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1、6 绝对不可以单独使用that指代前面的单数或不可数名词,而一般是用that of + n.结构指代或换用其他表达方式。如 I just borrowed a book from library yesterday, but now I cannot find it.此句中it=a book,但此处绝不可以用that来替换。并且在标准书面语中,that永远不能单独充当主语7 当我们需要举例时,一律用such as结构,而不用like, like只能表示比较。8 主动优先原则9 在GMAT中关于being的以下使用必然错:1) being + n. 2) being + adj. 3) as b

2、eing + n./adj./v-ing,因为在以上表达中being属于多余。ones being done 也错10 当我们对一动宾结构进行替换时,do + 代词(it/this/that/these/those等)在标准书面语中永远错,一律用do so11 介词短语:on account of, because of, despite (in despite of), as a result of之后只跟简单的名词短语。若其后面跟的是动名词或名词所有格+动名词短语(sbs doing),或名词短语之后用一复杂的现在分词来修饰时,应改为与其相同意义的连词because, although等引

3、导的从句形式。12 几种简洁的表达方式: 1)n.that is (are) adj. 必然要换为adj.+ n.的名词短语结构,如:a man who is poor的选项必错,而应选含有a poor man的选项 2)当表示谓语部分,尤其时表示实义动词的含义时,就直接用其动词形式表示,而不要用名词形式或形容词形式表示,如:be a cause一定会被cause(动词)替代;be suggestive of就一定会被suggest所替代 3)一些常见词的替换方式:not any一定会被no替代; that which一定会被what替代; having been done会被done(做限定

4、词)所替代 whether or not被 whether替代13 平行结构的最后一个成分之前必定有一个连词and, or, neither, nor或as well as,否则此并列结构必然存在问题。如:to do A, do B, do C的表达就必然错误14 选项中有rather than的一定优于含有instead of的选项15 若在题中的划线部分(即A选项)中出现情态动词,那么在最后的正确答案中必须有此情态动词或类似语气的词出现。实战中,此原则可以转化为:不含此情态动词或类似语气词的选项均为错误选项,立即排除。情态动词也不可随意添加,原句中没有情态动词,选项中有也为错误选项。二,

5、句子结构1 主语从句只能使用陈述语序 ex: what I did was what did I do was错2 习惯搭配:it may well (很可能)be that3 宾语从句的时态可以与主句谓语动词不一致。表示客观存在科学事实统计数据研究结论商业惯例等常用一般现在时。4 表示建议命令要求的动词的宾语从句,使用动词原形表示虚拟语气(美国标准书面语中必须省略动词原形前的should) 1)表建议:advocate/advise/move(提出议案:按国会的程序作出正式提议)/recommend thatdo; sb. suggest/propose thatdo 2)表命令:order

6、/decree/mandate/command/demand thatdo 3)表要求:request/require/insist thatdo; sth. require of sb. thatdo下列动词后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气:allow that; allow在此意为承认 sth. propose that.; sth. suggest that 注意同sb. suggest/propose thatdo对比5 介词后一般只能接疑问词引导的宾语从句,不可以接that引导的宾语从句。 ex. to which I look, from where I got 但有三个例外:but th

7、at, except that (=but that), in that (=because) 属于约定俗成的表达方式。6 若宾语从句后跟有补语,通常用形式宾语it来代替:.make it clear that7 if any:作插入成分,强调名词短语,意为“如果说有的话”8 独立主格结构 1)独立主格结构放在句首或句尾,起状语作用,表伴随原因条件状态等。 2)一般独立主格,与主句形成松散的逻辑关系,形式为: n+ n.; n. + -ed/ing形式; n. + 介词短语;n. +形容词短语 3)with型独立主格,与主句形成紧密的逻辑联系,形式为: with + n. + -ed/ing形

8、式; with + n. + adj.; with + n. + 介词短语 作状语修饰前一个分句的动作类型词 例:Visitors to the park have often looked into the leafy canopy and seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging like socks on a clothesline. with引导的独立主格作状语就近修饰sleeping。 4)each型独立主格,强调句尾名词,形式为: 句子 + 复数名词结尾, each + 介词短语/形容词短语/

9、-ed形式/-ing形式。 例:Chinese, the most ancient of living writing systems, consists of tens of thousands of ideographic characters, each character a miniature calligraphic composition inside its own square frame. 独立主格形式 n + n 与主句形成松散逻辑关系9 两个句子并列,第一个句子含有be动词或者become,第二个句子中的be动词或者become必须省略,同时,一些重复的名词或形容词也必

10、须省略。例如:Once the economic and social usefulness of the motor was demonstrated and its superiority to the horse proved, . (proved前省略了was)注意:be able/unable to是be动词短语,在这个短语中be动词不是助动词,不能省略!例:A president entering the final two years of a second term is likely to be at a sever disadvantage and is often una

11、ble to carry out a legislative program.10 believe的习惯搭配:believe + that从句;believe sth. to be; believe sth 错误用法:believe sth. sth.; believe sth. that.11 动作的目的关系用to do表示,用for doing表达 错12 动词的并列必须用连词连接 白勇 P16 713 not.but rather.比not.but.语气强14 分号可以连接两个完整的主谓结构:like many others., Mr. K lived in.(句子1);born int

12、o.and instructed in., he also received.(句子2)15 习惯用法:permit do sth.16 习惯用法:phenomenon的定语从句的关联词只能使用in which17 习惯用法:access to do access for sb.错18 习惯用法:take turns doing19 hopefully在口语种表达两个意思,1 充满希望的 2 人们希望的 在书面语中为保证意思的单一性,一般不使用hopefully 20 hope在书面语中的用法,it is hoped that.,it 作为形式主语指代后面的that从句;it is

13、 hoped作为插入语,前后用逗号隔开。Jack, it is hoped, will come on time.21 such.that.; such后面必须加名词才能跟that搭配 OG 10th 2022 习惯用法:except that + 主谓结构 except that can be broken 缺乏主语23 习惯用法:举例子for instance/for example; such as + n./doing.; whether it is A or B or C24 also是副词,不能连接两个介词短语,也不能起连词的作用 OG 10th 42 B,E选项25 现在分词强调

14、正在进行、强调动作,过去分词强调已经完成、强调状态26 习惯用法:表达“关于.”倾向与用介词about/over,而不用concerning, with respect to27 同位语从句连词that和宾语从句连词that不能省略28 习惯用法:be responsible for sth.; be responsible for doing sth.; be responsible to sb. be responsible to do 错29 习惯用法:one.another; each.the other; each other; some.others30 代词it不能指代:介词短语

15、(it would not be necessary for further rate increase);前面整个句子。it可以向后指代:主语从句(it is exciting that I .);不定式短语(it is difficult to do.)31 习惯用法:sth(物) propose + that从句(that从句不使用虚拟语气);sb.(人)propose + that 从句(从句必须使用动词原形表示虚拟语气);propose sb. to do (不能使用被动语态)32 用词倾向性:无生命的所有格倾向于of sth. 而不倾向于用 sths 例:the terrain o

16、f the mountain而不使用 mountains terrain33 用词倾向性:标准书面语中,倾向于用情态动词或probably表示可能,而不倾向于使用maybe或perhaps 三者倾向性probablyperhapsmaybe34 doubt用肯定形式,可以由whether或that引导宾语从句,如I doubt whether we can success.; doubt用否定形式只能由that引导宾语从句,如 I have no doubt that the policy is due to failure.35 宾语从句用陈述语序 如the study commission

17、ed by J asks why litigants have .;The study commissioned by J asks why do litigants have.错 同项目1对比36 两者之间用between.and.,三者或三者以上之间用among37 当主语和谓语之间没有任何插入语时,主谓语之间不能用逗号隔开。如architects and stonemasons, were the Maya.错38 习惯用法:动词sell可以用主动的形式表示被动的含义,如sth.sell well表示什么东西卖得好。但当表示什么东西卖多少钱时必须使用被动语态 sold fo

18、r.39 介词with后面不能跟完整主谓结构 如 The capital of B, with population was 5660040 逻辑意思中应该是“动作的目的”而不应该是“状态的目的” OG 10th 39 E选项41 习惯搭配:target at 而不用target to42 并列句主语相同,应该省略重复的主语 OG 10th 135 选项A43 两个句子并列,主语和系动词结构相同,第二个句子的主语和系动词必须省略 about whether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or (it i

19、s)a condition more related to appearance than to health.44 省略结构一定要能还原:indicate there is one when it is not中,状语从句when it is not省略的表语无法还原,也就是说状语从句不能按语法承接there is one省略。正确说法indicate that it is present when it is not或 indicate there is one when there is not.45 习惯用法:标准书面语中consider后面常省略to be和as,正确用法为:cons

20、ider sth. sth.; consider sth. adj. 例:consider correction facilities an integral part of the criminal justice 46 blame.on.把.归咎于三,主谓一致1 there be A and B 句型中,由靠近be动词的A决定be动词的数的形式2 在全倒装结构中,谓语动词的数的形式由谓语动词后的主语的形式决定。out of sth. grows a market for.(由a market决定谓语动词)3 复数名词 + each + verb,谓语动词用复数4 each of 复数名词

21、+ verb,谓语动词用单数5 学科名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。但是,统计学(statistics)作“统计数据讲”,经济学(economics)作“经济政策”讲时,谓语动词用复数。6 在“A,举例短语(such as.)/分词短语/介词短语/同位语/不定式等插入成分,谓语动词”结构中,A决定谓语动词的形式7 a body of/a collection of/an array of/a series of/a set of/a portion of/a group of + 复数名词,谓语动词用单数。body:团体,群体 a body of troops:一支军队8 the average

22、of + 复数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数;an average of + 复数名词作主语,谓语动词用复数。9 neither/either作主语时,谓语动词用单数10 one in/out of + 复数名词(意为.分之一)作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。two/ of + 复数名词,谓语动词用复数。11 习惯用法:make sth. sth.; make sth. adj.; make it + adj. to do.;make sth as sth错as多余12 在英语中有三个类似的词表示转折含义:while, whereas, where。三者的区别为:where只能

23、放在句首作状语表示转折含义(where., + 主句),不能放在主句后的从句前面,因为where可能作定语,从而使修饰对象产生混淆;13 现在分词的完成时态不能作定语修饰名词 如 foods having been proved to.错误14 习惯用法:美国英语中,estimate at后常用价格等数量词,除此以外的概念优先用estimate to15 an amount of/a sum of/quantity of修饰不可数名词,谓语用单数形式 amounts of/sums of/quantities of修饰可数或不可数名词,谓语用复数形式16 everything(-one,-bo

24、dy),anything(-one,-body)和something(-one,-body)作主语时,谓语用单数。17 be able to do中to do不使用被动语态18 在标准书面语中,应优先使用动词去替换:be + 动词的形容词形式;be + 动词的名词形式;have + 动词的名词形式19 习惯用法:descend(v) from.; a descendant(n) of. a descendant from错20 as的特殊用法:as代替前面主句时,后面加上介词短语或者when从句 例:Although it claims to delve into political issu

25、es, television can be superficial, as when the three major networks each broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.21 such as后面不能接句子,只能加名词或名词短语的省略形式或-ing形式,表示举例。并且such as后面不能加代词22 关系代词充当介词宾语时,应将介词提前,构成介词 + which型定语从句。例 the collateral against which farmers borrow 而 the collatera

26、l which farmers borrow against错23 对比对象中出现的重复名词用that或those代替,而不使用代词it24 介词 + ones doing(in their performing)错,介词后必须直接加doing或名词短语without doing 对 without ones doing 错25 compare x1 to x2意为把x1比作x2;x1,x2是不同类事物,强调相似性;compare x1 with x2,意为把x1同x2对比;x1,x2是同类事物,强调差异性capability of doing/capability to do而capabil

27、ity for doing错ability/inability to do; ability/inability of sb to do而ability for doing; ability for sb to do永远错27 习惯用法:sth.lead sb. to do; lead to 不用被动语态28 同位语的单复数可以与其解释的对象不一致 In the most common procedure for harvesting forage crops such as alfalfa, as much as 20 percent of the leaf and small-stem m

28、aterial, the most nutritious parts of the plant, shatters and falls to the ground. 其中the most nutritious parts of the plants是复数概念,它作为名词性同位语解释说明前面的单数名词material。29 一些外来词的复数形式:(1) 以-is结尾的词变复数时-is改为-es: analysis-analyses, crisis-crises(2) 以-um结尾的词变复数时-um改为-a: bacterium-bacteria, datum-data(3) 以-on结尾的词变复数时-on改为-a: criterion-criteria(4) 以-us结尾的词变复数时-us改为-i: nucleus-nuclei, stimulus-stimuli(5) 以-a结尾的词变复数时-a改为-ae: lava-lavae?, formula-formulae(6) 以-ex/-ix结尾的词变复数时-e

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