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1、Generate lightning从雷雨云划动,制造出雷电Zap Pygmies with lightning劈死一个Lightning blast causes Pygmy to drown把土著聚集起来,然后劈死一个,其他人会吓的跳进水里。(要在岛边才会跳进水里,在中央只会吓一跳)Episode 6:随意Change from day to night用手指划动太阳或者月亮Cause sun to set or rise换成黄昏Dazzle pygmies with sunset在黄昏状态下等一会儿Make Pygmies sleep在夜晚状态下等一会儿Episode 7:Make Py

2、gmies dance点天空,会放礼花,土著看到后会跳舞Bounce coconut on Pygmys head把土著拖到树下,点椰子让椰子砸土著脑袋Bounce coconut on sleeping Pygmys head换到夜里让土著在树下睡着,砸他Pin Pygmy with meteor在菜单里切换成Meteor,然后轻轻放到土著身上Bowl Pygmies with meteor用Meteor砸人Pygmy eats coconut椰子砸人之后让土著过去吃就可以Episode 8:Feed Pygmy to shark把人拽起来,移到鲨鱼头上,等它来吃Give Pygmy the

3、 shark hat在鲨鱼跃出水面的时候动一下,让它吃不到Drown Pygmy with a shark smack把鲨鱼提起来,放到土著脑袋上,松手Episode 9:Watch Pygmy look upwardWatch Pygmy look downWatch the pygmy fartWatch Pygmy scratch buttWatch Pygmy pick noseWatch Pygmy wave helloWatch the pygmy yawn这几个只要召唤满六个人,然后等着就成了Episode 10:Tap moon to call vampire bat切换到月亮

4、,然后点月亮可以召唤出吸血蝙蝠Vampire bat bites sleeping Pygmy等人睡着,让吸血蝙蝠去吸血Vampire Pygmy knocks Pygmies off island人变成吸血鬼,然后把其他所有人撞飞Burn Vampire Pygmy with sunlight切换到太阳,杀死吸血鬼Create eclipse with meteor用Meteor挡住太阳Knock bat out of sky召唤出蝙蝠之后点一下它,把它点跑Episode 11:切换Generate hurricane换成雷雨云,然后再屏幕中央画圆,生成龙卷风Pick up Pygmy wi

5、th hurricane卷起来几个土著Zap Pygmy with lightning in hurricane用龙卷风卷起来土著之后趁着没有飞走,用雷劈死几个土著Pick up coconut in hurricane在火山岛点下椰子,让椰子落地后再生成龙卷风Pick up fish in hurricane等土著钓上鱼之后再生成龙卷风Pick up fishing pole in hurricane把钓竿卷起来Pick up spear in hurricane把矛卷起来Pick up wood in a hurricanePick up cooked Pygmy in hurricane

6、在恐龙岛,召唤出木头,然后等土著把三块木头码齐,然后召唤雷雨云,用雷劈木头会着火,然后拽一个土著在火上烤,烤熟后生成龙卷风即可Pick up bird in hurricane等鸟出来的时候生成龙卷风即可Pick up cooked bird in hurricane按照上边的方法生火,这次拽着鸟去烤,别烤焦 Pick banana up in hurricane在猴子山,点下香蕉树,然后香蕉会掉下来。生成龙卷风即可Pick banana peel up in hurricane香蕉掉下来等会儿会有猴子来吃,吃完后会有香蕉皮,然后生成龙卷风Episode 12:Pygmy goes fishi

7、ng钓鱼Pygmy catches fish找个人放到鱼旁边Pygmy eats fish等土著吃鱼Fish slap a Pygmy点住鱼拽起来,然后抽土著Fish slap a sleeping Pygmy切换到夜晚,用鱼抽睡着了的土著Shark pulls fishing Pygmy into water把鲨鱼选项打开,土著在钓鱼的过程中会被随机拖下海Episode 13:Whip ants into a frenzy在菜单里选Ant Hill开启蚂蚁窝和放大镜,然后点蚂蚁窝会出现蚂蚁Make ants eat Pygmy等蚂蚁出现后点住,然后拖拽到一个土著身上,蚂蚁会吃人Burn an

8、ts with magnifying glass等蚂蚁出现后点住,往没人的地方拖,然后用放大镜烧蚂蚁Burn Pygmy with magnifying glass用放大镜烧土著Episode 14:Open the tribe screen打开菜单,选Tribe StatsChange the name of a Pygmy点击土著人名字,换一个Change god type切换神的类型,具体方式是点图中所指的位置,然后点God Type左边的图标就可以切换神的类型了Episode 15:恐龙岛Visit Rock Island去一次恐龙岛Pin a Pygmy with a t-rex e

9、gg轻轻的把恐龙蛋放到土著身上,压住Bowl Pygmies off island with t-rex egg把恐龙蛋高空坠落到一个土著身上Pygmy enters outhouse把厕所功能打开(菜单里Outhouse),等人进去Call Pygmy out of outhouse等人进去后点厕所门,吧人敲出来Pygmy waiting for outhouse explodes多召唤几个人,等人进厕所后,后边得人等不及回憋炸Pygmy waiting for outhouse makes it in time等人进厕所后敲门,后边的人等到厕所Episode 16:Crack egg an

10、d wake baby t-rex反复3次让恐龙蛋落地,唤醒小恐龙T-rex eats Pygmy大的来了,让他吃吧Poke t-rex点一下大恐龙,让他走开Episode 17:Give Pygmy the spear召唤出大恐龙后会出现矛,拖动矛,给土著就行Hit t-rex with spear给了他之后他会打恐龙,当然准头就不确定了Defeat the t-rex把恐龙打死Tap Sand Island Statue to vaporize Pygmies去火山岛,点岛上那个神像头上的宝石,所有人会被秒杀Episode 18:海底Visit the underwater area去一次

11、海底Create a tsunami在恐龙岛或者火山岛拖动海水,速度快一些,多拖动几次就会引发海啸Harpoon Pygmies with underwater statue在海底用左下那个神像的矛杀死至少一个以上土著Episode 19:Open the challenge screen打开Challenge主菜单Play the coconut bounce mini-game在火山岛用椰子砸土著Play the shark snap mini-game在火山岛逗一次鲨鱼玩Play the hurricane zap mini-game生成龙卷风然后劈死一个土著Episode 20:Pyg

12、my carries log to fire pit让土著捡起木材,打开木材等着就成Fill fire pit等土著把三个木材弄成堆Light fire with lightning切换雷雨云,用雷劈木材堆生火Pygmy warms by fire等土著聚过来取暖Cook fish with fire钓鱼,然后拖动鱼到火上边烧烤,注意别糊了Pygmy eats cooked fish烤熟了之后扔给土著吃Burn fish on fire一直烤鱼,烤糊了就行Eat a burnt fish给土著吃糊了的鱼Cook Pygmy on fire烤个土著Poke fire and burn Pygmy

13、 with flames在土著过来取暖的时候点一下火焰,会变大然后烧到土著Episode 21:Poke dodo to drop bird poop把鸟弄出来,等它飞过来的时候点一下,把屎点出来就行了Play the bird-bomb mini-game把鸟屎点到土著头上Hit a standing Pygmy with a bird bombHit a sleeping Pygmy with a bird bomb把鸟屎点到睡着了的土著头上Feed fish to the dodo-bird钓上条鱼来,等鸟来拿Feed Pygmy to the bird钓上条鱼来,然后把一个土著放到旁边

14、,土著会去吃鱼,鸟看到后会直接抓走土著。Drop the dodo in ocean把鸟拖进海里Cook the dodo on the fire生火、烤鸟Pygmy eats the cooked dodo让土著吃烤鸟Overcook the dodo-bird多烤会儿,烤焦了Pygmy chokes on burned dodo让土著吃烤焦了的鸟挂掉Hit dodo with lightning召唤雨云,用雷劈鸟Create whirlpool underwater去海底,然后在屏幕中间画圈,形成海底漩涡Episode 22:有陆地的地方,但是一定要是白天晴天Play Ooga Jump把

15、人拖到云彩上边,玩doodle jumpJump on ice cloud踩一块雨云Jump on storm cloud踩一块雷云Die from falling in Ooga Jump摔死Episode 23:Feed Pygmy to piranha打开食人鱼,然后拖拽船锚,几次过后会出现食人鱼,点一个食人鱼,然后拖拽到土著身上即可Play Bait Master mini-game切换到Pain Drain Game,然后拔开塞子,把土著塞进去Episode 24:Watch Pygmy beat his chestWatch Pygmy skirt fall revealing u

16、nderwearWatch Pygmy skirt fall with censor barWatch Pygmys hair fallWatch Pygmy sneezeWatch Pygmy think of fishWatch Pygmy think of a coconutWatch Pygmy think of cooked dodo这几个等着就行Episode 25:Grab chum from bucket菜单里切换到Shark Blast Game,然后把底下的桶里的鱼骨头拿出来,激光鲨鱼就会出来Fire shark laser右下角有开火的图标Play the shark b

17、last mini-game随便打几下Put chum in Pygmys hand把鱼骨头给土著,他会抱起来Feed chum to shark把鱼骨头给鲨鱼Shark eats Pygmy holding chum土著抱住鱼骨头之后,鲨鱼会吃掉土著Blast Pygmy with laser shark用激光打死个土著Episode 26:墓地岛Visit the graveyard island去一次墓地岛Dig grave挖个坑Drop the Pygmy in the grave把土著扔到你刚才挖的坑里Bury the Pygmy alive and turn into zombie

18、埋起来,变僵尸Tap and kill the zombie点一下僵尸,杀死它Zombie eats Pygmy brain别杀僵尸,等它啃别人Zombie eats sleeping Pygmy brains切换要夜晚,等人睡着了弄个僵尸出来Make the zombie dance都变成僵尸了之后点几下天空,让它们跳舞Episode 27:Turn Pygmy into a ghost把人变成鬼魂,在墓地岛只要这个选项打开,土著死后就会变成幽灵Guide the ghost into the light点住幽灵,左上会出现亮光,把幽灵拖到白光里Posses Pygmy with a gho

19、st让幽灵附身,把幽灵直接拖拽到土著身上即可Scare Pygmy to death点住幽灵,然后拖拽到土著身边绕几圈,这样幽灵就会吓人Ghost carries Pygmy away点住幽灵,然后从土著的头上正上方拖拽过去即可Pull Pygmy into ghost dimension点住幽灵,然后从土著正下方拖拽过去即可Make a banshee scream点住幽灵不放,它会尖叫Make a banshee scream that shatters the eardrums of the Pygmies多叫一会儿,土著会被尖叫喊爆Episode 28:墓地Put Pygmy in s

20、pider Web把人放到蜘蛛网上Wrap Pygmy in spider cocoon点一下,会有小蜘蛛出来缠住土著Break open cocoon and release baby spiders再点一下,会被小蜘蛛吃掉Pygmy eaten by barking spider大的来了,让它吃吧Poke barking spider点一下大蜘蛛,让它走Hit barking spider with spear把矛给土著,让他们打Defeat the barking spider干掉蜘蛛Episode 29:冰岛Visit ice island去一次冰岛Drop Pygmy in iglo

21、o把人扔进冰屋Drop fish in igloo钓鱼,把一条鱼扔进冰屋Pygmy crawls into igloo to eat fish把鱼扔进去之后,土著会随机自己爬进去,等就行Pygmy crawls out of igloo敲下冰屋,让里边的人出来Pygmy eats fish in igloo把鱼和人同时放进去,他会吃鱼Fire Pygmy from igloo把俩土著扔进去,会赶出来一个Drop two Pygmies in igloo to fire one Pygmy out of doorPygmy hit by Pygmy flying out igloo把其他土著都聚

22、集在屏幕右边,然后扔两个进冰屋,被赶出来的那个会把其他的人全撞到海里Raise the ice monster把冰怪弄醒Pygmy killed by snow ball让冰怪的雪球杀死至少一个以上土著Defeat the ice monster打败冰怪Flick Pygmy and bounce off ice monster把土著踢过去,然后被冰怪防御Flick Pygmy and explode on ice monster把土著踢过去,然后打中冰怪Flick a Pygmy into the monsters mouth在冰怪喊的时候踢个土著过去Make the ice monster

23、 dizzy让冰怪晕,多打就行Episode 30:Overheat a Pygmy by enlarging the sun扩大太阳(对角拉伸),烧死土著Freeze the Pygmy by shrinking the sun缩小太阳(对角收缩),冻死土著Burn a hole in the ice island在菜单里把Ice Hole打开,然后烧死的土著脚下就会有冰洞Decapitate Pygmy playing tug of war with ice squid在菜单里把Ice Squid打开,冰洞里就会有章鱼,把土著拖拽过去,章鱼会抓住土著,不要松手,土著会身首异处。Give a

24、 whole Pygmy to ice squid章鱼抓住人之后松手,送给他完整的人即可Fish in the ice hole打开钓鱼,在冰洞里钓鱼Catch a swordfish from the ice hole钓上来剑鱼Swordfish slap a Pygmy用剑鱼抽人Swordfish slap a sleeping Pygmy用剑鱼抽睡着的人Pygmy eats swordfish and gets an ulcer不管剑鱼,让土著过去吃Drop a burnt Pygmy into the ice hold to cause ice geyser先去恐龙岛,把人烤焦,然后切

25、回冰岛,把烧焦的人扔到冰洞里,会出现喷泉Pygmy impaled by icicles from ice geyser喷泉出现后会出现冰柱,多召唤几个人被冰柱砸死就行Episode 31:Open the story screen打开菜单,选Create StoriesWatch a story in story mode随便看一个故事Create a story自己做一个故事,然后saveUnplug the drain in the underwater area去海底,然后打开Pain Drain Game,拔开塞子Send the Pygmy down the drain把土著塞进去

26、Play the Pain Drain mini-game随便玩玩男人下100层游戏Spike the Pygmy in the Pain Drain死掉Episode 31B:Check the news菜单里选Pocket God NewsEpisode 32:Draw a crack in the ground菜单里选Draw Crack on Ground。然后在有地面的地方用手指划动屏幕会出现裂纹Pygmy falls through crack and dies如果裂纹经过土著的话会出现裂缝,土著会掉进去(注意关掉The Runs Game)Play the Runs mini-game同上,但是需要打开The Runs Game,玩一玩小游戏吧Pygmy runs through bat poo玩游戏的时候碰到便便Pygmy runs into lava rock and explodes玩游戏的时候被石头碰到Pygmy lands in lava and sinks小游戏跑的过程中摔到岩浆里Bump Pygmy head on stalactites当上方出现针石的时候跳一下,被扎死即可Episode 33:巨猿山Visit ape mountain去一次巨猿山Drop Pygmy into winch把人放到绞车Drop Pygmy by bongos把土著

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