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1、11absence n缺乏,没有absent adj.缺席的,不在场的,缺少的二、重点单词和短语1.energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的 energy n. 能源;能量;精力have the energy to do sth有精力做某事full of energy精力充沛bine v. (使)结合,(使)组合combine.with/and. 把和结合起来combine to do sth 联合起来做某事;联合起来促成某事be combined with. 与相结合If he can combine his ability with/and hard work,he shoul

2、d be very successful.如果他能把自己的才能和勤奋结合起来,他应该会非常成功的。 combination n. 联合;结合;混合in combination with与联合起来The firm is working on a new product in combination with several partners.这家公司与几家合作伙伴在联合开发一种新产品。3.absorb vt.吸收absorb.from.从中吸收absorb.into.把吸收入absorb oneself in.专心于;全神贯注于The boy absorbed polluted air into

3、 his lungs.这个男孩把被污染的空气吸入肺中。This plant absorbed water from the earth around it.这株植物从周围的土壤中吸收水分。 absorbed adj. 专心致志的(be) absorbed in.全神贯注于;被吸引住I dont want to get too absorbed in modeling.我不想太过专注于模特这一行业。4.appeal vi.有感染力,呼吁vt. 将上诉appeal for . 恳求;呼吁appeal to sb for sth 为某事向某人呼吁或请求appeal to sb to do sth 恳

4、求/呼吁某人做某事The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府呼吁每个人节约用水。The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.警方正在呼吁公众提供有关这一犯罪的信息。 appeal n. 呼吁;恳求make an appeal (to sb) for sth为某事(向某人)呼吁或请求make an appeal (to sb) to do sth恳求/呼吁(某人)做某事 appealing adj. 有吸引力的,有趣的While

5、this sounds highly appealing,it does not work.虽然这听起来很有吸引力,但是没有用。5.escape v.(从危险或糟糕的处境中)逃离,逃避,摆脱escape (doing) sth 逃避(做)某事escape from. 从逃脱;逃避She escaped from being injured in the accident.她在这次事故中幸免受伤。 escape n. 逃跑; 逃脱; 逃避fire escape 太平梯;安全梯;安全出口a narrow escape 九死一生;死里逃生6.disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的 disa

6、ppoint vt.使失望 disappointing adj.令人失望的 disappointment n.失望to ones disappointment使某人失望的是7.behave v. 表现behave well/badly to/towards sb 对待某人好/差behave oneself 守规矩;表现得体 well-behaved adj. 表现好的 behavio(u)r n举止,行为;习性behavio(u)r towards/to. 对的行为The boss was not satisfied with his behavior towards/to the custo

7、mers.老板不满于他对顾客的行为。8.responsibility n.责任Its my responsibility to lock the doors.我负责锁门。He has no responsibility for that accident.他对那个事故没有责任。Wives still take most of the responsibility for the children.妻子仍然对孩子承担大部分责任。The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.一家之父应有责任感。 repsonsibl

8、e adj. 负责的be responsible for. 对.负责9.absence n.缺乏,没有absence from 缺席;不在absence of mind 心不在焉in ones absence 某人不在时in the absence of 不在;缺少The decision was made in her absence.这个决定是在她不在的时候做的。 absent adj.缺席的;不在的;心不在焉的be absent from. 不参加;缺席.10.arrangement n安排;筹备;约会make an arrangement/arrangements for.安排Her

9、teacher made a special arrangement to discuss her progress at school once a month.她的老师做了特别安排,每月讨论一次她在学业上的进展情况。 arrange vt.筹备;安排;整理arrange for sb./ do sth. 安排某人/某物做某事arrange to do sth. 安排做某事11.amazing adj.令人吃惊的,令人惊讶的 amaze vt.使吃惊 amazed adj.吃惊的,惊奇的be amazed at/by.对大为惊奇be amazed to do sth.惊奇地做某事

10、From his amazed look,I knew he had heard of the news.从他惊讶的表情我知道他已经听说了那个消息。He was amazed at/by what Benjamin had done with his gift.他对本杰明凭天赋所做的事情感到惊讶。 amazement n惊愕,惊异to ones amazementto the amazement of sb.令某人惊奇的是.【一句多译】令我们惊讶的是他突然病倒了。It amazed us that he suddenly fell ill.(amaze)To our amazement,he

11、suddenly fell ill.(amazement)What made us amazed was that he suddenly fell ill.(amazed)12.represent v代表(stand for),象征;标志The word “love” is often represented by a heart.“爱”这个词常用心形来表示。represents oneself as/to be 自称是.She represents herself as/to be the kindest mother in the world.她自称是世界上最善良的母亲。13.put o

12、n上演;穿上;增加put forward 提出;推荐;拨快;将提前put down 写下;放下;镇压put off 推迟,延期put out 熄灭,扑灭;生产put up 张贴;搭起,建起;留某人过夜They have put forward the wedding by two weeks.他们把婚礼提前了两周。The sports meeting has been put off because of the heavy rain.运动会已经因为大雨而延期了。Ten minutes later,the firefighters arrived and the big fire was pu

13、t out.十分钟后,消防队员赶到,大火被扑灭了。 up to. 达到;不辜负;符合live on/upon 继续存在;继续生存;以为食;靠生活live by. 靠(手段、方式)生活live through. 经历而幸存We will live up to what our parents expect of us.我们将不辜负父母对我们的期望。The old man used to live by begging.那个老人曾经靠乞讨为生。Each of the people who lived through World War had a different experien

14、ce.每个经历过二战而幸存的人都有不同的经历。15.(sb.) be/get familiar with sth.(某人)熟悉,通晓某物/事If you want to study abroad,you should be familiar with English.如果你想出国学习,就应该熟悉英语。 back from.追溯到out of date 过时的up to date 最新的to date 到目前为止set/fix a date for sth. 约定的日期名师点津:date back to追溯到,始于,其后接表示具体时间的名词;date back追溯,

15、其后接表示一段时间的名词。The old building dating back to the 16th century looks so splendid.这座始建于16世纪的古建筑看上去很是壮观。Youd better buy a new magazine.This one is out of date.你最好买一本新杂志。这本已经过期了。We have to set/fix a date to discuss the problem carefully.我们必须定个日期认真讨论这个问题。三、重点句式1.I was full of confidenceuntil the Peking O

16、pera came to town!(教材P38)我充满信心,直到京剧来到我们的城镇!【句式剖析】until是连词,引导时间状语从句。until用于肯定句,修饰延续性动词,表示该动作或状态的终止时间,表示“直到”之意;用于否定句,修饰非延续性动词,表示该动作的开始时间。“not.until.”一般译为“直到才”。【句式拓展】(1)强调肯定句中的until时间状语(从句)时,一般套用“It is/was until.that.”句型;强调否定句中的until时间状语(从句)时,可套用“It is/was not until.that.”句型。(2)not until位于句首时,句子要用倒装语序。

17、It was not until he came back that I knew what had happened.直到他回来我才知道发生的事情。Not until one oclock this morning did they return.直到今天早晨一点他们才回来。2.The voices themselves sounded really uniquesome of the female voices were so high that I was sure they could break glass!这些声音本身听起来真的很独特有些女声音调太高了,我确信它们能震碎玻璃!句中的

18、so.that.意为“如此以至于”,so为副词,修饰形容词high;that 为连词,引导结果状语从句。3.As soon as the curtain rose,I was absorbed.(教材P41)幕布一升起,我就被吸引了。句中as soon as 意为“一/刚就”,引导时间状语从句。Ill tell him the news as soon as he comes.他一来我就告诉他这个消息。英语中“一/刚就”还有下列几种表达方法:(1)on/upon+n./ v.-ing(2)immediately/directly/instantly(3)the moment/minute/se

19、cond/instant(4)hardly/scarcely.when .(5)no sooner.than .Upon his return from Beijing,he began his research work.他一从北京回来,就立即开始他的研究工作。4.This is something that even the highly successful Harry Potter movies cant escape from.(教材P45)这是即使是非常成功的哈利波特系列电影也无法避免的事不定代词something后面是that引导的定语从句。that在定语从句中通常作主语、表语或

20、宾语,作宾语时一般可省略。只能用that引导定语从句的情况:(1)先行词既包含人又包含物时;(2)先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时;(3)先行词是不定代词(everything,anything,nothing,little,much,all)时;(4)先行词被all,every,no,some,any,(a)few,(a)little,much等限定词修饰时;(5)在who或which开头的疑问句中;(6)先行词被the very,the same,the last,the only等词修饰时。5.with fans of the books disappointed not to see

21、 some of their favourite characters in the movie versions.(教材P45)那些原著的粉丝们因为没有在电影版本中看到他们最喜欢的角色而非常失望。with fans of the books disappointed 为“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,disappointed.形容词作宾语补足语。He always sleeps with the windows open.他总是敞着窗子睡觉。(二) 巩固练习一、单词拼写1.Everything returned to_(正常 )with the army s helpafter the

22、hurricane.2.Faced with such an_(紧张的) moment, she could do nothing but give a smile.3.Stephen William Hawking spent a lot of time thinking about the_(宇宙).4.Which_(方面) of university life do you find most interesting?5.You can learn about Chinese culture when you watch a Chinese traditional _(戏剧).6.Har

23、ry Potter found the narrow path had opened suddenly onto the_( 边缘) of a great black lake.7.Without the new paints and the new_(手法), we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.8.A foreigner cannot have a good command of Chinese unless he _(克服 )the cultural

24、 barriers in learning Chinese.9.They managed to_(逃脱) from the burning building by breaking down the door.10.The_(情节) in this novel is so complex that many people cant understand it well.二、单句语法填空1.There are many famous cultural relics , many_( date )back to thousands of years ago.2.The movie I saw la

25、st night really had me_ the edgeof my seat.3.She was born in a rich family, but she sang well and becamea musician_ her own right .4.Although he made a serious mistake in his work, he was lucky to escape_ ( fire) by his boss.5.He often lent me a hand when I was in trouble ,_ which I was grateful.6.T

26、he service at the Blue Moon Restaurant lived up_ its reputation, for we all had an enjoyable experience.7.Seeing his puzzled look, I realized that my meaning didnt really get_.8.Im afraid that I might have no time to put_ performances at the stage.9.Searches on platforms including Tabao showed many

27、products to transform older phones_ an iPhone7.10.After seeing a Ne Zha trailer, people cant wait _ (see) this Chine animated film.三、语段填词1.To keep_ he sets aside two hours a day to take exercise.Thats why he is always full of_.( energy)2.We cant always_ work with pleasure, and the_ is hard to get.(

28、combine )3.He is always_ from class, and his_ makes his head teacher angry.( absence)4._ customers often make complaints to let off their_ because saying something_ can make them comfortable.( anger)5.Engle says she has always liked_ and is determined to be a_ in the future.At age 6,she wrote her first_ about nature.( poetry)6.The audience warmly_ when the performance cameto an end, and the_ lasted for several minutes.( applaud)7.I can hardly express ho

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