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1、3. What does Chris Paine probably do?A. He is a book seller.B. He is a writer.C. He is a computer engineer.4. Who left the book on the desk?A. The man. B. The woman. C. The womans husband.5. What color does the man like better?A. Pink. B. Yellow. C. Blue.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白

2、后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the man think of the womans cooking?A. Its not to his taste.B. Its very good indeed.C. Its better than what he does.7. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Bring his wi

3、fe next time. B. Have more rice. C. Have some soup.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What are the speakers talking about?A. Jacks teachers. B. Turners school. C. The womans son.9. How does Jack often go to school?A. By bus. B. On foot. C. In the car.听第8段材料,回答第10至l2题。10. What are the two speakers doing?A. Looking fo

4、r a gift for the womans mother.B. Looking around the store for biscuits.C. Looking for a gift for the mans mother.11. Which of the following does the man suggest buying?A. Some Chinese tea. B. Some grape wine. C. Wine glasses.12. What does the woman decide to buy as a gift at last?A. A teapot. B. A

5、frying pan. C. A pair of glasses.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why did the man choose the evening train?A. It is cheap. B. It saves time. C. It is fast. 14. Which train will the man take? A. D301. B. D305. C. D313. 15. How much did the man pay in all?A. 930 yuan. B. 990 yuan. C. l,000ynan. 16. What will the

6、man do next?A. Go to the phone booth. B. Buy a phone. C. Go to the toilet.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How long did Bart work as an engineer in the steelworks?A. For four years. B. For fifteen years. C. For forty years.18. What was Bart after his 55th birthday?A. A manager. B. An advisor. C. A volunteer.19

7、. What does Bart like doing most now?A. Playing golf. B. Painting pictures. C. Making articles.20. How is Barts life in the retirement community?A. Dull. B. Busy. C. Colorful.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIf watching kids isnt quite the part-time job y

8、oud want to keep yourself busy with during the summer holidays, then here are some of the coolest jobs for teens. Camp Counselor (辅导员) Though its kind of a babysitting job, its much more fun as it exposes you to many skills such as team working and many other activities. Another advantage of this ki

9、nd of job is that you are more likely to make new friends as you will be working with a number of people.Life GuardThis will not be a job for anyone as it is quite demanding when youre really needed. Under calm conditions, the job involves sitting by the poolside as you watch over swimmers and helpi

10、ng them in case of emergencies. For life guard tasks, special training and certifications are required.Dog WalkerFor animal lovers, you have not been left out. This job involves taking care of dogs and walking them. Fun as it is, dog walking can be a boring exercise especially if you have more than

11、one dog to walk. As for this job, you need to advertise yourself in your neighborhood by using flyers or approaching dog owners to ask if they need your services. Retail & Food Service If you are 14 and above then you may consider getting a “real” job as a store or restaurant attendant this summer.

12、Creating a resume (简历) for yourself with all the required information such as contact information and any skill or working experience that youd like your employer to know about is important.21. As a camp counselor, we can .A. have chances to make more new friendsB. earn much more money than other jo

13、bs C. get a real job in a store or restaurantD. learn to stay calm in case of emergencies22. Which job requires making yourself known to neighbors?A. Camp Counselor. B. Life Guard.C. Dog Walker. D. Retail & Food Service.23. Whats the purpose of writing the text?A. To encourage teens to take summer j

14、obs.B. To recommend cool summer jobs to teens.C. To warn teens of the risks in summer jobs.D. To introduce summer jobs for teens to parents.BMaybe you want to give back to your community, but you dont know where to begin. It was something Rebecca Reeder used to hear from friends whenever they learne

15、d she volunteered around the Los Angeles area.The idea finally took shape during her 30th birthday celebration. Reeder and her brother put together a surprise party for her guests. They rented a party bus in secret and invited everyone she knew to a mystery (神秘) event. The surprise bus ride was not

16、only a hit but also an effective ice breaker. Many guests had never met before that night but they were all fast friends by the end of the trip.Reeder and a friend realized this might be the answer for friends seeking fun ways to do good.Then they began Do Good Bus and hosted their first community r

17、ide in 2010. Everyone assumed it would be a one-off event, but participants had such fun and felt so good about giving back that they demanded another. And then another. “This kind of things just snowballed from there,” says Reeder, who is now a full-time director of the growing nonprofit organizati

18、on.Over the past seven years, Do Good Bus has offered once-a-month public rides in Los Angeles. Volunteers board the bus and ride to a mystery community service project. Reeder likes to keep the locations and causes a secret to add an element of fun and mystery, and to prevent people from arriving w

19、ith too much expectation.Participants pay $ 45, with 10 percent going to the days cause and the rest going to Do Good Bus to help cover costs and run the program.Rides usually last four to five hours and include everything from working in homeless shelters to beach cleanups to planting community gar

20、dens.The aim, says Reeder, is to raise awareness about causes, and encourage continued support in the community while having a good time.24. Why did Reeder say the bus ride on her birthday was an ice breaker?A. It exposed the need of the poor to people.B. It made people realize how to do good deeds.

21、C. It made people brave enough to stand the cold ice.D. It helped people get connected in the activity.25. What do we know about their first ride in 2010?A. It took place in winter. B. It was disappointing.C. It was a great success. D. The author organized it alone.26. How does Reeder get the money

22、for the activities?A. Participants pay for them.B. The government supports her.C. She raises money in society,D. Community covers 10 percent of the cost.27. What can we infer about the Do Good Bus?A. It takes about 5 hours on the way.B. It offers a pleasant way to do good deeds.C. It raises money fo

23、r the participants community.D. It gives a surprising and friendly celebration.CWith technology entering almost every aspect of our lives, the demand for computer programmers can only increase. To train the workforce of the future, companies around the world are wildly developing computing languages

24、 to introduce children to the appealing world of programming both in and out of school.The only drawback is that to learn or observe the results of their programming efforts, children have to be able to see. As a result, kids with limited or no vision (视觉) are prevented from participating in this ex

25、citing trend. To change that, researchers at Microsofts Cambridge, UK Lab have developed a new physical programming language that can be learned by all children.Project Torino allows visually damaged kids aged 7 to 11 to create code (编码) that plays music, stories, or poetry by connecting physical po

26、ds (检测装置) together. Once done, an accompanying app changes the physical code into digital code. The smart system covers all the major concepts and is ready to adapt to the needs of each student and set challenges based on the individuals skill. Most importantly, it provides instant feedback, enablin

27、g educators to assess students progress and provide assistance as needed.The Microsoft team is currently developing the system further. Among the changes is adding color to the previously all-white pods because it helps children with limited vision to learn better. The size of the pods is also being

28、 increased since kids working in pairs were more engaged when they could both physically hold the pods and touch hands.The program will be expanded to 100 elementary school children in the UK this fall, and, once perfected, to kids across the world. While the system was created with visually damaged

29、 children in mind, Cecily Morrison, one of the researchers working on the project, hopes that it will appeal to everyone.28. Why do companies introduce children to the programming world?A. To satisfy childrens curiosity. B. To develop childrens potential.C. To foster the future programmers. D. To ma

30、ke children more competitive.29. What does the underlined word “that” probably refer to?A. The exciting trend. B. The drawback.C. Limited and poor sight. D. A physical language.30. What is the advantage of the new smart system?A. It can help judge childrens progress.B. It bases the challenges on kids vision.C. Children with poor sight can see the code.D. It gives children gu

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