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1、一个有能力的人an able man 当作为表语的时候,都用于短语be able to do sth. 当形容词使用的时候其反义词为Unable be unable to do sth.disable 及物动词 使 不能够,使失去了工作能力、使残废abound 不及物动词 丰富、盛产、富裕常用搭配:物产+ abound + in +一个地方 表示物产在某个地方非常丰富。 地方+ abound + with / in + 物产about 介词 关于 副词 在 周围、大约 大约三个小时吧。 About three hours.孩子们在周围玩。 Children played about.above

2、 在.之上 在中人之上:above the average 超过了我的购买能力:above my meansabroad表示到,向,从或者某个介词的功能 表示语气,语义的强化 在国外,国外的the news is going abroad:消息到处传开了 absence absent(缺席的,不在场的,不到位的) presence(到场)During ones presence in the presence of sb. absence from be absent from: He is absent from work. During the managers absenceabsolu

3、te 绝对的 ab(不)-solute (溶解,融化) absolutely possibleabsorb 吸收 be absorbed in : 全神贯注于abstract 抽象的,难以理解的 / 摘要,选段 ab(不)-tract(拉) accelerate:加速 cele- speed/velocity slow down/decelerate:减速 appreciate:增值 depreciate:贬值accept 接受,接收 receive Yesterday I received a present. receive是客观上的收到,accept是主观上的收到;acceptable

4、可以接受的 Your English is acceptable. unacceptable 不可接受的access 进入的机会,进入的条件,进入的权利等 -cess 走 have(gain) an access to+地方/场所 获得了进入某个地方的权利,资格accommodate 给某人提供住宿+sb we all try our best to accommodate ourselves to the environment around us. accommodation 膳食供应 / 住宿,留宿 How about your accommodations in your colleg

5、e. accommodating 乐于助人的accompany 陪伴 be accompanied by I was accompanied by belle as well as music.accomplish 完成,取得成就 You accomplish much/a lot everything.取得了巨大的成就。 accomplishmentaccord 互相符合,相一致 accord with accordance in accordance withaccording to 根据 according to sb 根据某人所说的话account 数数字 账户 ,记录、计数, acc

6、ount for 解释,说明,成为.的理由,负责,占有多大的比例,accountable 可解释的,可说明的,可理解的;负责任的 keep account of leave sth. out of account 不予考虑 take sth. into account 把.考虑在内 on no account 绝不accumulate 使聚集,使增加,使积累 可以指我们的经验,财富,知识等的积累聚集accurate 精确的,准确的 accuracy 精确度accuse 指责,责备,控告,指控 accuse sb. of sth. charge sb. with sth.achieve 达到,达

7、成,获得 a + chieve achievement 成就 chief 首领 achieved a lot of achievement 取得了很大的成就 a man of achievement 非常有成就的人acid 酸acknowledge 告知,收到,确认;承认,对.表示感谢 acknowledgement I acknowledge you. 我对你表达感谢acquaint acquaintance 熟人 be acquainted with 熟悉.,了解. acquaint oneself with sth make the acquaintance of sb 与某人结交 ha

8、ve a nodding acquaintance with sb 与某人有点头之交acquire 获得,得到 acquisition 兼并,收购across 横穿,穿过,跨越 across the river across the country 遍布整个国家 cut across 抄近路走act 行为; 法令,法案,条例 ;假装,装作; he acts foolaction 采取行动 take actionactive 积极的 passive 消极的 be active in 在某方面积极actual 事实上的,与事实相符和的, actuallyadapt 使.适应 改编,为.编写 ada

9、pt oneself to+环境 be adapted to +环境 be adapted fromadd 增填,增加 add to color 增填了色彩 add to confusion 增加了迷惑 add up to 加起来总共达到. addition n addition 另外的,再者 additionalyaddict 强烈的方式说 addicted -dict 说 be addicted to 上瘾,成瘾,使入迷 addictiveadequate 足够的,充足的(刚好足够) equa adequate food and clothing 温饱 the problem of ade

10、quate food and clothing 温饱问题 it is sufficient every year 年年有余 self sufficient 自给自足的 enough 心理上的足够adjust 校正;调节,改变; ad- 到,向 just 正好,刚好 adjust oneself to 使某人适应.admire 羡慕 -mire 惊讶 admire sbadmit 承认;允许进入,准许进入;adopt 收养孩子;采纳意见;advance 前进;进步,先进; advanced 先进的,前进的,高级的; in advance 提前 ahead of time ahead of sch

11、edule advanced mathematics 高等代数advantage 优点 disadvantage 缺点 take advantage of 利用 make use of 很好的使用某物 make best of 对坏的事物利用到了最好 make most of 对.做最大化的利用advent 冒险(v) adventure 冒险(n) adventurer 冒险家 adventurous 具有冒险精神的 ad(to) vent(走)advertise 登广告,做广告 vert(扭转,旋转:turn) advertisement/adadvice 意见,建议 advise v.

12、advisable 明智的 I give you a piece of advice 名清动浊 It is advisable that. advise sb of sth 通知,告知某人某事advocate 倡导者,拥护者(n);倡导,拥护,支持(v); ad+voc(声音)affair 事物,事件 Internal/foreign affairs love affairs 风流韵事affect 影响;打动人心,感染人的情绪;矫揉造作; affection 爱,很深的爱意 affiliate 使成为子公司 The wet weather will affect the players per

13、formance. The movie affect me.afflict 使受折磨,使遭受痛苦afford 花费得起做某事/买某物 affordable 能花得起的,能消费得起的; I can afford that dictionary.afraid be afraid of 更强调心理上的恐惧 be afraid to do 怕去做某事after 追求 go after 追求/走在.之后 look after 照顾某人 take after 与某人长得很像afterwards after(在.之后)+wards(后来)again again and againagainst 反对;逆着;

14、靠着;映衬; I am against you.我反对你的计划 walk against the wind 逆风而行 you lean against the wall 你靠在墙上 white teeth against black skin age 年龄;老龄化,衰老; at the age of we are of the same age.我们年龄相仿。 aged 上了年纪的agenda 议事,日程; agency 代理处 ag-(做) on the agenda 在.的日程上 palce / put sth on the agenda 把.纳入日程aggravate 加重,加剧,恶化;

15、激怒; grave 坟墓ago .之前agree agree on 达成共识 agree with 同意某人或某人的观点 agree to 同意,赞同某一项计划或建议agreement 一致;协议,协定; in agreement withahead 提前,往前 go-ahead 许可alert be alert to sth 机灵的,警惕的;对.充满警惕,防备; on the alert for / against 时刻警惕着;alike 在句子中作表语或后置定语 相像的,相似的(表语);同类的,相同的(定语时);in the same way(作 副词) dislike 不喜欢 unlik

16、e 不像. likely 可能的 It is likely that .alive 活着的(表语和后置定语);all above all 最重要的是; not at all 根本不; after all 必尽,终究; all in all 完全、总共;alleviate 疾病的减轻和缓解; elevator 电梯allocate 等额的配置,有效合理的配置 location 地点allow 允许 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 allow for 考虑到 make allows for 把.考虑在内almost 几乎 hardly 几乎不=almost notalone

17、单独一个人,单单(可作表语也可作后置定语); lone 一个人,孤独 Chinese population alonealong 沿着;到来,伴随; along with 与. 一道,和.一起;= together with go down along this street and go ahead 沿着这条街一直往下走 come alongaloud 大声的(作表语和后置定语)already 已经 I have already finished two books.】also 也 not only. but also 不但. 而且.alter 改变,变更(局部的和表面的变化,而没有变成另外

18、的一个事物) change 表示任何一种变化 vary 不断的发生变化,由于变化而产生一系列的差别 vary from A to A 因人而异 vary with sth 因为.而改变alternative 供选择的东西,两者择一的;although:虽然,尽管 as也可以引导让步状语从句,但是as可以引导倒装 child as he is although he is a child even if even thoughaltogether 完全地,彻底地; wickedness does not go altogether on requited. for altogether 永久的,

19、永远的always 总是,始终amass 使成为更多的东西 聚集,聚敛,积累 amass fortune 聚敛财富ambiguous 含糊不清的 ambulance 救护车 ambi- 周围,两者 ambition 野心,雄心 ambitious adj 野心勃勃的,雄心壮志的amend 修改(对宪法);赔罪,赔偿; mend ones ways 改过自新,重新悔过; He would like to make amends for his crimes by good deeds. 他愿意将功赎罪。among/amongst 在三者或更多之间 This song is very popula

20、r among a lot of young people.amount 等同,接近;数量,总数; amount to 等同,接近 quantity Wasting time amounts to killing oneself. 浪费时间就等同于自杀。amuse 逗乐 entertain 以事先准备好的方式使人娱乐 款待; divert 离开工作等找其他的方式消遣 enjoy be amused by amuse oneselfamusing 使人感到快乐,好玩的analogy 比拟,类比,类推 by analogy on the analogy of 根据.类推analysis 分析 fr

21、om the above analysisancient 古代的 ancestor 祖先 in ancient times 在古代andanger 愤怒,生气 angry be angry with sbangle 角度 angel 天使 from ones angleannoy 使某人心烦意乱,使某人生气 you are so annoying 你真讨厌 toy coy 假装害羞的,故作谦虚的annual 每年的 average annual income 平均年收入another 再一个,又一个answer answer for 对. 负责 unanswerable 不负责任的antici

22、pate 先于行动,提前使用;预料,预期; expect sb to do sth:怀着确信的态度去期望anxiety 渴望,热望;焦急,忧虑,挂念; anxious be anxious about 对 .产生焦虑any 任何的 I can not walk any farther. 不能再往前走一步了。 Things are not getting any better.anywhere 任何地方;大约 about/approximatelyapart 分离的,分开的;分离,分开(副词); apart from 除.之外,还有=besides We have been apart ,but

23、 we will be together soon. 我们分离了一段时间,但是不久我们会团聚的。apologize/-ise 道歉 apology Can you accept my apology? 你能接受我的道歉吗? You should apologize to me.你应该向我道歉。appalling 骇人听闻的,使惊骇 be appalled at 被.吓坏apparent 明显的,明白的,显而易见的;表面上的,貌似的; Their apparent sorrow soon turned to laughter. 他们假情假意的悲伤不久就变成了笑声。appeal 有感染力,有吸引力

24、的;呼吁,申诉,上诉,求助于; appeal to 求助于 appeal to sb for sth appeal to a higher court 申诉到更高一级的法庭appear 出现 ;似乎要做某事 appearance 外表 by appearance 根据外表 at first appearance ,it is good.乍一看,还挺不错的。appetite 食欲,胃口;欲望,爱好,要求; I have appetite for . 对.特别的感兴趣 to sbs appetite 适合某人的口味applaud 鼓掌 clap 拍手apply 申请;应用到.,运用到.; appl

25、ied to be 申请成为 . apply to sb for sth 向某人申请某物 apply oneself to 专心致志于appoint 任命,委派;指定,指示;约定,约会; They appointed him manager.他们任命他为经理。appreciate 鉴赏和感激;涨价 I appreciate your difficulties, but I can not help. 我深知你的难处,但是我爱莫能助。 houses appreciated in value appreciate sth 对什么表示感激 appreciate表示深入的了解、欣赏,与enjoy不同a

26、pproach 接近,靠近; 途径,方法; The new year is approaching. an approach to sth .的方法appropriate 侵占,侵吞;approval 批准,认可,赞同,同意;求得某人的同意和批准; give ones approval to sth 批准某人做某事 with ones approval of The father expressed approval of what his son did. 父亲对儿子的所作所为表示赞许。approximate 接近;近似的,大约的; approximately 大约地,近似地; approx

27、imate to sth 近似于,接近于 A approximate to B A与B 近似apt 恰当的,合适的;易于.,聪明的; be apt to do sth 易于做某事,有可能做某事 she is one of the aptest students 她是我们班最聪明的学生之一。arbitrary 专横的,专断的,武断的; The king is a arbitrary ruler.这个国王是专横的统治者。argue 争吵,争论,辩论; argument 争论,辩论,论点;arise: arise from 起源于around 在. 的周围arouse 唤醒,引起;arrange 排

28、列,安排,筹划; arrange for sb to do sth arrange stharray 一系列,大量; a array of 一排排,一群;arrest 逮捕,扣留; arrest sb for sth 因为某事逮捕某人 arrest sb on the charge of 以某罪逮捕某人 under arrest 被捕 arrest ones attention 吸引某人的注意力article 文章;商店中的商品和物品;artificial 人工的,非天然的;矫揉造作的; unnatural 不自然 false 带有欺骗性的假象 artificial flower 假花 artificial organs 人造器官 false teeth 假牙as 作为(介词);因为,尽管,当.的时候,就像,好比,假如(连词);ashamed be ashamed of 因.而感到羞耻;以.感到耻辱;aside put aside 把.放在一边以备后用ask ask for 请求得到,要求得到;乞求得到 ask after 问候某人,探问某人 ask around 到处打听asleep 睡着了的 fall asleep

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