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1、二是表示客观事实、真理,介绍一种理论或说明某人的一种兴趣爱好、品行、性质特征等时用一般现在时态。2) 一般过去时态表示在过去某时刻发生的动作或存在的状态,也就是说一般过去时表示动作的全过程在过去已经结束,不论及对现在的影响,也不能延续到现在。3) 现在完成时态有两种用法:一是表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响;二是表示从过去开始一直延续到现在的动作。本题为第一个用法。decide 对现在的影响是:I really believe him. 4) 过去完成时态表示在过去某一时刻以前已经开始并一直延续到这一时刻,或是在这一时刻以前已经完成的动作,简单地说就是在过去的过去发生的动作。过去完成时是一种相对

2、的时态,它必须有一个过去的动作为参照,比这个过去的参照动作更早的动作才能用过去完成时。本题没有过去的动作为参照,所以A选项无从谈起。? 下面请看变形练习:第一组:1) I_ in London for many years, but Ive never regretted my final decision to move back to China. 2) I_ in London for many years, and Ill return to China next month. A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. had lived 分析 1

3、) 根据语境判断出“我”现在已经不在伦敦了,虽然有for many years 作状语,仍然用一般过去时态,所以选A。2) 根据语境判断“我”在伦敦住了很多年了,而且现在还在伦敦居住。本题考查的是现在完成时的第二种用法, 所以选C。第二组:1) Ive seen very little of Mary recently. How is she going?She was happier than she_ when I saw her the other day. 2) Ive seen very little of Mary recently. How is she going?She is

4、 happier than she_. 3) Ive seen very little of Mary recently . How is she going?She_ happy since I last saw her. A. isB. was C. has beenD. had been 分析 1) 根据语境:当“我”在几天前看见她时,她比原先快乐了。本句有一般过去时She was happier作为参照,所以选择过去完成时态的D。2)she is happier是选择的关键,is 和was形成对比,所以选B。3)选择的关键是since I last saw her,也就是说,“自从我上

5、次见到她,到现在她一直很高兴”,所以选择现在完成时态的C。第三组:1) The flowers were so lovely that they_ in no time. 2) The flowers were so lovely that they_ before I bought some. 3) Why dont you buy some flowers?What a pity! All the flowers_. 4) Why dont you buy some flowers?Oh, I got to the flower shop late! The flowers_ on Sun

6、days before 5 p.m. A. have been sold out B. had been sold out C. were sold out D. are sold out 分析 1) 根据语境,花被卖的动作发生在过去,所以选C。2) 本句有过去的动作I bought some作为参照,因此判断出花被卖的动作发生在过去的过去,所以选B。3) 花被卖的动作虽然发生在过去,但是对现在存在着影响:I dont buy any flowers,所以选A。4) 根据语境,花在每星期日下午五点前卖完,表达的是经常性或习惯性的动作,所以选D。请再看下面一道题:I know a little

7、bit about Italy as my wife and I_ there several years ago. A. goB. had been C. wentD. have been 分析 根据时间状语several years ago 判断出答案肯定是C。而有些同学认为选择B或D,因为他们认为后半句的意思是:因为“我”和“我”妻子几年前已经去过那了。误认为凡是翻译成“已经”就应该用完成时态,而忽视了时间状语的作用。下面我们看一下常与上文四种时态连用的副词和时间状语:1) 经常与一般现在时态连用的副词和时间状语有:always, every time, now and then, oc

8、casionally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually等。2) 典型的一般过去时的时间状语有:yesterday, last year, last night, the other day, just now, then, two days ago, in 1999, at that time, in the past, in the morning等。3) 典型的现在完成时态的时间状语有:already, never, lately/recently, in the last/past few years/days ., up to/till now, s

9、o far, twice/three times ., since 1895 ., since three years ago和“since +从句”作状语时主句用现在完成时态,在“It/This is the +序数词+time+that从句”结构中必须使用现在完成时态等。 注意:* “yet/just/for+时间段”,all day等是非典型时间状语。* since从句不用完成时态,而用一般过去时态。4) 典型的过去完成时态的时间状语有:.before, by the end of last year/week .,“by the time +一般过去时态的简单句”,在“It/This

10、was the +序数词+time+that 从句”结构中必须使用过去完成时态等。1) He_ football regularly for many years when he was young. 2) He_ football regularly for many years since he was young. A. plays B. played C. has played D. had played 分析 1) 根据明显的过去时间状语when he was young判断出:他年轻时踢了很多年足球(而现在已经不踢了),所以选择B;2)根据时间状语since he was youn

11、g判断出:从年轻时起(到现在),他踢了很多年足球了,所以选C。1) This is the first time we_ a film in the cinema together as a family. 2) This was the first time we_ a film in the cinema together as a family. A. seeB. had seen C. sawD. have seen 分析 “This is the +序数词+time+that从句”是固定句式,当主句谓语为is时,that从句必须用现在完成时态;当主句谓语为was时,that从句必须用

12、过去完成时态,所以1)选D,2)选B。1) It_ often said that the earth moves around the sun. 2) It_ once said that the sun moves around the earth. 分析 1) 根据副词often判断出用一般现在时态,所以选A;2) 根据副词once(曾经)判断出用一般过去时态,所以选B。背诵经典例句:1) John and I have been friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party.

13、But we had seen each other a couple of times before that. 分析 第一空have been friends强调“做朋友”从过去开始一直延续到现在;第二空强调过去结束的动作;第三空强调在过去的过去完成的动作,时间状语是before that。2) Darling, where have you put the key to the door? I cant find it anywhere. Oh, I put it here, but it is gone now. 分析 第一空用现在完成时态,因为put 的动作对现在存在影响,影响是:哪

14、儿都找不到门钥匙了。第二空用一般过去时态,强调放钥匙的动作在过去已经结束, 并与第三空的is gone形成鲜明的对比。巩 固 训 练 1. Look, what is she doing?She is staring at the painting, wondering where she_ it. A. sawB. has seen C. seesD. had seen 2. _ go to see the film “Transformers 2” last night?No, I_ it twice. A. Did you go; have seen B. Have you seen;

15、saw C. Had you seen;D. Do you go;3. You were not in yesterday afternoon. Seems you went to the library?Yes, I_ reading books. A. have liked B. had liked C. liked D. like 4. The robber_ and nowhere to be found when the police arrived. A. have escaped B. escaped C. had escaped D. would escape 5. Have

16、you read a book called “All Over”?I am afraid not. Who_ it?A. writesB. wrote C. has writtenD. had written 6. According to the literary review, J.K. Rowling_ Harry Potter and other characters live through their languages in her plays. A. will make B. had made C. made D. makes 7. I was watching the ma

17、tch between the Houston Rockets and the Lakers. So I dont know exactly how it_. A. had happened B. happens C. happened D. has happened 8. He talks with Russians freely because he lived in Russia. Really? How long_ there?A. does he live B. is he living C. has he lived D. did he live 9. When I talked

18、with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we hung up, her voice_ full of life. A. had been B. has been C. was D. would be 10. We may not have proved great adventurers, but we_ the greatest march in the past ten years. A. had done B. do C. did D. have done 答案与解析 1. B 根据句意:她盯着那幅画

19、看,想知道自己曾经在哪里见过它。see这个过去动作对现在存在影响:stare at the painting,所以选择现在完成时态。本题也可改成:What was she doing then? She was staring at the painting, wondering where she had seen it. 2. A 问句中有明显的过去时间状语last night,所以第一空用一般过去时态;答句中有twice这个现在完成时态的标志词,所以本题选择A。3. D 设空部分所在句子说明某人的一种兴趣爱好、品行、性质特征等,是一般现在时态的范畴,所以选择D。4. C 根据语境escape的动作发生在arrived之前,也就是发生在过去的过去,所以用过去完成时态。5. B 根据语境write的动作在过去已经结束,且对现在没有影响,所以用一般过去时态。6. D 介绍一种理论时用一般现在时态,所以选D。7. C 根据语境happen的动作在过去已经结束,且对现在没有影响,所以选C。8. D 根据语境他过去住在俄罗斯,现在已经不在那儿住了,所以选择一般过去时态。9. A by the time we hung up是过去完成时态的标志词,所以选A。10. D in the past ten years是现在完成时态的标志词,所以选D。

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