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七年级英语Im more outgoing than my sister测试题Word下载.docx

1、 A. brothers B. friends C. twin sisters ( ) 4. Do they like their mother? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. Sometimes.( ) 5. Are they both good at music?A. Yes, they are. B. No, Tim isnt. C. No, Jim isnt.卷II 笔答部分(共100分)I. 选择填空 (20分)() 1. Its not important _ the same in a friendship. A. is B. be

2、C. to be D. being( ) 2. Im _ than my sister.A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. outgoinger D. the outgoing( ) 3. Thanks for _ after my dog.A. look B. looking C. looked D. to look( ) 4. Lily is as _ as her mother.A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. much beautiful D. a little( ) 5. Bob is _ in this _ comput

3、er game.A. interested; interested B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interesting D. interesting; interested ( ) 6. The _ you study, the _ grades you will get. A. harder; better B. hard; good C. harder; good D. hard; better ( ) 7. What _ things do you need? I dont need anything _.A. else; oth

4、er B. other; else C. else; else D. other; other ( ) 8. _ of people are standing there watching the big screen.A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Two hundreds D. Two hundred ( ) 9. Watching comedies can make you _.A. being happy B. to be happy C. happiness D. happy ( ) 10. Can you please stop _? I want to go

5、to bed. A. watching TV B. to watch TV C. watch TV D. of watching TVII. 完型填空(10分)One Sunday morning Liu Le and his mother went _ 1_ a clothing store. She wanted _2_ Liu Le a new shirt. Mrs. Li put her bag on a chair _ 3_she chose some shirts. She could not see _ 4_ she liked and went away. Suddenly(突

6、然) she said, “Where is my bag? Oh, someone must_ 5_ it away!”All the other people in the store stopped_ 6_ and looked at her. Liu Le ran after the man at once(立刻). A few minutes _ 7_, Liu Le came back with _ 8_. He _ 9_ it to his mother. Luckily, nothing is lost. From then on, his mother is _ 10_ wi

7、th her things. ( ) 1. A. by B. on C. to( ) 2. A. to buy B. to give C. to take( ) 3. A. so B. but C. when( ) 4. A. some B. any shirts C. any bags( ) 5. A. went B. take C. took( ) 6. A. sitting B. thinking C. talking( ) 7. A. after B. later C. next( ) 8. A. the bag B. the shirt C. the man( ) 9. A. giv

8、e B. gave C. take( ) 10. A. more careful B. more carefully C. carefullyIII. 阅读理解(10分) Jenny liked to wear her hair very short. Some of her friends thought that it looked like a boys hair, but they never made jokes about it, because Jenny was a big, strong young woman and she didnt think jokes about

9、her hair funny. Jenny always went to the barbers shop once two weeks to have her hair cut and washed. So she and the barbers became t good friends. But now, she didnt come for along time. One day a woman with long curly hair came into the barbers room. Of course no one recognized her. And the barber

10、s were all surprised to learn that it was Jenny. She said she came to say a good news that she would marry (结婚) week. And she said she was thankful for the long hair. Because the long hair made her look like a real girl. ( ) 1. Jenny often _A. wore her hair very long B. wore her hair very shortC. ha

11、d her hair cut very short D. made jokes about others hair ( ) 2. Jenny was a _.A. young and small girl B. young and strong man C. fat and tall man D. big woman( ) 3. Jenny wanted the barber to have her hair cut _.A. every week B. every two weeks C. every two months D. every month( ) 4. If Jenny cuts

12、 her hair _.A. nobody would like herB. she was like a boy C. everybody would like her betterD. everybody would like her hair( ) 5. Jenny went to the barbers to _. A. tell good newsB. cut her hairC. visit her friendsD. wash her hairIV. 根据括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)1. I have _ (curly) hair than my sister.2. H

13、e studies as _ (good) as his best friend.3. All of the girls enjoy _ (be) beautiful.4. In some ways, the twins are _ (difference) from each other.5. The sad movie made me _ (cry). 6. If you want to improve your English, you must _ (practice) it more.7. The more you eat the _ (fat) you will be.8. She

14、 is _ (calm) than me.9. She speaks English better than _ (I).10. Tom is a little _ (tall) than last year.V. 补全对话(10分)A: Hi, Jim._1_.B: _2_. Do you like to make friends? Yes, I like to do it very much. Because Im an outgoing boy. _3_. I dont like to make friends who are different from me. And I like

15、friends who are outgoing, interesting and very funny. Ok. I am the same as you. _4_. Sure. You know, I am the best player in our school basketball team. Yes, and you are handsome, too. _5_. You are welcome. A: Are you popular in your school? B: What kind of friends do you like? C: May I ask you some

16、 questions? D: Of course. E: Thanks for your answers. F: How old are you? G: Are you good at math? VI. 对话排序(10分) Yes, I do. I hear that your sister is more outgoing than you.C: Yes, she likes to make friends and listen to loud music. Im quieter than her.D: Do you have a twin sister?E: Do you look th

17、e same?F: Yes, we have many things in common. Sometimes, my parents cant call the right names.G: Yes, you are right. She is clever but I work harder than herH: I guess you study better than her.VII. 连词组句(15分)1. very, classmates , friendly, all, are, My_.2., English, better, than, my speaking, is, Li

18、stening_.3. same, your, mother, you, look, the, as,4. comedy, very, the, is, funny, really_.5. I, its, to, eat, less, meat. dont, important, think, _.VIII. 书面表达(15分) Tim 跟Tom是 一对双胞胎兄弟,Tim比Tom大5分钟。写一下他们的相同点跟不同点。相同点:长相一样,都喜欢踢足球,学习刻苦,都讨厌吃肉类食物跟垃圾食品。不同点:Tim活泼外向,喜欢音乐跟体育。Tom 安静,擅长英语跟语文。 Tim 喜欢度假,露营,Tom 喜欢在

19、家看电视或去看电影。_听材料:I. 1. My brother is taller than me.2. Tina has long and curly hair. 3. We are both girls.4. My father wants me to get a job as a doctor.5. The movie makes me laugh.II. 1. Who is taller, Jim or Mary?2. Are you as good at English as your sister?3. You have a twin brother, dont you?4. Do

20、 you like to make new friends?5. Why do you like comedies?III. Tim and Jim are twin brothers. They are fifteen years old. Jim is only ten minutes older than Tom. So he is the brother. Most of the time, they can be friendly to each other. But sometimes they also fight. Jim is more outgoing. So he doe

21、snt like to be in a quiet room. But Tim is quiet he doesnt like to make parties or bring friends to home. However, they have a common room. Sometimes Tim really hates Jim. Tim is better in English and math. Jim is better at PE. and music. His mother wants his two sons to be healthy and happy. She is

22、 never angry with them. So they both like her.参考答案卷I 听力部分I. 1-5 DCAFB II. 1-5 A ABAB III. 1-5 A A A A B卷II 笔答部分I. 1-5 CBBAC 6-10 ABBDAII1-5 CACBB 6-10 CBABAIII. 1-5 BDBBAIV. 1. curlier 2. well 3. being 4. different 5. cry 6. practice 7. fatter 8. calmer 9. me 10. tallerV. 1-5 CDBAE VI. DAEFBCHGVII.

23、1. My classmates are all friendly.2. My speaking English is better than listening.3. You look the same as your mother.4. The comedy is really very funny.5. I dont think its important to eat less meat.VIII. Tim and Tom are twin brothers. Tim is five minutes older than Tom. They look the same. Sometim

24、es, other people can hardly recognize them. But they also have something different. Tim is more outgoing than Tom. And he likes going camping and going for vocations. Tom is quiet. He doesnt like going out. He likes to stay at home to read, watch TV or watch movies. Tim is good at music and P.E. Tom is good at English and Chinese. All his classmates love them very much. 希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。

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