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1、课文导入Lesson hook:这节课,我们将要学习12个月份的英语单词。先听一首12个月份英语歌。新概念New concepts:1. Months of the year问:你的生日是哪天?接着出示month并板书,解释含义,领读几遍。How many days in a month? (30天或31天) 说明:每个月的天数是不同的。How many months in a year? (12个)课件出示12个月份图片及单词,These are the twelve months of the year. Can you say them out? 1月JanuaryJan.7月JulyJ

2、ul.2月FebruaryFeb.8月AugustAug.3月MarchMar.9月SeptemberSept.4月AprilApr.10月OctoberOct.5月May11月NovemberNov.6月JuneJun.12月DecemberDec.告诉学生月份的缩写式,即月份的前三个字母(9月是四个字母),右下角加一个圆点。看书,1月和2月之间的雪花说明了什么?(天气冷)Jan. and Feb. are cold.同理,用天气做引导谈论其他月份。 What can you do in the month?2. Lets sing! Twelve Months播放录音,学生听完整首歌,再把

3、歌词写在黑板上,逐词朗读,再跟唱。3. Lets do it! Ask and answer:4. Lets play! Bingo game Listen and write.活动手册结束课堂教学Class closing:再次播放歌曲Twelve Months教学反思板书设计Month: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.Lesson8 First, second, thirdfirst, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,

4、 tenth, eleventh, twelfth2.学生能识别、理解并能根据正确的顺序排列第一到第十二月份。12个序数词的单词记忆教学光盘、12个序数词的单词卡、本课课件、1-12的数字卡,用大字号写有月份的张贴画。Sing a song Twelve months用单词卡复习12个月:Whose birthday is in _(January/ February/ March/ April/ May/ June/July/ August/ September/ October/ November /December )上节课,我们学习了12个月份的英语单词,怎么告诉别人哪个月是第一,哪个

5、月是最后?今天我们就学习这个内容。1. Numbers课件出示第一部分图片,问:What are they doing? (Race) Who is the winner? What place is the girl in the race?Look at the boy in the red shorts. What place is he in the race?学生讨论,出示句子Li Ming is the first. The girl is the second. The boy in red shorts is the third.强调:first,second, third.板

6、书,读单词。课件出示20页表格中的数词表,练习读一读。Practice: Listen and do听做游戏老师说出任意序数词,学生说出下一个。2. Lets do it! Pair work. Match and say.看书21页,学生两两一组,一名说月份,另一名说出对应的序数词。3. Lets play! Find my friend. 24名学生分成两组,一组拿月份单词,一组拿序数词单词,找到自己对应的伙伴,并读出单词。反思板书设计first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, elev

7、enth, twelfthLesson9 When is it?1.学生能识别、理解和运用句式结构:When is it?2.学生能够使用序数词真确说出6个主要节日的日期New Years Day, Spring Festival, International Works Day,Childrens Day, Teachers Day, National Day(新年、春节、国际劳动节、儿童节、教师节、国庆节)在日常情境中注意用简单的英语进行对话。同知识目标2教学光盘,新年、春节、国际劳动节、儿童节、教师节、国庆节的单词卡和图片,学生制作贴画用的纸、剪刀、蜡笔问候Greeting: Hello

8、! Lets say: I am the first(second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth).这节课,我们将要学习中国的重要的节日如何用英语来说。1. When is New years day?看书,说出每幅图中的节日及日期(可用汉语)。图1:What month is New Years Day in? (January) What day in January? 再问:When is New years day?(板书句子)指导学生回答:It is in

9、January the first. 以下5副图都用What festival is it? When is?句型问答。注意提醒每个节日中的大写字母及s 的用法。Practice练习: 用节日词汇卡问:When is?课件播放第一部分,学生跟读。 Pair work. Make and say.2人一组,互相问:When is your birthday? When is _( New Years Day, Spring Festival, International Works Day,Childrens Day, Teachers Day, National Day)? 在卡纸上写出月、节

10、日、和日期。3. 巩固检测:出示新单词friend,pupil,大声读。2人一组问答:Is Danny/Kim Jennys friend?4.活动手册When is our next lesson?Good-bye, class!When is the _? It is in _. New Years Day January 1Spring Festival January or FebruaryInternational Works Day May 1Childrens Day June 1Teachers Day September 10National Day October 1Les

11、son10 Rain and sunrain, sun, hot, snow, cold2.学生能唱歌曲The Month Song教学光盘、单词卡、月份张贴画(上一节课制作),课件这节课,我们将要学习有关天气的单词。1. What is it?课件出示太阳、云、风、雪图片,问:What is it?让学生讨论,引出rain sun, hot, snow, cold这些单词。让学生试着说出:This is the sun. The sun is hot.This is the cloud and the rain.This is the wind.This is snow. Snow is c

12、old and white.播放第一部分光盘,学生看书跟读。小组活动,教师用各种方法帮助学生记忆新单词。 The Month Song播放录音,学生听完整首歌,再把歌词写在黑板上,逐句朗读,再跟唱。rainsun hotsnowcoldLesson11 Hows the weather today?1.学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:how, weather, sunny, warm, cloudy, windy, cool2.学生能识别、理解和运用句式结构:Hows the weather today? Its.3.学生能够理解字母组合:ir, ur, er, or在单词中的发音及规律

13、。教学光盘,单词卡和图片 rainy, weather, sunny, war, cloudy, windy, cool 教 学 过 程 在学生进入教室时跟他们打招呼,并顺便复习上节课所学内容:表示天气的单词。这节课,我们将要学习天气。1. Rainy and sunny课件出示图片1:指雪花问:Whats it? 生:It is snow. 师:Yes. Its cold and snowy.(展示句子,学生跟读)同理,学习其他4副图。适时板书:snowsnowy sunsunnycloudcloudywindwindyrainrainy总结规律:天气名词y天气形容词让学生翻到26页,课件播

14、放第一部分,看书跟读。2. Hows the weather today?师:What day is it? Hows the weather? Rainy, windy or snowy? 学生根据实际天气回答。Hows the weather in December? Hows the weather in July? 课件播放第二部分,学生跟读。3. Practice练习:利用词汇卡片,小组练习问答:4. Lets do it! 使用27页第三部分张贴画出示新单词snowy, windy, rainy, sunny大声读。然后问Hows the weather?5. 结束课堂教学Clas

15、s closing:Its_. (sunny, warm, cloudy, windy, rainy )Lesson12 Mr. Moons Birthday故事课1.学生能听懂和理解这一简单的故事。2.学生能就故事进行提问和回答。3.学生能用自己的语言分角色表演故事。在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话同知识目标3教学光盘、本课课件问候Greeting 今天,我们要讲述一个Mr.Moons Birthday的故事。Story time : Mr.Moons Birthday一、读前活动:给学生几分钟时间看图片,猜测每幅图发生了什么。(这部分可以用汉语教授)二、阅读活动:1.讨论图片:每幅

16、图给出问题,讨论回答。Panel 1: What is the moon sitting on?Panel 2: Which month is the first? What festival comes in February?Panel 3: According to March, what is the weather like in his month?Panel 4: Why does May think he is a good month for the moons birthday?Panel 5: Look at July and August. Why do they th

17、ink they are the best?Panel 6: How is the weather in September and October?Panel 7: How is the weather in November and December?2.大声朗读: 第一遍老师慢慢领读,加手势激趣。再读,注意语音语调。3.听录音跟读:先听一遍,再跟读。4.小组阅读:尽量给阅读能力较差的同学多的机会读,注意指导。三、读后活动和全体同学展开一个讨论活动,让学生说自己喜欢哪一个月份及原因。Great work, class! See you next time!教学反思板书设计January f

18、irst; February Spring FestivalMarch warm and sunny; April Trees are green.May flowers; June Childrens DayJuly ,August hot and sunny , long holidaySeptember, October nice and coolNovember, December cold, play in the snowAgain, please! 第二单元复习课知识目标1.学生将完成四项活动来证明他们各自的听、说、读、写技能。2. 学生将完成一个表明在此单元他们进步程度的自我评

19、价表。能力1.学生养成和提高基本的学习策略。2. 在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。3. 学生养成听录音和跟读句子的习惯。情感培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。同知识目标1-2识记本单元的四会单词及所学句型,并能熟练运用。教学光盘、本单元词汇卡 二次备课今天我们对第二单元所学知识进行复习归纳。1. Listen and talk. 看书讨论,第一部分四幅图发生了什么事? 播放录音,学生跟读。请几名学生复述故事大意,角色扮演。 Whose birthday is it? 板书:Talk about birthday. What are Jenny and Li Ming talking

20、 about?Talk about the weather. What are they talking about?Talk about holidays. What does Danny like?Talk about things I like.2. Listen and tick.播放听力内容,学生在正确图片的圆圈内打勾。3. Look and write.看教科书第三部分图片,根据每幅图所对应的句子补充单词,完成句子。引导学生回忆序数词、节假日、表示天气的单词。4. Read. Tick or cross. 读一读每幅图下面的句子,判断图片是否与句子描述相符。5. How am I doing?自我评价:学生需要判断自己在学校及在家中听说读写各方面做得怎样,根据实际涂上星星。1012颗星为A,79颗星为B,16颗星为C。结束课堂教学Class closing下次见面我们将学习新单元,那时我们的听、说、读、写各方面技能将会更好。Hows the weather? Its _( sunny, warm, cloudy, windy, rainy).holidays:

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