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1、(1). 同桌互相交换提问 :A: Where is my pencil box . B:(2). 听录音为你听到的句子编号。4. 总结归纳 强调where 的语用功能,区分are , is 的用法。 三、当堂检测1. 写出单词的中文意思 On the desk ( ) in the desk ( ) under the chair ( ) near the chair ( ) 2. 选择题 ( )_ is my pencil ? A. What B. Where C. Who ( ) Is it _ your desk ? A. on B. in C. at ( ) 你找你的蜡笔时你说:A

2、.Where is my pencil ?B. Where are the crayons ?C. What is the crayon ? ( ) 你告诉妈妈说它们在椅子上时说: A. Its on the desk . B. They on the desk . C. They in the desk . Unit1 A Lesson 2blackboard fan map schoolbag light 2. 会听、说,译:Please give me a hand . Pass me the maps , please . All right , Miss Liu . in the d

3、esk on the desk under the chair b. Make a chant : desk desk in the desk , my crayons are in the desk . 2. 尝试学习 b. 看板书译单词。 d. 大小声读单词。 b. 听录音模仿读对话。 c. 理解对话,提出主句型Please give me a hand . Pass me the maps , please . 讲解。(1)同桌表演对话 (2). 听录音为你听到的句子编号,再听号码说句子。 强调 Please give me a hand . Theyre的语用功能,Unit 2 A L

4、esson 1farm cow horse pig sheep 2. 会听、说, 读, 译:Welcome to our farm . What animals do you have ? Do you have horses ? Yes , we do ./ No , we dont . dog cat panda monkey tiger Dog , dog , I have a dog . 2. 尝试学习 d. 升降调,英汉读单词。 e. 听对话录音,说出你听到的句子。 f. 理解对话,提出主句型 Welcome to our farm . What animals do you hav

5、e ? Yes , we do ./ No , we dont 讲解。 c. 教读对话。 d. 听录音为你听到的单词编序号。 e. 听录音为你听到的句子编号,再听号码说句子中文意思。 强调 Do构成的一般问句及答语。 farm ( ) cow ( ) horse ( ) pig ( ) sheep ( ) ( )_ animals do you have ? A. What B. How many C. Who ( ) _ you have horses ? A. Do B. do C. Are ( ) 想知道他人是否有兔子时你说:A . Are you have rabbits ?B. Ca

6、n you see the rabbits ?C. Do you have rabbits ? ( ) 你欢迎好朋友一家到你家农场时说: A. Welcome to our school . B. Welcome to our farm . C. Welcome to our classroom . Unit 2 Lesson 2bird hen tree flower grass duck 2. 会听、说, 读, 译:Can you see birds there , boys and girls ? How many birds can you see ? No , I cant . fa

7、rm cow horse pig sheep Farm , farm , do you have a farm ? . a. 看图片一角,猜是什么? b. 听录音模仿读新词。 f. 理解对话,提出主句型 Can you see birds there ? No , I cant . 讲解。(1)听录音为你听到的单词编序号。 (2)听录音为你听到的句子编号,再听号码说句子中文意思。 强调 in 本课的中文意思。3. 写出单词的中文意思 duck ( ) grass ( ) flower ( ) tree ( ) hen ( ) bird ( ) 4. 选择题 ( )_ birds can you

8、 see ? ( ) No , I _ . A. Dont B. do C. cant D. Cant ( ) 想知道他人能看见的鸟数量时你说:A . How many animals do you have ?B. How many cows can you see ?C. How many birds can you see ? ( ) 在苹果树上的英文表达是 : A. On the apple trees . B. Under the apple trees . . C. In the apple trees . Unit 3 Lesson 1part candle candy pres

9、ent table 3. 会听、说, 读, 译:What can you see ? There is a cake on the table . There is a birthday party for Ted . I have a present for you . Thank you , my dear cousin . 引出party 板书,教读。 b. 听录音模仿读新词, 边读边板书。 d. 升降调,大小声读单词。 f.理解对话,提出主句型 What can you see ? There is a cake on the table . There is a birthday p

10、arty for Ted . I have a present for you . Thank you , my dear cousin .讲解。 4. 总结归纳 强调 There is a 在本课的中文意思及用法。 candy ( ) candle ( ) party ( ) table ( ) present ( ) ( )_ can you see ? ( ) I have a present _ you . A. to B. do C. from D. for ( ) 想知道他人能看见什么时你说:A . Where are you from ?B. What can you see ?

11、 ( ) 当别人送你生日礼物时你要说 : A. Welcome to our farm . B. All right . C. Thank you . Unit 3 Lesson 2sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty -one 4. 会听、说, 读, 译:Count the candles . How many ? 及答语1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 . There are . Candles . party present candle candy table party , party , I go to a party . a

12、. Lets count , from 1 to 13 . f.理解对话,提出主句型 Count the candles . How many ? 及答语 there are .candles .讲解d. 听录音为你听到的单词编序号。 强调 There are . 在本课的中文意思及用法。小结数词14到19的书写,发音规律。20与前面数字的末尾区别。5. 写出单词的中文意思 nineteen ( ) seventeen ( ) fifteen ( ) sixteen ( ) twenty ( ) twenty-one ( ) 6. 选择题 ( )There _ fifteen candles

13、. A. is B. am C. are ( ) I have _ candles . A. twenty B. one C. Like D. for ( ) 想知道他人有蜡烛的数量时你说:A . Where are the candles ?B. How many candles ?C. How many birds ? ( ) 当告诉别人桌子上有五件生日礼物时你要说 : A. There is five presents on the table . B. There are five present on the table . C. There are five presents on

14、 the table . Unit4 Whose cap is this?Lesson 1一学习目标。1、能听说读写trousers, shorts, shoes,socks .2、能听懂、运用 Whose cap is this?Is it your cap,please?Whose socks are they?.并能在情景中进行运用。二、学习过程。1、复习(1)朗读前个单元的目标单词。(2)朗读上一单元的对话部分。2、尝试学习题(1)学生尝试读新单词(2)师生用游戏方式识记新学单词。(3)看单词说出汉语意思。(4)借助单词表和学过的单词读一读对话,说一说对话大概意思,把不会的地方做上记号

15、。3、巩固练习题(1)用练习本抄写本节所学新词。(2)用练习本抄写本节所学的五个句子。(3)反复练读句子4、总结归纳(1)(1)注意问句的肯定回答和否定回答。(2)注意trousers的拼写(3)、Whose is this? Whose are they?句型中,单数和复数的不同。三、当堂检测题1、听录音连线。2.找出不同类别的单词,将正确的答案填在括号里。( )A.trousers, B.shorts C. shoes D. flower( )A.bird B. hen C. socks D. duck.3.写出下列单词的意思trousers shorts shoes socks 4、翻译

16、句子: .Whose cap is this?。. Is it your cap,please(3).Whose socks are they?5.选择:(1).( ) cap is this?A.Who B. Whose C.Is(2).( )Is it your cap,please? .A.No,it isnt. B. .No,it isnt. C.Yes, it isnt. it isnt.Unit4 Whose cap is this?Lesson21、能听说读写thirty 、forty 、fifty、 sixty.2、能听懂、运用 Whats your size? Size31.

17、并能在情景中进行运用。(1)朗读前一课的目标单词。(2)朗读前一课的对话部分。(2)用练习本抄写本节所学的七个句子。(1)(1)thirty中的“th”的发音,表示几十的数字单词的重音。(2)注意几十的拼写及发音。( )A. thirty B.shorts C. forty D. fifty、( )A trousers, B. sixty.C. shoes D. flowerthirty forty fifty sixty . Whats your size? Size31.。.look at the white shoes(1).( )Whats your size?A.Yes, I am

18、B. Size31. C.Here you areLesson31、复习本单元目标单词。2、能听懂、运用 本单元句子,并能在情景中进行运用。1、听一听,连一连并说一说(listen match and say.)2、听一听,完成单词。3、和同桌交谈。5、看一看,读一读并写一写6、文化剪辑7、听一听并欣赏故事1.找出不同类别的单词,将正确的答案填在括号里。( )A.bird B. hen C. socks D. Duck.( )(3)A.thirty B.shorts C. forty D. fifty、( )(4)A.trousers, B. sixty.C. shoes D. Flower2

19、.写出下列单词的意思 thirty forty fifty sixty 3、翻译句子: (4). Whats your size?.(5)look at the white shoes(6).Whose socks are they?Unit5 Where is the tiger show?Lesson11、能听说读写in the morning ,in the afternoon, in the evenning, at night 2、学习用句型When is?进行询问并能正确对其进行回答。 3、通过教学激发学生学习英语的兴趣,乐于参与各种实践活动; 培养良好的自信心,积极主动参与学习和

20、大胆开口说英语的习惯。、师生互相问候并唱歌曲活跃课堂氛围。、游戏:What is missing? 复习表示服装的单词:、给学生分组,告知评价方法,激发学生激情。2、尝试学习(1)播放录音,感知大意。(2)学生尝试读新单词(2)用练习本抄写本节所学的句子。(4)完成练习:教科书第47页第二部分:Look and link。(1)短语in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening和 at night的认读。(2) 句型When is? afternoon ,evening读音3.写出下列短语的意思in the morning in the afternoon in the evenning at night 4、听录音跟读课文三遍。5、用英语设计一张本周末日程表。1、能听说读写go running 、go walking ,listen to English, do homework2、能听懂、运用Do you like running ,When do you go walkin, I dont like

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