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1、 Additionally,the vivid pictures and live videos appeal to my soul and carry me away from the stress and trivial things in life.A考纲词汇思忆1audience n听众2genius n天才3tune n曲调4musician n音乐家music n音乐musical adj.音乐的5director n指挥direct v指挥;指导 adj.直接的;径直的directly adv.直接地direction n方向;指示;说明6lose vt.失去;丢失loss n损

2、失lost adj.丢失的;迷失的7talent n天分;天赋;才华talented adj.有才能的8compose vt.作曲;创作composer n作曲者composition n作曲;作文;作品9tour vt.& n巡回演出;观光,旅游tourist n观光者,旅游者tourism n旅游业10complex adj.复杂的complexity n复杂(性)11influence vt.影响influential adj.有影响的12record v& n录音,记录;唱片recorder n录音机13lecturer n(大学的)讲师lecture n& v演讲;讲课14mix v

3、t.使混合mixture n混合物字词入章,相得益彰Tom is a talented musician and his works always have a great influence on the audience.He is a genius in composing and singing.He is currently on tour in the North to promote his new record.B重点短语识记1和不同 be_different_from2作为而出名 be_known_as3把变成 change.into.4有史以来 of_all_time5对留

4、下深刻印象 be_impressed_with6变聋 go_deaf7如果这样的话 if_so8分裂;分割 split_up9没门 no_way10记录 make_a_note_ofC经典句式再现1by the time引导时间状语从句,意为“到时候”By_the_time_he_was_14(到他十四岁时),Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,as well as for orchestras.2强调句型:it is/was被强调部分that/who句子的其他成分However,it_was

5、_Haydn_who(正是海顿)encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.3as引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”As_he_grew_older(随着他年龄的增长),he began to go deaf.A核心单词巧布点,基石奠lose vt.失去;丢失;错过;迷路;使沉溺于;专心致志于lose face/heart/weight丢面子/灰心/减肥lose ones job/balance/sight/temper失业/失衡/失明/发脾气lose oneself in sth /be lost in.专心致志干某事(be)lost in thought/lo

6、se oneself in thought陷入沉思at_a_loss困惑;不知所措Lost_in_thinking,he almost ran into the car in front of him.由于陷入了沉思,他几乎撞上了他前面的那辆汽车。He was at_a_loss on hearing the sudden news.听到那突然的消息后,他慌得不知所措。辨析lost/missing/gone(1)lost“失去的”,指无法再找到的,另外还有“迷路的;困惑的”等含义,可作定语、表语。(2)missing“丢失的”,指暂时不在或找不到的,另外还有“被损毁的;缺少的;失踪的”等含义,

7、可作定语、表语。(3)gone“失去的”,(本应在此却)不见了,强调时间、情况等一去不复返。常作表语。The police are trying their best to find the missing schoolgirl.My fever is gone,but I still have a cough.His elder brother was lost at sea.influence vt.影响;感化n.影响(力);势力.the opinions of such powerful people still influence the journalists and editors

8、 who work for them.(2011上海卷,六选五)这些权势人物的言论依然影响着为他们工作的记者、编辑。(1) (2)influential adj.有影响力的The book had a major influence_ on her.这本书对她有重要的影响。He is influential in reaching the decision.他对做出这一决定有很大的影响。record vt.& vi.录音;记录n.纪录;唱片;档案;履历,经历Do you mind if I record your lecture?Not at all.Go ahead.(江苏卷)你介意我录下你

9、的讲座吗?不介意,录吧。(2) Please keep_a_record_of the numbers of your travellers cheques.请将你的旅行支票的号码记下来。At the Olympic Games,some athletes broke_the_world_record,some made_a_record and others kept_the_former_record(record)在奥运会上,有的运动员打破世界纪录,有的创造新纪录,有的保持原有纪录。mix v使混合;使结合;相融合;调配;相容Somewhere in the mix of those f

10、orces there may be a way for a wiser use of technology.(2011浙江卷,阅读A)在这些力量交混的某个地方我们也许可以找到更好使用技术的办法。mix.with/and.把与混合;与有来往mix up混淆,弄混be mixed_up_in 参与;牵涉进去mixed adj.混合的;男女混合的a mixture of .的混合物In my job,I mix_with all sorts of people.我在工作中常和各种人打交道。I dont want to be mixed_up_in the affair.我不想牵连到这件事情中去。集

11、训中心.单词拼写1Mozart c_ many pieces of music in his life.2The symphony was c_ on the whole,but it was a little dull in the beginning.3I like pop and rock music,not c_music.4The teacher found Tom had a t_ for painting.5Cats is a fascinating m_ play.You can enjoy the beautiful music in the play.6What you s

12、ay and do will _(影响)your child.7This is a _(复杂的)problem.Nobody knows how to solve it.8Hurry up! There is not a moment to_(失去)9The _(听众)was enthusiastic for the opening of the play.10His speech was _(录音)on a tape.答案posed2.catchy3.classical4.talent 5musical6.influenceplex8.lose9.audience10.recorded.单项

13、填空1Dont_You will _new customs and different ways of thinking.(2012长沙模拟)Alose your heart;apply toBlose heart;apply yourself toClose your heart;adapt toDlose heart;adapt yourself to2A cool rain was falling _with snow causing heavy traffic.(2012北京模拟)Amixed Bmixing Cto mix Dhaving mixed3I had tried my b

14、est to stop that wrongdoing,but my advice had no _on his actions.Aimpression BadvantageCprogress Dinfluence4Salt,when_with water,dissolves quickly,which is a physical reaction.Amixed Bmixing Cmix Dis mixed5He _the lecture given by the famous professor.Adid Bmade Crecorded Dlistened答案1.D2.A3.D4.A5.CB

15、核心短语点入线,基础建change.into.把变成change.into. change A with Bchange B for A用B交换AI am thinking of changing my car for a bigger one.我正在考虑换辆大汽车。I need to change my dollars into francs.我需要把美金换成法郎。小贴士change用于货币交换时,不同货币交换,常用into;大钞票换零时常用for。go bad /mad /blind变坏/变疯/失明go wrong/wild出毛病/变疯狂go pale /red变得苍白/变红go hung

16、ry 挨饿go是系动词,意为“变得”,一般表示指由好的方面向不好的方面转变,也可跟表示颜色的形容词。As he grew older,he began to go_deaf随着年龄的增长,他的耳朵变聋了。While half the world go_hungry,the other half are overweight.虽然世界上一半的人挨饿,但另一半的人却超重。.选词填空make a note of;change.into;have a talent for;split up;go hungry;be impressed by1You cant _iron_gold.2_how much

17、 money you spend.3When food is short,its often the mother who_4I _very _his story.5Steves parents_when he was four.6As we all know,Mary _language and she does very well in English.答案1.change;into2.Make a note of3.goes; impressed by5.split up6.has a talent for1Please _a note of what I said

18、 and if you have different opinions,_notes afterwards.Atake;make Bcompare;takeCmake;compare Dmake;2The food has _bad.Its not fit to eat.Acome Bleft Crun Dgone3Can you change this 100yuan note_ten single ones?Ainto Bwith Cto Dfor4Its reported that Hawking,a great_in physics,has come to Beijing to giv

19、e a lecture on the origin of the universe.Atalent BgeniusChero Dphysicist5What do you think made Liz so upset?_her new bike yesterday.ALose BLost CLosing DBeing lost答案1.C2.D3.D4.B5.CC核心句型线入面,灵犀现By the time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,as well as for

20、orchestras.莫扎特到14岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。本句by the time为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,这时主句常用完成时。by the time一般过去时从句,主句时态为过去完成时。by the time一般现在时从句,主句时态用一般将来时或将来完成时。by the end of过去时间,主句常用过去完成时。by the end of将来时间,主句常用将来完成时。By the time the course ends,well_have_learned a lot about Britain.到这门课程结束时,我

21、们将学到关于英国的很多知识。By the end of last week,we had_received over 1,000 text messages.到上周末我们已收到1 000多条短信。However,it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.尽管如此,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。此句型是强调句型,其结构是:itbe被强调部分that/who.。(1)当被强调部分指人时,后面的连接词可用that或who/whom;否则就用that。(2)若被强调部分为主语时,句子的谓语动词和被强调的主语保持一致。(3)强调句的

22、一般疑问句:Is (Was)it被强调部分that.。强调句的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词is(was)itthat.这时特殊疑问词是被强调部分。It is I who/that am to blame.是我该受到责备。Was_it_ten years ago_that his father died?他的父亲是10年前去世的吗?It was in_the_lab_that my father did the experiment yesterday evening.(强调状语)我父亲昨晚是在实验室里做的实验。判断句子是否为强调句的方法:把it is(was)和that(who)去掉,再把被强调部分

23、归位到它本来的位置,在不添加任何成分的情况下,如句子仍能成立,则为强调句。看看高考怎么考Its not what we do once in a while _ shapes our lives,but what we do consistently.(2011湖南卷,单项填空,35)Awhich BthatChow DwhenIt is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do _benefits our work most.(2011陕西卷,单项填空,23)Awho Bwhich Cthat Dwhat答案BC.

24、单项填空1Johns success has nothing to do with good luck.It is years of hard work _has made him what he is today.(2010湖南,25)Awhy BwhenCwhich Dthat2When I talked with my grandma on the phone,she sounded weak,but by the time we _ up,her voice had been full of life.(北京卷)Awere hanging Bhad hungChung Dwould hang3It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village_the host

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