very p

17、roud of you. 我为你感到骄傲。 i like that. 我喜欢。 thats it. 正 是如此。 keep working on it .youre improving.你在进步,继续努力。you are learning fast. 你学得真快! thats better。这样好多了。 excellent! 真是出类拔萃。 职务中“总”字的英语译法 职务中经常会出现 “总”这个字,比如总经理、总设计师、总编等,汉语中的一个“总”字就可以解决问 题了,但在英文中可没有这么简单,在表达不同的“总”职务时,这个“总”字对应的英文 也会有所不同。 1.用chief或-in-chief

18、 chief accountant 总会计师 chief architect总建筑师 chief designer 总设计师 general agent 总代理商 general manager 总经理 general secretary 总书记 general consul总领事 directorgeneral 总干事 3.用专门的词来表示 chairman总裁 c ontroller总监、总管dean of general affairs 总务长 governor 总督 president 总统 prime ministe;premier 总理巧辩all与whole all和whole都可

19、以做形容词,意为“全部的、整个的、所有的。它们的区别在于: 一、 一、语序不同 all用于冠词、指示代词或物主代词之前。例如: all the time.(一直) all this country.(全国) all mylife(一辈子) whole则用于冠词、 指示代词或物主代词之后。 the whole world(全世界)the whole country (全国) the whole family(全家) 二、whole不可与不可数名词连用,而all可以。例如: 一般不说the whole money,但可以说all the money,all my money. 三、whole修饰

20、复数名词时表示“整整的”意思。 the boy cried two whole days .(这孩子整整哭了两天。)we stayed there three whole weeks.(我们在那儿整整住了三个星期) 四.the whole 不能接复数普通名词,而all可以。 一般不能说the whole bikes,the whole balls,但可以说the bike,the whole of the bslls .还可以说all bikes ,all of my balls. teddy bear 的由来 1902年秋天,美国总统西奥多-罗斯福在密西西比河附近一带打猎,但却没有任何的收

21、获。同行的人员为了安慰总统,便将一只小黑熊绑在树上让总统射杀,但罗斯福总统一看见 小黑熊可爱又惹人怜的样子,便不忍心将它杀害,而且还当场发誓再也不猎杀黑熊。这件事之后经一位漫画家之笔刊载在报纸上。这幅漫画深受人们的喜爱。罗斯福总统拒 绝猎杀黑熊事件引发了一股爱熊的风潮,之后人们便以罗斯福总统的“teddy”称小熊为“teddy bear”,商人纷纷以这个名字贩卖各种熊的毛绒玩具,这股流行风也就风靡全世界,从此泰迪 小熊便成为家喻户晓的毛绒玩具。 母亲节的由来 每年5月的第二个星期日,使美国的“母亲节”。这天上午,许多城镇的青年人都聚集在 一起,把康乃馨献给前来参加聚会的母亲们。他们各自佩戴一朵

22、花,母亲已去世的人佩戴白 花,母亲健在的则佩戴红花。青年们还制作了丰盛的午餐,请母亲们分享,这使那些子女不 在身边的母亲得到慰藉。 “母亲节”是美国一位孤女安娜-嘉维斯创立的。在第一次世界大战时,由于阵亡将士众 多,使他们的妻子、母亲陷在深重的悲痛中。安娜-嘉维斯为了这些不幸者表示慰问和致敬, 决定创立“母亲节”以示纪念。她历经艰辛,四处奔走,终于在1914年得到美国总统威尔逊 的签署同意,并公告每年5月的第二个星期日为美国的“母亲节”。美国的一日三餐 一、 一、早餐(breakfast):一顿完整的美国早餐以水果汁开始,主要的一道饭是麦片或鸡蛋。麦片可以是热的或是 凉的,鸡蛋配着烤面包片、咸

23、肉、火腿或香肠吃。成年人早餐通常喝咖啡。 二、午餐(lunch)在餐馆吃午饭的人多吃三明治、汉堡和热 狗,孩子们往往喝牛奶、碳酸饮料。成年人喝咖啡、茶或啤酒。为节省时间,上班族和 学生都从家自带午饭,多为三明治。 三、晚餐(dinner) 一天中最丰盛的是晚餐。晚餐包括:开胃品(新鲜 水果、水果汁或一份鱼)、汤、色拉、主菜(肉、禽、鱼、蔬菜和马铃薯),咖啡或茶和 甜品。 四、早午餐(brunch)在周末和节假日,许多家庭有吃“早午餐”的习惯,即早餐和午餐一起吃,通常包括早 餐食品,外加乳酪、水果、蛋糕,有的还有冷鱼。如果天气好,美国家庭常到户外吃饭或公 园野餐。英美单词差异精选 英国英语和美国

24、英语在表达同一意思时常常会使用不同的词汇,或相似或完全不相同, 下面每组例词中前一个为英国英语,后一个为美国英语,请欣赏: aeroplane/airplane飞机 autumn/fall 秋天 biscuit/cookie 饼干 centre/center 中心 colour/color 颜色 cupboard/closet 碗橱flat/apartment公寓 film/movie 电影 full stop/period 句号 ill/sick 病 insect/bug昆虫 theatre/theater 剧院tin/can罐头 trousers/pants 裤子vest/undershi

25、rt 汗衫 jewelry/jewelrylabour/laborlicence/license lift/elevatormaths/mathmaize/corn motor-car/automobile metre/meterneighbour/neighborpost/mail post code/zip codepublic house/bar phone you/call you pavement/sidewalkpost/mail railway/railroadshop/store sweets/candy staircase/stairway sweet biscuits/cookies 珠宝 劳动 执照 电梯 数学 玉米机动车 米/公尺邻居 邮政 邮编 酒吧间打给你人行道 邮寄 铁路商店糖果楼梯 小甜饼 神通广大的“-er” teach是“教书、授课”,teacher则是“教师、授课的人”。teacher是一个名词,由动 词teach加后缀变成的。后缀-er有“从事?工作的人”作用。动词加后缀er的构词法在 英语中比较常用,掌握这个特征对于学生记住此类单词很有帮助。现向老师们推荐下列例词。 clean 弄干净cleaner 清洁工人 drink

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