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本文(高考一轮复习英语北师大版名师金学案 Unit 18 Beauty 美Word下载.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考一轮复习英语北师大版名师金学案 Unit 18 Beauty 美Word下载.docx

1、bendaffectiontreat strike evidentrecommend常用短语1. _完全消失,灭绝2. _一套3_ _爱上 4. 热衷于,非常喜欢5 不再看见 6. 负责,管理7 立即,马上,突然 8. _被困在中9 说实话 10. _等一下die_outa_set_of_fall_in_love_with. be_keen_on. lose_sight_of in_charge_of in_an_instant be_trapped_in. to_be_honest hang_on_a_second 典型句式1.Why does the writer think that t

2、he human race _ if we all physical beauty in the same way?为什么作者会认为,如果我们都以同一种方式认识形体美的话,人类会灭绝?2Why is inner beauty more _ _ than physical beauty?为什么内在美比外在美更难确定?3 of a persons inner beauty is much more subjective.判断一个人内在美的魅力更多的是主观上的感受。4Oh, think thats fair!我认为那不公平!would die outsawdifficultto determineJ

3、udgingthe appealdontIcommand n命令;掌握;司令部;v.命令,指挥;支配 have good command of很好地掌握at ones command随心所欲的(地)be at sb.s command听候某人的吩咐be under ones command由某人指挥command do sth.命令某人做某事command thatclause命令I command you to go.我命令你去。A general is a man who commands a large number of soldiers.将军是统率众多士兵的人。(1)co

4、mmand后接that从句时,从句中用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“should动词原形”的形式,其中should可以省略。(2)常见的后跟宾语从句时要用虚拟语气的动词:一坚持(insist)二命令(order,command)三建议(suggest,advise,propose)四要求(require,request,demand,desire)He commanded that all the gates be shut.他命令所有大门关闭。1.What_of English he_!Agood command;is atBa good command;hasCgood command;has D

5、good commands;【答案】Bthrill n兴奋,恐惧;引起激动的事物 get a thrill out of.因而激动give sb.a thrill让某人感到激动do sth.for the thrill of it为了寻求刺激而做某事Peter reckons that using guns gives him a thrill.彼得认为使用枪会给他一种刺激感。thrill vt.使激动;使胆战心惊thrilled adj.激动的,兴奋的thrilling adj.令人激动的,令人兴奋的The film thrilled the audience.那部电影对观众很有刺激性。We

6、 were very thrilled to hear your wonderful news.我们听到你的好消息非常兴奋。2.The visitors were_by the_experience.Athrilling;thrilling Bthrilled;thrilledCthrilled;thrilling Dthrilling;【答案】Chang (hung,hung) vt.& vi.悬挂 hang on紧握着不撒手;坚持下去;(打电话时)不挂断hang up把挂起来;挂断(电话)Hang on,please.请稍等。After I hung up I remembered wha

7、t Id wanted to say.挂断电话之后我才记起原本想说的话。hang (hanged,hanged)绞死;吊死“Theyll hang that boy,” said a gentleman in a white jacket.“他们会吊死那个孩子,”一个穿着白色夹克的绅士说道。He hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died.妻子去世后,他悲痛万分,继而上吊自缢。3.The judge declared the criminal would be_the very day.Ahang BhangedChung Dhunged【解析】句

8、意为:法官宣判罪犯即日将被绞死。hang作“悬挂”讲时,过去分词为hung;作“绞死”讲时,过去分词为规则变化hanged。consistent adj.一致的,始终如一的be consistent in.在方面始终如一be consistent with.与一致The evidence is not consistent with what you said earlier.这项证据与你先前说的不一致。We must be consistent in applying the rules.我们在实施这些规则时必须保持一致。consistency n一致,一贯性consistently adv

9、.一贯地Her work has been of a consistently high standard.她的工作一直是高水准的。4.The results are entirely_with our earlier research.Aconsist BconsistentCsimilar Dagreeinfluence n影响;作用;努力;vt.对有影响/作用 influential adj.有影响力的;有说服力的;有权势的sth./sb.influence sb.某事/人影响某人have (an) influence on/upon/over.对有影响have a good/bad i

10、nfluence on.对有好的/不好的影响have influence with sb.对某人有影响力under the influence of.受的影响It is clear that his painting has been influenced by his father.他的画显然是受到他父亲的影响。A teacher has great influence over his pupils.教师对学生有很大的影响。He is a man of influence in the small town.他是这小镇上有势力的人物。She is one of the most influ

11、ential figures in local politics.她是本地政坛举足轻重的人物。affect,influence与effect用法比较:(1)affect是及物动词,意为“影响、引起感情波动、感染、假装、炫耀”,一般用于指一时的“影响”。He was always deeply affected by Beethovens music.他经常被贝多芬的音乐深深地感动。(2)influence可作动词,也可作名词,往往指较长时间的、潜移默化的“影响”。The body influences the mind and the mind the body.体格影响心情,反之亦然。(3)

12、effect是名词,意为“影响、效果、作用”,常含有消极、负面影响的意味。effect也可作动词,但其意义是“进行、实现、产生结果”,与effect在意义上差别较大。Watching TV too much may have a bad effect on childrens eyes.看电视太多会对孩子的视力有不好的影响。I will effect my purpose;no one shall stop me!我决意要实现我的目标,没人可以阻拦我!5.用affect,influence与effect的适当形式填空:(1)Overheated development might have a

13、 bad_on the national economy.(2)His father has a great_on his choice of occupation.(3)Does this change_your plan?【答案】(1)effect/influence(2)influence(3)affecttreat vt.对待,看待;招待,款待;治疗把当做/像一样对待treat a disease/sb.治病/为某人治疗treat sb.for an illness治疗某人的病treat sb./oneself to sth.请或让某人/自己享用特别好的东

14、西be ones treat该(由)某人请客Dutch treat各人自己付钱的聚餐under treatment在接受治疗receive good treatment from sb.受到某人良好待遇You should treat them with more consideration.你应该多体谅他们一点。I decided to treat his remarks as a joke.我决定把他的话当作玩笑。His daughters visit is a great treat for him.女儿来看望他,他心里喜滋滋的。cure sb.of the illness治好某人的病a

15、 cure for an illness治疗方法No one can cure him of his illness at present.目前没有人能治好他的病6.单词拼写Those patient are still under_(治疗) in hospital.【答案】treatmentsight n视力;视野at first sight乍一看,初见之下lose ones sight丧失视力catch sight of突然看见lose sight of看不见in/within sight在视线之内;看得见out of sight在视野之外;看不见have good/bad/poor si

16、ght视力好/视力不好have near/short sight患近视at the sight of一看见At first sight,their demands seemed reasonable.乍看之下,他们的要求似乎是合理的。I was walking along the country road when I caught sight of a fox catching a cock in its mouth.走在乡村小道上时,我突然看见一只狐狸嘴里叼着一只公鸡。be nearsighted 近视的go sightseeing去观光Hes getting more and more

17、weak sighted these years.近几年他视力越来越差了。7.The man fell in love with the girl_.Afirst sight Bat sightCat the first sight Dat first sight【解析】题意是:那个男人和那个女孩一见钟情。at first sight是固定短语,不能加the,表“初见之下”之意。【答案】Drecommend vt.推荐;介绍;建议,劝告 recommend sth.推荐某东西recommend sb.sth.( sb.)向某人推荐东西recommend doing sth.建议(劝

18、告)做某事recommend do sth.劝某人做某事recommend that clause从句中应用(should)动词原形Could you recommend me a good hotel in Paris?Can you recommend a good hotel to me in Paris?你可以给我介绍一家巴黎的好旅馆吗?I recommended going by airplane.我建议搭飞机去。The doctor recommended me to take a long rest.医生劝我长期休养。 表“说服”“建议”词的用法:advise/sug

19、gest doing sth.建议做某事persuade do sth.说服某人做某事advise do sth.劝说某人做某事(不一定成功)I advised my father to give up smoking,but he didnt listen at all.我劝爸爸戒烟,可他根本不听。8.I can_him to you for the job.He is a very good worker.Asuggest BrecommendCadvise Dprompt【解析】句意为“我可以把他推荐给你做这份工作,他是一个很不错的工人”。suggest建议,“建

20、议某人干某事”常译作:suggest sb.doing sth.;advise劝告,“劝某人干某事”常译作:advise do sth.;prompt促使,引起。9(2009年浙江卷)The doctor recommended that you_swim after eating a large meal.Awouldnt BcouldntCneednt Dshouldnt医生建议你不应该在饱餐之后游泳。recommend后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,谓语动词为“(should)do”,故选D。conscious adj.神智清醒的,有知觉的,意识到的 be conscious of

21、意识到be conscious thatclause意识到lose consciousness失去知觉recover consciousness恢复知觉a conscious lie蓄意的谎言One must be conscious of ones shortcomings.人要有自知之明。The hero stood straight until he lost consciousness.英雄昂首挺胸,直到失去了知觉。be aware of清楚be aware that.清楚Im quite aware of how you must feel.我很能理解你的感觉。10.The temp

22、erature fell rapidly and two young people lost their_.Away BweightCspeech Dconsciousness【解析】lose ones consciousness失去知觉。从下文中came to (复活)可知,他们当时昏了过去。breathless adj.气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的 be out of breath上气不接下气地hold ones breath屏住呼吸lose ones breath喘不过气来take a deep breath做一次深呼吸He arrived breathless at the top of

23、 the stairs.他气喘吁吁地爬上了楼梯顶。breathe easily/freely呼吸自如breathe in/out吸气,呼气Though on the top of a high mountain,he breathed freely.尽管在高高的山顶上,他仍呼吸自如。11.The soldier was wounded seriously,lying on the ground and_!Abreathed hard Bbreathed hardlyCbreathing hard Dbreathing difficult【解析】句意为“这位士兵严重受伤,躺在地上呼吸困难”。st

24、riking adj.引人注意的,吸引人的 strike sb./sth.击打(突然的一次性打击)strike a match擦火柴strike twelve敲响12点钟It strikes sb.that.突然想起be struck by被所打动;被迷住go on a strike罢工Mary is a very striking young woman.玛丽是一位美貌动人的年轻女子。The earthquake struck (attack suddenly) Armenia in 1988.1988年亚美尼亚突然发生地震。It suddenly struck me that she wo

25、uld be the ideal person for the job.我突然想到她十分适合做那份工作。hit sb./sth.打中;击中beat sb./sth.(连续)击打beat the match比赛中打败某人knock at/on the door敲门knock down撞倒;拆除The boy was beaten until he was black and blue.那孩子被打得遍体鳞伤。12.We cant wait any more.The clock is_eleven.No hurry.Theres still half an hour to go.Atel

26、ling BbeatingChitting Dstriking【解析】strike有“敲响”的意思。similar adj.相似的;类似的 be similarbe alike(表语形容词)相似的;类似的 be similar to与相似be similar in在某方面相似Rats and mice are similar animals.大老鼠和小老鼠是类似的动物。This policy in Norway is very similar to the policies in other European countries.挪威的这项政策与其他欧洲国家的政策非常相似。the sams a

27、s与the same that用法比较:the same as与相同/一样(类似)the same that与是同一个This is the same wallet that I lost.这就是我丢的那个钱包。注意 familiar to sb.表示“某物为某人所熟悉”。 familiar with sth.表示“某人通晓某物”。St.Pauls Cathedral is familiar to all Londoners.圣保罗大教堂为所有伦敦人所熟悉。She is familiar with his works.她熟悉他的作品。13.In Norway,a(n)_policy

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