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1、9. Im not planning on leaving the area anytime soon.我不打算近期内搬离这个地方。10. You can move your stuff in tomorrow.你明天可以把你的东西搬过来。Part Two: Dialogues1. Looking for an Apartment找房子A: I need to find a new place to live.B: Yeah? Why? Dont you like living with me? Oh, its not you. I just want my own place. Well,

2、check the newspaper. JeezI didnt realize a single bedroom apartment went for so much these days. Yeah, prices have really gone up the past couple of years. Oh, heres one. Its looks like its in this neighborhood, $600 a month. Thats not to bad. No, its pretty good. Why not give the landlord a call? H

3、ello. Im calling about the one bedroom in Lincoln Park. Could I take a look at it? Yes. Tonight at six is fine. Thanks. 我要另找一个地方住。 是吗?为什么?你不喜欢和我一起住吗? 哦,不是因为你的缘故。我只是想有自己的私人空间。 好吧,看看报纸上有没有。 哇呀,我没料到一个单间公寓这些天这么贵。 是呀,过去这几年价钱真是提高不少。 哦,这儿有一个。好像在这儿附近。每个月600元,还过得去。 不仅如此,真很不错呢。为何不给房东一个电话呢? 你好,我打电话过来询问林肯公园的这间房

4、。我可以去看看吗?是的。今晚六点可以,谢谢。2.Renting a house租房 Hi, Im Mary Smith. Hello, Im the landlord. John Taylor. Nice to meet you Mr. Taylor. Please, call me John. O.K., John. Well, can I have a look at the place? Sure. Come on it. We just finished rebuilding everything. Oh, it hasnt been painted yet. No, we Well.

5、 Its certainly nice. You Thank you. The rent is $600 a month? Thats right. Well, I think Ill take it. Can I write you a check for the security deposit now? $1200? Yeah. But why dont you come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease? That would be fine. Thank you. See you tomorrow. See you. 你好,我是玛丽史

6、密斯。 你好,我是房东约翰泰勒。 很高兴认识你,泰勒先生。 叫我约翰就好了。 好的,约翰。那么,我可以看看了吗? 当然。跟我来。我们刚刚将其重建。 哦,还没有粉刷。 还没有,下个星期我们会粉刷完。 哦,不错。你们做得真不错。 谢谢。 租金是每个月600元吗? 对。 好的,我想我会租下的。现在写张支票交押金好吗?是1200元? 是,你为何不明天顺道来你的办公室签下合约? 这样也好。 谢谢你。明天见。 再见。3. Signing a Lease签合约 Hi, John. Oh, hi, Mary, come on in. Any problem? Oh, no problem. Great. I

7、forgot to ask you, though. How long did you want the place? Six months. Oh, well, that might be a problem. I usually only sign one year leases. Well, one year would be fine, too. I Well, if its not a problem. Then here you go. Just let me look at it quickly. Of course. Looks like a standard lease. Y

8、eah, and dont worry about the security deposit. If everythings all right when you move out, youll get it back. O.K. Great. Just sign and date it here? Yes. Thanks. You can move your stuff in tomorrow. Wonderful. 你好,约翰。 哦,你好,玛丽,进来。有什么问题吗? 哦,没问题。 很好。 还有忘了问你,你想租多久? 6个月。 哦,这可能有一点问题。我通常签1年的契约。 那么,1年也可以。我

9、不打算近段时间内搬离这个地方。 好的,如果没有问题,你在这儿签。 让我再看一下。 当然可以。 这看上去是标准的契约书。对于押金您不用担心。当你搬出的时候如果一切无恙,我会退还你的。 好,很好。在这儿写姓名和日期吗? 是的,谢谢。你明天就可以把东西搬进来。 太好了。Part Three: Substitution Drills1. A: I need to find a new (place to live/ apartment/ home).B:我要另找一个(地方/公寓/房子)住。为什么?2. A: (Prices/ rents) have really gone up the past co

10、uple of years. Yeah.(房价/房租)这几年真的提高不少。是呀。3. A: Could I (take a look/ look/ have a look) at it? Sure. Come in.我可以(看看/看一看/看一下)吗?当然,请进。4. A: We just finished (rebuilding/ remodeling/ renovating) everything. It looks great!我们刚刚(改建完/重建完/修复完)这些。看上去很不错。5. A: Were going to (get that done/ do that/ finish up)

11、 next week. O.K.这个我们打算下个星期(弄完/做完/完成)。好的。6. A: (Why dont I/ May I/ Can I) come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease? Yeah, all right.(我为何不/我可以/我能不能)明天顺路来你的办公室签约?可以,没问题。7. A: Youve done a (great/ wonderful/ magnificent) job. Thanks.你真的干的(很不错/很好/非常好)。谢谢。8. A:t (worry/ be concerned) about the secur

12、ity deposit. O.K. Great.别担心押金。好的,好。9. A: Im not planning on (leaving the area/ moving/ moving out) anytime soon. All right.我不打算近段时间内(搬离/搬出/离开)这个地方。10. A: You can move your stuff in (tomorrow/ this weekend/ whenever you want).你(明天/这个周末/随时)可以把你的东西搬进来。太好了。Part Four: MonologueThere is a wide variety of

13、rental housing in the United States. In the cities, this mostly means apartments. They usually have one, two or three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Some are just one room apartments with a kitchen and bathroom, these are called efficiencies. People also rent out houses. When yo

14、u rent a house, you pay its owner a fix monthly amount to live there. Prices vary according to its location and the quality of the apartment or house. You usually have to pay three months rent up front. Two months rent for security deposit, in case you do any damage to the apartment, and the first m

15、onths rent. Most owners, or landlords, will require you to sign a contract agreeing to pay rent for a full year. At the end of the year, youre free to find another place, or renew your lease with the landlord, as long as he still wants you as a tenant.在美国,出租的住宅种类繁多。城市中出租的主要是单元公寓住宅。这样的住宅通常有1间、2间或3间卧室

16、,一个客厅,一个厨房和一个浴室。有一些则只有一间房带一个厨房和浴室,称之为效用房。人们也将自己的房间出租。当你租房时,你需要每个月付给房东固定的租金。根据位置和住房质量的不同租金也不同。通常你需要提前支付3个月的租金。其中两个月是你需要支付的押金以防对住房的有任何损坏,还包括1个月的租金。大多数房东会要求你签订租期为1年的合同。1年结束后,你可以自由选择其他地方居住,或者只要房东愿意的话,你也可以和他续约。Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrasesapartment (一户)公寓房间lease li:s租约,租契rent rent租金,租费landlord 房东;(旅馆

17、、家庭公寓等的)主人,老板landlady 女房东;(旅馆、家庭公寓等的)女主人,女老板neighborhood 邻近地区,近邻,整个街坊plan on打算credit 信用,信赖kitchen 厨房living room 客厅bedroom 卧室,寝室bathroom 浴室,化妆室,厕所security deposit保证金,不动产租赁押金【 Word 是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99%的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D调出字体栏,配合Tab+Ent

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