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1、 变坏 from bad to worse 日益恶化 because of 因为 before long 不久以后 at best最多 make the best of 充分利用 beyond belief 难以置信 beyond control无法控制 beyond count不计其数 beyond expression无法表达 beyond recognition 无法辨认 beyond words无法用语言表达 bit by bit 一点一点地 turn a blind eye to 对视而不见 blow up 爆炸;暴怒 in the same boat 处境相同 boil down

2、to 意味着,归结为 rack ones brains 绞尽脑汁 break down 垮掉;分解 break in 闯入, 打断 break into 破门而入, 侵占 break off 中断, 突然停止 break out 爆发 break through 突破 catch ones breath 喘息 hold ones breath 屏息 out of breath 喘不过气来 under ones breath 压低声音 bring about 导致,引起 bring around 说服;使恢复 bring forth 产生;提出 bring off 成功完成 bring out

3、出版;激起 bring through 使脱险;使安全度过 bring up 养育 build on 把建立于 build up 逐步建立;增强 on business 因公 but for 若非,要不是 by and large 大体上,总的来说 call at 访问 call back 回电话 call for 要求 call in 召集 call off 叫走 call on 号召 call up 使想起 care about 担心 care for 关怀 take care 当心 take care of 照顾 carry off 赢得 carry on继续开展 carry out 执

4、行 in any case无论如何 in case 万一 in case of 假设 in no case 决不 catch a cold 感冒 catch fire 着火 catch hold of 抓住 catch ones breath 喘息,屏息 catch ones eye 引起某人的注意 catch sight of 瞥见 catch up 追上 catch up with 赶上 by chance 偶然 take a chance 冒险 check in 登记,报到 check out 结账离开 clean up 打扫干净 clear away 把清除掉 come about 发

5、生 come across 偶遇 come along 出现,陪伴 come by 从旁走过 come down 下来 come from 来自于 come on 快点 come out 出现 come over 过来 come round 恢复知觉 come through 经历 come to 达到,苏醒 come to an end 结束 come to the point 到达要点 come true 实现 come up 上升 come up to 达到 come up with 提出 in common 共同的,共用的 in control (of ) 掌握着 out of con

6、trol 失去控制 under control在掌握之中 in the course of 在期间 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at the cost of 以为代价 count in 把计算在内 count on 依靠,指望 count out 逐一数出;不把算入 cover up 掩盖 under cover 秘密地 cry out for 急需 cut across 抄近路通过 cut down 砍倒 cut in 插入 cut off 切断 cut out 剪下 cut short 缩减 date back to 回溯到 date from 起源 out of date 过

7、时的 up to date 最新式的 take delight in 以为乐 die down 渐渐消失 die of 因某病而死 die out 灭绝 differ from不同于 differ with和意见不一致 do away with 废除,去掉 do well做得好 do without 用不着,将就 have nothing to do with和无关 have something to do with和有点关系 beyond doubt 无疑地 in doubt 不能肯定的,怀疑的 no doubt 怪不得 up and down 上下地,来来往往; draw in 进站;天黑

8、 draw on吸收 draw out抽出 draw up草拟 dream of梦想,渴望 dress up精心打扮 be dressed in穿 drive at 想说,打算 drive away赶走,开走 drop by/in 随便访问 drop out 不参与,退学 drop off 离开 off duty下班 on duty值班 on earth究竟,到底 come back to earth回到现实中 eat up 吃光 eat ones words 收回前言,认错 bring/carry/put into effect 实施 in effect 实际上 take effect 生效

9、 or else 否则 end up 结束 in the end 最后 at the end of 在结尾 on end 连续地 even though/if 即使 even so 虽然如此 for ever 永远 every now and then 常常 every other 每隔 except for 除之外 keep an eye on 照看 face to face面对面 face up to 勇敢地面对 in the face of 面对着 make a face 做鬼脸 fail to do未能 fall apart崩溃 fall asleep 睡着 fall back on

10、借助于,依靠 fall behind 落在的后面 fall ill 生病 fall in love 坠入爱河 fall into 陷于 fall off 下降 as far as 直到 by far 最,得多 far away遥远 far from 远非;离远 so far 迄今为止 find fault with 找茬 for fear of/that 担心;以免 feed on以为食 feed to供应给 feel like 想要做某事;摸上去如同 quite a few 相当多的 fight against对抗 fight for为而战 find out 了解, 发现, 查明(真相等)

11、fire at对开枪, 向射击 on fire 起火 at first第一 first of all 首先 for the first time 第一次 fit in 装配好 as follows 如下 on foot步行 at the foot of 在脚下 set free 释放 for free免费 make friends交朋友 in front of 在前面 make fun of 取笑 get across越过, 通过 get along相处 get away离开,逃脱 get by 通过;过得去 get down下来 get in进入,到达,收获, get into进入,陷入 g

12、et off下来;出发;脱逃惩罚 get on登上 get on with继续做 get out出去 get over克服,熬过 get through通过 get together相聚 get up起床 give away 赠送,分发;泄漏 give in 屈服于 give off 散发 give out分发 give up放弃 give way to让步 go about着手 go after追逐, 追求 go against反对, 违反 go ahead前进 go along with赞成 go away离开 go down下降 go on with继续 go out出去, 熄灭, 过时

13、 go over温习 go through通过 go with和相配 go without 没有而将就 go wrong出问题 do good to有益于 for good永久地,一劳永逸地 good at擅长 at hand在手边,在附近 by hand用手 hand down传下来 hand in交上 hand in hand手拉手 hand out分发 hand over移交 on the other hand另一方面 hang on/up不挂断/挂断(电话) head for 前往 head on迎面地 keep ones head保持冷静 lose ones head不知所措 hea

14、r about听说 hear of听说 learn by heart用心去学 heart and soul全心全意地 lose heart 丧失勇气 cannot help doing禁不住做 get hold of抓住 hold back踌躇 hold on继续 hold on to坚持 hold ones breath屏住呼吸 hold out 伸出;坚持 hold up 支持;延迟 to be honest 坦率地说 in the hope of/that怀着希望 in a hurry 匆忙的 hurry up快点 in that 在于,因为 inside out彻底地 join in参

15、加 keep back阻止 keep in mind牢记 keep off让开 keep on(doing sth.)继续(做某事)keep out of置身于外 keep out使在外 keep to遵循 keep up保持 keep up with跟上 kind of 有点儿,有几分 knock at敲 knock into撞上 knock out使筋疲力尽 be known to为所知 get to know 变得熟悉,逐渐了解 be late for迟到 at the latest最迟 later on稍候,后来 sooner or later迟早 break the law 违法 o

16、bserve the law 守法 lay down放下;规定 lay off 解雇 lay out布置 take the lead带头;居首位 lead off 开始 lead to导致 lean on靠着 at least起码至少 least of all尤其不;最不 leave alone不管 leave behind留下 at length 最后;详细地 let alone不管 let go释放,松开 line up整队, 排列起 in line一致 out of line不成直线,不一致 a little 一点 little by little 渐渐 live on/off靠生活 l

17、ive through经历过 live up to实践, 做到 no longer不再 in the long run最后 long for渴望 look after照看 look around环顾四周 look at看 look back回顾 look down on/upon看不起 look for寻找 look forward to期望 look into调查 look on旁观 look out留神 look over调查, 察看, 检查 look round到处寻找 look through浏览 look up拜访 take a look at看 lose sight of看不到 l

18、ose weight减肥 at a loss 困惑,亏本地 in luck运气好 out of luck运气不好 be mad at sb/sth对某人(某事)恼火 like mad疯狂地、拚命地 be made up of由组成 be made from由所做成(看不出原材料) be made of由所做成(看出原材料) make for导致make out辨认出,听懂 make up化妆,编造 make up for弥补 make up ones mind决定 a matter of大约 as a matter of fact实际上 mean to do打算做 mean doing意味着

19、by all means无论如何 by means of通过方式 by no means决不 meet with偶遇 in the middle of在中间,正忙于 change ones mind改变主意 make up ones mind 下决心 call to mind回忆起;记起 by mistake 错误地 mistakefor误认为,当作 make a mistake犯错误 mix up 混淆,弄混 at the moment此刻 for a moment一会儿 for the moment目前 more and more越来越多 more or less或多或少 no more

20、不再 no more than只是 at most至多 make the most of充分利用 for the most part 多半,在极大程度上 move away离开 move on继续前进 move out搬出 move up上升 in the name of以的名义 name after 根据命名 by nature生来 in nature本质上 in need of需要 have need of/for需要 next to仅次于 for nothing免费地,徒然地 nothing but只有,只不过 now and then偶尔 by now到如今 from now on从现

21、在开始 now that既然 a large number of大量的 be well off富有的 off and on断断续续地,有时 better off情况较好 at once马上 for once只有一次 once again再一次 once more再一次 open up展开 in the open在露天 be open to 开放 other than除了 the other day前几天 one after another一个接一个,相继 out of work失业 outside of在的外面 owing to由于, 因之缘故 play a part in对有影响 take

22、part in参与 on ones part就某人而言 pay a visit to拜访 pay back偿还, 回报 pay for支付 pay off还清 pay out付出, 报复 in person亲自 pick out挑选 pick up捡起 piece up修补 in place of代替 in the first place首先 in place合适 out of place不合适 take place发生 play with与一起玩 come into play开始活动,投入使用 point out指出 to the point中肯 on the point of正要的时候 p

23、oint to指向 in the presence of sb.在面前 at present目前 at any price不惜任何代价,无论如何 at the price of(付出)的代价 in print印出来;印好发行 out of print已售完,已绝版 print out打印 in public公开地 pull down摧毁 pull in进站 pull out度过难关 pull up停下 on purpose 故意地 with/for the purpose of 为了 push in鲁莽地插话;插手 push off走开;离开 put aside放在一边 put away放好

24、put down拒绝 put forward提出 put off推迟 put on张贴 put out伸出 put to use应用 put up举起 put up with容忍 in question被讨论的 out of question毫无疑问 out of the question不可能 on the radio 在广播中 reach an conclusion 得出结论 get ready for为做好准备 by reason of 由于 with/ in regard to关于 regard as 把看作 regret doing sth. 后悔(对已经做的事情) regret t

25、o do sth.遗憾(对将要做的事情) remember doing sth.记得以前做过某事 remember to do sth.记住要去做的事情 as a result 结果 as a result of由于,作为的结果 result in 导致 result from 起因于 in return作为报答,作为回报 in return for作为对的报答 be rich in含有丰富的 get rid of去除 rid sb. of sth.使某人摆脱某物 give rise to引起,为的原因 make room for为腾出空位 take root 扎根 root out根除,杜绝

26、 be not all roses不尽如人意,不尽善尽美 play the role of扮演的角色;起作用 as a rule通常 break the rule违反规则 rule out排除在外 run down撞倒 run into撞上 run off逃跑 run out of用完 run over辗过 run through跑着穿过 all the same仍然 the same as和一样 save ones breath不必白费劲 save up储蓄, 贮存 see as把看作 see sb. off给某人送行 see through看穿 see to (it that)务必 in

27、season当令的 out of season不合时令的 send for派人去请 send in递送 send out发送 come to ones senses苏醒过来 in a sense在某种意义上 make sense 有意义 make sense of搞清的意思 common sense 常识 set about着手工作 set aside搁置 set back使延迟 set down记下 set forth出发 set free释放 set off启程 set out着手 set up搭建 be short of缺乏 cut short缩减 for short缩写 in shor

28、t总而言之 run short of缺少 shout at冲着大嚷 shout to朝大声喊话 on show 被展出 show sb around带某人四周转转 show off炫耀 show up露面 side by side并肩 slow down慢下来 and so on/ forth等等 or so大约 so as to如此以致于 so that如此以致于 as soon as一就 no sooner than一就 sooner or later迟早 sort out挑选出 a sort of一种 all sorts of各种各样的 of a sort同一类,相当的 speak of

29、提起 speak out说出 speak for替讲话 spendon sth.花费(时间、金钱等)在上 spendin doing sth.花费(时间、金钱)做 stand for代表,象征 stand out突出,显眼 stand up站起来 stand up to勇敢的面对,经得起 start out动身,开始 start with首先,一开始 step by step逐步地 step in走进,干涉 step up提高,加快 take steps (to do sth.)采取行动 watch ones step小心谨慎,谨慎从事 step aside避开, 退让 stop doing停

30、止干 stop to do停下来干 stop from阻止 bus stop车站 book store书店 in store储藏着,准备着 store away贮藏起来 struggle against同作斗争 struggle for为而斗争 struggle on继续努力 struggle to do sth.努力,尽力做某事 such as例如,诸如 such that如此(以致) all of a sudden 突然地 sudden attack突然袭击 be sure of对有把握,确信 make sure查明,确保 be sure to do一定会 for sure当然,一定,毫无

31、疑问 in surprise惊奇地 takeby surprise 使吃惊 to ones surprise令人吃惊的是 take after与相像 take along随身带着 take as把作为 take away清除,拿走 take down 写下,记下 take in吸收,领会 take off脱下,起飞 take on承担,从事 take over接着,接替 take up占去,开始从事 talk of谈论,议论 talk over商议,商量 talk to/with sb.与某人谈论 to ones taste合的口味 a taste for sth.爱好 tellfrom把和区分开 tell apart分清,区分 think about思考 think of想起,认为 think of as把看作是 think over仔细考虑 carry through进行到底 see through看穿 throw away扔掉 throw oneself into起劲工作 thro

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