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习题牛津版模块六 Unit 1单元加餐练一二Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Gray suggests this is not merely because it is a positive experience, but because of the physiology (生理机能) _16_ a good laugh. It actually triggers the release of the socalled “happy hormone” endorphin.The findings _17_ the idea that laughter encourages people to make closer disclosures to strangers.

2、_18_, researchers discovered the sharing of the information _19_ so naturally that the person who disclosed information was seldom aware that he or she had done so. It was only the listener who _20_ that it had happened.语篇解读:和别人分享笑声会让对方更容易告诉你他们的私人事情,从而加深对他们的了解。1. A. confident B. willingC. comfortabl

3、e D. afraid解析:选B分享一些咯咯笑和轻笑使人们更愿意告诉别人一些他们的私人事情。be willing to do sth.“愿意做某事”。2. A. naturally B. consequentlyC. necessarily D. originally选C甚至人们不一定意识到他们正在这样做。necessarily“一定”。下文中的“was seldom aware that he or she had done so”也是提示。3. A. opening up B. picking upC. holding up D. taking up选A口头向某人畅所欲言是帮助建立新关系和

4、加强社交联系的重要部分。open up to sb.“向某人畅所欲言、直抒胸臆”。4. A. fills B. increasesC. raises D. strengthens选D参见上题解析。strengthen social bonds“加强社交联系”。5. A. sensitive B. reasonableC. rare D. special选A这种自我揭露可能是属于高度敏感性质的。根据下文的“religious beliefs or personal fears”可以判断该空选sensitive“敏感的”。6. A. reason B. influenceC. secret D.

5、possibility选B下文介绍了笑所产生的影响,所以用influence。7. A. chose B. studiedC. interviewed D. divided选D根据下文的“into groups of four”可知选D。divide .into .“把分成”。8. A. catering B. appealingC. chatting D. referring选C根据上文的“only watched a 10minute video”,同时结合选项可知,在实验过程中他们只看录像,彼此不交谈。9. A. ranged B. differed C. ended D. failed

6、选B根据下文中的“One .another .the third .”可知答案。differ in .“在方面不同”。10. A. caused B. coveredC. lacked D. meant选A分析句子结构可知,they_10_是定语从句。此处指这一切都是they (videos) 所带来的,所以选A。11. A. intended B. centeredC. featured D. applied选C根据上文中的“the amount of laughter”可知,feature“特点是,以为特征”,符合语境。12. A. Before B. AfterC. Upon D. At

7、选B在观看录像之后,然后测量笑的程度和参与者的情绪状态。故After符合语境。13. A. counted B. describedC. measured D. determined选C参见上题解析。measure“测量,度量”。14. A. message B. reportC. notice D. account选A根据下文中的“help them get to know each other better”可知,message “信息,消息”符合语境。15. A. nearer B. longerC. greater D. closer选D根据下文中的“make closer discl

8、osures”可知答案。16. A. over B. behindC. beside D. with选B这不仅仅因为那是一种积极的体验,也因为笑背后所隐含的生理机能。behind“在背后(用于表示某事背后的原因)”。17. A. support B. produceC. release D. identity选A这些研究发现证明了笑鼓励人们对陌生人进行更近的接触这一观点。support“证明,证实”。18. A.Therefore B. HoweverC. Anyhow D. Furthermore选D分析前后两句的逻辑关系可知,此处表递进,故用Furthermore。此外,研究者们发现分享信

9、息发生得如此自然,以至于公开信息的人几乎没有意识到他/她已经那样做了。19. A. existed B. disappearedC. occurred D. lastedoccur“发生”。20. A. declared B. realizedC. thought D. suggested选B此处和上文的aware对应,所以用realized。.阅读理解A British man who lived in the Alps as a goat for three days has won one of this years Ig Nobel prizes (搞笑诺贝尔奖). Tom Thwai

10、tes had special prostheses (假肢) made so that he could walk like an animal. The socalled awards, which are not quite as famous as the real Nobels, were handed out during their annual ceremony at Harvard University.Other studies honored during the event examined the personalities of rocks, and how the

11、 world looks when you bend over and view it through your legs. On the surface, all the celebrated research sounds a bit foolish, but a lot of it, when examined closely, is actually intended to deal with realworld problems.Goatman Tom Thwaites actually shares his biology prize with another Briton, Ch

12、arles Foster, who also has spent time in the wild trying to experience life from an animals perspective.Mr Thwaites said his effort was initially an attempt to escape the stress of modern living, but then became a passion (热爱). He spent a year researching the idea, and even persuaded an expert in pr

13、ostheses, Dr Glyn Heath at Salford University, to build him a set of goat legs. Fascinating, though a little ridiculous, was Mr Thwaites evaluation on the whole adventure. He developed a strong bond with one animal in particular a “goat brother”, but also very nearly kicked off a big fight at one po

14、int. “I was just sort of walking around, you know, chewing grass, and just looked up and then suddenly realised that everyone else had stopped chewing and there was this tension which I hadnt kind of noticed before and then one or two of the goats started tossing their horns (摇晃它们的角) around and I th

15、ink I was about to get in a fight,” he told BBC News.英国一名男子在阿尔卑斯山区和一群山羊生活了三天,并因此获得了今年的搞笑诺贝尔生物学奖。1. What can we know about the socalled Ig Nobel prizes?A. The awards are as popular as the real Nobels.B. A ceremony of the awards is held every year.C. The awards were handed out in the UK last year.D. H

16、arvard University is the awards birthplace.选B细节理解题。根据第一段“The socalled awards, which are not quite as famous as the real Nobels, were handed out during their annual ceremony at Harvard University.”可知,所谓的“搞笑诺贝尔奖”并不像真正的诺贝尔奖那么有名,其奖项在美国哈佛大学每年举行的颁奖典礼上颁发。2. What did the studies mentioned in the passage hav

17、e in common?A. They seemed foolish, but had good aims.B. They examined the personalities of rocks.C. They made people bend over and view things through legs.D. They advised people to experience life from animals eyes.选A细节理解题。根据第二段“On the surface, all the celebrated research sounds a bit foolish, but

18、 a lot of it, when examined closely, is actually intended to deal with realworld problems.”可知,乍一看,所有这些被评奖的研究听起来都有一点愚蠢,但是细细思考一下,它们中的许多都旨在解决现实生活中的问题。可见这些研究的共同点是:看似愚蠢,但目标是好的。3. What did Tom Thwaites share with Charles Foster?A. The life with goats.B. The goats perspective.C. The passion in animals.D. T

19、he biology prize.选D细节理解题。根据第三段“Goatman Tom Thwaites actually shares his biology prize with another Briton, Charles Foster, who also has spent time in the wild trying to experience life from an animals perspective.”可知,实际上“羊人”Tom Thwaites和另一名英国人Charles Foster一起获得了搞笑诺贝尔生物学奖。Charles Foster也曾花了一些时间,试图在野外

20、从动物的角度来体验生活。由此可知,二人分享的是奖项。但并不能看出Charles Foster也是跟羊一起生活。4. What can we know from the last paragraph?A. Tom Thwaites had experienced great life pressure.B. Tom Thwaites felt satisfied with this experience.C. Tom Thwaites was always fond of raising goats.D. Tom Thwaites fought with two goats and won.选B

21、推理判断题。根据最后一段“Fascinating, though a little ridiculous, was Mr Thwaites evaluation on the whole adventure.”可知,尽管有一点荒谬,Tom Thwaites对他的冒险之旅的评价是:令人着迷。由此可推知,他对自己的这段经历很满意。加餐练(二)主观题规范增分练.语法填空Kenneth Williams _1_ (consider) one of the greatest British comedy actors of the twentieth century. His voice is his

22、outstanding gift; it virtually defined him as a _2_ (perform). Williams would often spend weeks deciding how a character should sound and this “voice” determined his approach to each role. _3_ even after he had chosen his “voice”, he didnt always stick to it. In the middle of _4_ single performance,

23、 he would sometimes change the tone or speed of his speech, for _5_ (great) comic effect. While still a beginner, he felt he should be given the freedom to do as he wished on stage and often _6_ (ignore) his directors instructions. This greatly annoyed some directors, who refused _7_ (work) with him

24、. Sometimes, he would completely ignore the script and make up his own lines during performance. Although he was proud of his ability to go “off scripts”, he became extremely angry if other actors tried to do the same, _8_ (argue) that they were simply not good at it.Williams loved to make his audie

25、nce laugh. When performing a scene _9_ there were few laughs, he would often make up _10_ own jokes, which always entertained the audience, but sometimes also ruined the scene.1. is considered分析句子结构可知空格处作谓语,主语是Williams,和所填词consider之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,be considered .是固定结构,意为“被认为是”。因为本句是对人物的评价,所以使用一般现在时的被

26、动语态,即is considered。2. performer冠词a修饰名词,所以填perform的名词形式,其名词形式有两个,一个是performance,另一个是performer,根据句意可知他被定义为一个表演家,所以填performer。3. But上句说声音决定了他对角色的要求,本句说即使他选择了声音之后,他也没有一直用这种声音,前后句之间是转折关系,并且空格后没有逗号,所以填but。4. a空格后的performance意为“表演”,是可数名词,所以要用a修饰,表示泛指,指“在一次单独表演中”。5. greater根据句意“在一次单独表演中间,他有时会改变音调或者语速来达到更好的喜剧效果”可知,空格处应使用比较级,即greater。6. ignored根据本句中and前面的时态可知,这里在描述过去的事情,所以这里要继续使用一般过去时,所填词和主语he之间是主动关系,所以用主动语态,即ignored。7. to workrefuse to d

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