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1、新编英语教程5Unit3教案Unit ThreeTEXT 1THE NIGHTMARE LIFE WITHOUT FUELIsaac AsimovObjectives: to identify the examples in each para. by telling the central idea of it. to work out Asimovs way in arranging all his details. to tell orally and in written form the importance of energy resource: the functions, th

2、e nightmare life without it, and the measures to be taken to avoid such nightmare life. Section one Pre-reading Questions (10 mins.)1. What are the fuels that can be used in our life? Some fuels are indispensable to city life: coal, gas, petroleum. Some fuels are indispensable to country life: wood,

3、 natural gas, kerosene, petroleum.2. What fuel resources is China rich in? coal, oil, wood.3. Suppose the world had run out of fuel, what would happen to our life? What sort of nightmare life do you think Asimov describes in this text?Text Analysis: catch the examples and the central meaning of each

4、 paragraph. (110 mins.)Para.1 - lack of means of transport for going to work (why walk to work?) (comp.2-1)1. So its 1997. When was this article written? It was written in 1977. The year 1997 is the future year Asimov describes in his prediction. Now its 1997, and we can see if there is any truth in

5、 Asimovs prediction 20 years ago.2. What do the words “slosh” and slide suggest about the trip to work by bike on that rainy day? (Comp.3 - 1) The trip is unpleasant and difficult because of the muddy and slippery road. Asimov starts with what seems to be the most essential thing to the Americans -

6、the car. (Org. & Devl.)3. What are the examples? The subways/barts are crowded; many trains/one out of five trains break down (stop because of a mechanical fault); the buses are gone; the bicycles slosh and slide (flounder or splash about in slush or mud)Para. 2 - lack of raw materials and alternati

7、ve source of energye.g. Construction materials got from fading structures (old buildings); enough coal difficult to get; nuclear energy dangerous; solar energy expensive.1. Why does Asimov use fading and decaying to describe structures and city respectively? or, explain the meanings of these words.

8、(comp.3-2) fading - losing color and brightness; disappearing gradually fading structures suggests that the buildings are in bad repair and become fewer and fewer in number. decaying - declining in prosperity, wasting away decaying city suggests that the city lacks vitality to the extent of collapsi

9、ng. Together they help to create a bleak picture of the city.2. How do you understand The fading structures of a decaying city are the great mineral mines and hardware shops of the nation? Break them down and reuse the parts. When the old buildings are pulled down, the various parts such as those re

10、inforcing bars, tubes, etc. can be recycled. So the fading structures seems to be the great mineral mines and hardware shops where the materials of this kind can be found. 3. What is the job in demolition (= destruction, leveling)? Why is it steady according to the author? (comp.2-2) the job involve

11、d with destroying old buildings. because many old buildings have to be pulled down so that their various parts can be recycled.4. Coal is too difficult to .; nuclear fission is .; the technical breakthrough toward nuclear fusion .; and solar batteries are . Coal is time-consuming, effort-consuming,

12、and energy-consuming in digging up and transportation. Nuclear fission is dangerous because it produces radioactive rays which are harmful to people by contaminating land, water, and air. Nuclear fusion did occur because we have had hydrogen bombs, but we cant utilize the energy produced by nuclear

13、fusion in our life up till now. Solar energy cant be 100% utilized to produce electricity, so solar batteries are expensive.5. How does Asimov keep the first two paras. coherent? walk to work (para.1) - job in demolition (para.2) - job involving the re-use of raw materials and energy resources - lac

14、k of raw materials and energy resourcesPara.3 - the disappearance of automobiles because of the shortage of gasoline how there are no more cars running in the streets in 1997 (comp.2-3)1. What does filthy rich mean?2. What is rationed? What does the sacrifice refer to? The gas/gasoline is rationed b

15、ecause of its shortage. Sacrifice refers to those who cant afford the gas to keep their cars moving.3. Describe how the automobiles vanish. (comp.3-3) Automobiles dwindled because of the rising price of gas. Then only the rich could afford to keep their cars. This enraged the ordinary people. Then g

16、as was rationed. The ration was gradually decreased. Finally all cars disappeared.4. Is it true in America and in China? Cars are not diminishing in the states, but it is true that American people now show less interest in manufacturing automobiles, because they believe the future need is computers

17、and internet/info highway, from which people can do almost everything, shopping, visiting, having meetings, communicating, watching movies, etc. They will be seldom in need of cars to carry them everywhere. In China, more and more people are purchasing cars, for owning a private car is the symbol of

18、 becoming wealthy.Para.4 - some advantages of fuelless life / world1. According to the author, the fuel crisis of 1997 has some advantages. What are they? (comp.3 - 4) Why? less pollution (The air is cleaner) and fewer diseases, more security and lower crime rate, more healthy way of life (people wa

19、lk all the time), closer human relationships (mutual protection in crowds). 2. Rephrase With the police car too expensive (and too easy a target), policemen are back on their beats. Legs are king in the cities of 1997, and people walk everywhere far into the night. Police cars are too costly (and ar

20、e very likely to become victims of assault), so policemen walk about designated routes to perform their patrol duty as before. In the year 1997, walking forms the most important means of transportation in the cities and, from early in the morning till late at night, people travel here and there, bac

21、k and forth, all on foot.Para.5 - what results from the shortage of electricity (and fuels) e.g. no heating, no air-conditioning, no more hot showers, less lighting1. Whats the meaning of with most of what furnace fuel is allowed hoarded for the dawn? 2. How do you interpret lukewarm sponge baths wi

22、ll do. and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity, the automobiles fumes are 0gone. (comp.3-5) What people can have are only lukewarm sponge baths instead of showers, so if the air is full of the unpleasant smell coming from human perspiration because of fewer baths, you can sm

23、ell the auto fumes. The pleasant smell in the air comes from human perspiration rather than from the toxic vapor of cars as people can no longer afford to have a shower every day but can only clean their bodies with a sponge. Note the understatement in the sentence.3. What are the consequences of th

24、e scarcity of electricity and fuels? no air-cons for heating and cooling, staying in the dark after supper, not to burn the furnace all night to keep warm, put on sweaters even indoors in winter, not to take showers everyday but only lukewarm sponge baths so not fragrant smell in the air elicited fr

25、om human bodies because of fewer showers. Para.6 - the more disastrous conditions in the suburbs because the scarcity of fuels, say, gasoline and electricitye.g. the diminishing of cars so people have to form shopping pools, and to use pushcarts. shortage of electricity so not enough to hoard for th

26、e whole winter, and not enough for the dogs to eat in winter1. Whats the function of the word that in the first sentence? (comp.3-6) Introducing an adverbial clause expressing reason.2. Paraphrase There is some consolation in the city that it is worse in the suburbs. City people feel somewhat comfor

27、ted by the thought that people in the suburbs suffer even more (from the energy shortage).3. Explain the meaning of the sentence The suburbs were born with the auto, lived with the auto, and are dying with the auto? (comp.3-7) The car made it possible for the city to sprawl out and develop its subur

28、bs; the mobility the car provided made it possible for people to live in the suburbs; with the disappearance of the car, the once-prosperous suburbs are declining.Para.7. - scarce energy resources should be priorly distributed to transport and agriculture, not to personal comfort, and the reasons (c

29、omp.2-4)e.g. The nation as a whole must survive. The railroads moving the coal which is the immediate hope, and the subways moving the people should receive major attention; energy must be conserved for agriculture in order to produce more food, to maintain sufficient food supply, or even to exchang

30、e some oil with food. As for the personal comfort, people can huddle together when cold, fan ourselves when cool, sleep or make love at night when there is no electricity.Para.8 - starvation in the rest of the world (comp.2-5)1. What makes Americans feel that they are luckier than people elsewhere i

31、n the world? (comp.3-8) While Americans are forced to eat less, people in the rest of the world are simply starving.2. Paraphrase Some cynics say that it is the knowledge of this that helps keep American from despair. (LW6-4) American people know well that they are lucky to have enough food supply -

32、 America is one of the biggest agricultural exporters in the world - so that they do not lose any hope. According to some cynics, the reason why Americans have not yet lost hope is that they even understand that the situation in the rest of the world is even more discouraging.3. Paraphrase All the statistics point to rapidly declining rate of population increase, but that is coming about chiefly through a high infant mortality. The rapidly declining rate of pop

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