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How to write a paperWord文件下载.docx

1、读一下课本或专著中你所选题的综述概况。这样将会帮你建立起与题目相关的重要变量和事实的总体认识。你的论文会比概述更具体,范围更小,内容更有深度。Narrow the topic so you can write in-depth within the required space limitations缩小题目的范围,这样你就能在要求的字数限制内写的有深度。Get the instructors approval of the topic.征求导师对这个题目的同意。Step 3. Find relevant professional journal articles and books base

2、d on empirical findings.第三步:找到基于实证研究的相关专业杂志文章和书籍Avoid popular magazines, e.g. Time, News Week, U. S. News and World Report, Psychology Today, Family Circle, Readers Digest.避免使用通俗杂志,如时代,新闻周刊,美国新闻与世界报道,心理世界,家庭,读者文摘。Use an on-line search database such as PsycINFO or MedLine利用网上数据库查询。The library referen

3、ce section personnel can be of help.图书馆文献部人员可能对你有所帮助。Use the card catalogue or on-line catalogue to search for appropriate books.通过使用卡片目录或在线目录来搜寻合适的书籍。Use indexes found in the reference section of the library.使用图书馆文献部的索引。Look at the indexes for specific journals. Often the last issue of each year ha

4、s an index for thatyear.查找具体杂志的索引。通常,每年最后一期杂志有全年杂志的目录索引。When you find one relevant article, get the article: from a journal held by the library, through aninterlibrary loan (photocopy of the article), or download the article from a Web site.当你发现相关的文章,要得到它,可以:通过持有此杂志的图书馆,通过网络图书馆,从网上下载。Look at the ref

5、erences in the article(s) youve found. The complete reference is at the end of thearticle.仔细看你找到文章的参考文献。完整的参考文献在文章的最后。Web site references may not exceed 49% of the references used in your paper.你论文的参考文章中,网络参考文献不能超过49%。Ten references are not too many for a paper that is five to seven pages in length.

6、 Longer papersshould have more references.对于一篇有5-7页纸的文章来说,10篇参考文献也不算多。更长的文章需要更多的文献。Step 4. Select the most appropriate articles for inclusion in the paper.第四步:选择与文章最相关的文献。Read each article carefully.认真的读每一篇文章。Underline important points and statements you want to quote in your paper.把你想在文章中引用的重要论点和叙述

7、画出来。Step 5. Organize the paper you are going to write.第五步:组织你要写的文章。Develop a thesis statement. Provide the reader with an overview paragraph so the reader knows where the paper is going and what the goal of the paper is.写一个文章的评述。写一段总概括段,让你的读者知道你文章要写什么,文章的目标是什么。Use subheadings to make the paper more

8、readable. Heres a possible example:使用副标题使文章具有可读性。下面举个例子:Overview. State the purpose or goal of the paper. This section should tell the reader where you plan to go with the paper. A clear and concise thesis statement is very helpful.引言。陈述文章的目的或目标。这部份将告诉读者你计划怎样写这篇文章。清楚简洁的论文陈述将会非常有帮助。Definitions. Defin

9、e the major terms used in the paper.定义。确定文章中主要术语的定义。Body of the paper. In the body of the paper review the relevant material you have gathered in a well organized manner.文章正文。文章的正文以很有组织的方式评述你搜集的相关资料。Critique. Critique the material either in the body of the paper or in a separate section. When you cr

10、itique, you include the strengths and weakness of the material gathered, and include your own ideas.评价。不管是评价在文章正文或另外部分的资料时,应该评价包括搜集到资料的有点和不足,其中应该包括你自己的想法。If you have made your own observations or gathered your own data, include them in an appropriate place in the body of the paper. When you gather d

11、ata, be sure to describe the sample from which you gathered the data, your method or how you gathered the data, and what measures you used. Describe how you analyzed the data and what the results were.如果你已经有了自己的观察或搜集到了你自己的数据,把它们放在正文中合适的位置。当你搜集数据的时候,一定要描述你搜集数据的样本,你的方法或者你是如何搜集数据的,并且你使用了哪些方式。描述你是怎样对这些数

12、据进行分析的,结论有哪些。Make sure the body of the paper flows in a logical way.确保文章正文的写作具有逻辑性。Summarize. At the end of the paper, synopsize the major points you have made.小结。在文章最后,把你的主要观点综合写出来。Step 6. Write the paper.第六步:写文章。Use the outline developed above.使用上面写好的提纲。Write a draft of the paper, let some time pa

13、ss and then review and improve the draft.写一个文章的草稿,过一段时间在看,改这个草稿。Have the paper reviewed by someone else. The Writing Center at KU will do this for you. You can visit the Writing Center Monday C Friday from 10 AM to 2 PM in 4017 Wescoe Hall. Also see their website: http:/让别人帮你来改文章。

14、Title your paper.给文章起标题。Number the pages.编辑页码。Write in 10 or 12 point type.Use at least one inch margins.Double space the paper.Include a cover sheet with your name and student number, the name of the course, the date, the name of the project you are submitting and the title of the project.做一个包括你的名字

15、,学号,课程名称,日期,项目名称的封皮。Use spelling and grammar checks available in most word processing programs. Proof read your paper after the spelling and grammar check. If a word is not the correct word but is a real word, the spelling and grammar check may not catch the error.检查文章是否有语法或拼写错误。Hand the paper in on

16、 time.按时交论文。Consider: Style for Course Papers思考:文章的体裁。Use of the APA Publication Manual (2001, Fifth Edition) for more detailed information. It is available at the reference desk in the library.You must follow a consistent referencing style in your paper as follows. If you get some of your informati

17、on from a specific book or article, you cite the book or article in the paper in one of two ways:1. Smith and Jones (1991) report that the divorce rate has leveled off . . . .2. Some studies report that the divorce rate has leveled off (Smith and Jones, 1991).Then at the end of the paper you have a

18、reference section which lists the full reference for each of the works cited.References参考文献Example of a journal article reference:Smith, J. and Jones, E. L. (1991). Declining divorce in America. Journal of Divorce, 11(3), 287-296.The general form for a journal article is:Author(s) (last name, first

19、initial, middle initial if appropriate); year (in parentheses followed by a period); title of article (First letter of first word capitalized, followed by a period); name of journal source (underlined, first letter of each word capitalized and followed by a period); journvolume (underlined); issue (

20、in parentheses, followed by a comma); page numbers (followed by period).Example of a book reference:Davis, B. F. (1988). Modern marriage. New York: Phantom Press.The general form for a book is: title of book (underlined followed by a period); place published (followed by a colon)publisher (followed

21、by a period).References are listed alphabetically according to the author!s las name, then first initial, middleinitial if necessary, then year.Citing Specific Documents Found on a Web Site引用网络上找到的具体文件Web documents share many of the same elements found in a print document (e.g., authors, titlesdates

22、). Therefore, the citation for a Web document often follows a format similar to that for print, with some information omitted and some added. Here are some examples of how to cite documents posted on American Psychological Associations own Web site, (2003).Electronic references. Retrieved Ju

23、ly 11, 2006, from http:/ sources include aggregated databass, online journals, Web sites or Web pages, newsgroups, Web- or e-mail-based discussion groups, and Web- or e-mail-based newsletters.Online periodical:网上的期刊Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C.

24、 C. (2000). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx, xxxxxx. Retrieved month day, year, from source.Online document:网上的文件Author, A. A. (2000). Title of work.Periodicals期刊71. Internet articles based on a print sourceAt present, the majority of the articles retrieved from online publications in psyc

25、hology and the behavioral sciences are exact duplicates of those in their print versions and are unlikely to have additional analyses and data attached. This is likely to change in the future. In the meantime, the same basic primary journal reference (see Examples 15) can be used, but if you have vi

26、ewed the article only in its electronic form, you should add in brackets after the article title Electronic version as in the following fictitious example:VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates Electronic vers

27、ion. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123.If you are referencing an online article that you have reason to believe has been changed (e.g., the format differs from the print version or page numbers are not indicated) or that includes additional data or commentaries, you will need to add the

28、date you retrieved the document and the URL. VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123. Retrieved October 13, 2001, from http:/ Article in an Internet-only journalFredrickson, B. L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimizehealth and well-being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. RetrievedNovember 20, 2000, fromhttp:/

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