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1、 i should be able to feel happy, cant i? why do i feel my joy, my happiness is bitter? is it because sweet has been taken away by you? originally, without you around, happiness and happiness will change the flavor. always appear in the dream of you, let me feel like want to reach out and grab it wit

2、h no reality whatever, happiness is so incapable of action. obviously know that all this is a dream, but willing to fall into it, do not want to wake up, only to be able to close contact with you so close, even if the heart is full of melancholy and loss, nor regret. as long as i can see you, no mat

3、ter the reality or the dream, i dont care, as long as i can keep you like this. 我想我会一直孤单。有一种思念,是淡淡的幸福;有一种幸福,是常常的牵挂;有一种牵挂,是远远地欣赏。不是所有的梦都能实现;不是所有的话都来得及告诉;不是所有的爱都有结果。请为爱珍重,等到你的发丝有了白雪的痕迹,还能记起曾有这么一段美好,还有这么一个让自己怀念的人,何尝不是一种幸福。喝着咖啡,苦苦的滋味。快乐与忧伤,依然能感受到的那份真实与感动、思念与孤独。眼泪,悄悄滴落在键盘上。始终,眼泪伴随着时间,不会融化。原本以为一切终成为一张风干的标

4、本只是,眼泪知道 你的声音在耳边旋绕,恍惚间感觉你又回到了我的身边,可是,醒来后发现身边没有你,原来什么都没有,原来都是我的幻觉。你不曾出现过,也不曾回来过,你的余温在指尖跳动,却成了我的回忆。这座城市有着我和你最甜蜜的回忆,虽然只有短短的十几天,但却是我最开心的日子。因为,只有那短短的十几天,我才能紧紧的抓住你的手,感受着你独有的温柔。那十几天,你是真真正正的完全属于我的。现在,就算坐着相同的公车,走着相同的路段,我还是感觉得到你的气息。但是,回眸看去,这人山人海中唯独不见你的身影。现在,我看似快乐,可是心里却上了一把厚重的枷锁,除了你以外,没人能解得了。心,只为你而留,爱,只为你而停。我努

5、力让自己快乐。可是,没有你,幸福、快乐只是过往云烟。现在的我到底是在做什么?我应该开心一点的,不是吗?我应该能感觉到幸福的,不是吗?为什么我感觉到我的快乐、我的幸福里都是带有苦涩的呢?难道是因为,甜蜜被你带走了吗?原来,没有你在身边,快乐、幸福也会变了味道 总是出现在梦境中的你,让我感觉是那样的虚无缥缈,想伸手去抓住这幸福,却是那般的无能为力。明明知道这一切都是梦,却甘愿陷入其中不想醒来,只为能与你这样近距离的接触,哪怕醒来心中满是惆怅和失落,也不曾后悔。只要能看到你,无论现实还是梦境我都不在乎,只要能这样守着你就好。篇二: 英文 carrying a wisp of fragrance of

6、 flowers, fragrant as spring, warm winter yangcheng winter, like spring, sunny, clear sky, a hundred flowers, trees vigorous, streams slowly flowing, the water is crystal clear. in winter, the park flowers, chrysanthemum and unrestrained, allowing visitors to feast my eyes. the years flow away, did

7、not take away from the tender but not old; time went by., soaking chrysanthemum qingguoqingcheng; time flies, but let the temporary fragrance more and more treasured. the chrysanthemums are blooming and colorful. purple, white, red, yellow, large tracts of bloom, dizzying. some like a small umbrella

8、 upside down; some like colorful fireworks; some like neon plumage masamori style. flower garden, ambilight, unique flower type, beautiful. butterflies swaying, bees flying in the sun, warm season, people holding the camera, press the shutter, recording the chrysanthemum and the bees and butterflies

9、 met and fell in love, who know each other, a beautiful scene. chrysanthemum is a warm person, with the bold, exudes a colorful color, attractive light radiation, scattered the intoxicating fragrance, in the end of winter seasons, will become monotonous, colorful world. kikuka mi, beauty is at its a

10、cme, without complacency; beauty is in it, and not proud; beauty in its beauty is still a pure heart. it does not have the elegant peony peony; it has no ambition, no such as lotus fairy temperament; no romantic lavender; no rhododendron fire warm. chrysanthemum is ordinary, but not ordinary. it is

11、in the country from door to door the mailman; its five in the morning will wear clothes on the street quietly clean the fluorescent cleaner; it is in the scorching sun work construction; it is the medical workers struggle in the operating table; it is beautiful guangzhou designer. these are ordinary

12、 jobs, but they are the builders of the city. without them, rural farmers can quickly understand the news of their loved ones in the cities; to work early in the morning the people can not be more than that of clean streets; seriously ill patients could not remain unconscious survived; the whole cit

13、ys appearance would not be so clean and tidy. the chrysanthemums in winter are as beautiful and charming as those of xi shi. the beauty of the behavior are elegant, every twinkle and smile. as you can imagine, xi shi is a purple chrysanthemum. a purple dress, gently swaying in the wind, every step i

14、s eye-catching, every smile has fascinated people, look back every time people entranced. winter chrysanthemum, like diao chan isolating. diao chan draped himself in a white shawl, running around the two men, and each time the dance, from the inside out charming charming. you can imagine, when diao

15、chan, the mind is infinite sorrow, my love, but not with his hand, and the son of the old guy, but she is very aware of their role, since it is a political pawn, it can only be strong and let your heart be strong. winter chrysanthemum, singing and dancing like zhao feiyan. zhao feiyan, wearing a red

16、 skirt, jumped out of the most beautiful dance. you can imagine, her pretty, soulful eyes, smile smile, beautiful figure, danced like a swallow, light, soft, clean, graceful. the face of the kings lust, she can only use their most beautiful dance to meet him. deep within the imperial court, harem, s

17、cramble, unlucky, the guardian of his own conscience, they can live out their most beautiful. the long road of life, there are winter chrysanthemum with good le zai. aiju, love its colorful style; all kinds of love it; the quality of love it and rhyme. through the numerous hills and streams, travels

18、 to the remotest corners of the globe, enjoy the spectacular scenery everywhere, of course, only the winter chrysanthemum is my favorite. it was still in full bloom in the winter when the withered leaves died. its vitality still stands erect in the most beautiful position in winter. winter chrysanth

19、emum, let me savor it colorful and appreciate it as ordinary people in ordinary flowers in its color, you can see many stories confidante, can feel the ill fated confidante, enduring spirit of unremitting self-improvement. carrying a wisp of fragrance of flowers, fragrant as spring, warm winter. whe

20、re flowers bloom at one time, flowers float in the air for a season. life is a flower fragrance, fleeting dream, in the conduct of winter, as long as the heart of flowers, everywhere can feel warm as in spring, sweet love winter. 携一缕花香,芬芳如春暖冬 羊城的冬天,像春天一样,阳光灿烂,晴空万里,百花齐放,绿树精神抖擞,小溪缓缓流淌,湖水清澈见底。冬天,公园里花香四

21、溢,菊花奔放,让游人一饱眼福。岁月流走,却没有带走冬花的温柔;流年似水,却浸不老菊花的倾国倾城;时光飞逝,却让短暂的花香越发弥足珍贵。菊花盛开,五彩缤纷。紫的、白的、红的、黄的,大片大片的怒放,让人目不暇接。有的像倒挂的小伞;有的像斑斓的烟花;有的像风采正盛的霓裳羽衣。花香满园,流光溢彩,花型独特,美不胜收。彩蝶蹁跹,蜜蜂飞舞,在这阳光暖和的时节,人们拿着相机,按下快门,记录菊花与蜜蜂、蝴蝶相遇 、相恋、相知、相许的美好光景。菊花是暖冬的可人儿,带着花开的奔放,散发着多彩的颜色,放射着诱人的光芒,飘散着醉人的花香,在四季的尽头,将冬的单调,变成五彩斑斓的世界。菊花美,美在它开得极致而不自满;美





26、,时远时近,时浓时淡。冬菊,让我体味到它的绚烂多彩,体味到它如平凡人中的不平凡,在它的花色花香里,可以看到许多红颜的传奇故事,可以感受那些薄命红颜的自强不息、忍辱负重的精神。携一缕花香,芬芳如春暖冬。凡花盛开一度,花香飘散一季。人生如花,芬芳如梦流年,在暗香盈袖的冬日,只要心有花香,便能处处感觉暖冬如春,馨香有情暖冬。篇三: you smiled, let me silly for a long time it is better to put time aside, so as not to joke, i am a lot of age, still do not know love. w

27、hen i was a teenager linglong of love, the interpretation of self-confidence is penetrating, love is something that makes people half alive, be true to the core things the end of life, the sea mulberry field to accompany you to the dawn. as things change, stars move, love two words more read more confused, by magnifying glass, or not b

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