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1、14. Everyone should try our best to protect our_.(传统文化)15. This is the most that I have ever seen! I like it very much.(漂亮的照片).单项填空1. (2017青岛)Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one_ .A. candy B. cake C. banana D. hamburger2. (2017泰安)It is five years since we began to enjoy a _

2、spring holiday each year.A. ten day B. ten day C. ten days D. ten days3. (2017江西)Do you have any _ for tonight yet?Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach?A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules4. (2017武汉)I wonder if youve made a decision on the project, Eric.Not yet. I cant make it until I h

3、ave first hand on_ prices.A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education5. (2017丹东)I am hungry. But there is little _ left. I have to go and buy some.A. sandwiches B. potatoes C. water D. bread6. (2017抚顺)My grandfather used to be a_ . He enjoyed the feeling of flying.A. pioneer B. pilot C. preside

4、nt D. postman7. (2017黄冈)Whats your prediction about the _of our school basketball match next week?I am sure Class 8 will be the winner. A. teammate B. result C. information D. player8. (2017白银)“It depends on my _ decision.” the mother said and looked at her two sons.A. children B. childrens C. child

5、 D. childs9. (2017徐州)We have no food at home. Shall we go to the_ ?A. library B. supermarket C. hospital D. theatre10. (2017西宁)Have you heard of a cool washing machine called Bicycle Washing Machine?Yes, its a new _by a group of Chinese university students.A. invention B. Information C. instruction

6、D. introduction11. (2017宜昌)The government is trying to develop winter sports for the 2022 Winter Olympics. No wonder people are showing more _ in them. A. warmth B. interest C. victory D. standard12. (2017大连)He didnt use to be active in school, but now he gets lots of _ .A. choices B. money C. atten

7、tion D. problems13. (2017咸宁改编 ) Zheng He was a Ming dynastys_ . He succeeded in sailing to the east coast of Africa.A. tourist B. teacher C. inventor D. explorer14. (2017郴州改编)Whos the woman under the tree?Shes _ aunt.A. Kelly and Joes B. Kellys and JoeC. Kellys and Joes D. Kelly and Joe15. (2017昆明盘龙

8、区二模)Could you tell me something about the girl who helped you just now?Sorry, I know nothing about her. We are_.A. friends B. classmatesC. neighbors D. strangers16. (2017大理下关四中模拟)Its useful for the deaf people to learn sign language. Its a major way of for them.A. introduction B. vacationC. producti

9、on D. communication17. Uncle Wang is an excellent engineer. He is a friend of _.A. my father B. my fathersC. my fathers D. my fathers18. John has a good_ .He can remember things quickly.A. memory B. instructionC. member D. question19. In the north of China, it is a (an)_ to have dumplings in the Spr

10、ing Festival. A. custom B. effort C. manner D. purpose20. Mrs. Wang taught English in a poor area last year. She would never forget the pleasant_ there.A. experiments B. expressionsC. experiences D. exercises21. Tom is in good health, because he often exercises and eats a lot of_ .A. chips B. vegeta

11、blesC. meat D. noodles22. I want to buy a book. Can you tell me where the nearest _ is?A. bookshop B. theaterC. museum D. college23. Could you please pass me the_ ? I want to cut up some fruit for our guests.A. fork B. bowlC. knife D. chopsticks24. We only have one . So its really our responsibility

12、 to protect the environment.A. moon B. earth C. star D. sun25. China is a developing_ . It becomes more and more important in the world stage.A. village B. city C. province D. country26. Its our _ to keep the city clean. That would benefit all of us.A. duty B. reason C. ability D. promise27. Amy tak

13、es exercise every day. Thats why she is slim, healthy and always full of _.A. silence B. memoryC. pressure D. energy28. Look at the different _ of biscuits! They look like sheep, dogs and so on.A. sizes B. shapes C. colors D. styles29. Our teacher wants a copy of this paper. May I use your_?A. print

14、er B. radio C. player D. watch30. There will be many difficulties on the way to realize our dreams. But we would face them with _.A. fame B. courage C. fear D. difference31. Daisy is a girl full of _. She always has some different thoughts.A. creativity B. happinessC. training D. freedom32. Jack has

15、 the _to design the building well. You just need to wait patiently. A. action B. sadness C. wealth D. ability33. Kate is arriving in Beijing. We are all at the _ to pick her up.A. station B. library C. restaurant D. hotel34. There is a _ on the board. It says that the meeting has been put off.A. not

16、ice B. rule C. diet D. thought35. She used a different _to do the math problem after she thought it over.A. brush B. decision C. method D. result36. Can you imagine what life will be like in _time?A. 100 years B. 100 yearsC. 100 years D. 100years答案I. 1. heroes【解析】句意为:很多都为我们树立了以供效仿的良好的榜样。many许多,后跟名词复

17、数形式。hero的复数形式为heroes。故填heroes。2. boys【解析】句意为:这些脸就是一道布满尘土的风景。根据空格后面的名词faces,可知此处填名词所有格。又因为faces是复数形式,因此boy也应该用复数。故填boys。3. healthy【解析】句意为:我们都需要一个环境。由空格后的名词environment可知此处应用health的形容词修饰。故填healthy。4. boxes【解析】句意为:不要移动这两个。它们是危险的。根据two可知应用可数名词复数形式,故填boxes。5. cultural【解析】句意为:东西方之间有很多差异。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填一个形容词

18、来修饰名词differences,故填culture的形容词形式cultural。6. photos【解析】句意:上周末吉尔在美丽的西湖拍了很多。她已经发了一些给我。根据空前的a lot of可知此处应用其复数形式。故填photos。7. wooden【解析】句意为:我爷爷送给我一个漂亮的盒子作为我的生日礼物。分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词形式来修饰名词,故填wooden。8. stories【解析】句意为:当我还是一个孩子的时候,我的爸爸经常会在晚上给我讲一些。根据some可知应用可数名词复数形式,故填stories。9. valuable【解析】句意为:谢谢你为我们提供这些信息。此处需要一

19、个形容词修饰名词作定语,故填valuable。10. musical【解析】句意为:我能够演奏一些,比如钢琴和小提琴。musical instruments乐器,为固定搭配,故填musical。. 1. model plane2. small village3. wonderful story4. reading room5. fresh air6. basketball player7. writing skills【解析】句意为:为了提升我的写作技能,我的语文老师鼓励我每天写一篇日记。 分析句意此处名词为复数,故填writing skills。8. Fast food 9. school

20、life10. telephone/phone number11. electronic dictionary12. eating habit13. movie theater14. traditional culture15. beautiful picture/photo. 1. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:水果对健康有好处,所以我经常在早餐时吃一个。candy糖果;cake蛋糕;banana香蕉;hamburger汉堡。根据前面的fruit可知应选C。2. A【解析】考查名词作定语。自从我们开始享受的春假以来已经五年了。根据选项中的day可知,空格处作定语。名词作定语时,需用单数

21、形式,并用连字符连接。故选A。3. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为“今晚,你有任何吗?”“还没有。去沙滩上野炊怎么样?” problems问题;news新闻;plans计划;rules规则。根据答语可知,问句主要询问是否还有其它的计划。故选C。4. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。“艾瑞克,我想知道你是否对这个项目做了决定。直到我得到价格方面的一手,我才能确定它。”news新闻;knowledge知识;information信息;education教育。根据句意可知此处指得到信息,故选C。5. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。我饿了。但是这儿几乎没有剩下一些。我必须去买一些。sandwiches三

22、明治;potatoes土豆;water水;bread面包。little修饰不可数名词,表否定,几乎没有,且由hungry可知应与食物有关,故选D。6. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。我的爷爷过去是一名。他喜欢飞翔的感觉。pioneer先驱者;pilot飞行员;president总统;postman邮递员。根据句意可知我的爷爷过去是一名飞行员,故选B。7. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为“你预测我们下周校篮球赛的是什么?”“我相信8班会赢。”teammate队友;result结果;player选手。根据答语“赢家是8班”可知问句应该是提问结果如何。故选B。8. B【解析】考查名词所有格的用法。

23、妈妈看着她的两个儿子说:“它取决于我的决定。”有生命的复数名词所有格以s结尾加,不以s结尾则加s。根据句意及下文中母亲说到两个儿子,因此选项应为复数名词所有格。9. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。家里没有食物了。我们去好吗?library图书馆;supermarket超市;hospital医院;theatre剧院。根据常识可知,如果没有食物了,那就要去超市买。10. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为“你听说过一种很酷的洗衣机叫作自行车洗衣机吗?”“是的,它是一个新,是由一群中国大学生(设计)的。”invention发明;instruction说明书;introduction介绍。根据句意并结合

24、常识可知是发明。11. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意“政府正在为2022年冬奥会努力发展冬季体育运动。”“难怪人们正展现出对它们越来越多的。”warmth温暖;interest兴趣;victory胜利;standard标准。分析语境可知此处表示展现出兴趣,用show interest in sth.表示,故选B。12. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。他过去在学校不太活跃,但是现在他得到了很多的。choices选择;money钱;attention注意力;problems问题。but为表转折的连词,由其引导的两个并列句句意相反,前句表明他不活跃,所以后句说明他变得活跃了,变得活跃当然会得到更多的关注。13. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。郑和是明朝的一位。他成功地航行到了非洲的东海岸。tourist游客;teacher老师;inventor发明家;explorer探险家。根据后句语境及常识可知郑和是一位探险家,故选D。14. A【解析】考查名词所有格的用法。句意为“在树下的那位女士是谁?”“是Kelly和Joe的姑姑。”根据问句“the woman”和答语“Shes.aunt”可知是可数名词的单数形式,应为Kelly和Joe共同的姑姑。表示两者及以上共有的所有关系,在最后一个词的词尾加s,故选A。15. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为“你能告诉我一些关于刚才帮助你的女孩

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