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1、5. Dont overwork yourself with too heavy a load of work for the sake of fame and gain . Youd better _ it from your overstressed mind. A. upload B. unload卸下 C. load D. download6. Professor Liu has formed a habit of alleviating his stress by _ country-music tunes in the darkness of a dark room. A. exp

2、loding B. sounding C. whistling 吹口哨 D. blowing.7. Though many years have gone by, she has remained a _ from a tragedy of her hubbys death in a road accident. A. damage B. wreck残骸 C. loss D. worry8. She is sharp-eyed and clear-minded, always stripping her boy friend of his _ , so to be her hubby mean

3、s to be an honest man. A. disguises伪装 B. overcoats C. appearances D. surfaces9. Her fellow traveler wagged his tongue before her, but remaining in _ she wore an doubtful expression on her face. A. belief B. trust C. disbelief D. deception10. If you find a food to your taste, you can say, “ Nice, qui

4、te _ to me .” instead of “ Ooh, revolting!”. A. disgusting B. suspicious C. debatable D. agreeable令人愉快的11. Those in love often say their river of love will never run dry, but high rate of divorce is a fact of life. So dont lay your hope on a _ of love. A. security B. pledge承诺 C. safety D. longevity1

5、2. China is facing a boom of the old-ager population, thus there being a pressing demand for a large number of certified _ . A. officials B. operators C. caretakers照看人 D. managers13. The path to life varies with people, some suffering for a life, the others _ for a life; the difference depends on ef

6、fort and luck. . A. spending B. blossoming 成长 C. travelling D. bearing 14. Though 45 years old, she lives happy-go-lucky as a single, never _ with the anxiety about the older her being, the harder it being to find a spouse. A. reckoning想 B. discussing C. debating D. considering15. Just as a fire wil

7、l burn itself out, so you will _ yourself out. . And it is imperative to keep a balance between work and play. A. flow B. blow C. drain使筋疲力尽 D. fill16. Confronted with the cruelty of that woman stamping the pussy, the girl could hardly _ herself from shouting, “ Feet off it !” A. limit B. restrain克制

8、 C. push D. control17. A splendid view around the tiny cottage _ a lyrical poem in Mr. Wang, the country lover from his childhood. A. inferred B. deduced C. reproduced D. inspired激起18. She likes gulping her tea quickly while I love _ mine slowly. Perhaps it is because we are poles apart in character

9、. A. eating B. sipping 小口喝 C. chewing D. smelling19. Learning _ the rowing of a boat against the currentrowing upstream or flowing downstream, with no third choice. A. proposes B. promotes C. paraphrases D. parallels与相似20. Scientific research has its own process of growth and fruition, which none ca

10、n _ even if he is well motivated to do so. A. manage B. manipulate操纵 C. remove D. resolveVocabulary Unit 2 Book 3 (NHE)1. When it comes to the factors involved in fruitful research projects, one of them is to grow much _ in us needed for hard work.A. dependence B. worship C. endurance忍耐 D. arrogance

11、2. Those who know the ropes about life always act as good balancers of work and play, never going beyond the _ point. A. equal B. moderate适度的 C. multiple D. improper3. It is not a matter of difficulty if you want to pick faults with your friend, for _ not in favor of him can be found everywhere. A.

12、evidence B. experience C. occurrence D. difference4. The _ reserved girl has turned bold enough to be a talkathon lover before a big audience- quite to my amazement! A. lately B. newly C. justly D. formerly以前5. The woman _ with jealousy let loose a lot of biting words when hearing her fellow worker

13、rewarded with a fat bonus. A. destroyed B. raised C. consumed吃,花费 D. assumed6. I dont believe he will fall victim受害者 to setbacks; he is a weather-beaten fighter, always having _ back from a host of defeats in his revolutionary career. A. hastened B. bounced反弹 C. hurried D. jumped7. Since you two say

14、 I am not fair in the matter of distributing merit pay in bonus, you both can state in public your full reason _. A. indifferently B. differently C. respectably D. respectively分别地8. The _ of workload工作量 to pay is to be properly adjusted. Otherwise unfairness will tremendously dampen staffs enthusias

15、m to work. A. ratio比例 B. meter C. measure D. pace9. Any students with good performance are _ in their learning, which is a conclusive conclusion defying any doubt. A. withdrawn B. absorbed C. pulled D. pushed10. In a way, desire represents the motive power of social development, but it may bring dis

16、asters to the world if not _ at all rationally合理地. A. refined B. reformed C. restricted控制 D. replied11. Think twice before you act- a golden rule to keep us from too many mistakes! If you go against it, you are _ to cause trouble to others as well as to you. A. liable易做坏事的 B. applicable B. appreciab

17、le D. workable12. Drinking more water is beneficial to health, yet it doesnt mean the more, the better. Its advisable that it be drunk within _ . A. tolerance B. endurance C. allowance限额 D. insistence13. Merit pay system seems to be a cold shoulder to human conscience, every worker having to be ment

18、ally prepared to bear its _ on his or her life in a host of ways. A. import B. impact影响 C. implication D. impotence14. When we say every rule _ ,we mean any rule can not cover every case, namely exception occurring when necessity arises . A. breaks B. burns C. explodes D. leaks裂缝15. My boss is much

19、of a(n) _ man , never passing a day without putting his personal interest first while putting us all in the dark about it . A. misleading B. calculating C. innovating D. exciting16. What is done cant be _ . What is important now is for us to review what is wrong and plan to remedy it. A. done B. und

20、one取消 C. gone D. bygone17. When prices of goods are soaring急增every day, it _ that our pay is shrinking in value accordingly and that society is increasingly unstable. A. replies B. supplies C. applies D. implies暗示18. His _ enjoys popular support among teaching staff that merit pay in bonus be distri

21、buted moderately fairly. A. statement B. direction C. proposal 建议 D. agreement19. Ability of a person is limited by many-sided factors; if he can combine his wisdom and knowledge, his capabilities _. A. multiply B. produce C. exhibit D. correspond20. A clever student has a striking characteristic: b

22、eing good at learning by _, by analogy, and by abstraction. A. subject B. inference 推断 C. object D. conferenceVOCABULARY Unit3 Book3 (NHE)1. Some people crave for _ in the field of their work, and others hide from it. It depends on their personalities and life attitudes. A. persistence B. publicity

23、关注 C. exposure D. exposition2. We should center our education on the cardinal principle: _ students in terms of morality, intelligence, and physicality. A. encouraging B. improving C. cultivating培养 D. reforming3. When it comes to educational reform, it is a good sign of our pushing work on if we are

24、 faced with some highly _ issues. A. suspicious B. worthless C. available D. controversial有争议的4. They have worked out a distribution plan of merit pay in bonus, but it is estimated that they will have to _ it in the midst of strong protests on the part of the faculty. A. suspend暂停 B. publish C. redo

25、uble D. approve5. A lot of students showed symptoms of worries and cares subconsciously when they complained to a campus doctor that their heavy _ came from their intense study task. A. strength B. strain 负担 C. struggle D. strike 6. You should learn some ABC of English before you move on to intermed

26、iate English. Without _ preparations, how can we possibly step on the royal road to advanced studies? A. previous B. procedural C. preliminary预备的 D. profound7. We can use the word _ metaphorically, which can denote sb. or sth. that attracts many people. A. milestone B. gravestone C. magnet有吸引力的 D. g

27、ravity8. Sometimes truth is in the hands of the _ , yet it can not prevail in the world because they are not in power. A. mayor B. major C. minor D. minority少数人9. If you are burned with the desire for gains, please go and do business; if you are on fire with the _ for truth, please follow the exampl

28、e of Karl Marx. A. quest寻求 B. doubt C. question D. challenge10. A staunch Marxist, he defies every obstacle in his revolutionary work, ever and ever fulfilling every task _ entrusted to him by the C.P.C. A. reservedly B. energetically充满活力地 C. methodically D. mechanically11. When we _ a system, we must balance the relationship of inheritance with development lest our work be adversely affected. A. formalize B. challenge C. reform改进 D. abolish12. The effective way of tapping the potential of _ in students is to engage them in more mental and ph

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