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1、学习过程 Step One: Fast Reading1. Skimming(1). _ _ is Annes best friend. A. Her elder sister B. Her diary Kitty C. Her mother D. Her father(2). The story happened _ _. A. in 1944 B. in 1942 C. during World War I D. during World War II2. ScanningFill in the form belowThe place of the storyThe heroine of

2、the storyAnnes best friendThe length of time they hid awayThe date of the diary(3)Now observe the text carefully to find out: how many parts it contains what the different parts are aboutStep Two: Careful Reading Scanning1. Anne Frank and her family hid away for_ _. A. over a year B. over two years

3、C. three years C. one year and a half2. According to Anne, a true friend is a person _ _. A. that would laugh at you B. who makes you happy C. whom you can trust D. who could save your life3. Anne said that she had grown crazy about nature because _ _. A. of her interest in nature B. she had always

4、been so C. she had been outdoors D. she had been indoors for too long4. She didnt dare open the window when the moon was bright. Thats because _. A. they might be discovered B. her family might be disturbed C. it was very cold D. a thief might get into the room5. Anne and her family were caught by G

5、erman Nazis _ _. A. about June 1945 B. about February 1945 C. about December 1944 D. about November 1944Join the correct parts of the sentences.1 Anne kept a diary because 2 She felt very lonely because 3 They had to hide because 4 Anne named her diary Kitty because A she couldnt meet her friends.B

6、Jews were caught by Nazis and killed.C she could tell everything to it.D she wanted it to be her best friend.BrainstormingWith a partner brainstorm some adjectives to describe Annes feelings and thoughts. Make a list of at least five.Fill in the form below.Time NatureFeelingBefore hidingAfter Step T

7、hree: SummaryAnne Frank wanted a _ whom she could tell everything to. She found such a friend. Her name was _ _. And that was her diary. Being Jewish Annes family _ _ away to avoid being caught by the German _ _. During that time Anne wrote a lot of _ _. In one of her diaries she _ _us her feelings

8、about nature. She wondered _ _ it was because she hadnt been able to be _ _ for so long that shed grown so _ about everything to do with _ _. She was terrified seeing the night _ _ to _ _. She was only able to look at nature _ _ dirty curtains. Language points (教案)课题: Annes Best Friend课型(单元课):Langua

9、ge points讲解课一 教学目标:1. 学生通过查找,预习和复习掌握词义,词性变化,词的搭配和用法。2. 通过不断操练句子,复习已知词语,吸收新词,扩大词汇量,提高灵活运用词汇的能力。二学习过程Part 1 自主学习(1) 单词拼写.1. _ vt.不理睬; 忽视 2. _ adj.不安的 vt.使不安3. _ v.(使)平静 adj.平静的 4. _ vi.打雷 n.雷,雷声5. _ n.提示;技巧 vt.倾斜 6. _ vt.交换7. _ n.项目; 条款 8. _ n.窗帘;幕布9. _ n.伙伴,合作者 10. _ adj.松的11. _ adj.感激的 12. _ adv.在户外

10、13. _ n.公路;大路 14. _ n.手提箱;衣箱15. _ n.大衣;外套(2)短语翻译1._合计 2._ (使)平静;(使)镇定3._ 遭受;患病 4._ 参加(活动)5._ 经历;经受 6._ 将某物装箱打包7._ 关心;挂念 8._ 对十分狂热/痴迷9._ 对厌烦 10._ 与相处;进展11. _ (与)相爱;爱上 12. _ 与无关13. _ 故意 14. _ 在黄昏时刻15. _ 一连串;一系列 16. _ 面对面地17. _ 碰巧做某事 18. _不再19. _ 记下;放下;登记 20. _ 为了 (3)单词扩展1. _ n. 力量;权力 _adj. 强有力的点拨: 某些名

11、词加后缀 -ful变为形容词。又如: care /careful, hope /hopeful, use /useful另外,表示“容量”的名词后面加上后缀-ful构成一个新的名词,表示满满的量。如:mouthful 一口,满口; bagful满袋 ; basketful一满篮; carful 一车之量; cupful 一杯之量,满杯。 2. _ n.灰土 _ adj.积满灰土的 某些名词加后缀-y构成形容词,表示“多的”“似的”,这类名词大多与气候有关。 cloud /cloudy; rain /rainy; wind /windy; snow /snowy; storm /stormy;

12、sun /sunny; fog /foggy; sand /sandy; hill /hilly(多山的,陡的); smoke /smoky(多烟的); water /watery(多水的); ice /icy (似冰的,多冰的); blood /bloody(血的,流血的); silk /silky(丝一样的); wool /woolly(羊毛制的, 似羊毛的); sleep /sleepy(想睡的); word /wordy(多言的)3. _ adj.德国的 n.德国人 _ n.德国4. _ v.(使)定居; 解决 _ n.移民; 殖民者5. _ v.痊愈;恢复;重新获得 _ n.恢复;重

13、新获得6. _ adj.完全的,整个的 _ adv.完全地,全然7. _adj.准确的; 精确的 _ adv.确切地,恰恰8. _ vi.同意 _ vi.不同意9. _n.& vt.喜欢 _ n.& vt.不喜欢Part 2 合作探究词汇用 法1. Your friend comes to school very upset.你的朋友来上学,心情非常不好。(BI P1) 句中upset是形容词作补语,表示主语的状态,意为“心烦的,不高兴的(unhappy, sad, worried)”。现将其主要用法归纳如下:upset sb.使某人生气/心烦upset sth.弄翻某物be upset wi

14、th sb.对某人生气be upset about sth.为某事感到心烦说明: upset的过去式和过去分词与原形相同; upset为表语形容词。运用 用适当的词填空或根据中文提示完成句子。 He _将杯子弄翻了) and the coffee went all over the floor. His cheating in the exam _ (使他的老师生气). If I catch you doing that again, Ill be very upset_ _ you. He didnt finish the work on time, and he was very upse

15、t _ _ it.2. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere to calm your friend down.你会无视铃声,然后去一个安静的地方使你朋友冷静下来。(BIP1) 句中ignore是及物动词,意为“忽视,不顾,不理睬”。 句中calm是及物动词,意为“使平静,镇静”; 此外,还可作形容词,表示“冷静的,平静的”。常用搭配有:calm down平静下来,镇静下来calm.down使平静/镇静下来keep/stay calm 保持冷静运用 根据中文提示完成下列句子。 I said hello to her, but she_ (不理睬我)

16、 completely! You cant _ (忽视这个事实) that China is still a developing country. Please _ (冷静下来) and let me know what has happened. The doctor has given her some pills _ (使她镇静下来). I tried to _ (保持冷静). I knew that worrying wouldnt help me find a solution.3.Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at

17、you, or would not understand what you are going through . 或者你害怕你的朋友嘲笑你,或者害怕你朋友不明白你正在经历什么?(B1 P2)go through 经历(困难,痛苦);检查get through通过;接通电话 One can be strong, brave and faithful after all these hardships he_ (经所经历的). He would _ for his country(为祖国赴汤蹈火).4. For example, one evening when it was so warm,

18、I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. 例如,有天傍晚,天气很暖和,为了独自好好看看月亮,我故意熬夜到十一点半。 含purpose的短语:on purpose 故意with/for the purpose of 为了的目的 表目的几个句式:in order to (do)为了(可位于句首)in order that(从句)为了(可位于句首)so as to (do)为了(不能位于句首)so that(从句)为了, 结果(不能位于句首)

19、 She seems to do these things _ (故意). _为了的目的) improving myself, Ill ask my classmates for some advice which may be of great value to me. _为了) achieve his goal, he started to work very hard. He started to work very hard_ _ (为了) achieve his goal.5. Ive got tired of looking at nature through dirty curt

20、ains and dusty windows,” Anne said to her father.安妮对爸爸说:“我已经厌烦了透过脏窗帘和沾满灰尘的窗子观看大自然了。”(B1 P5)be/get tired of对厌烦be tired from因累了/疲劳be fed up with 对感到厌烦be bored with对极其厌倦 运用 用适当的词填空。 Though Jack is often tired _ his job, he is never tired _ it. In fact, he enjoys it. The teacher is not good at teaching.

21、 No wonder the children grow bored _ his lesson.6. to join in discussions and show interest in other peoples ideas. 去参加讨论并对别人的观点感兴趣。(BI P7)join in 参加(某项活动)join sb. (in sth./doing sth.)和某人一起做某事join the army/the party入伍参军/入党attend the meeting 参加会议attend the lecture 听演讲报告 All the senior students are we

22、lcome to _ (参加) the contest. The first five winners will be given prizes. And whats more, she is going to _ (和我们一起)in an informal discussion tomorrow evening.句型积累一、美句诵写1. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept

23、me spellbound.我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空,鸟儿的歌唱,月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。句型: There was a time when. 曾经有段时间仿写: 请将下列句子译成英文。 曾经有段时间弟弟非常厌倦学习。_ _my younger brother _ 我曾一度对一些琐事感到很烦恼。 _some small things.2. I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. 黄昏时刻我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。(BI P2) 句型 : happen to do .when .当的时候碰巧说明 :

24、 表示“碰巧做某事”也可用It happens/happened that.句型。仿写 : 当我给他打电话的时候,碰巧他父母都出去了。 _ his parents were out _. 一天正在参观颐和园时碰巧遇上了李平。One day I_ t Li Ping when I was visiting the Summer Palace.3.I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut.直到不得不关窗时,我才下楼。(BI P2)句型: not. until 直到才说明 :1.倒装式: not until放在句首,主句要半倒装; 2.强调式: It is not until. that.。 直到他回来,妈妈才去睡觉。His mother_ until he got back. 直到那时,我才真正意识到朋友的重要性。_ _ I really realize the value of friends.4. It was the firs

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