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广州分校个辅寒假5+1讲义第一讲代词 基础型Word格式.docx

1、形容词性myyourhisher名词性mine反身代词myself(一)人称代词 1人称代词的用法 I love my country. 我爱我的国家。(1) 人称代词的主格在句中作主语。 I dont know her. 我不认识她。His mother is waiting for him outside. 他母亲正在外面等他.(2) 人称代词的宾格在句中作动词、介词的宾语或表语。2人称代词的语序 几个人称代词并列作主语时,它们的顺序是: 单数形式 二、三、一 you,he and I复数形式 一、二、三 we,you and they(二)物主代词 1物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性

2、物主代词。 2形容词性物主代词在句中作定语修饰名词,一般不单独使用。 His parents are both office workers. 他的父母都是办公室职员。3名词性物主代词常用来避免与前面已提及的名词重复。相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。 This is my dictionary. Where is yours (=_ _)? 这是我的词典。你的在哪里? My idea is quite different from hers(=_ _). 我的想法和她的非常不一样。 4名词性物主代词可用在of后面作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格”. He is a friend of min

3、e 他是我的一位朋友。 (三)反身代词 1反身代词的用法 The little boy is too young to look after himself. 这个小男孩太小了,不能照顾自己。 I hope you can enjoy yourselves at the party. 希望你在聚会中玩得开心。 The children made model planes themselves. 这些孩子们自己制作了飞机模型。Please help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼。(1)反身代词在句中不能做主语,(2)可以做宾语,但要和句子的主语保持一致。(3)用来表

4、示强调如例句32反身代词的常用词组 _ _ 自学 _ _ 过得愉快,玩得高兴 _ _ _ 随便吃_ _ 亲自随堂练习一:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. You cannot finish the work _. Let _ help you.A. youself, me B. yourself, mine C. yourselves, mine D. yourself, me2. _ work is heavy, but _ is heavier than _.A. Our, their, our B. Our, theirs, ours C. Ours, theirs, our D. Our,

5、 their, ours3. Please take good care of _.A. you B. youself C. yourself D. myself4. Our teacher asked us to enjoy _ during the summer holidays.A. us B. ours C. we D. ourselves5. He always thinks of others and never thinks of _.A. him B. us C. his D. himself6. Music makes _ relaxing.A. us B. ours C.

6、we D. he7. Whats Toms phone number? _phone number is 81826753.A. Hes B. His C. He D. Her8. Where is your homework? I cant find _ anywhere.A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself (四)指示代词 指示代词this,that,these,those的用法 1this / these (1)近指 This is my pen. 这是我的钢笔。 These are my books 这些是我的书。 (2)指下面要提到的事 Please

7、 remember this: No pains, no gains. 请记住这点:没有付出就没有收获。 2that / those (1) 远指 That is her bike. 那是她的自行车。 Those are my sheep. 那些是我的绵羊。 (2)指前面 刚刚提到过的事 He was ill. That was why he didnt go to school. 他病了。那就是他没有去上学的原因。 3打电话时用this介绍自己,用that询问对方 This is Mike speaking. 我是迈克。 Who is that? 你是谁?随堂练习二:1. _ pen is

8、red. _ pencil is green. A. this, that B. These, Those C. That, Those D. This, That2. Is _ a panda over there? A. this B. that C. those D. these3. _ two girls are Mary and Linda. A. This B. They C. That D. Those4. _is Mr. White and _ is my father. A. This, those B. That, these C. These, these D. This

9、, this(五)疑问代词 who, whom,whose,what,which1. what/who what询问某人的职业Whats your father?He is a worker.who询问某人的身份、姓名Who is the boy under the tree?He is Li Ming2. what/which what指不定数目中的“一个,一些;什么”,没有一定范围的限定What would you like?which“哪一个”,在一定范围内特指的人或物Which do you like, spring or summer?(六)复合不定代词somebody(某人)any

10、body(任何人)nobody(没有人)everybody(每人)someoneanyone(任何人,某人)no oneeveryonesomething(某事)anything(任何事,某事)nothing(没有东西)everything(每一件事)Listen to me, boys and girls. I have something to tell you.同学们,听我说,我有一些事情要告诉你们。Is there anything in the cup? 杯子里有东西吗?No,there is nothing. 没有,什么也没有。注意:1当形容词或else(另外)修饰复合不定代词so

11、mething,everything,everyone等时,形容或else必须放在复合不定代词的后面。Xiao Ming, I have something important to tell you小明,我有重要的事情要告诉你。 We need one more helper. Can you find anyone else? 我们还需要一个助手。你能再给我们找一个吗?2everyone的意思等同于everybody,只能指人;every one既可指人也可指物,还可以和of短语连用。 I would like everyone to be happy. 我希望人人都幸福。 Everyon

12、e/Every one likes Mary. 大家都喜欢玛丽。 I have kept every one of her letters. 我把她的每一封信都保存了下来。随堂练习三:1. Dont worry. Theres _ much wrong with you. said the doctor.A. nothing B .everything C. something D .very 2. _ of us is sure to get good grades in the exam. A. Everyone B. Every C. Each D. Anyone3. Money is

13、important in my life. But it isnt _ to me. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything (七)代词it的用法 1代替指示代词this或that Whats this? 这是什么? Its a pencil 这是一支铅笔。 2指婴儿或不明身份的人 Someone is knocking at the door. Please go and see who it is. 有人在敲门。请过去看看是谁。 3表示时间或季节s the time now? 现在几点?s ten oclock. 10点。 4表示

14、天气s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?s fine. 晴朗。 5表示距离 How far is it from your school to your home? 从你学校到你家有多远? 6用作形式主语,常用于下列句型中: (l)Its +adj.+(for/of sb.) to do sth.对(某人)来说,做某事是 It is important for us to work hard. 对我们来说努力工作很重要。 (2)Its time to do/for/that.到该做的时间了。 Its time to go to school. 该上学了。 (3)I

15、ts ones turn to do sth轮到某人做某事。s your tum to sing. 轮到你唱歌了。 (4) Its+ adj.+that从句s necessary that you should be present at the meeting. 你应当出席会议,那是很有必要的。 8作形式宾语 Do you think it necessary to learn to wait in line? 你认为学会排队等侯是必要的吗?随堂练习:单项选择 1. Is _necessary to tell his father everything?A. it B. that C. wh

16、at D. he2. Is _ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?A. now B. man C. that D. it 3. Is _necessary to complete the design before National Day?A. this B. that C. it D. he4. I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A. this B. that C. its D. it 5. Take _ easy.

17、 The roads are icy.Ait Bthem Cus Dyou6 Have you found the bike you lost yesterday? Yes, Ive found _ already. Ait Bthat Cthe one Dthat one 7. _ is time to go to bed now.A. It B. That C. He DOne(八)区别几组不定代词1. some与any some 修饰可数和不可数名词,一般用于肯定句中。但在疑问句中,若要表示说话人希望得到肯定的回答或表达请求、建议时应用some。any 修饰可数和不可数名词,多用于疑问句

18、或否定句中。 There arent any students in the classroom. 教室里没有任何学生。 Would you like some coffee? 喝点咖啡吗? Yes,please. 好的。 2. many与much many 修饰可数名词复数,可以与表示程度的副词so,too,how连用。much 修饰不可数名词,可以与表示程度的副词so,too,how连用。too much+不可数名词 “太多”too many+可数名词复数 “太多”much too+形容词/ 副词 “实在太”There are too many mistakes in your exerc

19、ises. 你的练习题中有太多的错误。 He never eats so much breakfast. 他从来不吃这么多早餐。He has got too much work to do. 他有太多的工作要做。3. a little, a bit, a bit of, a few, little, few a little=a bit of+不可数名词 一点点(表示肯定)a bit=a little + adj./adv; v.+ a bit/ a little 一点点a few=several+可数名词复数 几个(表示肯定)little+不可数名词 几乎没有(表示否定)few+可数名词复数

20、 几乎没有(表示否定)How far is it7 有多远?Only a few kilometers. 只有几公里。There is little time left. Hurry up! 时间不多了。快点!There is a little water in the thermos. 暖瓶里还有点儿水。4. either与neither either 两个之中的一个,neither 指两个中一个也不。固定搭配 either/neither of+名词(代词)的复数+谓语动词(第三人称单数);either.or., neither. nor.,连接两个主语时,谓语动词根据 “就近原则”。Ne

21、ither of the books is good. 这两本书中没有一本好。Either you or I am going to America. 要么是你,要么是我将去美国。Neither you nor he is wrong. 你和他都没有错。5. both与allboth “(两者)都”,常与and连用;all “(三者或三者以上)都”。 Both she and I are students. 她和我都是学生。 Both the plans are good. 这两个计划都很好。 All of us should go there 我们所有人都应去那里。 They all agr

22、ee to stay here 他们所有人都同意待在这儿。6. each与every each “每一个”,强调个别,两个或两个以上的人或事物;作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式, 可以和of连用。every “每一个” 只可指三个或三个以上的人或事物。修饰名词时谓语动词用第三人称单数。不可以和of连用。There are trees on each side of the road. 在马路的每一边都有树。Every student passed the exam. 每一个学生都通过了考试。Each of us wears a yellow T-shirt. 我们每个人都穿了件黄色的T恤衫

23、。7. none, nothing与no one none 指人或物,常指代上下文出现的东西,可以接of短语。nothing 仅指事物,在指代上没有做什么限制。no one用来指人,多强调个体,后面一般不接of短语。There are many people over there. I know none of them. 那边有许多人,我一个也不认识。She knew nothing about it 她对此一无所知。Did anyone come to see you? 有人来看你吗?No one. 没有。8. another/ other/ others/ the other/ the

24、others 的区别another 用作形容词或代词,译作“又一,再一,另一”。用作形容词时后跟名词单数,指不定数目中的另一个人或物。当表示“另外的、其它的”时,常用于another+数词+名词单数/复数的句型中,相当于数词+more+名词单数/复数。other 用作形容词,译作“其余的,别的,其他的”,后跟名词复数,表泛指。others 是代词,单独使用,译作“其他人,其他的事物”,后面不跟名词,表泛指。other +名词复数 = others,表示其他的人或物。the other和the others 表示特指,指一个特定范围内的其他人或事物。the other 后跟名词复数。the ot

25、hers后面不跟名词。the others = the other +名词复数。the other 还可以指两者或双方中的另一个人或物,常用于one .the other .句型中,表示“一个,另一个”。随堂练习五:1. He cant hear you, because there is _ noise hereAvery much Btoo much Cmuch too Dso many2. All of us were invited, but _ of us came. Aneither Bnone Cboth Deither3. There isnt _ water in the c

26、up.Aany Bmany Csome Dthe4. The bottle is empty. There is _ in it.Aanything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything5. -Look! We have _ sugar. -Really? Lets go and buy some.Afew Ba few Clittle Da little6. There isnt _ milk in the fridge. Youd better buy some.Ano Bany Csome Dmany7. -There isnt _ water here. Co

27、uld you get _ for me?- All right.Asome; some Bany; any Csome; any Dany; some8. Today, _ trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world.Amuch too Btoo much Cmany too Dtoo many9. There are lots of English books here, and _ of them is easy to understand. Aboth Ball Cevery Deach10. These sweaters are too small for me. Please show me _ one.

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