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1、Johnson & Johnson Ltd.强生公司 Carrefour China Inc. 家乐福Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG宝马公司Coca-Cola Enterprises可口可乐企业China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Sinopec Group中国石油化工集团公司 China Ocean Shipping Company COSCO中国远洋运输总公司 Standard Chartered Bank 渣打银行To name a few 举例A medical practice 诊所A successful new v

2、enture 成功的新企业The critical ingredients for success 主要的结构Distinguish.from. 把。和。区别开来Enrolling in college 上大学Have something in common 有共同语言Sensitivity to 对。敏感Awareness of 认识到We lead, Others copy. 理光复印机Obey your thirst. Sprite 雪碧Everyday Low Price 沃尔玛 Wal-MartLife is a journey. Travel it well. UnitedAirl

3、ines联合航空YourFutureIsOurHSBC-汇丰银行TakingtheleadinaDigitalWorldSAMSUNG三星Rap up a brainstorming session 自由研讨会Be dismayed at 对什么感到沮丧Tucson-based companyInsulate.from分离Big-box retailers 大面积超市Feel loyal to his staff 不相违背他的员工Irreverent undergrads 放荡不羁的本科生Take a pass 接受,处理Find ones lost sparks 找回他们失去的活力,火花Be

4、 supervised by 被监督Grade on their work 打分,定级别Ask for a donation 捐赠Hardware store 五金店A circular cutout 圆形缺口A gaggle of 散漫的一群Part-timer 兼职者Rub sb the wrong way 使恼怒Feel defensive 抵触情绪Expose sb to a bit of brashness 让某人接触Dont be a Jerk about it 不要简单用事Escort sb out the door 护送出门Security guard 保安Take a cli

5、nical approach 冷静处理Get sued 被起诉Executive coach 高管教练Factor into your decision 在考虑范围之内Refrain from 尽量不要Take in everything 吸收一切At such a tough time 艰难时刻Reach out to 接触联系A career counselor 事业顾问A prospective employer 老板Newly laid-off employees 刚下岗的职员A short detour 短期内Act out 实行1. No business too small, n

6、o problem too big (IBM)没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题2. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界3. For the Road Ahead(本田)走向康庄大道 4. Time is what you make of it.(Swath)天长地久5. Apple thinks different. (苹果)不同凡想Soft landing 软着陆E-shopping; 网购Mouse potato 电脑迷Hot-button 热点问题Small Office Home Office 在家办公族Business Improvem

7、ent District 经济开发区On the job hunt 找工作Committed 坚定的Passionate 热情的Failure-is-not-an-option 失败不是一个选项Entail 带来,使成为必需Productivity 生产力Come right out 直接, 突然,立刻?Provocative 挑衅的Take a pay cut ?付出代价Build an adaptable skill set 技能组合pull out all the stops 全力以赴经典的英语面试问题:1. Tell me about you!2. What do you know a

8、bout our company?3. Why do you want to work for us?4. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else cant?5. What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? Least attractive?6. Why should we hire you?7. What do you look for in a job?8. Please give me your definition o

9、f a secretary. (the position for which you are being interviewed). 9. Whats your greatest weakness?10. What kind of salary did you have in mind?M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 只溶在口,不溶在手Be a perfect fit 完全合适Fire away 问我吧Outside-the-box thinking 突破性思维Be generally attributed to 归功于Parallels

10、between.and. 在什么和什么方面是可以并存的Have their place 有它们的位置Fare with 处理 Brain-tingling questions 令人头疼的问题Layered chocolate shell 一层一层的巧克力外衣Be cast in little moulds 扔到小模型里A cement mixer 水泥搅拌车Congealing into a big lump 凝固成一大块Be squirted with 被喷Be imprinted by a bank of rubber dies 跟着皮带传送Be on its way out 过时Due

11、to overexposure 过度曝光Fraction 分数incorporate 合并Stand your ground 坚持你的立场Click 吻合Come in 提交Top reality 最现实的A hands-free notepad 无需手动的笔记本Modest advantages 普普通通的优势Low-tech 低端的Power blackouts 断电Checking account; 查看账户Drain out 消耗消费Hold on to 省钱Dont let savings bonds sit 不要把钱放在银行Series EE bonds 系列电子储蓄债券Serie

12、s I bonds 低风险储蓄债券Built-in adjustments for inflation ?Through payroll deduction 通过扣除薪水的方式购买债劵National average 全国平均值Bond fund 公债基金Be equivalent to 等同于Take a bite out of 大幅度削减Tax-Exempt 免税债券Drop your PMI (私人不动产抵押借款保险) Down payment 首付An equity stake 股权Roll back car insurance premiums 终止汽车保险费Bargaining f

13、or bucks 讨价还价A hand-beaded silk dinner suit 手工钉珠的晚宴西装With some exceptions 除个别例外Less for Uncle Sam 交少一点钱给政府Count on 指望,依靠Shave up 去除。除掉Study up on 认真研究Communication takedown 除掉通讯费Bar charts: 柱形图histograms: 直方图line graphs/line charts: 曲线图pie charts: 饼图forms/tables/lists: 表格Its not just spam. 垃圾电子邮件Wri

14、ting a press release 写新闻稿件Who still needs to weigh in? 谁需要参与其中?Through a hosted site on the Internet (主页面)E-mail woes 电子邮件的困扰The online encyclopedia 网上百科全书Restrict access to a limited group of people限制某些人群进入In addition to the scores of (论点,理由)free, open-source wikis New breeds of wiki software 维基软件的

15、新种类Integrate with network directories 整合网站目录Plug into his network 连接网络Pull up the wiki ?Web browser 网站浏览器Prospect pipeline 客户渠道Proprietary information 个人绝密信息Spring for 求助于Lock down 安全防范Back up 备份Draft a code of conduct 起草一套行为准则Hard drive 硬盘Write a press release 写新闻稿件A piece of server software 一种服务器软

16、件A hosted site on the Internet 网站主页A bulletin board 公告栏Plug into the network 连接网络Web browser 浏览器Hosted version 主机版本security muscle 安全性能Sensitive customer data 涉及客人隐私的客户数据Back up sensitive pages 备份敏感的页面信息A training program 培训计划Store information on hard drives 把信息储存在硬盘罗斯福励志名言:The only limit to our rea

17、lization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts.幸福并不仅仅取决于拥有多少钱财,而在于成功的喜悦和创造活动所带来的心灵震颤。The world can be changed by mans endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead

18、 to something new and better.人经过努力改变世界,这种努力可以使人类达到新的、更美好的境界。The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. 我们面临最大的恐惧是恐惧本身 。Was sworn into office 宣誓就职The depths of the Depression 大萧条In a state of shock 休克状态Board of trade 商品交易所The terrifying “runs” 挤兑Failing banks 每况愈下的银行Go bust 破产Inaugural address 就职

19、演讲With his standout line 以他那杰出的话语Executive power 行政权力Owe much to 归功于,多亏DiplomaticReceptionRoom 外事接待厅 Was obsessed with 被。困扰Fireside Chat 炉边谈话On the air 广播正在播Walk people through the basics of banking 银行运作的基本原理Lifted the shame 轻轻把羞愧抹掉Strike a patriotic blow 让民众可以做出一个爱国的举措Were gently thrown in with an

20、unsavory lot 被温柔的扣上不道德的帽子Call forth 唤起,激励Metaphor 隐喻Offspring 产物In rapt attention 全神贯注企业各职位:GM (General Manager)总经理VP (Vice President)副总裁FVP (First Vice President)第一副总裁AVP (Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。COO (Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官,类似常务总经理C

21、FO (Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官,类似财务总经理CIO (Chief Information Officer)首席信息官,主管企业信息的收集和发布CTO (Chief technology officer)首席技术官 类似总工程师HRD (Human Resource Director)人力资源总监OD (Operations Director)运营总监MD (Marketing Director)市场总监OM (Operations Manager)运作经理PM (Product Manager)产品经理 (Production Manager)生产经理TM

22、 ( Team Manager )PM ( Project Manager ) 项目经理PL ( Project Leader ) 项目组长TSE ( System Engineer ) 系统工程师BSE ( Bridge System Engineer)PG ( Programmer ) 程序员其他职位缩写:CAO: Art 艺术总监CBO: Business 商务总监CCO: Content 内容总监CDO: Development 开发总监L ( Team Leader )In the arena of international commerce 国际商务平台Customer insi

23、ght 客户洞察A brainstorming session 自由研讨会Big-box retailer 大面积超市Lifetime warranty 终身保修Executive coaches 高管教练突破性思维 outside-the-box thinking潜在客户 potential customer求职者 job hunter高度竞争的世界 hyper competitive world打造个人品牌 personal branding目标受众 target audience以客户为本 customer-centricinitiative 主动性Make its mark 打上。烙印

24、Greenwashing 绿色粉饰Environmentally friendly 对环境无害Under a huge amount of fire 最近受到强烈抨击environmental credential 环保认证The general public 公众Marketing campaign 营销活动Executive director 执行总监Window dressing 摆摆样子Walking the walk 光说不做PR campaign 公关活动When it comes to green issues 当谈到环保问题Making a stand 坚持,站稳立场Relat

25、ively few and far between 少之又少Official figures 官方数据Design discipline 设计准则Solve sustainability problem 解决可持续问题Embrace this fresh new approach 接受新的做法A hosted site 主网址Bulletin board 公告栏Web browser 网页浏览器Prospective pipeline 客户渠道A press release 新闻稿Security muscle 安全能力Back up sensitive pages 备份敏感资料Hard dr

26、ives 硬盘驱动器 Advertisements:1. We offer 3-R guarantee, namely guaranteed repair, replacement and refund.我们实行“三包”:包修、包换、包退.2. Applying “Dabao” morning and night ,Makes your skincare a real delight.要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝.3. It gives me hair super shine, super body and leaves it smelling fresh as a meadow.它使我的头发发质柔软,熠熠生辉,恰似绿草地一般清新芬芳。4. Hand in Hand, Future in Your Hand. 伴你同行,齐握未来.英语广告中很多是使用固定的短语和词组,在这一点上恰好和汉语的四字结构相对应,例如:价廉物美 cheap and fine。1)reasonable charges收费合理2)attractive and durable美观耐用3)courteous service服务周到4)superior q

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