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1、 再来看到混合图. 混合图在C_T4,C_T2以及C_T4也都有出现. 讯号二:特殊题型在真题中出现频率维持较高 由_年大陆地区的真题回忆情况来看,地图和流程图各出现2次,而混合图出现1次,共计5次,在全年50次考试中占到了10%的比重. 换言之,每两个月的考试中,就有一次是这些题型. 同样,在考试频频取消的_年,早在年初1月_日的考试中,就已出现了地图题的身影. 讯号三:反预测的考试形式出现 消失了4年多的AB卷考试形式(上一次出现在_年_月),在_年也重新回到我们的眼球. AB卷意味着什么?意味着同一天的考试有两套完全不同的题目. 也就是说,同学们更有可能在考试中碰到自己不会的题型. 刚刚

2、提及的今年1月_日的考试,就属于在AB卷中其中一套题目里考核了地图题的情况. 而且,往年的考试中,我们一般可以通过前一个月或几个月的考题情况,来预测后面可能会出现的小作文题型,而今年因为没有太多真题可做参考,所以对于下半年的小作文题目预测来说,也加大了难度. 由此可见,只有当一名考生在考前,将各类题型都做好充分准备的情况下,才能保证在考场上无论考到何种题型都能正常发挥. 二.大作文篇 和小作文保持了相同的规律,剑_大作文的题型也分布平均,从Test 1到Test 4分别是: 混合题型(第一问是报告,第二问是积极/消极) 是否同意 讨论双方观点 分析利弊 同学们在准备的过程中,仍然是各类题型都要

3、做好充分的准备. 而从话题的角度,剑_的大作文分别考到了:社会,媒体/科技,媒体/广告,教育. 仍然符合历年的热门话题出题规律.细看之下会发现,有的话题其实非常老套,简直就是将老题同义转换再拿出来考一次: 这是剑_ Test2的大作文: 这是_年1月的考题(这道题更早也在境内外考过) Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers remain the main source of news for the majority of people. To what e_tent do you agree or

4、 disagree? 论据和思路是不是也可以从以前这些题目找灵感? Some people think traveling abroad is necessary while others think that is not necessary because TV and the internet can give the same information. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(_.8.4) Some people think computers and the Internet are more important i

5、n childs education. Others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(_.5.30) 所以同学们对于经典老题还是要花心思的,好好准备能够做到举一反三. 但同时,剑_写作部分有的题目,在熟悉的话题框架之下,考察了更抽象的角度,同学们也千万不要掉以轻心. 比如我们来看这一道: 注意后面那句话,说的是有的人认为广告太普遍了以至于我们不再注意到它. 很多同学一看到考广告,嘴角一丝微笑,马上就会开

6、始围绕着广告的利弊展开,写到冲动消费啊,写到对孩子的引诱啊等等; 但这道题偏偏考的是广告的影响力现在广告对人是否还有那么大的作用. 所以同学们在审题方面,千万要看准;而在准备的时候,也要注意打开思维角度,关注熟悉的话题那些不熟悉的提问角度. 三.范文篇 真正厉害的烤鸭绝不会忽视隐藏菜单. 除了题型/题目的方向性预测,剑雅书还能提供什么有价值的干货,帮助写作赛道的宝宝们加速呢? 如果同学们只顾着刷题就把书扔到一边,而忽视最后几页的范文,就有点暴殄天物了. 有的同学有疑问: 书后面的范文,有的好难完全读不懂,和老师教的套路也不一样 分数比我自己还低,水平参差不齐,看了是不是反而有误导性? 老师这就

7、带大家来walk through剑_的范文. 讲解剑_范文之前,首先要重申一个大家都知道的秘密:剑雅书上面的范文分为两个类别: 一类是Modal Answer,所谓考官范文,也就是大家常常看到的This modal has been prepared by an e_aminer as an e_ample of a very good answer . 还有一类是Sample Answer,也就是考生在考场上实际发挥的样本. 第一类考官范文,一般大家可以理解为满分范文,没有满分也在8以上; 第二类考生例文,会给到明确分数以及考官评语. 比如这样: 需要明白的是,这两种范文对大家的参考意义是不

8、一样的: 看Modal Answer,就像膜拜一个大神,想想你们身边的学霸,是不是每天在暗中观察想抄人家的作业以及思考怎么抄. 看Sample Answer,就像看一个和自己不相上下的对手,人家写的明明和你差不多但竟然比你高0.5,你不服于是要揣摩下别人赢在哪;人家写的明明和你差不多但是只得了4.5,你不明所以也要看看这局怎么死的. 看到这里是不是懂了剑雅的良苦用心? 明白这一点后我们再来看剑_的两个facts: 1. 这本书没有一篇Modal Answer 2. 这本书的Sample Answer分数区间都在6-7 这又意味着什么? 其实从剑_开始,考官范文Modal Answer就已经在剑

9、雅书上退场了(剑_是个例外,大小作文各有一篇Modal Answer). 从这个维度来看,剑雅更想给大家提供的,是更实际.对大家更有参考和对照意义的考生视角,而不是离大家的水平比较遥远的考官视角. 分析考场上真实发挥的其他考生例文和相应的考官评价,分析他们的得分点和失分点,能够让我们对于四个评分维度.以及每个维度上不同分数段的细微差别,有更真切的体会. 除了刚才说的没有了Modal Answer这个惯性规律,我们发现,还减少了分数段比较低(4.5-5.5)的例文.对照最近这五本剑雅书的例文分数区间,我们还能够发现一个规律,剑_选取的考生例文分数区间明显缩小了. 剑_选取分数区间为6-7的考生例

10、文,更贴近于普遍大陆考生的目标水平,也便于广大考生从内容完成度.连贯性.词汇.语法句型四个维度去找到突破口. 雅思大作文模板:人口增长问题 雅思大作文模板范文参考: Lifestyle has undergone dramatic changes over a couple of decades. Presently, the population of teenagers is on the rise in some countries which might have both positive and negative effects on the progress of a natio

11、n. Here, I would like to account for current and upcoming consequences of this phenomenon. Multifarious positive effects can be put down behind this happening. First and foremost, youthful generation plays a phenomenal role to flourish the progress of a nation. For e_ample, majority of young people

12、are e_pected to learn professional skills related to science, engineering, medical, technology, sports and so on. As a result, a country will be enriched with a massive number of prodigious talented people who could contribute remarkably at jobs to ensure the development of their nation. Besides thi

13、s, advancement strides only in the presence of youngsters. To be specific, young blood is energetic, agile, creative and adaptive who welcome new changes, adjust nicely and can introduce innovative ideas for betterment of living standard. Hence, a nation is supposed to be more advanced than others.

14、Moreover, youngsters are well educated, advanced and conscious about healthy living standard. Thence, they could be made willing to participate in social welfare activities such as planting more trees, promoting cleanliness, saving wild life, using biodegradable materials so on to evolve pleasant ec

15、ological conditions and superior lifestyle. On the contrary, it has thorny side too. To begin with, in many thriving regions, employment sources are less due to deprivation of industries and other commercial sectors. Therefore, increasingly number of young people is leading to lack of job opportunit

16、ies in such areas. Furthermore, the cultural heritage of a nation may lose its significance. To be specific, unlike other age groups, youthful generation has tendency to develop their own ways of living and attitudes rather than following traditional values. Thus, individuality of a culture will be

17、at the low ebb. All of above, generation gap will spread its roots on account of imbalanced ratio of different age groups. Hence, misunderstandings and disputes might be the order of the day between young and late adulthood. To recapitulate, elevation in the number youngsters may lead to some hardsh

18、ips. However, I still believe positive outcomes will e_ceed negative results.广告的影响 Whether we like it or not, advertising has penetrated into all aspects of life, which has significantly affected people s buying decisions and lifestyles. I believe that this trend does more harm than good to people s

19、 lives. To boost the sales or promote new products, companies tend to design the advertisement to be tempting, or invite popular stars and celebrities to the advertising campaign. This can impel consumers to open their wallets to buy the goods impulsively. Consumers used to care more about the price

20、, quality and purpose of the product, but now they shift their attention to the product s popularity or whether their idols are using the same brand. In addition, the fashionable elements involved in the advertisement often put consumers under pressure. They may worry that they are out of fashion as

21、 described on the advertising, and thus follow the trend to buy the recommended goods, regardless of price. This spending habit can lead to an economic burden or a wrong concept of consumption. Some people, especially young consumers, may compete with others in material ways. There is no denying tha

22、t advertisements provide useful information and assist consumers decision-making, when they are faced with various products made by competitive manufacturers. However, this cannot change the fact that many companies tend to e_aggerate the strong points and neglect the weaknesses of their products in

23、 the advertising, making it difficult for consumers to get a clear picture of the product. In conclusion, advertising is unavoidable in the commercial society. To reduce its negative effects on the general public, the authorities need to regulate the advertising industry and encourage rational spend

24、ing.讲座授课是否有意义 Although lectures are normally used to teach students knowledge, there has been an argument that students no longer need to attend lectures, due to the development of technology. Personally, I think that lectures deserve a place in the education system. Instead of attending lectures, p

25、eople can depend on computers and the internet to improve learning outcomes. One benefit of using social networking websites is that they can keep the pace of learning by themselves and manage to make the most of time and resources. This educational model is important especially for those people who

26、 have work commitments. They are likely to outperform in the related area easier. Another approach to replace lectures is to register for online courses, and this can help people pursue a higher educational qualifications. Online courses provide people with opportunities to gain access to knowledge

27、without paying educational e_penses. In this way, they are more likely to pursue a university degree, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. On the other hand, attending lectures plays an inevitably role in preparing people for their future career. It offers an environment where studen

28、ts are encouraged to communicate with each other and build up a network of contacts, which is beneficial to improving their interpersonal skills. This can help them make a transition to the workplace. To summarise, I believe that attending lectures remains the most important way for students to acquire new knowledge and achieve good performance, although technology and the internet are likely to make learning more easily. 剑_写作之大小作文及范文解析

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