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1、28. A. bravely B. happily C. loudly D. carelessly29. A. leave B. shake C. keep D. watch30. A. size B. shape C. weight D. strength31A. cushion B. desk C. shoulder D. book32. A. action B. position C. rest D. side33. A. memory B. reason C. question D. purpose34. A. thinking B. working C. walking D. dri

2、ving35. A. changes B. events C. ideas D. accidents36. A. up B. off C. along D. down37. A. lucky B. awake C. calm D. strong38. A. in time B. at first C. as usual D. for example39. A. dust B. water C. grass D. bush40. A. tired B. drunk C. lonely D. lazy21-25ADCBD 26-30 CACBC 31-35BCADD 36-40BADBA2.(20

3、11湖南卷)填空题完形Section C (12 marks)Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Does going to college really pay off?Certainly! I remember taking _48_ English class in college on the short story. Our first assignment was to read _49_ short

4、stones and then discuss which one was better. After reading both,I wasnt sure. Over the _50_ several months, my professor taught me _51_ one story was so much better than the other wan humorous _52_ was rich in metaphor(隐喻)and character development, while the other was humorous _53_ too shallow. I c

5、ouldnt see this at first. Yet, in a few months, my brain got reeducated an _54_ could see the difference between good and bad writing and could appreciate literature at a whole new level. Going to college helps build a strong mind, which leads _55_ greater success in ones life.按照2009样题及2010年真题来推测,填空

6、题完形应该是篇说明文,但今年的填空题完形文章的体裁有些出人意料,是一篇记叙文。作者通过记录自己在大学的一个片段,得出大学对于学生的重要作用。48. 答案: an,名词前缺少冠词修饰,留意English前的冠词应填an;49. 答案: two,后文的better,both以及the other均有所提示;50. 答案: next,按照记叙文时间发展先后顺序,填next,此题略有难度;51. 答案: why,教授告诉我的是如何判断一个比另一个更好,所以应填why;52. 答案: one,后文while the other给与提示;53. 答案: but,while前后对比得出答案;54. 答案:

7、I,此句缺少主语,容易得出答案I;55. 答案: to,固定搭配lead to。整体来说,今年湖南高考英语完形部分虽有部分出人意料(填空完形为记叙文),但从出题点及题目难度来说,与往年真题及样题差别不大,建议考生在今后的练习中多阅读,多背单词,多培养语感。2010年高考题Passage 1(10安徽)Most people give little thought to the pens they write with,especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very 36 things are th

8、e written.All too often ,people buy a pen based only on 37 ,and wonderwhy they are not satisfied 38 they begin to use it.However ,buying a pen that youll enjoy is not 39 it you keep the following in mind.First of all,a pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be 40 to use .The thinckness of the p

9、en is the most important characteristic(特征)41 comfort.Having a small hand and thick fingers ,you may be comfortable with a thin pen .If you have a 42 hand and thicker fingers you may 43 fatter pen.The length of a pen can 44 influence comfort. A pen that is too 45 can easily feel top-heavy and unstab

10、le.Then,the writing point of the pen should 46 the ink to flow evenly(均匀地)while the pen remains in touch with the paper. 47 will make it possible for you to create a 48 line of writing. The point that does not block the 50 may leave drops of ink, 51 you pick the pen up and put it down again.52 ,the

11、pen should make a thick,dark line.Fine-line pens may 53 bad handwriting ,but fine,delicate lines do not command 54 next to printed fext,as, 55 ,a signature on a printed letter .A broader line, on the other hand ,give an impression of confidence and authority(权威)。36.A.many B.few C.pleasant D.importan

12、t37.A.looks B.reason C.value D.advantages38.A.once B.if C. because D.though39.A.convenient B.practical C.strange D.difficult40.A.heavy B.easy C.hard D.safe41.A.taking B.finding C.determining D.seeking42.A.strong B.weaker C.small D.larger43.A.perfer B.recommend C.prepare D.demand44.A.hardly B.also C.

13、never D.still45.A.thick B.light C.long D.soft46.A.change B.allow C.reduce D.press47.A.They B.One C.This D.Some48. A thin B. rough C. black D. smooth49. A. prevent B. free C. protect D. remove50. A. way B. sight C. flow D. stream51.A. so B. as C. and D. yet52.A. Meanwhile B. Generally C. Afterwards D

14、.Finally53.A. show up B. differ from C. break down D. compensate for54.A. attention B. support C. respect D. admission55.A. at most B. for example C. in brief D. on purpose答案:3640 BAADB 4145 CDABC 4650 BCDAC 5155 BDDABPassage 2重庆)Introduction to Letters to SamDear Reader, Please allow me to tell you

15、 something before you read this book. When my 36 , Sam, was born, my heart was filled with joy. I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then, and I have been 37 ill many times. So I wondered if I would have the 38 to tell Sam what I had 39 . For years I have been hosting a program on

16、the 40 and writing articles for a magazine. Being 41 to move freely, I have learned to sit still and keep my heart 42 , exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and 43 . So when Sam was born, I 44 to tell him about school and fridship, romance and work, love and everything else. Thats how I s

17、tarted to write these 45 . I hope that Sam would 46 them sooner or later. However, that expectation 47 when Sam showed signs of autism (自闭症) at the age of two. He had actually stopped talking before the discovery of the signs. He 48 to communicate with others, even the family members. That was 49 fo

18、r me but didnt stop me writing on. I realized that I had even 50 now to tell him. I wanted him to 51 what it means to be “different” from others, and learn how to fight against the misfortune hell 52 as I myself, his grandfather, did. I just 53 if I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest o

19、f my life. Now, 54 the book has been published, I have been given the chance. Every chapter in the book is a letter to Sam: some about my life, and all about what it means to be a 55 . Daniel Gottlieb36. A. son B. nephew C. brother D. grandson37. A. seriously B. mentally C. slightly D. quietly38. A.

20、 ability B. time C. courage D. responsibility39. A. written B. suffered C. observed D. lost40. A. radio B. television C. stage D. bed41. A. ready B. unable C. anxious D. eager42. A. warm B. broken C. closed D. open43. A. hosts B. visitors C. readers D. reporters44. A. began B. stopped C. forgot D. d

21、ecided45. A. letters B. emails C. books D. diaries46. A. find B. read C. collect D. keep47. A. developed B. disappeared C. changed D. arrived48. A. tried B. refused C. regretted D. hoped49. A. exciting B. acceptable C. strange D. heartbreaking50. A. less B. everything C. more D. nothing51. A. unders

22、tand B. explain C. believe D. question52. A. fear B. face C. know D. cause53. A. felt B. guessed C. saw D. doubted54. A. as B. once C. though D. if55. A. teacher B. child C. man D. writer【语篇解读】本文介绍了“Letters to Sam”这本书的创作背景和写作目的。36. 答案D【解析】根据as I myself,hisgrandfather可判断,Sam是“我”的孙子。37. 答案A【解析】由I had

23、been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then和I wondered if I would have the time可知作者在这期间重病了几次。所以用seriously.38. 答案B【解析】由这一段可知,作者是想告诉他的孙子,但担心自己的身体,所以不知道是不是有时间。此处用time符合上下文。39. 答案C【解析】observe看到,注意到。根据全文内容的理解,作者想告诉他孙子的是他的经历,只有observe合题意。40. 答案A【解析】由下文的with thousands of listeners可知,作者是主持广播节目,所以选

24、radio.41. 答案B【解析】由第一段可知,作者在轮椅上待了20年,所以不能自由活动。42. 答案D【解析】由下文中与听众和读者交流思想可知,作者敞开心扉,所以选open。43. 答案C【解析】由第二段开头可知,作者主持广播节目和为杂志写文章,所以此处是和听众和读者交流。44. 答案D【解析】由下句这就是我怎样开始写这些信的可知,这儿应用decided.是因为我决定告诉Sam学校与友谊、浪漫与工作、爱情与其它一切,才开始写这些信。45. 答案A【解析】由本文的题目可知是介绍的Letters to Sam 这本书,下文中也告诉我们这本书的每一章都是一封信,所以这儿选A。46. 答案B【解析】

25、因为信是写给Sam的,所以作者希望Sam迟早会读到这些信。47. 答案C【解析】由于Sam患了自闭症,所以作者的这种期望改变了。48. 答案B【解析】因为Sam患了自闭症,这儿是说他拒绝与别人交流。49. 答案D【解析】由上文可知,作者对Sam 希望很大,而Sam却患了自闭症,这对作者来说是令人心碎的。50. 答案C【解析】由上面一句语,但是并没有阻止我继续写下去和下文中的我想让他理解与别人不同意味着什么,学会和我一样与面对的不幸作斗争可知,作者是有了更多的东西要写。51. 答案A【解析】见第50题。52. 答案B53. 答案D【解析】由上文可知,作者的身体不好,所以他怀疑他是不是能写下所有他

26、想说的话。54. 答案A【解析】as引导原因状语从句。句意:因为这本书出版了,所以我有机会让Sam看到我所有想说的话。55. 答案C【解析】这本书的每一章都是一封信,一些是关于我的,所有都是关于作为一个人意味着什么的。2009年高考题(09上海)Most people believe they dont have much imagination. They are 50 .Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to 51 it. Creativity isnt always 52 with great works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time 53 think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you

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