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本文(硕士论文之我国社保养老基金投资运营及其管理研究Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!




3、,保值增值能力弱的缺陷;第五章则针对前章所论述的投资运营模式分析了我国现行的投资管理过程中存在的问题,分别从两个层次提出了加强基金投资管理的建议;第六部分利用前面分析的养老基金投资运营的有关理论知识对上海社保案件进行了原因剖析;第七章阐述了本文的结论,并提出了研究中的不足及进一步研究的方向。本文的创新之处在于利用制度变迁理论总结出治理结构发展趋势,结合契约理论构建了相互制衡的养老基金治理结构;根据国外典型国家养老基金投资工具的变迁以及我国的现状提出了投资工具的创新。关键词:养老基金 投资 投资管理2The Research on Pension Fund Investment Runninga

4、nd Investment SuperiseAbstractAt present, the pension fund system of the countries all over the world are facing theimpact of aging population in various degrees. In order to counterwork the pensionpayment risk that already exists or will gestates, some countries starts from establishingfund accumul

5、ation system for individuals and corresponding market-oriented investment system ,followed by introducing a new fund-raising mechanism andfund operation mechanism, thus coordinating the insurance system reform with the reformof banking system, fostering the capital market closely. These measures hav

6、e won initialsuccess.Because of the aging population, the Chinese pension income in the pay-as- you-go system could not satisfy the pension expenditure. China has begun to reform itspension fund system since 1990s. In the new pension system, the period for accumulationbecomes longer and the scale of

7、 pension fund expands continuously. But the pension fundincome in dont meet demands of payment in future. now there are some main questions inpension fund running. They are funds financing disordered, investment running inefficient,low capability of capital market, supervision is weak and so on. All

8、 of these questionsbadly influence the pension fund value preserving and increasing, which make thepayment speed of pension fund higher than capturing and running it. Therefore, it is verysignificant to study pension fund investment running in the capital market on matter in thetheory and practice.T

9、his dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction. It mainlyintroduces the studys background, latest research situation, object, content, structure,intention. The chapter 2 mainly summarizes the pension fund investment running. First itdefines the pension fund .In this disser

10、tation, the pension fund includes basic pension fundand national social security fund. Then starts from the running process of the wholepension fund, summarizes that investment running is the emphasis part in running process.It is also the key issue which is studied in this dissertation. This part a

11、lso designs the frameabout pension fund investment, in this frame, the structure of fund firm and social securitydepartment are the foundation to ensure pension funds security. Base on this ensure,pension fund can chooses its investment style, investment tools and how to compoundthese tools, it is t

12、o say ,how to decide these tools proportion. Besides, It is necessary tostrengthen supervising to investment. All these factors ensure the pension fundsinvestment safely. All these will be studied in chapter 3, chapter 4and chapter 5. Chapter 3studies Chinese pension investment practice from three a

13、spects. The first part analyses itsinvestment running style, the second is investment instruments and the last one is arrangessuitable investment structure. Chapter 4 studies the content of investment running practice.Secondly, design the reasonable fund operation style, picks up workable investment

14、instrument, and arranges suitable investment structure, according to the request of security,liquidity and profitability. Based on the analysis of the previous chapters, chapter 5analyzes the disfigurement in investment running, then puts forward the policy proposalsfrom tow aspects to enhance Chine

15、se pension fund investment performance. Making useof the frame of reference of the previous chapters, chapter 6 analyzes the case of shanghaipension fund investment running. Chapter 7 illuminates the conclusion, indicates thedisadvantage in the study, finally, shows clearly the expectation in the fu

16、ture.The innovations of this dissertation include summarizing the forms structure tosafeguard pension fund based on the theory of institutional vicissitude and putting forwardthe new investment tool.Key Words: Pension fund, Investment, Investment Supervise目 录1 绪论 .11.1 研究背景和研究意义 . 11.2 文献综述 . 11.2.1

17、 社保养老基金投资运营 . 21.2.2 社保养老基金的投资管理. 41.2.3 社保养老基金的治理结构 . 41.3 研究思路和结构安排 . 52 我国社保养老基金投资运营概述及其框架构建.62.1 社保养老基金投资运营概述 . 62.1.1 社保养老基金概念界定 . 62.1.2 运行流程 . 72.1.3 我国社保养老基金投资的历史沿革 . 92.1.4 我国社保养老基金进入资本市场的必然性 . 102.2 社保养老基金投资运营框架. 123 投资的前提和基础 治理结构.133.1 治理结构架构的理论基础契约理论 . 143.1.1 委托代理理论与社保养老基金治理结构. 143.1.2

18、交易成本理论与社保养老基金治理结构. 153.2 社保养老基金治理结构的构建. 153.2.1 基于契约理论的治理结构架构. 153.2.2 我国社保养老基金现状及存在的问题 . 163.2.3 改进社保养老基金管理机构的建议. 174 我国社保养老基金的投资运营.244.1 理论基础基于风险控制的组合投资理论. 244.2 投资运营模式. 254.2.1 投资运营模式的种类 . 264.2.2 我国投资运营模式的选择. 284.3 投资入市主体 . 304.3.1 基本养老保险统筹部分. 304.3.2 个人账户养老基金. 304.3.3 全国社会保障基金. 304.4 投资工具 . 304

19、.4.1 现阶段常用的投资工具 . 301我国社保养老基金投资运营及其管理研究4.4.2 现阶段适用于社保养老基金投资的投资工具创新 . 324.5 投资比例. 344.5.1 国外投资组合比例的历史考察. 344.5.2 启示. 365 投资管理.375.1 投资管理制度现状及问题 . 375.1.1 政府集管理人、投资者、监管人于一身与适度集中运营模式的观点相冲突. 375.1.2 投资工具单一违背投资工具多元化原则 . 385.1.3 基金管理透明度低,信息披露不健全. 385.1.4 监管法律法规和机构建设滞后 . 385.1.5 地方行政干预色彩较浓,地方政府擅自挪用养老保险基金 .

20、 395.2 加强社保养老基金的管理建议 . 395.2.1 正确定位政府职能,加强政府监管 . 395.2.2 对基金管理公司的管理 . 405.2.3 完善相关的法律法规制度,提供健全的法律保障体系 . 425.2.4 加快培育中介机构 . 425.3 加强信息披露 . 435.3.1 基金管理公司的信息披露 . 435.3.2 社保机构对社会大众的披露 . 436 案例分析.446.1 案情简述. 446.2 上海社保养老基金的投资运营历程. 446.3 原因分析. 456.3.1 上海社保基金集基金管理人、投资人和经营者于一身 . 456.3.2 高风险的投资工具. 476.3.3 社

21、保基金法律不健全 . 496.3.4 信息披露不透明 . 496.4 小结 . 507 结论 .507.1 研究结论 . 507.2 主要创新点. 517.3 研究中的不足. 51参考文献.52致 谢.551 绪论1.1 研究背景和研究意义养老金制度已经成为了国际社会普遍关注的社会经济制度,随着科学技术的进步和经济的快速发展,人类的出生率和死亡率正在逐年下降,人口老龄化趋势如同一股银色浪潮正冲击着全球。据专家预测,到 2030 年全球老龄人口占总人口比例将上升到 16%,21 世纪因此也被称为“世界性人口老龄化的时代”。在这股银色浪潮中,中国也难于幸免,2000 年我国开始步入老龄社会。由于从现收现付制向部分积累制转变,巨大的转制成本是的养老金制度更加步履维艰。根据世界银行(1996)等测试,我国养老基金的转制成本约在 3 万亿元左右。因为巨额的转制成本无法在短期内有效解决,目前我国除了辽宁省,其他地方都是“空账运行

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