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1、少义多的词汇(大约100多个):字母相对少、好记忆、意义多、搭配多的词汇。account, agree, allow, apply, break, bring, call, carry, do, demand, get, give, go, hold, keep, leave, make, pick, put, set, take, turn。对于这些词汇要注重帮助学生总结其短语和搭配,尤其是学生熟悉其一至两种意义而不知其常用含义往往望文生义的短语或搭配。account for本身就有“对作出满意的解释”、“占据比例”,还构成其他短语,on sb.s account “因为谁”、“为了谁”、“

2、独自”,on account of“因为”,on no account “决不”,take account of/ take sth. into account“把考虑在内”等。再如:对于make up这个短语的常见四个意义(组成、编造、化妆、弥补)学生如数家珍,但对于make up with sb. 这个短语学生可能就比较生疏,但这是一个比较常用且重要的短语,老师的任务就是帮助学生搜索出这些重要但又被教材或学生忽视的短语意义。易混淆的词汇或短语(此类比较多):易混淆的词汇或短语主要集中于名词短语、形容词短语、副词短语、动词短语等。这类比较复杂,教师应将重中之重的学生经常记忆多遍还容易混淆的短

3、语帮助学生进行详细梳理。scene/scenery/sight/view;adapt/adjust/adopt; contain/include/hold; imaginative/imaginary/imaginable; worth/worthy/worthwhile等。三、听力熟悉训练针对考试说明进行。即对原来听过的材料,再进行复听,此次可以要求学生对着原文进行反复听,进行语言结构和内容的双重熟悉,在熟悉的过程中捕捉和感悟应对听力的策略和技巧。稳定情绪,快速浏览,简化问题,瞬间记忆,善于预测的训练。比如你读到: Where does the conversation most proba

4、bly take place? (2008年) A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home.你就应预测到哪些地方可能会提到的话题。在宾馆可能是服务人员和顾客的对话,在办公室可能是同事之间的对话或是领导对下属的对话,在家里可能是家人或朋友间的对话,这三种场合对话人的口气、态度和用语都不同的,在听之前心中就能预测到。对于一个对话和语篇有多个问题的,可以用最简单的词语标示出这些问题,然后记在脑子里或纸边。2008年第9段材料:在听之前就用最简单且便于记忆的词汇记录下这三个问题:15、why-call 16、where-will 17、infer,然

5、后把这三个问题记在脑子里,在听的过程中始终记住这三个问题。15. Why did Jane call Mike? A. To ask him to meet her. B. To tell him about Tom. C. To borrow his car.16. Where will Jane be in about one hour? A. At Mikes place. B. At the airport. C. At a garage.17. What can we infer from the conversation? A. Jane has just learned to d

6、rive. B. Janes car is in bad condition. C. Mike will go to the airport.熟悉的话题的简短对话和独白:理解主旨和要义;获取具体的、事实性信息;对所听内容作出推断;理解话者的意图、观点和态度。四、语法和词汇归类易错点将平时易错点进行梳理、归纳、总结和对比,唤起学生的记忆。帮助学生分析结构、读懂语境、理解句义。易错点1 词汇辨析易错点词汇短语辨析是一个宏大的工程,需要平时建立知识体系,考前30天教师为他们画龙点睛即可。如辨析动词要从持续与终止性、结果与状态、及物不及物、主动被动、褒义贬义、使用场合等方面着手。trip, journ

7、ey, travel, tour, voyage;while, though, although, as都可表示“尽管”,但结构、语义程度、使用的场合有所不同;satisfied与content 都可表示“满意”,但语义有细微差别;adapt, adjust都有“调整以适应”之意,但使用的场合有所不同;be used to, be accustomed to, be adapted to, be adjust to 都有“适应”之意,但其适应的内容有所不同;lead to, result in, contribute to, bring on都有“导致”之意,但其具体内涵和所指对象有所不同。

8、(1) He asked me how much he _ me and I told him that the petrol pump had shown $ 15. A. paid B. owed C. offered D. provided(2) I knew I couldnt get away with the punishment, which filled me with_. A. concern B. worry C. anxiety D. care(3) It may have seemed unusually cold recently but experts say it

9、s_ for this time of year. (09济南4月模考-24) A. normal B. formal C. ordinary D. common(4) With proper measures, the economy in China is beginning to _again. A. rise up B. hold on C. pick up D. take on易错点2 结构语法易错点学会分析英语结构是一项基本功,它不仅可以帮助你提高阅读速度、理解更准确,还可以帮助你写出一手好文章。因此对于语法结构应予以高度重视。把并列结构、强调结构、倒装结构、插入语结构、省略结构、

10、替代结构、分裂结构中常见的典型错误给学生归纳、梳理。(常用化繁为简、化整为零、补全省略、化生为熟等方法)(1) So you have met Maria? Yes, it was last week_ we attended Jacks party? (09济南4月模考-35) A. where B. when C. that D. why(2) _ some of the juiceperhaps youll like it. A. Trying B. Try C. To try D. Have tried(3) Theyve kept up a friendship with the t

11、eacher whom they were at school_twenty years ago.A. with B. about C. since D. till(4) _ do you suppose he took to the park with him?A. Who B. Why C. When D. That(5) He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him. A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any(6) I tu

12、rned off the headlamp to keep the light from flashing in through the window of Jacks house and _ Jack up.A. woke B. waking C. wake D. to wake易错点3 语境语法易错点透过语境考语法是越来越受宠的,主要包括单词语境、句中语境、会话语境。做此类题时主要考虑英语中的会话总是以听话者或阅读者为核心的,因此在冠词的特指与泛指、情感交流时情态动词的运用等都是以对方的感受为基础的。此类题主要考查冠词、情态动词、时态、语态、虚拟语气、逻辑关系连接词等。(1) Studen

13、ts should be encouraged to use_ Internet as_resource. (2008山东-21) A. 不填;a B. 不填;the C. the; the D. the; a(2) I think Nicole doesnt really have interest in basketball. Right, _ he goes to play every afternoon. A. so B. for C. but D. and(3) Are you coming to Jeffs party? Im not sure. I_ go to the conc

14、ert instead. A. must B. would C. should D. might(4) I tried hard to get some information about the election out of his mouth, but he remained_. A. innocent B. calm C. silent D. contradictory易错点4 习语搭配易错点习语搭配主要考查学生的识记和运用,主要包括名词、动词、形容词、副词和介词短语搭配的识记和具体语境运用情况。(1) I began to feel_in the new school when I

15、saw some familiar faces. (2008山东-32) A. at home B. at heart C. at will D. at sight(2) The earthquake and the_ it had on the people will last a long time. A. effects B. impressions C. causes D. concerns(3) I often think of those sweet days we went to the movies, _ plenty of snacks in the pockets. A.

16、by B. with C. over D. through(4) You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had _ her three children.A. brought up B. bring up C. bringing up D. to have brought up易错点5 逻辑型易错点主要考查语篇逻辑关系、非谓语动词的逻辑主语、主谓一致等的考查。掌握表达逻辑关系的连接词、理解语境的内在逻辑关系是做好此类题的关键。(1) He found it increasingly difficult to read, _his eye

17、sight was beginning to fail. (2008山东-22) A. though B. for C. but D. so(2) A brilliant idea occurred to him, _ to his research in the lab. (09济南4月模考-25) A. while devoting B. while devoting himself C. while he was devoted D. while devoted(3) Most of the people present were in favor of the plan, _ to s

18、et up a second-hand bookstore in the school. A. intended B. intending C. to intend D. having intended易错点 6 交际型易错点跨文化交际是学习英语的主要目的之一,主要有如下几个特点:约定俗成性、得体性、准确性。应遵循“语言差异,习惯优先”的原则。考试说明中要求的11项68条功能意念项目都可能成为考查的对象,这要靠平时的积累。(1) Shall I lock up the computer lab now before I leave? _. Im not leaving for a while.

19、 I can do that. A. Go ahead B. No problem C. No hurry D. Dont bother(2) Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game Friday? _, Bob, but I promised Mary Id go with her. (2008山东-30) A. My pleasure B. Thanks C. Take it easy D. Forget it(3) Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. _.A. I dont

20、 B. I won C. I cannot D. I havent(4)Are you going to watch the game? Im sure _, for it promises to be a close one. A. so B. I will C. not D. I wont 记住下面常用交际用语所使用的场合1. No hurry. 2. Not really/exactly. 3. Not likely. 4. Sure. 5. Sounds great! 6. Thats all right. 7. Thats for sure. 8. No problem.9. Tha

21、ts OK. 10. The same to you. 11.(Its) No wonder 12. (Theres) No doubt13. Cant complain. 14. I hope not. 15. No thanks. 16. Never mind.17. My pleasure. 18. With pleasure. 19. Sure, go ahead. 20. Thanks all the same/anyway.21. Not at all. 22. By all means. 23. Well, it just depends. 24. Forget it.25. T

22、hink nothing of it. 26. It doesnt matter. 27. Out of question. 28. Got it.29. Not a bit. 30. Anything to follow? 31. Are you ready to order? 32. Why not?33. Why me? 34. Whats new? 35. Whats up? 36. I appreciate your help. 37. I appreciate it if you can 38. I cant thank you too much. 39. I couldnt ag

23、ree more with you. 40. Take care. 41. Take your time. 42. Shall we make it another day? 43. Dont mention it. 44. Guess what!45. How come? 46. Surely not. (I dont believe it.) 47.Thanks for your help. Sure.48. I bet you she wont come. 49. The strawberries tastes gorgeous. I bet.我想一定不错。50. Going to th

24、e party on Saturday? You bet! 当然了。51. Go on! Ask her for her telephone number. I dare you!去呀!问她要电话号码。我谅你也不敢。52. I dare say things will improve. 我想事情会好起来的。53. Dont you dare talk to me like that! 不要跟我这样讲话!54. Where did you go last night? Mind your own business. Are you going out with Kate tonight? Tha

25、ts my business.55. Do you let your kids travel alone at night? Absolutely not!56. You might as well do the washing while you are about it.57. We realised that the children would have to leave home, but all the same it was difficult.58. You really shouldnt have gone to so much trouble for me. Oh, it

26、was nothing./ Thinking nothing of it.59. Im afraid Ive broken the chair. Never mind. I can easily geit it fixed.60. Are you going to visit Professor Smith with your new project? Well, it depends.61. Ill tell you what, ill help you with the work. 62. Guess what! Jane is going to get married.63. Ive d

27、ecided to work part-time. What for?64. Your room looks a rel mess Tracey. So what?65. Im sorry Harry will remember, but why not give him a ring just in case?66. Are you going Bills party tonight? No fear. (幽默, 决不)67. Never fear, hell be with us soon. (正式,不用担心)68. Please feel free to make suggestions.69. Why isnt the computer working? I should have thought that was obvious. (表示礼貌或开开玩笑地不同意对方的话)70. I should think so/not.

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