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1、因不可抗力因素影响造成的停工,经乙方书面提请甲方同意后,工期可顺延,因乙方责任,不能按期开工或中途无故停工,影响工期、工期不顺延,若不能按期完工,视同乙方违约。三、工程造价及付款方式:按 元/ 自然方包干( 含税) ,工程量以实际发生为准(回填方量约 万方),按月底完成工程量情况付进度款。四、双方责任:甲方责任:甲方负责公司厂区内施工单位的协调,并为乙 指定回填区域。乙方责任:乙方负责施工现场的组织和施工以及设备及时到场,负责施工现场的安全,凡因乙方原因而造成的安全事故及第三责任事故,责任由乙方全部承担。五、本合同未尽事宜双方另行协商或签补充合同,补充合同与本合同具有同等法律效力。六、本合同一

2、式六份,甲方持四份,乙方持两份,均具有同等法律效益。七、本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,结算完毕,工程款付清后自动失效。甲方(盖章) 乙方(盖章)法人代表(签字) 法人代表(签字)年 月 日 Contract No.工程名称: Project Name:建设单位: Owner:施工单位: Contractor:签约日期: Date of Signature:发包人: Employer承包人: Contractor发包人委托承包人承担 _ 工程施工任务,根据中华人民共和国建筑法及有关建设工程的法规,经发包人、承包人协商一致签订本合同。In accordance with CONSTRUCTION

3、 LAW and other laws and rules relating to construction engineering employer hereby commission contractor to contract the construction of Work . Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein, contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:一、工程概况 Article One Project Overview

4、1 、工程名称: _ 工程。 Project Name : Project of2 、工程内容:地基为软弱土,强度低,不能满足基础对地基强度的要求,为此采用深层搅拌加固法对地基软弱土进行加固处理,处理后采用复合地基作为基础持力层。深层搅拌桩基础加固的设计与施工均由基础勘察工程公司施工。Project items: By virtue of soft soil of ground which fail to satisfy the requirement of strength of the foundation, therefore the method of deep mixing shal

5、l be carried out for reinforcement of soft soil foundation, after treatment as so, take composite foundation as a basis stratum. The design and construction of reinforcement of deep mixing pile foundation shall be carried out by the foundation engineering company.3 、施工项目:土方及加固地基 Project items : Eart

6、hwork and Foundation Reinforcement( 1 ) 深层搅拌桩加固地基的施工及凿桩头。(凿桩头费用另计)Foundation reinforcement by deep mixing pile and cutting pile head ( the fee of cutting pile head shall be surcharged)( 2 ) 土方施工(土方施工内容包括如下) Earthwork (including as follows: )二、地基加固的要求 Article Two Requirement of Foundation Reinforceme

7、nt( 1 )地基加固范围按基础平面图的基础范围进行设计和施工,施工图纸及说明书一经审定,不得随意更改,要求加固后复合地基承载力标准值为 250kpa 。Design and construction of reinforced foundation area shall be subject to the same of foundation plan, Construction drawings and specification which have been examined and approved shall not be changed or altered in discret

8、ion. The criterion value of the bearing capacity of reinforced foundation shall be 250kpa.( 2 )工程施工中承包方必须按国家有关的标准、规范和设计要求保质保量按时进行施工,随时接受业主、发包方和工程监理的检查检验。Contractor should, during construction, subject to States relevant standards, specification and design requirements, carry out construction to secu

9、re quality and quantity of Project Works, in addition to take in time acceptance of the inspection and examination by Employer and supervision.( 3 )施工中的搅拌桩的隐蔽纪录由业主、工程监理或发包方代表负责签字验收。The record of cover up of mixing pile during construction shall be accepted with the signatures of project supervision

10、or Employers Representative.三、土方施工的要求 Article Three Requirement of Earthwork1 、测量定位放线。 The line of pointing measurement2 、土方挖运。基坑应全部挖至原土层,垃圾土运至场外, 可利用土运至场内指定地点堆放,并用铲车整理成堆。Excavation / removal of earthworks. foundation pit should be dug to the original soil, waste soil removed to offsite, useable soi

11、l transported to designated location inside and making a pile by forklift.Removal3 、 探孔:按图示孔距及孔深进行探孔。Holes exploration: Holes exploration shall be proceed by the distance and deep of hole as drawing stipulation.4 、 对墓、井洞的处理:探孔过程中发现墓坑、井洞,应进行处理。Work on tomb and wellhole: The tomb and wellhole found du

12、ring exploration should be dealt with.5、 坑底回填碾压:原取土挖深部分及东侧回填的垃圾土需挖至原土层,超深部分全部用素土回填至设计虚桩顶标高,并碾压密实。Bottom backfill compaction: The dug part of original earth and backfilled waste earth on the eastern part should be dug to the original soil, the ultradeep part should be backfilled with soil to the elev

13、ation of pile head and compacted dense.6 、 CFG 桩施工: 体砼强度为 C20, 砼采用商品砼。(译注: CFG 为 Cement Flyash Gravel 的缩写,意为水泥粉煤灰碎石桩)CFG pile: Strength of concrete body should be C20, concrete used as commercial concrete.7 、 挖泥运泥:打桩时产生的泥浆全部挖除运出场地。Earth dug and dump: All mud from piling should be excavated and dumpe

14、d out the site.四、承包方式及工程结算 Article Four Means of Contract and Settlement经双方商定,地基加固和深层搅拌桩由承包方采用包工包料的方式施工,本工程预算搅拌桩工程为 _ 立方米。Requirement of Foundation Reinforcement and deep mixing pile shall executed with the contracting of labor and material by contractor pursuant to the agreement between parties her

15、eof. Subject to project budget the amount of pile iscubic meters and cost of budget projectis Yuan RMB per cubic meter.土方工程按照下列第六条( 4 )款规定的计价方式结算。工程结算以实际发生的并经业主、工程监理和发包方签证确认的工程量及发包方与业主签订的工程施工合同的有关规定进行结算,工程结算造价经业主审定确认为准。发包方按经审定确认的工程结算造价的 11% 收取承包方的施工管理费及一切应缴税费。施工管理费及应缴纳的一切税费由发包方从工程款中扣除。Earth work sha

16、ll be settled subject to the pricing which stipulated in (4) Article Six hereinafter.The settlement of construction shall be subject to the quantities which is an actual work and affirmed by the signatures of owner, supervision and employer in addition to relevant provisions of contract between cont

17、ractor / owner. The fees of construction management and all due taxies shall be charged by employer on the basis of 11% of project cost which have been under examination and affirmed. The fees of construction management and all due taxies shall be deducted from the payment of construction by employe

18、r.五:工期 Article Five Time for Completion本工程自 _ 日开工至 _ 日完工,工期为 _ 天。非承包人原因(如停水、停电、降雨等)影响施工,工期顺延。由于发包人或承包人的原因,未能按期开工、完工时,按本合同第 条规定执行。This project commence on and from the date of , complete on the date of and the construction duration is days. Provided that if the reasons of noncontractor such as cuttin

19、g off supply of water, electricity and rainfall affect construction, the completion time shall be extended correspondingly. The failure of commencement or completion on schedule shall, if, due to the reasons of employer or contractor, be executed subject to the provision of Article .六:收费标准及支付方式 Arti

20、cle Six Charge Standard and Payment1 、本工程收费按国家建筑工程价目表计取;或以预算包干、中标价加签证实际完成工作量结算等方式计取收费。国家规定的收费标准中没有规定的收费项目,由发包人、承包人另行议定。The payment of project shall charged under States list of construction project or by the means of Lump sum budget, Accepted price plus the Confirmation for variation and settlement

21、by actual completion. Any item of charged fee without in States list shall be under otherwise negotiation between contractor / employer.2 、本工程费总额预计为 _ 元(大写 _ ),合同生效后 3 天内,发包人应向承包人支付预算工程费总额的 20 %,计 _ 元作为定金(本合同履行后,定金抵作工程费)。The total budget amount of project is YUAN RMB ( SAY ONLY). Employer shall, wit

22、hin three days after the date of coming into force of the present Contract, effect the paymentofYUAN RMB as deposit which equal to 20% of total amount of project budget. The deposit shall be set off the project cost due to contractor.3 、本合同生效后,发包人按下表约定分 _ 次向承包人预付(或支付)工程费,发包人不按时向承包人拨付工程费,从应拨付之日起承担应拨付

23、工程费的滞纳金。Employer should, after effectiveneof contract, by installments, effect the payment of advance amount or project cost. Employer should, if, fail to make the payment of project cost on schedule to contractor, pay the late fine for the due amount paid to contractor from the due day of payment.4

24、 、土方工程量计价方式: Calculation of Cost Price for Earthwork Quantity( 1 )土方挖运:每立方 元,方量计算按图纸要求的基坑底边线加 1 : 0.28 放坡系数并结合现场的实际情况、实际的高程签证进行计算。Price of excavation and removal of earthwork is YUAN RMB per cubic meter, the work quantity shall be calculated subject to drawing s requirements of the bottom edge plus

25、1 : 0.28 sloping coefficient in addition to the signed confirmation for other actual matters and elevation on site.( 2 )探孔:孔距 1 米,孔深 2.5 米,梅花型布点,每孔 元。按实际探孔数进行结算。 The diameter of hole is 1 meter and the depth of hole 2.5 meter. The plum distribution of holes. The settlement of exploration cost shall

26、be made on the actual amount of holes in addition to the price of YUAN RMB per hole.( 3 )墓、井洞处理:根据现场实际情况以签证方式确定价格。The works for tomb and well hole: The price of works cost shall be decided and agreed by written confirmation on the actual works of site.( 4 )坑底回填碾压:每立方 元。根据现场实测实量进行算量。 YUAN RMB for per

27、 1 cubic meter. Works cost thereof would, pursuant to the measurement on site, be calculated.( 5 ) CFG 桩施工:按桩延长米进行计算,每延长米 元。总工程量为 延长米。Execution of pile: The calculation of cost is subject to the extended meters on the YUAN RMB for per meter. The total extended meters shall be meters.( 6 )挖泥运泥出场地每立方

28、元。工程量按桩体体积进行计算。The price of earth dug and dump outside is YUAN RMB for per 1 cubic meter. The work quantity is calculated on the cubage of pile body.七:变更及工程费的调整 Article Seven Alternation and Cost Adjustment1 、本工程进行中,发包人对工程内容与技术要求提出变更时,承担变更导致承包人的经济支出和损失,由此延误的工期顺延。Provided that contractor request alte

29、rnation or amendment to the contents and technical requirement during construction, should reimburse any economic cost and losuffered by contractor arising therefrom2 、变更后,工程费按如下方法(或标准)进行调整:Adjustment of work cost after alternation or amendment shall be subject to the means or standard as follows:八:

30、发包人责任 Article Eight Responsibilities of Employer1、 发包人按本合同第二条规定的内容,在规定的时间内向承包人提供资料文件,并对其2、 完整性、正确性及时限性负责。Employer should, pursuant to the contents in the Article 2 hereof, within the stipulated period provide contractor with data and documentation for which employer bear full responsibility for the

31、completeness, accuracy and time limitation thereof.2 、发包人要求承包人在合同规定时间内提前时,发包人应按每提前一天向承包人支付 _ 元计算加班费。Provided that employer require contractor s advance completion of Work prior to the schedule term, employer should effect overtime payment to contractor on the basis ofYUAN RMB for per advanced day.3 、发包人应为承包人现场工作人员提供必要的施工、生活条件;如不能提供时,应一次性付给承包人临时设施费 _ 元。Employer should provide contractor with the necessary conditions of construction and living for

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