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1、rewardingn. 报酬、奖赏、酬谢、赏金eg:He received a medal in reward for his bravery. 他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章A 10-million reward has been offered for the capture of Bin Laden . 悬赏一千万美元捉拿本拉登。He worked hard without(any) hope of reward . 他辛勤工作,但却不期待得到报酬。v. 给予报酬,酬谢,报答Is this how you reward me for my help ?你就这样报答我对你的帮助吗?You w

2、ill be fully rewarded with all your efforts . 你所有的努力都将得到充分的回报。I will reward you later . 以后我会报答你。rewarding adj. 报酬的, 有益的, 值得的a rewarding experience一次富有价值的经历 virtue n. 美德同义词goodness, righteousness, morality 复数virtues(1) 美德、善、清高(反意词 :vice 恶行,缺德行为)a man of virtue有德之人Honesty is a virtue . 诚实是一种美德。lead a

3、life of virtue 过高尚的生活 Virtue is its own reward . (谚)做好事即乐在其中. All of the virtues get here . 全聚德(2) 优点、长处The big class has the virtue of making more friends . 大量的美德使能交更多的朋友。My room has virtue of being warm even in winter . 我的房间有个好处即使是冬天也很温暖。Virtual adj. v:tjul 实质的, 实际上的Our deputy manager is the virtu

4、al head of the business .我们的副经理是公司的实际负责人. diet n. 节食同义词food and drink, food, foodstuffs, victuals复数dietsdieteddieting(1) 节食 go on a diet be on a diet实行节食lose weight 减重 put on weight gain weight 增胖(2)(日常的) 饮食a balanced diet 均衡的饮食 ; diet sheet(病人的) 规定食谱 forbid v. 禁止, 不许O1O2+v-ing.同义词prohibit, disallow

5、, bar, ban 反义词permit, allowforbid forbade forbiddenforbiddingforbid +n. / doing Who can forbid our marriage ?谁可以禁止我们的婚姻?Smoking is forbidden in this building . 在这幢楼里吸烟是被禁止。forbid sb 禁止某人.If you want to go , I cant forbid you . 如果你想去,我不能阻止你。He didnt like his daughters boy friend , and forbade him int

6、o the house . 他不喜欢他女儿的男朋友,并禁止他进了屋。forbid sb to do . 禁止某人做某事My father forbade me to watch television . 我的父亲就禁止我看电视。It is forbidden to smoke in this room .(No Smoking) 在这个房间禁止吸烟。forbidden adj.(被) 禁止的forbidden fruit 禁果;非法的欢愉forbidden ground 禁区、必须避免的问题、犯忌讳的问题the Forbidden City 故宫, 紫禁城God forbid that we

7、should have class tomorrow.上帝保佑,我们明天不用上课。 hurriedly adv. 匆忙地、草率地hurried adj. 仓促的, 慌忙的 ; a hurried trip 匆忙之旅a hurried meal 匆忙吃了顿饭 hurriedly adv. hridli匆忙地 ; speak hurriedly 匆促地讲hurry v.匆忙, 催促, 赶紧 Dont hurry . 不要急。Hurry up . 快点With this , the woman hurried away / off . 说完了,该女子匆匆离去。He hurried home . 他匆

8、匆赶回家。He hurried to school . 他急忙赶到学校。hurry to + 地点 :匆忙赶到某地He hurried back to his office . 他急忙赶回他的办公室。They hurried into the car . 他们急忙上车。 embarrass v. 使窘; 使不好意思, 使局促不安H(.同义词disconcert, discomfit, abash, confound变化形 动变embarrassedembarrassedembarrassingembarrass sb 使某人难堪Your sharp words embarrassed him

9、a lot . 你尖酸的话令他很难堪。Are you trying to embarrass me ? 你想要我难堪?Dont embarrass them by asking / with personal questions . 不要问他们令人难堪的个人问题。She was embarrassed by his loud laughter . 他的大笑令她感到尴尬。embarrassing adj. 令人困惑的、难堪、尴尬的embarrassed adj. 感到困惑的、难堪、尴尬的It was obvious that he was very embarrassed .显然他感到很窘。fi

10、nancially embarrassed short of money囊中羞涩、经济受窘embarrassment imbrsmnt n.窘迫;困惑;为难an embarrassment of riches 好东西太多而难以选择东西多得令人为难;财富多得成了累赘blush in embarrassment 因难为情而脸红 区别 :embassy embsi n.大馆;大使馆全体成员 guiltily adv. 内疚地(1) 责任、罪行、罪状Guilt was written all over her face . 她的罪过都写在脸上了;她在脸上写满了内疚。establish the susp

11、ects guilt证实嫌疑犯有罪He denied his guilt . 他否认自己有罪。He confessed his guilt . 他承认自己有罪。(2) 不安、内疚 feeling of guilt 内疚感、罪悪感、罪意识guilty gilti adj.有罪的, 内疚的guiltless (innocent , clear)giltlis adj. 不熟悉 . 的, 无罪的I feel guilty about cutting classes . 旷课我感到内疚。I feel guilty because I have no money to lend you .因为我没有钱借

12、给你感到内疚。Not guilty . 裁决某人 无罪.The boys were guilty of theft . 男孩子们犯了盗窃罪。guiltily adv. She smiled guiltily as she saw me . 当她看见我时她尴尬地笑。 strict adj. 严格的、严厉的(+with)同义词harsh, exact, precise, rigorous反义词lenient, loose, lax 变化形 形变stricterstrictest(1) adj. 严格地、严厉的be strict with sb 对某人严厉 be strict in sb 对某人严厉

13、 be strict in ones work / study 对 工作/学习 严格First of all , you must be strict with yourself .首先,你必须严格要求自己。a strict teacher一位严格的老师 ; strict rules 严格的规定(2)adj. 严密地、正确地the strict truth 确凿的事实 、绝对真实in the strict sense 严格说来strictly striktli adv.严格地, 完全地Strictly speaking , you are not fit for your job .严格来说,

14、你是不适合这份工作。Smoking is strictly prohibited . 严禁吸烟、吸烟被严格地禁止。 occasionally adv. 偶尔地、偶尔, 间或同义词sometimes, now and then, once in a whileadv. now and then , at times 偶而地I occasionally go to the movies with him . 我偶尔和他去看电影。occasional adj. 偶而的occasional visits 偶尔的拜访Well have occasional snow during the night .

15、 晚上偶而会下一阵雪。occasion kein n.时刻,场合;盛会;时机;起因 vt.引起on one occasion一次 , on another occasion 另一次on this / that occasion 在 这种/那种 场合Its always the same on this kind of occasions . 在这种场合总是这样的。He has had few occasions to speak French . 他很少有机会讲法语。二Key structures: 一般过去时一般过去时:表过去某时发生的动作或处于的状态,通常表过去的时间状语连用,(也可通过上

16、、下文体现时间) 。I got on the bus and sat down.Eg:The magazine I ordered was sent to the wrong address .A fire broke out in our town recently and a large factory was burnt to the ground .burnt to the ground 彻底烧毁注意动词不规则过去式、过去分词eat ate eaten ; wear wore wornwin won won ; fall fell fallenbeat bi:t vt.打;战胜 vi.

17、跳动 n.跳动(声);节拍 beat beatenforbid fbid vt.不许,禁止 forbade forbiddenlose lost lost ; break broke brokenhide hid hidden ; ring 打电话 rang rung burn burnt / burned burnt / burnedlead led ledrise vi.升起;起立(床);上涨 n.上涨;升高 rose risenlie laivi.躺,平放;位于;伸展;说谎 n.谎话 lay lain lay lei v.置放;铺;产(蛋,卵);设置;主张 laid laid creep

18、 kri:pvi.爬行,匍匐;蹑手蹑足地走,缓慢地行进 crept crept leap li:pvi.跳;冲 vt.跃过 n.跳跃;激增,骤变 leapt leapt tear ti, ten.眼泪;破洞,裂口 v.撕(裂),被撕破 tore tornExercise: I was (be) glad to get your letter . How did you like (like) their performance? Who put (put) forward this suggestion ? Yesterday I paid (pay) him a visit . Everyb

19、ody rose (rise起立) when he entered (enter) the room .三课文讲解: My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. 我的朋友休一直很胖, 但是近来情况变得越发糟糕, 以致他决定节食. so that 如此以致;结果使,以致Its so cold that the pond has frozen.I ran so fast that Id got a pain in my as

20、 to do 到做某事的程度She was so kind as to help the old lady off the bus . decide to do sth 决定做某事 go on a diet 节食 He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. 他是一星期前开始节食的. 首先, 他开列了一张长长的单子, 上面列了所有禁吃的食物. first of all 首先First of all she just smile

21、d , and then she started to laugh .最初她只是微笑,后来才放声大笑. write out 全部写出 a list of 一张的清单 、一份名单list n.put a persons name on the list 把列入名单take a persons name off the list 把除名draw up list of members 编造会员名单list price n. 订价, 价目表所列之价格、标价 v.My name is not listed in the telephone directory .我的名字没有被列在电话簿里The list

22、 included most of the things Hugh loves: and sweets. 这张单子上的大多数食物都是休喜欢吃的 : 黄油、土豆、米饭、啤酒、牛奶、巧克力和糖果. include v. 包括,把.列入(算入) (做为整体的一部分),它的主语可能是人或物,在意义上与 put in 相似 。I included eggs in the list of things to buy . 我将蛋列入了要买的物品单Your duties include making the tea. 你的任务包括泡茶Am I included in the team ?我属于对里吗?cont

23、ain 包含,容纳,.的里面有或装着,始终表示在某个容器或物体之内,通常与 there is / are in 的结构互换,不能用进行时 。That box contains old letters. There are old letters in that box .He included a lot of funny stories in his speech . His speech contained a lot of funny stories .The rocket contains a number of scientific instruments , including a

24、 television camera.火箭包含一些科学仪器,其中包括电视摄像机 potatoes , sweets 可数名词 Yesterday I paid him a visit.昨天我去看望了他.pay sb a visit visit sb pay attention toYou should pay attention to what your parents for 补偿,受的报应Youll have to pay for your selfishness some day .有一天你将会为你的的自私付出代价 为.付款Now you can pay for my dinner . 现在你可以替我付饭钱了pay back 偿还,还钱给(某人);回报,向报复He paid back his debts. 他偿还了借款 I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever.我按响了门铃. 当看到休仍和往常一样胖时, 我并不感到惊奇.ring vi. / vt. The telephone rang just now .(vi.) I rang the bell.(vt.) as fat as ever 原句 : as fat as he

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