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1、听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. Who will give a lecture at Beijing University next week? A. The mans friend. B. Peter Breen. C. The womans husband. 7. What do we know about Peter Breen? A. He on

2、ce taught the woman at London University. B. He is the mans former schoolmate. C. He used to be a workmate of the woman 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a restaurant. B. In an airplane. C. On a ship. 9. What is the man going to do? A. Visit his grandson. B. Fet

3、ch his wife. C. Travel around the world.10. What can we learn about the man? A. He traveled a lot on business before. B. His wife used to be a teacher. C. He was perhaps a soldier during the Second World War. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Diets and health.

4、 B. Food and price. C. Sports and health.12. Who is on a steak diet? A. The womans uncle. B. The mans neighbor. C. The womans friend.13. Whats the best way to lose weight according to the man? A. To eat less. B. To get more exercise. C. Both A and B. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。14. Which is not included

5、in what Martha did in Fiji? A. Swimming. B. Fishing. C. Sailing.15. Where do you think Fiji is? A. Near the sea. B. Far from Japan. C. To the north of Japan.16. What does Martha look like now? A. Paler. B. A little tired. C. Darker. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. Where is the speaker now? A. In a plane

6、. B. On a train. C. On a bus.18. Which is not included in the services offered during the trip? A. Rest rooms. B. Bedrooms. C. Public-address announcements.19. What was the speaker once doing? A. She was working on a plane. B. She was working as a driver. C. She was working as a cook.20. What can we

7、 learn from the talk? A. Ground travel can sometimes offer more services than air travel. B. Ground travel can offer as much service as air travel. C. Air travel offers more and better services than ground travel.二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分)21. The government has set up a working party to look into t

8、he problem of drug a .22. Because the final exam is coming, most students are under a lot of s 23. Smoking is b on the train.24. After months of overworking, Jack was suffering from m and physical exhaustion.25. Take the medicine and it has an immediate e on the pain.26. The exercise is designed to

9、s muscles, so why not have a try, boys?27. This man is d (绝望的) and should not be approached as he may have a gun.28. I felt very d not to win the football match.29. She was s of her body so she decided on going on a diet and do more exercise.30. To her parents surprise, the girl became a to drugs.31

10、. Her eyes quickly became a to the dark.32. The doctor told him to q the bad habit of smoking, but he just took no notice.33. Its i to carry guns in our country.34. The mans s was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.35. P against black people is still common in many parts of America.三、单词

11、拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)36. What worries us most is the possible negative (影响) on teenagers by unhealthy net information.37. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug (滥用).38. He was (绝望的) because he was out of work.39. The boy was (羞愧) of his bad manners.40. The m

12、eeting was at 9:00 oclock, which was an (不方便的,令人不舒服的) time.41. The exercises are designed to (增强) your stomach muscles.42. The government has (下禁令) the use of chemical weapons.43. Ways must be found to avoid the effect of (压力), bad diets and overwork on our health.44. We should pay more attention to

13、 not only our physical health but also our (精神的) health.45. I was (失望) that our team had lost the game.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;46. (不管,不顾) all kinds of difficulties, I succeeded in finishing the job all by myself.47. 听了这个笑话,我想笑。I the joke.48. He (养成的习惯) turning on the TV as soon as he gets home.49. H

14、e was ready to (冒险) of being drowned to save the drowning child. (词数不限)50. 你应该对你自己的愚蠢行为感到羞愧。You should be your foolish behavior.51. 该车祸是由司机的大意引起的。This accident the drivers carelessness.52. 专家提供了几种方法帮助沉溺于网络的孩子们。(词数不限)Experts offer several ways to help kids who the Internet.53. 如果你在国外学习,你应该尽快适应国外的风俗习惯

15、。If you study abroad, you should the foreign customs as soon as possible.54. (很明显) the people present at the meeting that they must be all in favour of the proposal.55. 我觉得我有义务要坦白地对你说。(feel) (it作形式主语或形式宾语) (词数不限) to speak frankly to you.五、单项选择(共20小题;56. Plastic surgery definitely does harm to indivi

16、duals mainly because the patients will have to take risks damaging their health. A. in B. on C. at D. of57. the fact that not enough exercise isnt good for peoples health, taking too much exercise can also be harmful. A. In place of B. Instead of C. In spite of D. In terms of58. If you are from doin

17、g something, you are officially prevented from doing it. A. banned B. protected C. rescued D. preserved59. - Do you have my passport, Janet? - Yes, I have right here, in the locker. A. one B. it C. a very one D. this60. It has been found that some government leaders their power in office to get ille

18、gal benefits for themselves. A. employ B. take C. abuse D. achieve61. Her lateness was the heavy traffic on the highway. A. due to B. according to C. so as to D. because62. I stayed there for only two days but felt like two weeks. A. it B. what C. when D. then63. Even though he knew he would put his

19、 own life , he still wanted to try the newly discovered herb(药草) to find out what it would feel like. A. at a risk B. at risks C. at the risk D. at risk64. Lacking food supplies and wanted by the police, the terrorists made a attempt to hijack(劫持) a plane to Iran. A. brave B. fresh C. harmful D. des

20、perate65. What a small meeting room! Do you think is possible for so many students to sit in? A. this B. that C. there D. it66. It was a(n) situation, because the restaurant was too expensive for us but we didnt want to just leave. A. amazing B. curious C. desperate D. awkward67. - Have you decided

21、a date for the wedding? - Not yet. A. for B. upon C. against D. between68. He felt of cheating in the exam, deciding never to do such things again. A. shame B. ashamed C. sorry D. shameful69. I think of life as a good book. The further you it, the more it begins to make sense. A. get into B. get ove

22、r C. get across D. get through70. I would greatly appreciate if you send me the application forms as soon as possible. A. it B. that C. / D. which71. Those people, addicted drugs, often face serious health problems, including AIDS. A. with B. from C. on D. to72. My uncle isnt accustomed to in the co

23、untryside. A. live B. lives C. living D. lived73. For the sake of the students health, outdoor activities in some areas late last year because of the smog pollution. A. do not allow B. did not allow C. were not allowed D. are not allowed74. In order to his muscles, Mike goes to the gym regularly to

24、do exercise. A. sharpen B. brighten C. strengthen D. deepen75. Up to now, the program thousands of children who would otherwise have died. A. would save B. saves C. had saved D. has saved六、完形填空(共20小题;共30分) Check out any womans wardrobe and you will be sure to find at least one pair of high heel shoe

25、s there. After all, which woman can 76 wearing something that makes her look taller and her legs 77 longer? Unfortunately, those high heel shoes women love so much 78 their name, and can end up doing more damage than you can imagine 79 the spine(脊柱) and lower backif care is not taken. Murlowska, a t

26、herapist(治疗师 ), is 80 with the consequences of wearing high heels. A majority of 81 who arrive at Murlowskas office come to her with back and lower back problems. Very often the 82 are the result of not walking properly in high heels or choosing the 83 kind of footwear. I know women love wearing hig

27、h heels but they can 84 extreme damage to the body, Murlowska says, I recently had a patient who had a terrible fall while walking in high heels and twisted her 85 . She did not think much of it at the time, but the next morning she 86 up to find her knee swollen and painful. If a woman walks in hee

28、ls 87 than five centimeters, several pressure points develop in various parts of the body which experience 88 . Essentially, a woman wearing high heels is attempting to 89 her entire body on a very small area. This causes extreme stress on the muscles of the legs 90 increasing the chances of the ankle getting twisted. This can 91 damage to the knee ligaments(韧带) and tendons(腱). High heels force the 92 into an unnatural down-turned position. Consequently, the rest of the body has to 93 itself in order to stay balanced. The lower part of the spine as well as the h

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