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本文(初三英语试题精选内蒙古鄂尔多斯东胜区中考英语二模检测试题含答案Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、初三英语试题精选内蒙古鄂尔多斯东胜区中考英语二模检测试题含答案#2018内蒙古鄂尔多斯东胜区中考英语二模检测试题(含答案)# nine cents Is that enough to have 3look?#” “Sure,” said the farmer And with that he let out a whistle, “Here, Dolly!#” he called Out from the 4 ran Dolly, followed by four little balls of fur The little boy pressed his face against the f

2、ence, and his eyes danced 5happiness As the dogs made 6 way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else still inside the doghouse Another little dog appeared 7 which was much smaller and weaker But he did his best to catch up with others“ I want that one,” the little boy said, pointing to th

3、e weaker dog The farmer said, “Dear, you dont want the puppy He will never be able to run and 8 with you like these other dogs would” Hearing that, the little boy rolled up(卷起) one leg of his trousers and revealed(露出) a steel brace(钢支 架) and a specially-made shoe, “You see, sir I dont run too well m

4、yself, either And he will need someone 9understands him” The world is 10of people who need someone who understands, too 1A seeB takeC buyD borrow 2A pushedBcameC handedD gave 3A aB anC theD / 4A farmB doghouseC shopDfence 5A withB ofC fromD by 6A theyB themC theirD theirs 7A quicklyB slowlyC earlyD

5、fast 8AtalkB eC playD live 9A whoB whomC whoseD which 10A filledB fullC pleasedD thankful 二、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A Collections start On July 1 Deadline July 13(no items will be accepted after this date) Do you have books, lamps, toys, records, DVD s, holiday decorations Jewelry or any other items ju

6、st collection dust?# Time to clean out the attic(阁楼) and bring your items to Parish Hall All electronic items must be in working order No clothing, puters, TVs, or encyclopedias accepted Those with questions or offering to help can call Jane Cameron at (401)4678-66998 11Itemcollection ends on AJuly1

7、7B July 13C July 18D July1 12Which of the following items is not accepted?# A BooksB DVDsC JewelryD TVs 13If you want to donate(捐赠)electronic items, they must be AnewB usableC cleanedD secondhand B Last month, I watched a film called Coraline (鬼妈妈)with my friends The horror film is based on the book

8、 Coraline by British author Nell Gaiman Kids should probably watch this movie with adults In the film, a young girl named Coraline Jones has just moved into her nehome at the Pink Pan Palace Apartments This might sound fun, but Coralines parents are boring They hate mud and dont let her play in the

9、garden, they cook terrible food and worst of all, they dont talk to Coraline often because they are busy working However, things begins to change after Coraline gets a doll She finds a small hidden door and a tunnel leading her to a neorld Everything is perfect there-her parents are funny and they b

10、uy her everything she wants Coraline is happy there, but one thing disturbs her-all the people there have buttons for eyes One day, Coraline is asked if she wants to put buttons into her own eyes so she can stay in this wonderful world forever While she is thinking about this, she discovers somethin

11、g terrible She has to do something to save her family Coraline tells an amazing story It taught me a great lesson- be careful what you wish for I personally didnt think it was that scary, although some people might This film was made using stop-motion animation(定格动 画), which means the characters wer

12、e made out of clay models(黏土模型) Their motion was filmed one frame(画面)at a time It must have been hard to shoot (拍摄)this movie 14The author suggests kids should watch Coraline with adults because Athey may feel bored Bthe movie is scary Ckids arent allowed to watch it alone Dit is interesting to both

13、 kids and adults 15The underlined word “disturbs” here probably meansin English AhappensB touchesC troublesD moves 16Which of the following statements about the film is not mentioned in the passage ?# Athe author of the book Bthe introduction of the film Cthe main characters of the film Dthe directo

14、r of the film 17From the last paragraph, we can learn Athe film cost a great deal of money Bthe film was popular all over the world Conly kids like to see the film Dthe film was hard to shoot C Tabi Kaeru, or “travel frog” which was developed by Japanese pany Hit- Point, is mostly a game about waiti

15、ng for animals You play a house-sitter or a friend to a little frog that likes to go on trips around Japan Youll pack his backpack with a box of lunch, a lucky charm(幸运符), and some travel equipments and then send him off While he has gone, you can harvest cloves(三叶草) in his garden and use them to bu

16、y food and other items to help the frog in its travels around the world The items you send with him decide where he goes, what pictures he sends back, and what souvenirs(纪念品) he brings with him If for some reason you think he left without food in his backpack, then youll need to lure(吸引) him by plac

17、ing food on his desk, Many people have praised the game for its slopace, saying its the trend(趋势) among younger generations in China to pursue “Zenlike”(佛系) activities “Everything is unexpected in life, just like the game Wherever I launch the game, I dont knohether the frog is at home, reading, eat

18、ing or writing letters,” Yuan Linghuan, a 25-year-old postgraduate student of Tongji University in Shanghai, said She thinks the design of the game is cute, and it requires no skills in fighting, which is good for female players “Its not a game that you will get obsessed with(沉迷), as there is no ran

19、king list among players,” Yuan added, “ All you have to do is to open the app to see if your frog is at home or its journey, and its not necessary to spend a lot of money to equip the frog for his travels, which differs from other role-playing games I feel like Im the mother of the frog in the game

20、Its really interesting for a single girl like me, and raising the frog is a way of relieving(缓解) stress,” she said 18Which of the following statements about “travel frog” is correct?# AIts a game invented by the pany Tabi Kaeru BThe frog in the game likes to travel around the world CFepeople like th

21、e game because its not interesting DYou dont have to spend much money on the frog in the game 19Yuan Linhuan likes “travel frog” game because of Acute designB slopace C unexpected featureD all of the above gram can of Lays classic potato chips contains about 066 grams of salt, which accounts for ove

22、r 10 percent of the remended daily salt intake A 100-gram bag of Kang Shi Fu instant noodles has nearly 2 grams of salt A small amount of salt makes food taste better and is important for good health, but eating too much increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes(中风), the X

23、inhua News reported Less salt leads to better health And theres no need to worry that food will be less tasty in the future A study by the Monell Chemical Senses Center in the United States found that its easy for people to reduce their salt 三、阅读下面对话,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 (其中有两项是多余选项) A Excuse me Can you

24、tell me hoto get to Washington Street?# B26 A Okay Where is Jackson Avenue?#- B One block east from here After you get there, go north until you see s red light A27 B You will be on Davison Street A I see Where do I go after that?# B28 A Thank you for your help!# You knothis city very well B 29Are y

25、ou nehere?# A Yeah Im going to a theater on Washington Street intake Although you may think your food is not salty enough at first, your taste bud(s used to it and you will feel that your food tastes the same as it did before 22China worked out a salt reduction guide because Asalt in China is gettin

26、g less and less BChinese people eat about 6grams of salt each day CChinese people are eating too much salt than average in the world Dsalt is very bad for health 23The underlined word “content” in the passage probably meansin Chinese A 目录B 满足C 摄入D 含量 24Which of the following is true according to the

27、 passage?# AChina has the highest salt intakes in the world BAll processed food often contains too much salt 味蕾)will gradually get B 30 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。#(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) CToo much salt intakes increases the risk of some diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attacks and so on DIts hard for peopl

28、e to reduce salt intake 25The best title for the news may be AIts too bad for health to eat too much salt BEat less salt for health CFood will be less tasty in the future DChina has already taken action to reduce salt intake A windmill(风车) is a machine that is powered by the energy of the wind It is

29、 31 to convert(转换) the energy of the wind into more useful forms The windmills always remind us of the country-Holland There are lots of windmills in Holland and some are very old, but they have been preserved(保存) 32 There are lots of different types, such as a drainage(排 水) mills, corn mills and in

30、dustrial mills for all kinds of 33 Holland es to mind first 34 the windmill capital of the world, but Englands windmills were equally plentiful and important to the economy of the country Actually, the windmill has 35 a part in the historic and artistic, as well as economic development of Western ci

31、vilization Thats 36 there are so many famous paintings of windmills in Europe To tell the 37 ,windmills were first used in Europe in the 12th century And the first one was built in Yorkshire in England, not Holland 38 , windmills have been widely used in Holland People started using them to grind(碾压

32、) grain to save on man power Imagine hotiring it must have been to grind grain by hand So the windmill was definitely an inspired addition to energy sources In Holland, the drainage windmills are the most important, because lots of Holland is actually 39 than the sea level Nowadays, the sea defenses

33、 have been greatly improved, so windmills are just for tourists and people dont use them for 40 the sea level down any more 五、任务型阅读 (每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) It was Saturday again Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays (A)That was another thing the twins had in mon They shared the same clothes and tied their hair in the same manner In fact, it was hard for their classmates and teach

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