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1、人称代词第一人称第二人称第三人称主格Iyouhesheit形容词性物主代词myyourhisherits2.Be动词普通当前时形式:am,is,areI用am You 用areIs 用于她她它Unit2 This is my name 全家福2.have a good day (表达祝愿)过得高兴!3.a picture of 一张照片 the first phone 在第一张照片里 tree 家庭关系图6.the name of 名字1.Thats my family. Those are my parents. 那是我家人,那是我妹妹

2、。2.Whos she?她是谁?Shes my sister.她是我妹妹。3.Oh,Jane,this is my sister Kate.哦,简,这是我妹妹凯特。4.Are those your parents 那些是你父母吗?Yes,they are. 是,她们是。5.Well,have a good day!好吧,祝你玩得高兴! Thanks!谢谢!6.Thats my mother. 那是我妈妈。7.Here are two nice photos of my family.这儿有两张关于我家人美丽照片。8. These two girls are my sister Cindy an

3、d my cousin Helen. 这两个女孩是我妹妹辛迪和我表姐/妹海伦。9. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo. 我爷爷和奶奶都在第一张照片里。1.批示代词 this,that,these,those单数复数近指代词thisthese远指代词thatthose2.名词复数可数名词单数变复数规则(1)普通状况下直接加s.如:sisters brothers(2)以s,x,sh,ch结尾加es.如:box-boxesbus-buseswatch-watches(3)以辅音字母加y结尾将y变i再加es.如:Boy-boy

4、s注意以元音字母加y结尾要直接加s.如:boy-boys(4)以o 结尾加s或es。(有生命+es 物生命加s)如:potato - potatoestomato-tomatoesphoto-photoszoo-zoos (5)以f/fe结尾名词,先将f/fv变成v再加es。如:Knife-knives life-lives3.人称代词 I,he,she,it 和they. 第三人称(单数)第三人称(复数)theytheir Unit3 Is this your pencil?1.excuse me 打扰了2.thank you 谢谢你 English 用英语puter games 电

5、子游戏 the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里 sb. at请拨打电话找某人7school ID card学生证8a set of 一套;一副;一组1.Is that your school-bag?那是你书包吗? No,it isnt. Its his.不,不是。是她。2.Is this your pencil ?这是你铅笔吗? Yes,it is. Its mine. 是,是我。3.Are these your books?这些是你书吗? No,they arent. Theyre hers. 不,不是。这些是她。4.Excuse me,Grac

6、e. Is this your pencil?打扰了,格雷斯,这是你铅笔吗? Yes,thank you.是,谢谢你!5.Whats this?它是什么? Its a watch. 它是一块手表。 How do you spell it?你如何拼写它? W-A-T-C-H6.I lost my school ID card. 我弄丢了我学生卡。7.Call me at 685-6034. 拨打685-6034找我。1.批示代词this,that2.含this,that普通疑问句及其必定、否定回答 含Be动词(am is are)必定句变普通疑问句Be动词提前-首字母大写-加问号This is

7、your pencil.Is this your pencil?Yes,it is. No,it isnt 系动词be 普通当前时 (am is are) 单 数第一人称第二 第三 人称weourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshersourstheirsUnit4 Wheres my schoolbag?e on 快点儿2.tape player 录音机3.model plane 飞机模型4.under the table 在桌子下面5.on the bed 在床上 the schoolbag 在书包里 about 谈论1Where are my books?我

8、书在哪儿?Theyre on the sofa.它们在沙发上。2.The English books are under the radio.英语书在收音机底下3.Are the keys on the sofa?钥匙在沙发上吗?No,they arent. Theyre on the table. 不,它们不在。它们在桌子上。4.Is it on your desk?在你桌子上吗?5.Its not under the chair. 它不在你椅子下面。6.Its in your grandparents room.它在你祖父母房间。7.I have a clock.我有一种钟8.The wh

9、ite model plane is hers. 这个白色飞机模型是她。9.Where are my keys? 我钥匙在哪儿?1.Where 引导特殊疑问句2.介词on,in,under 用法3.连词and/but用法Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? ball/bat 乒乓球 ball 英式足球 basketball 打篮球 TV 看电视 sports 参加体育运动或比赛6.after class 下课后1Do you have a ping-pong bat?你有乒乓球拍吗?2Ye

10、s,I do.是,我有。3And wheres our baseball bat?你有棒球吗?4Do you have your jacket?你有夹克吗?5Let me get it.让我来拿它6We go to the same school and we love soccer.咱们去了同一所学校并且咱们都热爱足球。7I only watch them on TV.我只在电视里看它们。8I play ping-pong with my classmates.我和我同窗们打乒乓球。9My brother has a soccer ball,but I dont. 我哥哥有一种足球,但是我没

11、有。10Do they have a baseball?她们有棒球吗?1.普通当前时态各种用法2.have 用法 用法必定句变普通疑问句(1)含Be动词(am,is,are)-Be动词提前-首字母大写Am/Is/Are-加问号 回答必定/否定You are Mike. Are you Mike? Yes,I am. No,Im not.(2)含实义动词/不含Be动词-借助助动词do/does-首字母大写Do/Does-动词还原-加问号 He has a soccer ball. Does he have a soccer ball?Yes,he does. No,he doe

12、sntUnit6 Do you like bananas?1ice-cream 冰激凌2birthday dinner 生日宴会3next week下周4think about 考虑5volleyball star 排球明星6have.for breakfast 早饭吃7sports star 体育明星 1.Do you/they like salad?你(你们)/她们喜欢沙拉吗? Yes,I/we/they dont.是,我/咱们/她们喜欢。 No,I/we/they dont.不,我/咱们/她们不喜欢。2.Does he/she like pears?她/她喜欢梨吗? Yes,he/she

13、 doesnt.是,她/她喜欢。 No,he/she/doesnt.不,她/她不喜欢。3.I like oranges.我喜欢橙子。4.I love fruit. I think its healthy.我爱吃水果。我以为它有益健康。5.I dont want to be fat.我不想长胖。6.What/How about the fruit?水果怎么样?7.Sounds good.听起来较好。8.Lets have strawberries and apples. 让咱们吃某些草莓和苹果吧。9Do you eat ice-cream after dinner?你在晚餐后吃冰激凌吗?可数名词

14、和不可数名词变化规律:1普通状况+s 如:cakecakes daydays studentstudents sistersisters 2以s,x,sh,ch等结尾词,如:busbuses boxboxes watchwatches 3以辅音字母+y结尾词,如:babybabies citycities countrycountries ladyladies4以f/fe结尾词,如:leafleaves wolfwolves lifelives shelfshelves 5单复数同形 ,如sheepsheep fishfish deerdeer Chinese Chinese Japanese

15、Japanese6特殊:manmen womanwomen footfeet toothteeth mousemice childchildren Unit7 How much are these socks?1how much(价钱)多少2on sale 便宜出售,出售3at very good prices价格优惠4a pair of 一双5Look nice 看起来不错6in red 是红色7on big sale 大减价1.How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱? Theyre six dollars.6美元2.Can I help you?您需要什么协助吗?

16、 Yes,please. 嗯,是。3How about this one?这个怎么样? It looks nice. 它看起来较好。4.Ill take it/them 我买了。5.Here you are.给您。6.Do you like sweaters?你喜欢毛衣吗?7.What color do you want?你想要什么颜色?Blue. 蓝色8.Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.一双两美元,两双三美元。9.Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!快来买咱们

17、折价衣服。10.We have skirts in purple for only $20.咱们有20美元一件紫色裙子。1.基数词用法2How much 用法Unit8 When is your birthday? old 多大?2.happy birthday 生日高兴 August 在八月 English test 英语测试5.a school trip学校旅游 art festival 艺术节7.have a good time 玩得高兴8.on October 22nd 在十月二十二日9.Sports Day 运动日10.a basketball ga

18、me 一场篮球比赛1.When is your birthday ?你生日是什么时候? My birthday is on May 2nd 我生日在五月二号。2.When is Alices birthday party?艾丽斯生日约会是什么时候?Her birthday party is on September 5th 她生日约会在九月五日。3.Well,do you want to come to my birthday party?那么,你想来我生日约会吗?4.Next month,we have an art festival.下个月,咱们会有艺术节。5.We have some i

19、nteresting and fun things for you this term. 这学期咱们准备了有趣又好玩东西给你们。6.This is a really busy term.这真是一种忙碌学期。1.序数词用法2.名词所有格用法Unit9 My favorite subject is science.1.for sure 无疑;必定2.from to 从到 with 和一起玩 lesson 艺术课5.favorite subject 最爱慕学科 busy 忙碌7.for two hours两个小时8.Thanks you for为感谢你9.the nex

20、t day 第二天1Whats your favorite subject?你最喜欢科目是什么? My favorite subject is Chinese. 我最喜欢科目是语文?2.Hows your day?你过得怎么样? Its OK. 较好。3.Why do you like P.E.?你为什么喜欢体育? Because its fun. 由于它很有趣。4.Who is your music teacher?谁是你音乐教师? My music teacher is Mr. Li.我音乐教师是李教师。5.When is your geography class? 地理课是什么时候? I

21、ts at 3:00.它在3点钟6.My class finishes at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.我课程1:50结束,但是在那之后我有一节两小时长美术课。1特殊疑问句就划线某些提问 My school bag is on the desk.(1) (2) (3)(1)Whose school bag is on the desk?(2)Where is my school bag?(3)What is on the desk?He has three balls. (1) (2)_(1)Who has t

22、hree balls? (2)How many balls does he have?(3)What does he have?She likes bananas.(1) (2) (1)Who likes bananas?(2)What does she like?The soccer ball is 6 dollars.(1) (2) (1)What is 6 dollars? (2)How much is the soccer ball?My birthday is on June 3rd.(1)Whose birthday is on June 3rd?(2)When is your birthday?Bobs favorite subject is art.(1)Whose favorite subject is art?(2)Whats your favorite subject?特殊疑问句两种构成A.当疑问词/疑问词修饰词作主语作主语,“疑问词+普通疑问句” Where is my schoolbag?Who does he have?B.不做主语,用疑问词+陈述语序 Who likes bananas?

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