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1、相扑的体制复杂、层级众多,有时一场比赛的输赢对其中一个能否升级事关重大,但对于也许已积累足够胜券的对手却无所谓。multitier adj. 多层的administer dmnst v. 给药,施行 【同】giveThat settled, he administered a stimulant called atropine to strengthen her heartbeat.确定了这点之后,他使用一剂叫阿托品的兴奋剂来增强她的心跳。adore dr v. 热爱For sumo to maintain its special place in the Japanese heart, it

2、 will have to deliver the naked display of girth, strength and purity that people adore- not the more recent images of greed and dishonesty.相扑若想保持在日本人心中特别的地位,就得将人们热爱的吨位、力量与纯洁真正表现出来,而不是最近表现出的贪婪、欺瞒的形象。deliver v. 履行(所承诺的事物);girth n. 腰围afflict flkt v. 折磨,使苦恼 【同】affect“The message I take home,” he says,

3、“is that disease afflicting plants and animals can send ripples through economies and societies no less disastrous than those affecting humans.”他说:“我所得到的重要信息是:加害于植物和动物的病害,可能会在经济与社会领域中间接造成多方面的影响,其所带来的灾害不下于那些影响人类的疾病。”ripple n. 水面涟漪,喻间接而多方面的影响alleviate livet v. 减轻 【同】easeThe clubs 12000 members include

4、 AIDS patients who say marijuana stimulates their appetite and cancer sufferers who say it alleviates nausea caused by chemotherapy.这个俱乐部有1.2万名会员,其中包括声称大麻可以刺激食欲的艾滋病患者,以及声称大麻可以减轻化学治疗所引发的作呕症状的癌症患者。chemotherapy n. 化学治疗annihilate nalet v. 毁灭The Kurds are threatening to annihilate themselves because two

5、rival leader each hope to establish and control an independent Kurdistan overlapping the borders of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran.库尔德族人正面临自我毁灭的危险,因为两支敌对派系的领袖,都想在伊拉克、土耳其、叙利亚、伊朗4国边界交叠处建立独立的库尔德斯坦国,并将其置于自己控制之下。overlap v. 与重叠appease piz v. 平息,安抚 【同】placateMost states have restricted the number of these sc

6、hool (100 in California, 25 in Massachusetts) in an attempt to appease teachers unions and other opponents.大部分州都对这类学校的数量设有上线(加州100,麻省25),以安抚教师工会和其他反对者。articulate rtkjlt v. 清楚说明The world has had a week to conjure up nightmare scenarios, yet no one has articulated the most frightening peril posed by h

7、uman cloning: rampant self-satisfaction.世人已经有一个星期的时间来幻想各种梦魇式的景象,但是还没有人清楚说明复制人类将带来最骇人的危险:狂妄的自满。assassinate ssnet v. 刺杀While Vice President, Nixon allegedly organized an ill-fated convert plan to assassinate Fidel Castro.据说尼克松担任副总统时,曾策划了一桩注定失败的刺杀卡斯特罗的秘密计划。convert adj. 秘密的,偷偷摸摸的assume sum v. 假定,以为 【同】p

8、resumeThis occasion may have been the most important of Kennedys adult life so far, publicly as well as privately, and he carried it off with an imagination and delicacy that not everyone assumed he possessed.这次婚礼该算是小肯尼迪成人后至目前,于公于私都最重要的一桩大事,而且他凭借想象力与细腻并非每个人都认为他具有这些特质完成此举。backfire ,bkfai v. 招致反效果Acco

9、rding to Tenner, every technological endeavor is riddled with “solutions” that backfire.按照特纳的看法,每一项科技的努力,都深受弄巧成拙的“解决方案”之困扰。to be riddled with 充满banish bn v. 排除 【同】expelWe rewrote our legal and regulatory system in the past few decades essentially to banish human judgment from government decisions.过去

10、几十年我们重新写了法律体系与管理规定,基本上就是为了使政府在做决定时,将人为的判断排除在外。bar br v. 禁止 【同】banPretoria was barred from every Olympic competition for 32 years.南非被阻隔于奥运会外达32年。bill bl v. 宣传In fact, computers become outdated so fast, youre crazy to buy anything thats billed as “state of the art.”事实上,电脑更新换代的速度非常快,要是去买号称“最新技术”的产品,那就太

11、不实际了。blast blst v. 引爆,炸开Astronomers are not sure how our moon was formed, but increasingly they have come to suspect it was born in violence, blasted away from Earth by a collision with a planet-like object at least as big as Mars.天文学家并不确定月球怎么形成,但越来越认为月球是在很激烈的情况下诞生,也就是说,月球是地球在撞到某个状似行星,体积至少有火星那么达的物体猛

12、烈撞击后,迸裂出来的。blossom blsm v. 开花,出现成果 【同】bloomNot only has their theory been confirmed, but it has blossomed into a thriving branch of research.他们的理论不仅获得证实,而且还蔚为显学。bode bod v. 预示 【同】augurNor do the ironies he culls from the history of medicine bode well for the disease-free future imagined by some prop

13、hets of biotech.他从医学史上挑出来的一些颇具讽刺性的事件,也同样并不预示生物科技所想象出来的“无疾病的未来”。cull v. 挑选bounce bans v. 弹起,反弹As we chat, the Jeep changes lanes from smooth asphalt to rough cobblestone, which sets us bouncing around in the backseat.我们聊着天,这是吉普车从平坦的柏油路车道拐到颠簸的鹅卵石路上,我们在后座被弹上弹下。asphalt n. 沥青,柏油bully bl v. 威吓,欺负 【同】push

14、aroundBeijing was delighted to hear him say “China cannot be bullied by an American President.”北京对于他说的“中国不可能受美国总统的威吓”感到相当高兴。bust bst v. 逮捕;搜查Anyone would agree that a club openly selling an illegal drug to thousands of people deserves to get busted, right?俱乐部里公开销售非法毒品给数千人使用,就应该予以搜查,这一点大家都会同意吧!bypass

15、 baps v. 避开,绕过 【同】sidestepSkeptics insist the real problem with the law is that most criminals bypass gun shops in favor of underground dealers.怀疑者坚称,这条法律的真正问题在于,大部分罪犯避开枪店,而非法的卖枪者买枪。capitalize (on) kptlaz v. 利用 【同】take advantage of The question now is how effectively Arafat will capitalize on these

16、assets.现在的问题是,阿拉法特将如何有效地利用这些资产。effectively adv. 有效地circumvent skmvnt v. 规避 【同】get aroundLast month American customs agents arrested a pair of Jordanian nationals on charges of using a home-based front company in Midlothian, Virginia, to circumvent the Iraqi embargo.上个月美国海关人员逮捕了两名约旦籍人士,罪名是以弗吉尼亚州米德洛西安

17、一家家庭式公司作幌子,规避对伊拉克的禁运措施。front n. 掩护非法活动的人或机构,挂羊头卖狗肉者;embargo n. 贸易禁运cite sat v.(为了例证或确认而)提到,举出Richard Ellis, a professor of politics at Oregons Willamette University who is skeptical of the whole EQ theory, cites two 19th century Presidents who did not fit the mold.俄勒冈州的威勒梅特大学政治学教授艾利斯,对整个情商理论持质疑的态度,他

18、举出19世纪两位不符合这种理论的总统。claim klem v. 夺走(性命) 【同】takeA routine ascent turns into a desperate ordeal as a storm rakes Mount Everest, claiming at least eight lives in the ultra-cold “Death Zone.”一场暴风扫过珠峰,在超冷的“死亡区”夺走了至少8条人命,一场例行的登山行动随之变成艰险的煎熬。desperate adj. 危急的;rake v.(暴风雨等)掠过collaborate klbret v. 合作Earlier

19、in the year, two veterans of the sport collaborated on Yaocho (Match Rigging), a book stuffed with explosive revelations.今年早些时候,两名已退休的相扑运动选手合写了一本叫八百长(即被操纵的比赛)的书,充满爆炸性的内幕。to be stuffed with塞满commit kmt v. 使承诺,使作出保证In Australia he (Clinton) will stress that politics, security and economics guarantee t

20、he U.S. determination to stay committed to a region that by the year 2000 will have a combined gross national product of $ 13 trillion, twice that of Europe.在澳大利亚时,克林顿将强调政治、安全和经济3项因素会确保美国绝对信守对亚洲地区所做的承诺,这个地区在公元2000年时国民生产总值合计将高达13兆亿美元,是欧洲的两倍。complement kmplmnt v. 补足So, undaunted, she hired a new direc

21、tor, designer, conductor and soprano to complement her original cast.所以她毫不气馁,在原有的阵容之外加聘了导演、设计师、指挥、女高音各一名。compliment kmplmnt v. 赞美,恭维He paid me a compliment, then reached over and put his right hand on my left butt cheek. Fortunately, the elevator had reached our floor, so I just stepped aside and wa

22、lked him to the (buildings) exit.他恭维了我一番,然后靠过来,把右手放在我左臀上。所幸电梯门开了,于是我把身体往旁一侧,陪着他一起走到大楼出口。comprehend kmprhnd v. 理解 【同】understandTo comprehend the distrust between the two sides in this dispute, look to Northern Ireland for guidance.要了解此争议中双方的疑惑,可以拿北爱尔兰当例子。comprise kmpraz v. 拥有,由构成The U.S. Pacific Comm

23、and comprises 200 ships, 2000 aircraft and 300000 soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, of whom 100000 are forward deployed in South Korea, Japan and at sea.美国太平洋指挥部辖有200艘船舰、2000架飞机与30万名陆、海、空军及陆战队,其中有10万名部署在韩国、日本及海上。conceal knsil v. 掩饰 【反】revealIn a 1986 air strike at Libya, he (Ronald Reagan) show

24、ed no qualms about ordering F-111 bombers to blast Gaddafis living quarters as well as his command post, and could scarcely conceal disappointment when the colonel escaped.1986年空袭利比亚的行动,里根泰然自若地命令F-111轰炸机不仅要轰炸卡扎菲的指挥部,还要轰炸他的住地。卡扎菲上校逃过一劫,里根则难掩饰失望之情。confiscate knfsket v. 没收,充公 【同】seizeThe influential cr

25、iminologist cited trials in Indianapolis and Kansas City that suggested that violent crime can be cut drastically through campaigns to locate and confiscate illegal guns.这位具影响力的犯罪学家举了印第安那波里和堪萨斯市的一些案例,借此表示通过搜寻并没收非法枪支的活动,可使暴力犯罪锐减。conjure (up) knd v. 使浮现脑际,想起He remains one of the handful of players- an

26、d just about the only American- who can conjure up the world of Josef Lhevinne, Rachmaninoff and Horowitz.当今钢琴家中,能令人想起列文、拉赫曼尼诺夫、赫洛维茨3位大师风格的并不多,而他依旧是其中的一位,而且是其中唯一的一位美国人。consult knslt v. 咨询Gorton told the New York Times that he did not consult environmentalists about the bill because “I already know w

27、hat their views are.”戈登告诉纽约时报说,关于这项法案他未征询过环保人士的看法,因为“我已知道他们的观点”。contain knten v. 围堵,遏制 【同】controlFor the Chinese, a closer bond with Russia is a way of countering pressure from the U.S., which they accuse of trying to contain their economic and military growth.对中国来说,加强与俄罗斯的关系是反抗美国压力的一项方法,中国指控美国想要遏制其

28、经济与军事力量的增长。contract kntrkt v. 收缩The cuts are irrational, Christopher said two weeks ago, when “our global presence should be expanding, not contracting.”两星期前克里斯托弗说,这些删减是毫无道理的,因为这时候“我们对国际事务的参与应该是愈来愈积极,而非愈来愈萎缩”。contradict kntrdkt v. 与矛盾,抵触A survey found that those who had given up cigarettes two decades ago had a higher risk of stroke than people who had never smoked. The results contradict two other studies that show that after five years of abstinence a former smokers stroke risk is essentially the same as that of someone who never lit up.有份调查发现,戒烟20年的人

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