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Unit 7 International charities 教案Word格式.docx

1、What does Hobo want Eddie to do?What does Eddie want to do first? Why?How far will they go?3) Watch the flash and answer the question.Keys: More money is need for charity.He wants Eddie to donate his pocket money.He wants to have lunch first because he is too weak to walk any further.They only have

2、five kilometres left.4) plete the following passage.Hobo hears that charity n_ money. He wants to donate Eddies p_ money to charity. But Eddie thinks it is lunch t_ because its 12 oclock. He wants to have l_ first. He pretends(假装) that he is too w_ to walk any f_. Finally, Hobo encourages (鼓励) Eddie

3、 they only have five k_ left. needs; pocket; time; lunch; weak; further; kilometresStep 3 Pair workWork in pairs and read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. You can add your own ideas. Step 4 Useful phrases 1. You have some pocket money left. leave- left-left left (adj.) 剩下的,剩余的,没有用完的我只剩下一张票了。

4、I have only one ticke left.冰箱里什么也没有剩下。There is nothing left in the fridge.leave for 前往 leave 忘带,落在 2. Im too weak to walk any further.我太虚弱了,走不动了。“tooto”结构表示“太而不 能”, 副词后接形容词或副词的原形,其后再接动词不定式。e.g. She is too young to go to school. 她太小了不能上学。但是当句子的主语与不定式的主语不一致时,常需在不定式前补加一个介词短语for sb.,即:toofor sb. to do s

5、th. e.g. The problem is too difficult for me to work out. 对我来说这个问题太难解决了。 “tooto”结构可以转化为 “sothat”结构: e.g. He is too short to reach the apple. He is so short that he cant reach the apple. 他太矮了没法够到苹果。句中的further是far的比较级,这里是副词,意思是“较远,更远”。e.g. Can you stand a bit further away? 你能不能稍微站的远一点?Step 5 Presentat

6、ionWhat do you think people in poor areas need most?What can we do for people?If Hobo and Eddie want to help people from other countries, what charities should they donate money to?What international charities do you know about?ORBIS 奥比斯How does this charity work?It works to help the blind people in

7、 poor areas. It is best known for its Flying Eye Hospital.WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature 世界自然基金会The groups focuses on protecting forests, rivers, oceans and so on.Oxfam 乐施会It works in more than 90 countries to help poor people.UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会It provides food and health care to children in developin

8、g countries.Step 6 Listen and make the conversationMr Wu is asking the students about international charities. Listen to the tape and tell me how UNICEF helps people.Read the conversation after the tape. Then make a dialogue use the conversation as a model. Step 7 Useful phrases It provides basic ed

9、ucation for children in poor areas.它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物=provide sb with sthe.g. I am happy that you have provided so many interesting books for us.= I am happy that you have provided us with so many interesting books. 我很高兴你为我们提供了这么多有趣的书。Step 8 ExercisesTranslate the following p

10、hrases1. 零花钱2. 吃一顿丰盛的午餐3. 该是的时间了。4. 太虚弱不能行走5. 一些国际的慈善6. 基础的教育7. 平等的权利8. 为某人提供某物9. 阻止一些严重疾病的扩散 pocket moneyhave a big lunchIts time fortoo weak to walksome international charitiesbasic educationequal rightsprovide sth for sb/ provide sb with sthprevent the spread of some serious diseases根据句意及首字母提示完成单

11、词。1. Jim has some p_ money that his parents gave, so he wants to buy a new CD.2. China is one of the i_ (国际的) countries in the world.3. He feels so w_ that he cant stand up.4. It also works to prevent the s_ (扩散)of some serious diseases. international; spread1. _ provides food, health and education

12、for children. 2. _helps blind people in poor areas by plane.3. _helps people in poor countries.4. _ protects the environment and wild animals.UNICE ORBIS Oxfam WWFStep 9 Homework1. Remember the names of the charities.2. Know the purposes of these charities.3. Recite the dialogue.4. Remember the main

13、 phrases. Reading ITeaching aims:1. Read the article, to understand the status of the ORBIS doctors job.2. Context guessing meaning from context.Step 1 Review Translate phrases and sentences. 1. 剩下一些零花钱2. 太虚弱以至于不能走的更远3. 吃一顿丰盛的午餐4. 国际慈善机构Step 2 Lead-in Which charity can help them?A. ORBIS B. Oxfam C.

14、 Spring Bud ProjectProblem 1: _ Nancy is a 12-year-old girl. She lives in a poor family in a far-away village. She has two younger sisters and a little brother. Her family is so poor that she has to work on the farm all day.Problem 2: _The factory he has worked bankrupted (破产) last month. He and his

15、 workmates lost their jobs and they have less money to support their families.Problem 3:Mrs. Black has been blind since she was sixty years old. Now ten years has passed, she still cant see anything because she is very poor and has no enough money to go to hospital.Step 3 Presentation new wordsinter

16、viewer n. 采访者blindness n. 失明mostly adv. 主要的,大部分的case n. 案例,病例cure vt. 治愈medical adj. 医学的,医疗的treatment n. 治疗patient n. 病人afford vt. 买得起,能做go to hospital 去看病go abroad 在飞机(船,火车)上operate vi. 做手术proud adj. 自豪的,骄傲的reader n. 读者medicine n. 医学,药develop v. 发展,加强treat vt. 治疗,处理carry on 继续开展,继续下去Step 4 Watch a

17、video about ORBISWhy is there a plane in the logo?Because ORBIS workers take a plane to visit poor countries. The plane is called a flying eye hospital. (飞行眼科医院)Information about ORBISORBIS is a charity that helps blind people. Most eye problems can be cured or prevented. However, many people cant a

18、fford to go to hospital. The doctors on the ORBIS plane fly to poor areas to treat people with eye problems and teach local doctors and nurses new skills. After learning from the ORBIS doctors, they can help more people.Step 5 Use pictures to talk about some important words.Amy wants to tell Daniel

19、about Dr Ma and what he does, but she does not know the meanings of some words in the interview. Help her match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.1. blindness2. cure3. patient4. afford5. on board6. operatea. cut a persons body open to take

20、out or repair a part b. in or on a plane, ship, train, etc.c. make an illness go away d. have enough money to pay for somethinge. a person who is ill, especially in hospitalf. the condition of being unable to seeStep 6 Do some exercisesSkim and write T or F:1. All the eye problems can be cured or pr

21、evented.2. Many people cant afford to go to hospital.3. The plane is used as a hospital and teaching centre.4. ORBIS is a business that helps blind people.5. Local doctors and nurses can help people in poor areas after learning from ORBIS doctors.Step 7 Read and answer some questions.Lines 1-61. How

22、 many people does blindness affect around the world? Where are they mostly from?2. How many sick people can be cured or prevented?3. Why dont some people receive medical treatment?Lines 10-261. Why dont ORBIS doctors work in a hospital?2. How many operations did Dr Ma perform during his last visit?3

23、. Is the plane only a place to perform operations?Step 8 Can you divide the passage?1. (Line 1-6) something about blindness 2. (Line 7-15) the work of ORBIS3. (Line 16-20) Dr Mas work and his feeling 4. (Line 21-26) Dr Mas hopeStep 9 Amy wants to show how ORBIS helps people. She is making a chart. H

24、elp her fill in the blanks with the words in the box. doctors and nurses eye operationseye problems Flying Eye Hospitalnew skills see againMore details about how ORBIS help peopleORBIS, a charityuses its _ to visit poor areastreats people with _does _ on the planeinvites local _ on boardhelps people

25、 _teaches them _Step 10 Amy made some more notes of the interview. Help her put the sentences together. Write the correct letters in the blanks.1. Many more people in poor areas _.2. Dr Ma thinks that most eye problems and diseases _.3. Many blind people do not get any treatment _.4. The ORBIS plane

26、 is used as _.5. One hundred and fifty patients _.6. More money is needed _.a. were operated on during Dr Mas last visitb. a hospital and a treating centrec. because they have no money to go to hospitald. to carry on with the worke. have eye problemsf. can be prevented or curedStep 11 Amy is writing

27、 an article about ORBIS for the school newsletter. Help her plete it with the correct forms of the words in the box.afford board cure medicine patient proud support trainThe ORBIS plane travels all around the world and helps people with eye problems in poor areas. Most of the people there cannot (1) _ to go to hospital, so ORBIS doctors go to them. Operations are done to help people with eye problems see again. The (2) _ do not have to p

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