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1、王霞职称英语的词汇大纲中提供了约6000个词汇,在这里我们根据自己的经验向大家推荐3000左右应该掌握的和考试中容易考察的词汇,希望对大家最后的复习有所帮助。我们建议学员在这最后的时间里采用这样的词汇学习方法 - 知识点(考点)拓展复习法:举例如下: AA (an honest man, a university, a piece of paper/message/furniture), abandon = give up, ABC, abide by, ability to do sth, be able to do sth, abnormal normal, go aboard, stud

2、y abroad, abolish = cancel/do away with, talk about, sit about(呆座着), above all, to put money above everything, abrupt = sudden/tough, absence =lack, be absent from, absent-minded(心不在焉的,出神的), absolute = complete, be absorbed in, abstract / concrete, absurd(荒谬的、可笑的) = foolish, be abundant in = be rich

3、 in, academic, accelerate =speed up, accept, acceptable, gain/have access to, accessible = easily obtained/approached, by accident(偶然的) = by mistake(错误的), accomplish = finish/ complete, in accordance with(一致,依照), according to(依照), account for(说明、占、解决、得分) on account of = because of/due to, on no acco

4、unt = in no way, take into account/consideration, accurate, accuseof .= charge with , be accustomed to, ache = pain/ toothache, headache, get/catch a headache/ cold, achieve/ meet ones goals, achievement(s), acknowledge = admit, be acquainted with = be familiar with, acquire (knowledge, habit), go a

5、cross, come across = meet unexpectedly, act upon(遵照。行事), physical activities, actor/ actress, actually = in fact = in reality, acute / chronic, ad = advertisement, adapt/adopt, adapt. to. add up to, be addicted to, in addition to(除之外), additional = added, address the envelop/ address the audience, a

6、dequate = enough/ample, adhere to, administer = control/ manage, gain admission to, adopt (attitude), adult, adulthood, in advance, advance = promote, take advantage of ,adventure = risk, adverse = harmful, a piece of advice, advisable = wise, advise sb. to do sth, advocate = support, current affair

7、s, affect/ effect, affirm =assert, afford sth, be afraid of =fear, look after sb., in the afternoon, afterwards, again and again, now and again = from time to time, lean against, vote against, at the age of, age = get older, agree to sb. agree with sth. agreeable = pleasing, agriculture, ahead of, a

8、id, aim at, aim = goal/target, by air(通过航空), in the open air, aircraft =plane =airplane, at the airport, alarm = frighten, alcohol,, =warn of/against , alien = foreign, look alike, keep alive, above all, after all, all over, in all, allege(宣称、断言) = declare, state, alleviate(使(痛苦)易于忍受、减轻) =

9、 relieve, alliance = union, allied = united, allocate = distribute, allow = permit, almost = nearly, live alone, go along the street, talk aloud, not onlybut also, /(I like it, too./ I also like it.) , alter = change, although/though, at an altitude of/ at the height of, altogether = in all, always

10、= often, amazing = surprising, ambiguous = doubtful, uncertain, ambition, ambitious, amend = improve, America, American, amid = in the middle of, amongst = among, a great amount of money, amplify = talk in detail, amuse = entertain, amusement/entertainment, analyze, analysis, ancestor, ancient, and,

11、 anger, angry, angle (from the angle of ), animal, animate/inspire, annoy, announce/declare, annual, another, answer( answer to the problem, answer for), anticipate/foresee, antique, anxious (be anxious about), any, anyone/anybody, anything, anywhere, apart (set apart(使分离、使分开), apart from(远离、除之外), a

12、partment, apologize, apparently, apparent, appeal( appeal to), appear/seem, appetite/stomach, apple, apply( apply for a job, apply to.), appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach (+ to) = method, approval, approve, approximate, April, apt (be apt to do sth.), aptitude/ability, architecture, area, a

13、rgue (argue for/against), arise, arm in arm/hand in hand, army, around (all around/all over), arouse, arrange(a meeting), arrest, arrival, arrive at/in, art, article, artist, as ( consideras, look, treat as., as/soas., as for/to, as if/though), ascend/descend, ash, Asia, Asian, aside (aside

14、 from/apart from), ask (ask after(探问), ask for, ask sb. to do sth,), asleep, aspect, assemble, assembly line, assert, assess, asset, assign(assign sb. to do sth.), assimilate(吸收), assist/aid, assistant, associate (associate sth. with sth., associate with),association/committee, assume/suppose, assur

15、e/insure/ensure/sure, astonish, astronaut, at( be good at, look at, at the age/speed/rate of, at home), atmosphere, attack, attach (be attached to), attempt, attend (a meeting/school/sb., attend to), attendance/presence, attention (pay attention to), attitude, attract, attractive, attribute (attribu

16、teto ), audit, August, Australia, Australian, authentic/real/reliable, author, authority/power, automate, automatic, automobile, autumn/fall, available, avenue/street/road, average (on (an, the) average, to average three hours of work a day), avoid, await = wait for, awake =wake up (awake = sleeples

17、s), award, aware (be aware of.), away (put. away, right away. ), awful/terrible, awkward (注意该词的几种词义).For love or money 无论如何= at any price Bbaby, back (back and forth, back up/support) , background, backwards, bacterium(细菌)/bacteria, badly/very ( he was badly damaged.), balance, ban/bar, banana, band

18、, bank, bankrupt, barely/hardly, bargain (a real bargain), base (be based on/upon), basic/fundamental, battery(电池、殴打) battle, B.C. be, beach, beam ( a beam of), bear (注意该词的几种词义), bearing(轴承、关系、方面、意义、方向、方位), beat, beautiful/beauty, because, become, go to bed, bee, beef, beer, before/after, beforehand

19、/in advance, beg/bag, begin/start (+ doing/ to do sth. ), beginning, behalf ( on behalf of), behavior/conduct, behind/ in front of, belief, believe (believe in), belong (belong to), below/under/beneath, beneficial/favorable, benefit ( for the benefit of(为利益), benefit form), beside/besides = in addit

20、ion, best (at best/ at least; at ones best, do/try ones best, make the best of), better (be better off(境况好), had better do sth), between/among, beyond, bicycle, bid, big/great, bill (pay the bill), billion/million/trillion, biography(传记), biological, bird, birth (give birth to(产生), by birth(在血统上、生来)

21、, birthday, bit ( a bit of, bit by bit(渐渐、一点一点), bitter, black, blackboard, blame (blame sb. for sth.), blank, blanket, blend, blind, block ( a block of rock/ice/wood), blood, bloody, bloom, blue, board (on board), boat, body, boil (boil up), bold, bomb/blow up, bone, book (booking office), boom, bo

22、ost/lift, border (border on/upon接壤), boring/troublesome, born, borrow/lend, boss, both (both and.), bother/trouble, bottle, bottom, bound (be bound for以为目的), boundary, box, boxing, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch/department, brand, brave, breach/break, bread, break (break away from, break down, break

23、into, break out, break off, break through, break up), breakdown/ collapse, breakfast, breath (catch ones breath, hold ones breath, out of breath), breathe, breed/ raise, bridge, brief ( in brief), briefly, bright/clever/ brilliant/intelligent, bring (bring about使发生、致使, bring forward, bring up), brin

24、g/take, Britain, British, broad, broadcast, brother, brush, budget, build, building, bulk/block, bullet, burden, burn (burn up), burst (burst into tears/laughter), bus, business, busy (be busy with), but/only ( but for), buy, by (by air/railway/sea/plane/bus; pass by, by the rule, a box five feet by

25、 six feet, by and by不久以后)CCabin, cable(电缆、海底电报、缆、索,打海底电报), cafe, cake, calculate, calendar, call (call sb. call for, call off/cancel; call on sb.; call up), calm (calm down), calm/still, camera, campaign/champagne/champion, campus, can/container, Canada, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability/

26、ability, capable (be capable of), capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cardinal(n.枢机主教、红衣主教;a.主要的、最重要的)/essential, care (care about, take care of), career, careful, careless, carrier, carry (carry on, carry out), cartoon, case ( in any case无论如何, in most cases, in case万一, in case of假设、万一), cash, cast

27、/throw, casual, cat, catch (catch up with, catch a cold, catch attention), cater 备办食物、满足、迎合(cater for供应伙食、迎合 ), cause, cautious/careful, cease/ stop, celebrate, cell, census, centennial百年纪念、一百年的, centigrade, central, center, century, certain, chain, chair/host, chairman, challenge, chance/opportunit

28、y (a chance to do sth.; by chance, take a/the chance冒冒险、碰碰运气、利用下机会), change, channel, character, characteristic (be characteristic of), charge ( in the charge of, take charge of, charge.with.控告某人犯罪), charming/attractive, cheap/expensive, cheat (cheat sb. of money), check (check in登记、报到, check up核对、检

29、查), cheerful/pleasing, cheer (cheer up), chemical/physical, chemistry, cherish珍爱、怀抱(希望等等) (hope/dreams/friendship), chief, child/children, childhood, childish, China/china, Chinese, choice, choose (choose sth. from/among sth. ), Christmas, chronic慢性的、延续性很长的, church, cigarette, cinema, circle, circui

30、t, circular/round, circulate, circumstance ( under/ in no circumstances无论如何、决不), citizen, city, civil, claim, clash 冲突、撞击(clash with不调和, a clash of views), class/category, classic/classical, classroom, classmate, clean, clear (clear away, clear up), clerk, clever, client, climate, climax高潮、顶点/top, c

31、limb (climb up/down the hill), cling附着、紧贴 (cling to依附、依靠、坚持), clinic, clock, clockwise, close/open (close down, close season禁猎期), cloth/clothes/clothing, cloud, cloudy, club, clue/hint, clumsy/awkward, coach, coal, coarse/rough, coast (along the coast), coat (coat the throat), code, coffee, coin, co

32、incide (coincide with), cold (have/catch a cold), collar (white/blue/grey-collared), colleague, collect/gather, collective, college/university, colonial, color, colorful, column, combat/fight, combine/combination, come (come across, come out, come up, come up with ), comfort, comfortable, command/control, comment (comment on), commercial, commission委托、代理、犯罪、佣金, commit (mistakes/guilt), commitment, commodities日用品/goods, common/average ( in common), communicate (communicate with), community, compact, companion, company/firm/concern/enterprise/corporation, comparative比较的、相当的, compare (be

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