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1、教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Dictate some new words and expressions.3. Read the passage Come and Eat Here again to find words and expressions that mean the same.Alternative words and expressionsWords and expressions from the textshouldrun away after doing something wr

2、ongsomething to make you thin by eating itwish to know about somethingget rid of somethingparts of plants that help food move quickly through the bodychanging food into something the body can useproper amount of different kinds of food needed for good healthGive students about four minutes to find t

3、he suitable words and expressions. Then check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answers:ought toget away withslimming foodscuriosity throw awayfibre digestionbalanced dietStep 2 Leading-in by revisionTranslate the following sentences and explain how each of these modal verbs is being used i

4、n the situations.1. He could hardly support his family before he found the new job.2. Where could/can the boy be now?3. May/Might I come in?4. You may/might catch sight of the sunrise from here when you get up before 5 in the morning.5. You must hurry up or youll be late.6. Whatever you want, you sh

5、all have.7. We should read English aloud every morning.8. He would sit there for hours, doing nothing at all.1. 他在找到那份新工作前几乎无法养家糊口。(ability)2. 那孩子现在能在哪儿呢?(guessing)3. 我可以进来吗?(ask for permission)4. 你在早晨五点钟以前起来, 或许能从这儿看到日出。(possibility)5. 你必须得快点儿, 不然会迟到的。(necessity)6. 你想得到什么, 你就可以有什么。(promise)7. 我们应该每

6、天早晨朗读英文。(duty)8. 他总是在那儿一坐就是几个小时, 什么都不干。(past habit)Step 3 Grammar learning1. Reading and discoveringAsk students to turn back to Page 10 to read through the passage Come and Eat Here, let them pick out the sentences using modal verbs and translate them into Chinese.1)By lunchtime they would all be s

7、old.到午饭时分, 它们都会卖完。2)By now his restaurant ought to be full of people.到了这个时候, 他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。3)What could have happened?发生了什么事呢?4)Nothing could be better.再没有比这些更好(吃)的了。5)Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.要是李昌不像往常那样来他的餐馆吃饭, 那问题就严重了。

8、6)He could not believe his eyes.他简直不能相信他的眼睛。7)Perhaps he should go to the library and find out.也许他应该去图书馆查查清楚。8)He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他不可能让咏慧哄骗人们后跑掉。9)He had better do some research.他最好作一番调查。10)They would become tired very quickly.他们很快就会到疲乏。11)Perhaps with a

9、 discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.或许打折的方法和新的招牌能够帮他赢回顾客。2. Thinking and discussingLet students read aloud the sentences they picked out, think over and discuss with a partner how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations. Use the function words below to explain

10、the meaning of the modal verbs. If students have some difficulty, give them a hand.IntentionDutyPermissionPossibilityGuessingAbility1)Possibility2)Possibility3)Possibility4)Possibility5)Guessing6)Intention7)Duty8)Intention9)Duty10)Possibility11)Ability3. Summing up: the use of ought toought to的用法oug

11、ht无人称和时态的变化, 后接带to的动词不定式。ought to可表示“义务”“要求”或“劝告”, 常译作“应该”“应当”等, 和should差不多, 只是语气稍重一些; 有时表示“非常可能”的意思。否定式为ought not to(oughtnt to), 疑问式为Ought I/you/. . . to. . . ?1. 表示“责任或义务”Such things ought not to be allowed, ought they?这类事情不应该被准许, 是吗?Ought he to go? 他应该去吗?Yes, he ought to. 是的, 他应该去。2. 表示“适当, 合适或应

12、该”Coffee ought to be drunk while it is hot.咖啡应该趁热喝。There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.在上下班高峰期, 公共汽车应当多一些。3. 表示“可能性”Harry ought to win this race.哈里应该会赢得这场比赛。If he started at seven, he ought to be here now.假如他在七点出发的话, 现在大概到这儿了。4. 表示“劝告或建议”I think you ought to eat more body-building foo

13、d.我认为你应当多吃些有营养的食物。He said I ought to do that job. 他说我适宜做那项工作。5. 表示“推测”, 意为“照说应该; 想必一定”, 后跟不定式的一般时、进行时或完成时, 分别表示对现在、现在进行或过去情况的推测。She has had working experience before. She ought to be fit for the job.她以前有过工作经验, 应该胜任这项工作。Its just 9 oclock. Mary ought to be doing her homework in her room now.才刚九点, 按说玛丽

14、应该在房间里做作业。It ought to have rained last night.昨晚应该下过雨。6. 表示“责备或后悔”ought to后接不定式的完成式时, 表示“本应该做某事而事实上没做”; 其否定式表示“本不应该做某事而事实上做了”。You ought to have done these exercises because you were required to so during your holidays.这些练习你本应该做完的, 因为假期里就要求你做了。She ought not to have told him the bad news, which had a b

15、ad effect on his examinations.她本不应该告诉他这个不幸的消息, 结果影响了他的考试。Step 4 Grammar practice1. Turn to Page 13. Ask students to do Exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures. First let them discuss in pairs how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations. Then check the answers with the whole cla

16、ss. Give some explanations if necessary.2. Turn to Page 50. Ask students to do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2. Check the answers after most of them finish.Step 5 Asking and answeringLet students work in pairs. One asks a question and the other answers it. Remind them to use modal verbs in their answer.Sh

17、ow the following on the screen to students.Example:S1: What should you do after school?S2: I have to go home at once. I need to take the bus. I ought to do my homework as soon as I get home.Other possible questions:1. Do you know what you have to do when you borrow books from the library?2. Do you k

18、now what to do when your teethache?3. Do you know what to do if you need to meet someone you dont know at the airport?4. Do you know what to do if you want to get a discount in a shop?5. Do you know what you should do when you meet the hostess in your friends home?The following procedures may be fol

19、lowed:1. Let students ask and answer the questions in pairs.2. Ask as many pairs as possible to perform their dialogue to the class.Step 6 Closing down by a quizShow the following exercises on the screen. Let students finish them within three minutes to see if they have mastered the use of modal ver

20、bs. Five minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.1. Whats the matter with you? Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I _ so much fried fish just now.A. shouldnt eatB. mustnt eatC. oughtnt to have eatenD. mustnt have eaten2. Mum, I climbed to get the Teddy Bear from the top of the she

21、lf.My goodness! You _ yourself. You _ do that again.A. must have hurt; mustntB. should have hurt; cantC. may have hurt;D. might have hurt; wont be able to3. The train was ten minutes late, so I _ have run all the way from my house to the station.A. couldntB. shouldntC. needntD. mustnt4. You _ worry

22、about the old man. He _ well already.A. neednt; may getB. didnt have to; getsC. mustnt; got D. neednt; may have gotten5. Shall I tell John about it?No, you _, for Ive told him already.A. needntB. wouldntC. mustntD. shouldnt CCCDAStep 7 Homework1. Finish off the workbook exercises.2. Preview the read

23、ing passage Come and Eat Here(2) on Page 14, find the sentences in which modal verbs are used, and see if you can understand the situations.设计方案(二)2. Translate the following into English.1)平衡膳食2)应该; 应当3)减肥; 体重减轻4)被放过; (做坏事)不受惩罚5)说谎; 撒谎6)到了这个时候, 他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。7)再没有比这些更好(吃)的了。8)要是李昌不像往常那样来他的餐馆吃饭, 那问题就严重了。9)他简直不能相信他的眼睛。10

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