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1、The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object to better myself.better 在此是动词,“使.更好”我之所以离开当前的工作岗位,睢一的理由是希望能在一家贸易 公司获得更多的经验。The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain experience in a trading office.本句是由关系副词why引导的限制性定语从句,其先行词只能是reason。我觉得当前的工作已经达到顶峰。I fe

2、el I have reached the “glass ceiling in my current ceiling玻璃顶棚;极点,顶头我希望在贸易方面能获得更广泛的经验。I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.I am desirous of gaining broader experience in trading.desirous of 渴望我为照顾住在外地的年迈母亲而辞职。I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my ag

3、ed mother in a distant city.因为公司解散,我只好离职。I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business.on account of 因为,因为The match was postponed on account of the weather.因为天气关系,比赛延期了。毕业后我因找到全职工作辞去兼职。I left the company because 1 found a full-time job after gradua¬tion.这个次世界性的经济不景气使我的雇主不得不结

4、束业务。My employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.due to +名词因为;为了;归于She failed due to carelessness。她因为粗心大意失败了。本人离职的原因,是因该公司即将倒闭。我想在贵公司工作的原因之一是贵公司主要做进出口贸易。One reason that I would like to be employed with your firm is that you are dealing with import

5、 and export with同.做交易;与.打交道;处理;对付;论述你为什么有兴趣到我们公司来工作?Why are you interested in working with this company? Why are you interested in working with this company? I wish to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge here.我希望能有机会到这里来学以致用。be interested in. 对.有兴趣John is interested in jogging.约翰对慢跑

6、有兴趣。你为什么想申请来我们公司?Why do you want to apply for a position in our company? Why do you want to apply for a position in our company? Because I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of envi&ronment.因为我觉得在这样一个环境中工作会收获更多。因为我对你们公司的培训计划很感兴趣。Because I am very interested in your companys training

7、program.我想找一个更具挑战性的工作。I am looking for a more challenging opportunity.I want to look for a more challenging chance.我想把我的知识和经验应用在一家大公司上。I want to apply my knowledge and experience to a large firm.我希望能有一份有提升机会的工作。I hope to have a job that offers me an opportunity for advancement.你为什么认为你能胜任这个工作?Why do

8、you think you are qualified for this position? Why do you think you are qualified for this position? My major and working experience make me qualified for this position.我的专业和工作经验使我能胜任这个职位。我能胜任这个职位。I am qualified for this position.I am fit for this position.I am competent for this position.I am equal

9、 to this position.贵公司在这个城市名声很好。Your company is very reputed in this city. How do you know about this company?你是怎么知道我们公司的? Your company is very reputed in this city.贵公司在这个城市名声很好。你理想的工作是什么样的?How would you describe your ideal job? How would you describe your ideal job?你理想的工作是什么样的? I think the job shoul

10、d make use of the professional experience I have obtained,and offer me opportunity for advancement.我认为应该能发挥我掌握的专业知识,而且能为我提供升职的机会。我们为什么应该雇佣你呢?Why should we hire you? Why should we hire you?我们为什么应该雇佣你呢? Because I am a hard worker and will perform to the best of my ability.因为我工作刻苦,而且会竭力去做。你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢

11、?What do you think you are worth to us? What do you think you are worth to us? I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。be worth to对.有价值你不喜欢那个工作吗?Didnt you like the work? Didn你不軎欢那个工作吗? B: Yes, some of it I enjoyed very much. But economically its

12、fairly unstable.是的,有些地方我很喜欢,但是就经济来说,那个工作相当不稳定。你选择我们公司仅仅因为想拿高薪吗?Do you choose this company on account of high pay? Do you choose this company on account of high pay? No,not only for the high pay, but also for a good working environ&ment.不,不但是为了高薪,更为了良好的工作环境。这正是我所期望的工作环境。Its such a working environment

13、 that I am looking for.such.that那样.以致;因为.所以She spoke such a fast way that we could not follow her.她说得那么快,以致于我们都听不懂她。因为有可能不被你们录用,我也向索尼公司递交了申请。I also applied at Sony Co.,in case I may not be accepted here. Have you applied for work with any other companies?你有没有向别家公司申请工作? I also applied at Sony Co.,in

14、case I may not be accepted case如果;万一;以防In case anybody calls me,tell him I will be back at seven.如果有人打电话给我,告诉他我7点回来。你曾求职失败的原因是什么?Whats the reason why you failed to get that post? Why dont you think you got that job? What你求职失败的原因是什么? My domicile isnt in this city. Thats the sole reason for my

15、 failure toget the post.我的户籍不在本市,那就是我被拒绝的惟一理由。他们已经拒绝了我。Theyve turned me down.s the result of your application to that company?你在那家公司应聘结果怎么样? Theyve turned me down.他们已经拒绝了我。turn down 拒绝我觉得这样的工作可能会让你觉得很无聊。I have the feeling you might get bored with a job like this.这份工作远低于你的水平。This is very below what y

16、oure capable capable of 能够这份工作比较符合我所找的工作类型。This is more like what I was looking for.我怎么知道,你能不能承受这份工作所带来的压力?How do I know you can handle the pressure of a job like this?你想要找同一类型的工作还是愿意尝试其他工作?Do you want the same kind of job or are you open to other types of work? Do you want the same Kind of jo

17、b or are you open to other types of work? Well,Im an accountant,and I want to stay in accounting.我是会计师,希望能够留在这个行。我想进一步了解这个工作。Id like to check it out.我需要养家糊口。I have a family to provide for.我喜欢让自己忙碌,去做一些重要的事。I like to keep busy and have something important to do.那家公司太小,不利于我学习工作经验。The firm is too small

18、 for me to widen my experience.too.to太.而不能我认为在贵公司工作不但令人振奋,而且能挑战自己。I think it would be exciting and challenging to work for your company.我过去的工作经验与这份工作紧密相关。My past work experience is closely related to this job.related to与相关如果我觉得工作有发展,我想我将一直工作到退休。If I feel rm making progress in the work,I think Ill wo

19、rk until the age limit.age limit退休年龄我申请为贵公司工作是想在此充分施展自己的才华。I have applied to work for your company in the hope of fully displaying my talents the hope of怀着希望我希望能在这份工作中结识来自不同文化背景的人。I hope I can meet people from different cultural backgrounds in this job.我相信,在一家像你们这样规模虽小但发展却快的公司里我会得 到更好的机会。I b

20、elieve I would have better opportunities working in a small but rapidly expanding company like yours.如果你被两家公司同时录用,你会选择哪家?If both companies employ you,whose offer will you accept? If both companies employ you, whose offer will you accept?Needless to say, my first choice is your company.那还用说吗?肯定是你们公司。

21、你选择工作主要考虑什么?s your main consideration in your job-hunting? The interest. Only when I have interest in something, can I devote my life to do it and have success with it.兴趣。有兴趣才会全身心投入,才会有所成就。consideration(n.)体谅,考虑为什么我要聘用你?Why should I hire you? Why should I hire you?为什么我要聘用你? Because I can take care o

22、f business for you.因为我会把你的事业照顾得很好。你为什么不选择你实习的那家公司?Why dont you choose the company where you worked as a trainee? The employees are promoted according to their seniority in rank.那家公司论资排辈很严重。我希望操作电脑。I expect to operate computers.I wish to operate computers.I want to operate computers.I hope to operate computers.I,d like to operate computers.我想应聘编辑。d rather work in editor.I wish to work in editor.I hope to have work in editor.d like to work in editor.

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