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1、试卷以选择题、填空题和判断题组成。安排各自任课老师监考。3) 口语测试成绩满分100:每学期分三次测试,每讲完四单元考一次,任课老师自己出题随堂考试当场打分。4) 平时表现成绩满分100:课堂问答及作业打分细则:满分A+=100,优秀A=95,A-=90;良好B+=85,B=80,B-=75;及格C+=70,C=65,C-=60;不及格D=60分以下;考勤及课堂纪律扣分细则:迟到早退每次扣5分,无故旷课每次扣10分,上课睡觉、聊天、玩手机、看课程内容以外的书籍每次扣5分。到期末时累计每次扣分总数从平时表现总成绩里扣除。3、考试时间:120分钟4、试题总数:7题5、命题的指导思想和原则以每单元的

2、重点,难点为核心,并保证知识覆盖面涉及整本教材,强调语言测试的交际性原则,逐步加大语言交际能力考查的力度。试卷分为语言知识、阅读理解和书面表达等部分:语言知识、阅读理解部分的选材来自真实情境,题意明确;书面表达部分所给材料也需注重真实性,但是尊重考生的认知程度,以有利于考生充分表达。英语试题将凸显口语交际性原则,即使在语言知识部分的单项试题中,也将体现情境和语言理解。四、试题结构(内容、题型、分数分配) 序号题 型分数分配备 注1选择题20分2补全对话3选词填空10分4词汇5阅读理解6句型转换7作文 10分总分数100分五、考试要求 一、语言知识要求考生能够适当运用基本的语言及语法知识,掌握2

3、800左右的词汇及相关词缀二、 阅读要求考生读懂一般难度的文字材料,考生应能:(1) 理解主旨要义;(2) 理解文中具体信息;(3) 根据上下文推断生词的词义;(4) 做出简单判断和推理;(5) 理解文章的基本结构;(6) 理解作者的意图和态度。三、写作要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。考生应能:(1)基本准确地使用语法和词汇;(2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。六、考试内容 点击职业英语第一册1.Unit One Welcome to L.A. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to make introductions2) How

4、to ask about and identify people3) How to talk about occupations4) Use present tense statements5) Listening in context6) How to grasp the main idea of a text7) The usage of key words and expressions8) How to write addresses 2.Unit Two This isnt your apartment! 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How t

5、o identify things and groups of people2) How to talk about possession3) How to talk about family4) Use demonstratives5) Use possessive adjectives6) Listening in context7) How to grasp the main idea of a text8) How to write about your family3.Unit Three Wheres the phone?1) How to talk about location2

6、) How to ask questions about location3) How to make telephone call4) Questions with where and responses with in and at5) Questions with who and what8) The usage of key words and expressions.9) How to write for rent ads4. Unit Four Lets go rollerblading. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to talk

7、about activities2) How to ask and answer questions about activities3) How to make and respond to suggestions4) Use present continuous expressions5) Use questions and answers in the present continuous9) How to write e-mails at home and at work5. Unit Five Can you sing and dance?1) How to talk about t

8、hings you can do and cant do2) How to talk about nationalities and where people are from3) Use can and cant to ask and answer questions4) Listening in context5) How to grasp the main idea of a text6) The usage of key words and expressions.7) How to write sentences about ability 6. Unit Six Whats it

9、like?2) How to describe places3) Use prepositions in, on and near to4) Use be+adjective and there is/are7) The usage of key words and expressions.8) How to write sentences with adjectives to describe places7. Unit Seven A sandwich and some coffee?考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to talk about f

10、ood2) How to talk about location3) Shopping in a supermarket4) How to talk about clothes and colors5) Use prepositions across from and next to6) Use countable and uncountable nouns7) Listening in context8) How to grasp the main idea of a text9) The usage of key words and expressions.10) How to write

11、 sentences to describe people with expressions about clothes and colors8. Unit Eight Jason doesnt have any lines. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to talk about daily life2) How to ask questions about daily life3) How to ask for and give opinions4) Use simple present5) Use yes/no questions and

12、questions with what9) How to write sentences to describe television programs and habits9. Unit Nine Dont eat it all!1) How to give instructions2) How to ask about quantity and number3) Use imperatives4) Use simple present questions with how much/many5) Commenting on smell, taste and look9) How to wr

13、ite about your favorite dish10. Unit Ten You dont look well. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to order in a restaurant2) How to talk about how often things happen3) How to talk about health problems and give advice4) Use would like5) Use adverbs of frequency9) How to write about your problem to

14、 a doctor11. Unit Eleven Oops!Where did our website go?1) How to talk about the past2) How to talk about the seasons and weather3) Use past tense7) How to write your opinion of the thing in a picture12. Unit Twelve Im going to call her. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to talk about future plan

15、s and intentions2) How to talk about people and things3) How to talk about feelings4) Use be going to+verb5) Use be going to+verb9) How to write about your plans点击职业英语第二册1. Unit One Great movie!1) How to talk about past events2) How to make invitations3) How to talk about movies4) Use simple past te

16、nse 7) The usage of the words and expressions 8) How to narrate2. Unit Two Wheres the Walk of Fame?1) How to describe location2) How to ask about location3) How to ask for and give directions4) Use there is/are+ a/one/a lot of/ any8) How to write detailed directions3. Unit Three Were jogging at Grif

17、fith Park.考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to talk about healthy eating habits and exercise2) How to make suggestions3) How to make excuses4) How to give explanations5) The comparison between simple present and present continuous 6) Use why dont to make suggestions and excuses10) How to write r

18、easons to support your opinion4. Unit Four They want a taller model. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to ask for and get information in a store2) How to make comparisons3) How to explaining problems with clothes4) How to make choices5) Use adjectives of comparison6) Use too+ adjective and not e

19、nough7) The expressions for describe clothes8) Listening in context9) How to grasp the main idea of a text10) The usage of key words and expressions.11) How to write advertisements5. Unit Five I love the holidays. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to describe objects2) How to talk about holidays

20、3) How to talk about what things are made of4) Use nouns as adjectives5) Use superlatives9) How to write your worst vacation6. Unit Six We should take a vacation. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to talk about possibility2) How to make weather predictions3) How to make suggestions for vacation

21、plans4) How to ask about tourist attractions5) Use questions with models6) Use models to talk about possibility 10) The expressions to ask about tourist attractions11) How to write a list of special tourist attractions7. Unit Seven Casey! Watch out!1) How to talk about future plans and schedules2) H

22、ow to give warnings3) How to talk about frequency4) How to give advice5) Use be verb+ -ing with future meaning6) Use questions with how often 10) The expressions of housework11) How to write household problems in a letter and ask for advice about it8. Unit Eight I made my reservation two weeks ago.

23、考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to ask about travel2) How to express length of time3) How to make and respond to polite requests4) Use questions and answers with when and how long ago7) The usage of the words and expressions given in the text 8) How to write a travel journal9. Unit Nine Im wor

24、ried about my future. 考察对本单元的核心短语、核心句型与核心词汇与语法点的掌握与了解1) How to explain wishes and desires2) How to express dissatisfactions and concern3) Contrasting would like to+ verb with like to+ verb4) Use know how to+ verb to talk about ability5) Listening in context 8) Use expressions to express dissatisfactions and concern9) How to write an e-mail for job query

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