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1、The superintendent of women nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War Dorothea Dix .美国内战期间,为联邦军队服务的女护士主管人是多罗西亚,迪克斯。Before the automobiles , the horse-drawn carriage was the primary mean of private transportation .在汽车诞生之前,马车是私人运输的基本手段。In the Middle ages , taxes were paid with good rather than mon

2、ey . 在中世纪,缴税用的是货物,而不是钱。The diamond is the hardest substance in natures.钻石是自然界最硬的物质。Sunlights cannot reach far beneath the oceans surface .阳光不能照射到海面之下很远的地方。Mathematic and logic depend extensively on the deductive method of reasoning .数学和逻辑学广泛地依靠推理的演绎方法。The integration of independent states could best

3、 be brought about by first creating a central organization with authorities over technical economic tasks .一些独立国家实现一体化最好的手段可能是首先建立一个具有管理技术经济工作权威的中心组织。Because of its vast tracts of virtually uninhabited northern forest , Canada has one of the lowest population density in the world .加拿大是世界上人口密度最低的地区之一

4、,因为其广阔的北方森林地区实际上无人居住。Johns chance of being elected chairman of the committee is far greater than Dick .约翰当选为委员会主席的可能性比迪克大得多。As far as I am concerned , his politics are rather conservative compared with other politicians .依我看,他的政治观点与其他政治家相比相当保守的。That is a nice watch . It is the same _ . A. as John B.

5、 like John C. as Johns D. like Johns ;Saying only that she was a friend of Mary , she left without giving her name .她没有留名字就离开了,只说她是玛丽的一个朋友。Can I get anything while I am downtown ? Yes ,I need some _ .A. shoe lace B. shoes lace C. shoe laces D. shoes laces Some bloods types are quite common , others

6、are regionally distributed , and others are rare everywhere .有些血型很常见,其他有些血型的分布具有地区性,还有一些血型在任何地方都是罕见的。Idaho ranks first among the states in potatoes production . 爱达荷州的马铃薯产量名列各州之首。Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the _ movie could not hold our attention .A. three-hours B. three-hou

7、r C. three-hours D. three-hours What did the professor tell you to do ? I had to write a _ report . A .two-thousand-word B. two-thousand-words C. two-thousands word D.two-thousand word Peanuts grow in long , bright green rows on 18-inches-high bushes .花生一簇簇地排成长长的行生长,绿油油的,有18英寸高。What is in your hand

8、? Its a _ bill . A. two-thousand-dollar B. two-thousand dollars C. two thousand dollar D. two-thousand-dollars Jim was late for 2 classes this morning . He said that he forgot both of the _ .A. room number B. room number C. rooms numbers D. room numbers Where are you going to do your shopping ? I am

9、 going to the _A shoes store B shoe store C shoes stores D. shoes store Are those men in the blue uniforms policemen ? Oh , no ; theyre _A bus drivers B buses drivers C. bus driver D buses driver Young readers , more often than not , find the novels of Dickens far more exciting than Thackeray . 实用英语

10、 语法精讲班第2讲讲义001 代词篇代词篇:避免重复的体现一 注意事项:通常情况下,一个句子中不能出现2个同样的名词,把其中的一个名词用代词来替代;代替名词的词,甚至在文章中的代替可以替代一句话或以段文字 ;二 功能作用:分类学习代词1.物主代词 :形容词性物主代词 + 名称 ;名词性物主代词单独使用2. one , any/some , many/much/most , + of the Ns ;few/a few , little/ a little , fewer/less , this /that , these /those ;3.两者 either /both /neither o

11、f ;否定 no one , nobody , none ;4. other , the other /another , others , the others 5. it 三 考题部分:While studying the chemistry of human body , Dr. Rosalyn Yalow won a Nobel Prize for the research she conducted on the role of hormones . 罗莎琳,雅罗博士在研究人体化学组成的过程中,因为荷尔蒙的作用所进行的研究而获得了一项诺贝尔奖。The computer has bro

12、ught about surprising technological changes _ we organize and produce information . A. in a way B. in the way C. in that way D. in no way 在组织和提供信息的方式方面,计算机带来了惊人的技术变革。The Earth travels at a high rate of speed around Sun .地球以很高的速率绕太阳旋转。The Straits of Mackinac is a crucial link in the water route that

13、leads from Lake Michigan to Atlantic Ocean .麦基诺水道是由密歇根湖通向大西洋的水上通道中最至关紧要的一环。Halifax is largest city and chief port of Nova Scotia and is the eastern terminus of Canadas two great railway systems .哈利法克斯是新思科舍省的最大城市和主要港口,也是加拿大两大铁路系统的东部终点站。The constitution of 1897 , under which Delaware is now governed ,

14、 is fourth constitution in the history of the state .现在用来治理特拉华州的1897年宪法是该州历史上第四部宪法。Both as a hobby and as a profession , photography has fascinated people for more than hundred years .摄影既是一种爱好,又是一种职业,一百多年来一直使人们着迷。All the blood in the body passes through the heart at least twice the minute .人体中的全部血液每

15、分钟至少流经心脏两次。Magazines provide the wide variety of information and entertainment .杂志可提供各种各样的信息和娱乐。Most countries depend to few extent on cereal imports to augment their own crops .大多数国家都在某种程度上依靠谷物进口来补充自己的作物。Do you have _ milk ? A any B any of C some of D some Historians have never reached some general

16、 agreement about the precise causes of the Civil War in the United States .关于美国内战的确切起因,历史学家们从来没有取得过普遍一致的意见。_ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question .A Each B Any C Either D One The medicine is on sale everywhere . You can get it at _ chemistsThere were so much peopl

17、e trying to leave the burning building that the police had a great deal of trouble controlling them .许多人都试图离开那栋着火的大楼,警察在控制他们时遇到了很大的麻烦。Since the 1950s , folk music has had a significant influence on many popular vocal and instrumental music .自从20世纪50年代以来,民间音乐对许多流行的乐器和声乐一直具有重要的作用。It is reported that _

18、 adopted children want to know who their natural parents are .据报道,大多数被收养的儿童都想知道自己的亲生父母是谁。A the most B most of C most D the most of Generally speaking , tax returns must be filed annually , but in few cases they must be submitted every six months .一般来说,纳税申报单必须每年提交一次,但是在一些情况下,必须每六个月提交一次。What do you us

19、ually do after dinner ? I usually listen to _ music .A little B few C a few D a little Because there are less members present tonight than there were last night , we must wait until the next meeting to vote .由于今晚出席的成员比昨天晚上少,我们必须等到下次会议在投票。_ ballet dancers learn five basic positions for the arms and f

20、eet . A All of B Of every C All D Every Since Alaska attained statehood in 1959 _ single party has dominated politics there. 自从阿拉斯加于1959年获得了州的地位以来,任何单一的政党都没有对那里的政治起过决定性的影响。A none B no C not D never _ of the two books holds the opinion that the danger of nuclear war is increasing .这两本书都不认为核战争的危险正在增加。

21、A None B Either C Both D. Neither Although some critics viewed Ernest Hemingway as an overrated writer , other thought him a truly gifted novelist .尽管有些评论家海明威看作是一位被高估了的作家,但是其他评论家仍然认为他是个天才。How many books does he have ? He possesses _ books .A plenty of B very much C a great deal of D an amount of The

22、 number of errors were made by both teams .两个队犯了一些错误。A number of errors made by him was surprising .他犯错误的数目惊人。A number of those who study engineering is increasing steadily .学习工程的人的数量正在稳定增加。The amount of endangered species increases every year as natural habitats disappear .随着天然栖息地的消失,濒危物种的数量每年都在增加。

23、It is a pity that we should stay at home when we have _ weather .A so fine B such a fine C such fine D. so fine a Science fiction is any fiction dealing with the future or with so imaginative subjects as interstellar travel , life on the planets , or time travel .凡是描写关于未来,或者关于星际旅行,行星上的生活或时间旅行之类的虚构题材

24、小说,都是科幻小说。By 1990 , production in the area is expected to double _ of 1980 .A that B it C one D what These televisions are quite popular in Europe , but those ones are not . 这些电视机在欧洲很受欢迎,哪些则不行。A good writer is _ who can express the common place in an uncommon way . A that B he C one D this 002 形容词篇形

25、容词篇注意事项 :等于定语,表.的 ;功能作用 :修饰名称 ;其它功能;A beautiful girl , a large panda ;a word-famous magazine , a three-hour movie ;a village pub , a school building , a government department , a language school ;形容词作状语 :和句子主语有关I left home hungry . Very excited , Jane attended the party . His parents saw him at the

26、station surprised .Tired , I went home . My friend arrived at school thirsty .实用英语语法精讲班第3讲讲义一般过去时一般过去时:Last week,I went to the theatre.I had a good seat.The play was very interesting.I didnt enjoy it.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.I got very angry.I cou

27、ld not hear the actors.I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily.They didnot pay any attention.In the end,I couldnot bear it.I turned round again.I cant hear a word.I said angrily.Its none of your business.The young man said rudely.s a private conversation!上个礼拜 last week ;昨天 yesterday

28、 ;上个月 last month ;去年 last year ;昨天早上 yesterday moring ;昨天下午 yesterday afternoon ;I went to the theater /cinema /pictures / movies / films ;Postcards always spoil my holidays.Last summer,I went to Italy.I visited the museums and sat in public gardens.A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian

29、.Then he lent me a book.I read a few lines.I did not understand a word.Everyday I thought about postcards.On the last day,I made a big decision.I got up early and bought thiry-seven cards.I spent the whole day in my room,but I did not write a single card!Last summer /winter ;去年暑假 Last summer holiday

30、 ;总结一般过去时 :强调动作发生在过去 ;助动词 did ;时间标志 : last + 时间 / just now / the other day / then / at that time / 时间 ago / yesterday / this morning ;练习:My friend ,_ (die) last year . He _(leave) me his CD player and his collection of CDs . Roy _(spend ) a lot of money on CDs . He _( buy ) one or two new CDs every week . He never _(go) to the cinema or to the theatre . He _ (stay ) at home every evening and _( listen ) to music . He often _ ( lend ) CDs to his frineds . Sometimes

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