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1、engine for the international agreements on biodiversity, climate change, and persistent organic pollutants, the agency earmarks funds for projects with global environmental benefits in 160 countries. It had provided $ 4.2 billion in grants and lever- aged $12 billion in additional financing. The age

2、ncy has also given 3,000 small grants of up to $ 50,000 each directly to non-governmental organizations and community groups in 60 countries for projects that reconcile global environmental benefits with sustainable livelihoods for local people.We can build on the strengths we have developed over th

3、e past 10 years and move ahead with confidence that sustainable development goals are indeed achievable.What does the word elusive in the first sentence mean?A Terrible.B Dramatic.C Incomprehensible.D Exclusive.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】解析 语义题。elusive 与 incomprehensible为同义词,难懂的,难琢磨的。故C为正确答案。第2题 What

4、is included in our real accomplishments (Para. 4, first sentence) except that _.A many developing countries are ahead of the timetable that gives them until 2010 to phase out those gases?B emissions of chemicals that deplete the ozone layer and threaten human health have been slashed?C the consumpti

5、on of ozone-depleting substances has been reduced by more than 90 percent by 40 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia?D chlorofluoro-carbon and halons, the major ozone-threatening gases were largely eliminated by industrialized nations by the end of 1995?解析 细节题。四个选项中B,C,D皆由原来文章中的主动句改为的被动句,C选项

6、把原句中的fourteen(14)改为40,因而错误,本题要求选择不能称之为“我们真实的成果”的选项,故C为正确答案。第3题 The expression renewable energy (Para 5, last sentence) is equivalent to _.A dirty fuel.B wind power.C solar energy.D cleaner energy.D解析 B风能,C太阳能,选项皆为renewable energy (可更新能源),单选不全面,故选用Dcleaner energy(较为清洁的能源),与dirty fuelA相对立。第4题 Which on

7、e discloses the reason why people are working to preserve the environment?A The realization that a clean environment is essential for development.B The consideration of private companies that it is a profitable business.C The belief that its their responsibility to do so.D All of the above.解析 “a gro

8、wing awareness that a clean environment is essential for developmentAThis is an acknowledgment that preserving the environment is both good business”B and a moral obligation C由此可知,人们之所以会保护环境在于人们意识到清洁的环境对发展至关重要,保护环境既是一项好生意,又是一项道德使命。D选项是三者的综合,故为正确答案。第5题 What is the authors attitude towards efforts in

9、solving environmental problems?A Positive.B Negative.C Neutral.D Worried.A解析 态度题。作者对人们解决环境问题所进行的种种努力以及所取得的成绩的态度是积极的、肯定的。在文章结尾处,作者指出“We can build on the strengths we have developed over the past 10 years and move ahead with confidence that sustainable development goals are indeed achievable”由此可知,作者相信

10、在过去十年发展的基础上,我们有信心实现可持续发展的目标。故A为正确答案。第6题 Yes, that college tuition bill was bigger this year. States are passing along their budget woes to public university students and their families. Tuitions are rising by double digits in some states, while the amount of state-funded student aid is dropping.Alth

11、ough incomes are rising by only 1% to 2% in most states, tuition at four-year public schools has leapt by 24% in Massachusetts, 20% in Texas and 7% nationally since the 2001-2002 school year. New York had the smallest increase, 0nly 2%. But proposed tuition increases of 35% or more at the State Univ

12、ersity of New York and the City University of New York would put New York in the lead. Meanwhile, total tuition aid is down 10% in Illinois, 13% in Connecticut and 20% in Arkansas.State budget deficits are the cause. Nationally, states spend about 48% of their revenue on education, or about $ 235 bi

13、llion in 2001 for kindergarten through college, says the National Governors Association. Elementary and secondary education budgets are protected in many state constitutions, which means that they are generally the last expense that states will cut. But higher education is vulnerable to budgets cuts

14、-and tuition increase-because lawmakers tend to see it as discretionary: No one has to go to college, after all.Colleges and universities have clients they can charge, says the National Centers president, Patrick M. Callan. Tuition is the easiest money to get, he adds.The rising cost of public educa

15、tion, and the fear that it is financially squeezing some students out of ag education, have prompted some state universities to adopt a practice long used by private schools to attract students: tuition discounting. In tuition discounting colleges turn around a share of the tuition paid by some stud

16、ents, and use it to pay for scholarships for others. Private colleges typically return $ 35 to $ 45 in scholarships for every $100 they collect in tuition revenue. But until recently, states have viewed discounting as politically unpopular.The increasing cost of a college education is beginning to a

17、ttract the attention of lawmakers, especially Congress, which already has begun hearings on college costs. But Congress isnt in a mood to raise the $4,000 grants it offers to needy students under its Pell Grant program. Moreover, tuition has long been so low in some states-specially Iowa, Kansas and

18、 Illinois, which now are levying some of the biggest increases-that public outcries may fall on deaf legislative ears.Indeed, college presidents and trustees see big tuition increase in low-priced states as a good way to make the schools less dependent on appropriations that can swing wildly from ye

19、ar to year.There are a few steps students and their families can take to offset rising tuitions, but not many. Because colleges are always interested in raising academic quality, talented students can pit one college against another in hopes of raising their financial-aid offer. Some colleges now in

20、vite students to call and renegotiate their aid packages if they get a better offer from another institution, and even those that dont say as much are willing to talk.In trying to attract the most desirable students, universities are mired in an armed race, building expensive facilities that most st

21、udents will never use, but pay for anyway.Whats the reason for costlier college education?A Inadequate State budget.B Rising tuitions.C Rise in parents income.D Increasing state-funded student aid.解析 作者在第三段首句明确指出:State budget deficits(州预算赤字) are the cause故A (不足的州预算)为正确答案。第7题 How can you paraphrase .

22、 would put New York in the lead (Para. 2, second sentence) ?A New York would still have the smallest increase in tuition.B New York would have the largest increase in tuition among the states.C New York would be put in the leading role.D New York would be among the states that charge more tuition.B解

23、析 纽约尽管2002-2003年度增长最小,仅2%,但是纽约州立大学、纽约市立大学计划增长至少35%,将使纽约处于领先位置(即在学费增长方面最多)。故B为正确答案。第8题 As discussed in the passage, states would choose to cut budget last in _.A kindergarten.B elementary school and secondary school.C higher education.D college and universities.解析 第三段中指出“Elementary and secondary education budgets are protected in many state constitutions,which means they

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