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高 一 英语必修 3 Unit1Word格式文档下载.docx

1、19. around the world 全世界20. be covered with 覆盖21. as though 好像22. have fun (with) 玩得开心23. be proud of 为感到自豪24. have in common 有共同之处25. a worldwide festival 世界性节日26. rather than 而不是27. would rather than 宁愿而不愿28. be good at 擅长29. show sb. the way to 给指路去某地30. at least 至少31. be careful with 小心32. ask s

2、b. for permission 请求允许33. parking lot 停车场34. ring up 打电话35. turn up 出现;到场36. right now 现在37. laugh at 嘲笑38. keep ones word 守信用;履行诺言39. hold ones breath 屏息;屏气40. fall in love 爱上41. get married 结婚42. be married to 与结婚43. set off 出发;动身;使爆炸44. throw away 扔掉45. remind of 使想起46. wave at 向招手47. keep a diar

3、y 记日记48. watch out 当心48. for ones sake 看在某人的份上二、单元必备句子1. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months.2. Some festivals are held to honor the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm.3. The country, co

4、vered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow.4. She said she would be there at seven oclock, and he thought she would keep her word.5. He had looked forward to meeting her all day.6. It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leavehe

5、 wiped the tables, then sat down and turned on the TVjust what Li Fang needed!7. Finding that Zhinu was heart-broken, her grandmother finally decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet once a year.8. I dont want them to remind me of her. So he did. 单元基础一、 多项选择1. It is common that many ide

6、as, which were not known to all at first, have _ popular support later. A. gained B. owned C. gathered D. accepted 解析: 考查动词词义。句意:许多思想一开始并不为人所知,但后来获得了广泛支持,这样的事情很普遍。gain获得;own拥有;gather收集;accept接受。 答案:A2. A lot of people _ around, curious to know what was happening. A. accumulated B. ran C. collected D

7、. gathered句意: 许多人聚拢过来,想知道发生了什么事情。accumulate积累;run about四处跑动;collect收集;gather around聚集。D3. Martin Luther King Jr. was _ the Nobel Peace Prize of 1964 for advocating non-violence struggle in the movement for civil right. A. awarded B. offered C. rewarded D. received 解析:考查动词词义。因为倡导在民权运动中使用非暴力斗争,马丁路德金获得

8、了1964年诺贝尔和平奖。be awarded被授予;offer提供,给予;reward回报;receive接受。 答案: A4. You are always full of _. Can you tell me the secret? Taking plenty of exercise every day. A. power B. strength C. force D. energy考查名词词义。你总是精力充沛,能将秘密告诉我吗?每天从事大量运动。power能量,电能,权利;strength气力,体力;force力量,外力;energy精力。5. He is a man you can

9、rely on because he always _ his words. A.keeps B. gives C. breaks D. eatsKeep ones words 意为“信守诺言”。6. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and _. Atired B. energetic Cstrong D. Exciting 解析:考查形容词辨析。旅行归来人常会有焕然一新的感觉。energetic意为“精力充沛的”,正合题意。答案:B7. Although she did some bad

10、 things about me, I have _ her for that. A. regretted B. freed C. relaxed D. forgiven尽管他做了对不起我的事,但是我已经原谅了他。regret遗憾,后悔;free解放,释放;relax放松;forgive原谅。8. In our childrenhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention ot our table manners. A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped考查动词词义与搭配。在孩童时期,祖母经常

11、提醒我要注意餐桌礼仪。remind sb. to do sth.意为:提醒某人做某事。9. We agreed to meet at the school gate at 9, but he didnt _ until 10 oclock. A. turned up B. turned down C. turned over D. turned on考查动词词组。我们约好九点在校门口见面,但他一直到十点才来。turn up出现,露面;turn down调小,拒绝;turn over翻过来;turn on打开。10. He is a person that you can rely on. He

12、 always _ his word. A. promises B. breaks C. keeps D. eats他是一个值得信赖的人。他只是守信用。break/eat his word食言; keep his word信守诺言。C11. Believe it or not, it is possible to for him to _ his breath under the water for ten minutes. A. take B. hold C. keep D. make信不信由你,他有可能在水下屏住呼吸达十分钟之久。take ones breath呼吸;hold ones b

13、reath屏住呼吸;12. If you hope to catch the first flight, youd better _ for the airport immediately. A. set up B. set off C. set about D. set down如果你想赶上早班飞机,你最好立即去机场。set up建立;set off (for)出发(去);set about着手,开始;set down记下,写下来。13. Do as Romans do. Its better to follow the _ in a foreign country we are visit

14、ing. A. habits B. traditions C. practices D. customs入乡随俗。在国外访问时你最好遵守那儿的风俗习惯。habit(个人)习惯;tradition传统;practice做法;custom(常用复数)风俗习惯。14. You can trust the young man, for he is _ following all the instructions.A. religiously B. badly C. originally D. obviously解析:你可以信赖这名年轻人,因为他一向一丝不苟地遵循所有指示。religiously“虔诚地

15、”,符合题意。15. A notice was _in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. Asent up Bgiven up Cset up Dput up讲座时间已经更改了,为了提醒学生,已贴出了通告。考查与up搭配的动词词组。put up张贴,符合题意。send up发射;give up放弃;set up 建立。答案D16. Many of them _ to see what was happening on the stage.A. looked into B. looked forward C. lo

16、oked down D. looked for 我们很多人向前看,想看一看台上发生了什么事。look into 朝里看,调查;look forward向前看,期盼;look down向下看,轻视;look for 寻找。答案: B17. The police are offering a(n) _ to anyone who can give information about the boy.A. price B. prize C. award D. moneyaward强调荣誉,不在乎奖品的大小或者奖金的多少;price价格;prize多指在各种竞赛、竞争中赢得的奖;money金钱,为不可

17、数名词,不能与不定冠词连用。18. Without the polices _, no one wasnt allowed to enter the building. A. nod B. refusal C. arrival D. permission没有警察的许可,任何人不能进入这栋楼。19. The _ of the word meant something negative, but later with the development of the language, its meaning has become positive. A. origin B. beauty C. cu

18、stom D. use这个词的本意具有贬义,但后来随着语言的发展,它的含义是褒义。20. You might as well say he is clever _ foolish. A. as well as B. apart from C. rather than D. but also你不妨说他聪明,而不是愚蠢。As well as 也;apart from除外;rather than而不是;but also而且。二、语法结构操练完成句子1. Mike _(肯定不在打扫) the classroom now. I saw him playing basketball on the play

19、ground a moment ago. (clean)考查can表推测的用法。cant be cleaning2. _ (应该采取措施) about the population explosion in some developing countries. (do)考查情态动词的被动语态。Something should/has to/ought to be done3. The two brothers are so much alike that even their own mother _(几乎无法区别他们). (tell)考查can的用法。tell apart 意为“区别”。ca

20、n hardly tell them apart4. Last week Mr Smith, our math teacher, set such a difficult problem that none of us _(解答出来). (work)work out 意为“解答”。could work it out5. He says he is still reading The Old Man and the Sea. He cant _( 还在读那本书). I gave it to him ages ago and its quite a short book. (read)考察can表

21、推测的用法。be still reading6. Your advice _(她等待) till next week is unreasonable, so she is wise not to take it. (wait)考察should 在从句中的用法。that she (should) wait7. I t cant leave. She told me that I _(必须待在这儿)until she comes back. (stay)考察must的含义。must stay here8. He said that a man landed on Mars, _(这不可能).(tr

22、ue)考察非限制性定语从句和can 的用法。which cant be true9. I often see the old man doing shopping here. He _(他肯定住在附近). (nearby)考查must表推测的用法。must live nearby10. Why dont you stay at the Baotuquan Hotel?You _(肯定在开玩笑)! Do you know how expensive that place is?(joke) 考查must的用法。must be joking三、重要句型操练完成句子:1. I _(常常想起) tho

23、se days when I have a look at the old pictures. (remind) am often reminded of 2. Not _(满意) what we have done, he asked us to do it once again. satisfied with3. _(发生很大变化) in Wuhan since the new railway station was set up in 2008.Great changes have taken place3. We are looking forward to _(收到他的来信) as

24、soon as possible. (hear)hearing from him4. In China, people dont think it is right of their children _(开的玩笑)our parents. (play) to play tricks on5. It is said that the student in the class _(难对付). (deal)is difficult to deal with6. When a stick is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _(断了).

25、(break)were broken7. Sorry, I _(不是有意) hurt you.(mean)didnt mean to8. The couple has a son of _(他们自豪). (proud)whom they are proud9. _(他们的共同点) is they are both independent from their families. (common)What they have in common10. _(明显) that the manager wont agree with our plan.(obvious)It is obvious 单元

26、测试第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时, 先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,共5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。1. When does school begin? A. At 7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.(Text 1)M: Does school begin at eight oclock?W: No. It begins half

27、 an hour earlier.2. What is Bill doing now? A. Hes listening to the radio. B. Hes talking on the phone. C. Hes staying in hospital.(Text 2) Whats the latest news about Bill? I talked to him last night on the phone. He said he was feeling better and would be back home in a few days.3. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. To buy a second bicycle. B. To buy a used bicycle. C. To buy a new bicycle.(Text 3) I cant decide whether to buy a new bicycle or try to find a second-hand one. A new bicycle will cost you a lot of money. I dont think it is worth doing.4.

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