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1、A级真题答案A级真题答案Revised final draft November 26, 2020参考答案与试题解析(A级)2018年6月实考试卷Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A1. M: I attend a computer training course twice a week.Why not join usW: Good, I * m also interested in such a courseQ : What are the two people talking about【答案】A【题型】细节题【解析】题干问两人在谈论什么事。通过

2、对话内容 可知,两人住谈论一个电脑培训课程。故选A。2 W: How did you spend your summer vacation, John3. M: I worked as a volunteer in a local hospita1Q: What did the man do in the summer vacation【答案】B【题型】细节题【解析】题干问男士在暑假做了什么。通过对话内容可知,男士在当地医院做志愿者,故选B.3 W: Hi Tom, you look tired What s upM : s finals week and I have been up all

3、nights studyingQ: Why does the man look tired【答案】B【题型】细节题【解析】题干问男士为什么看上去很累。通过对话内容可知,这是期终考试周,男士整晚都在学习。故选B。4 W: What do you think of the schedule Ive madeM: Very good I can t agree with you moreQ: What does the man think of the schedule【答案】D【题型】细节题【解析】题干问男士如何评价这个计划表。通过对 话内容可知,男士说非常棒,故选D。5 M: Excuse me

4、, is the sales manager available now6 W: Sorry, he is away on business He won* t beQ: What can we learn about the sales manager【答案】c【题型】推理题【解析】题干问关于销售经理我们可以了解到什么。通过对话内容町知,他现在出差了,直到卜周 才会回来,所以可推断他卜周在,故选C。Section BConversation 1W : Good afternoon Doctor Smith s office, how mayIhelp youM: Hello, I * d l

5、ike to make an appointment withDoctorSmith, pleaseW : What do you need to see the doctor aboutM: Well, I ve caught a cold and now 1 mrunninga feverW : When do you want to see himM : May I see him nowW : I m afraid not He is fully occupiedM: How about 2 o clock in the afternoonW: (7) Yes, that s 0KM

6、: Thank you.W: You are welcomeQ6 What s wrong with the man【答案】B【题型】细节题【解析】题干问男士怎么了。根据对话内容可知,他感冒了,现在正在发烧。故选B。Q7 When will the man see the doctor【答案】A【题型】细节题【解析】题干问男士何时去看医生。根据对话内 容可知,他今天卜午2点去看医生。故选A。Conversation 2M: Jane, have you got an offerW: Yes, I have I will start working in three weeksM : Excel

7、lent, what company are you going towork forW : (8) It s a website design companyM : Is it a big companyW: It has about 120 employeesM : Where is the companyW: (9) It s in the downtown areaM: Good, (10) so you can go to work by subvrayW: (10)Yes.M : Wish you all the best with your new jobW : Thank yo

8、u.Q8 What kind of company is the woman going to work with 【答案】D【题型】细节题【解析】题干问女士即将在什么样的公司工作。 很据对话内容可知,这是一个网页设计公司。故 选D。Q9 Where is the company located【答案】c【题型】细廿题【解析】题干问公司的位置。根据对话内容可知,公司在市区。故选C。Q10 How will the woman most likely go to work【答案】D【题型】细节题【解析】题干问女士最有可能怎样去上班。根 据对话内容可知,男士说你町以坐地铁去上班, 女士回答说是的,

9、故选D。Section CGood Evening Everyone!Thank you for this wonderful farewell party for me.When I * m leaving, nothing is (11) more exciting than tolearn that I am so special I want everjrone here to knowthat this is the place where I have become the person Iam today I have learned everything that Ineede

10、d tolearn,andmore,from this (12) wonderfuljob I wanttothankthisorganization,particularly mydirector, Mr.11【答案】more exciting opportunitiesSection DDear judges 7 guests, teachers and students f(16)It is my honor to attend this prize presen-tat ion cereniony of the International Arts Contest I amhappy

11、to share the joy and achievements of the event withall of you. (17) This contest provides young people 书ith agood opportunity to develop and expnss their creativity Italso enables the public to appreciate different cultures(18) Since 2010、 the number of participating countriesand regions has increas

12、ed from 25 to 41 (19)This yearr,the theme is Our Mother Earth. It is very encouragingthat (20) over 5,000 pieces of photographic korks havebeen submitted through the online system from overseasI would like to take this opportunity to welcome our guests and prize winners from different parts of thewo

13、rld Thank you very much!Q16 What ceremony is the speaker addressing【答案】prize presenlalion【题型】细节题【解析】题干问演讲者在什么仪式上做演讲。根据原文 It is my great honor lo attend this prize presentation ceremony of the International ArtsContest.可知,我很荣幸参加国际艺术大赛颁【解析】题干问现在有多少个国家和地区参加 比赛。根据原文 Since 2010, the number of participati

14、ng countries and regions has increased from25 to 41. w可知,从2010年开始,参与国家和 地区的数虽已经从25个增加到41个,现在已经 有41个国家和地区。所以此处应填41。Q19 What is the theme of the contest for this year【答案】Our MotherEarth【题型】细节题可知,今年的主题是我们的地球母亲S所以 此处应填 Our Mother EarthcQ20 In what way are the photographic works submitted【答案】online syste

15、m【题型】细节题【解析】题干问摄形作品以何种方式从海外提 交。根据原文 44 over 5, 000 pieces of photographicworks have been submitted through the online sys-tem from overseas. FJ知,通过海外任线系统Section A21.【答案】D【考点】让步状语从句【译文】无论答案有多明显,他都很有制心地回答每一个问题。【解析】no matter引导让步状语从句,意为“无论.不管” no matter when总为“无论何时” :no matter whether总为“无论是否” :no matter站at意为“无论什么”。no matter how总为“无论如何、多么” 可以 跟后面的形容词obvious搭配的是how,故选D。22.【答案】B【考点】不定式作定语【译文】一般来说,你应该提前到机场。

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