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高中英语 单元测试二 新人教版必修5文档格式.docx

1、relation (C,U)关系;亲戚。3We have got well prepared for the 2008 Olympic Games.Im sure that everyone from the world will have a(an)_travel in Beijing. Aenjoyful Bpleased Cenjoyable Dpleasing 答案 C 解析 enjoyable令人愉快的;有乐趣的。4Im living in the apartment nearby.Come and see me whenever_. Ait is convenient Byou a

2、re convenient Cyou have convenience Dthere is convenience 答案 A 解析 “某人方便的时候”应该用It is convenient to sb.来表达。5A terrible earthquake_in Sichuan Province at 228 pm. on May 12th,2008,causing a great loss of lives and property. Abroke down Bbroke up Cbroke in Dbroke out 解析 break down(机器或车)损坏,坏掉;分解,break up打

3、碎,粉碎;断绝(关系)。break in闯入;打断,插嘴;break out爆发,发生,故选D项。6Im sorry,the sales manager is not_.He is on the telephone at the moment. Areasonable Bsuitable Cvaluable Davailable 解析 句意为:很抱歉,销售部经理正在打电话,他现在没空。available adj.有空的。7Be careful not to_any letter when you spell the word. Aleave off Bleave out Cpick out D

4、take off 解析 leave out漏掉;删掉;不包括;leave off停止(做某事);pick out挑出;挑选;take off脱去(衣服),飞机(起飞)。8It still remains_whether he will be allowed to take part in the Olympics. Aseeing Bsee Cto see Dto be seen 1 解析 remain to be seen拭目以待。9We will try our best to save them out if there seems_any sign of life in the fal

5、len buildings. Ato have Bto be Chave come Dcoming 解析 there seems (seem,seemed) to be sth.好像/似乎有。10The chairman is ill in hospital now,so we have no idea who will_in the coming conference. Atake his place Btake place Ctake him Dtake the place of 解析 “代替他”通常用take his place。11We should stop here since w

6、e have been walking for hours. _ Im a little tired. AI beg your pardon? BWhat do you mean?CSorry,Im not sure. DYou are right. 解析 考查交际英语。根据上下文可知,第二个人同意第一个人的说法或看法,故选D项。12Shes arranged_swimming lessons next month. Aher son to have Bfor her son to have Cfor her son having Dher son having 解析 arrange for

7、 do sth.为某人安排好做某事, to do sth.? 。安排干arrange 准备/?that-clause?The government has time and time again_its position on equal pay for women. 13made B clarified A clarifying Dunderstood CA 答案 政府一再阐明妇女同工同酬的立场。clarify阐明,澄清。14You can drop in on me_your convenience. Aof Bin Cat Dfor 解析 at ones convenience

8、在某人方便的时候。15The foreign policy can have a strong_on the national economy. A cause Binfluence Cresult Daffect 解析 have influence/effect on sth.对有影响。第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My father used to like drinking.Every time when he got _16_,he would shout lou

9、dly and beat my _17_,who left my father and I when I was seven. I went to a boarding(寄宿的)_18_when I was thirteen,and I finally didnt have to see my father drunk every day.However,I didnt talk to anybody and _19_all my spare time alone in 2 school because of the pain in my heart.When other boys were

10、_20_on the playground,I would sit there alone.This lasted for several weeks until a new_21_who was about forty came to our _22_I was different.She asked me to answer her question in her first class.I ,of courseclass.She after ,with my head down.That noon_23_and answered her question in a very _24_vo

11、ice she found me and had a _25_with me.She asked me _26_I needed any help.Nobody ,lunch had ever cared about me like that.I _27_told her everything about my family. she said. ,”t get _28_“Things won she would give me a _29_.She often asked ,every time when she saw meFrom that day on and she helped m

12、e with my _30_after class.As time went ,me to answer her questions in class t feel so _31_as before. I didn,by I _32_her why she did all that for me. The day I left that school, she said. My mother _33_when I was ten.I know how hard it is _34_a mother,”“ my dearest teacher. I will never_35_her bored

13、 DClost A. hurt Bdrunk 16B 的语境可知,作者的父亲每次喝醉后,就My father used to like drinking.” 根据“解析 会大喊大叫。aunt Dmother Bgrandma CA .brother 17C 所以他喝醉后就打作者的妈妈, 根据后文语境可知,由于作者的父亲经常醉酒,解析 妈妈在他还只有七岁的时候就离开他和他父亲了。office school DBfactory C18A class C 答案 根据后文的语境可知作者在十三岁的时候就去了寄宿学校。解析 spent Dsaved Cgot A. wasted 19 BD 答案 根据后文

14、语境可知在课余时间,作者都是一个人呆着。singing B 20A. playing pushing DCperforming A 根据语境可知,当别的男孩子都在操场上玩的时候,他却一个人坐着。解析friend Dteacher A. student Bworker C21C 根据后文语境可知后来作者的班上来了一位新老师。 解析noticed A .ignored B22felt DCsmelt B 答案 根据语境可知这位新老师注意到了作者与别的学生不同。went through B up 23calmed down Dstood up CC 根据作者回答老师的提问的语境可知,他

15、应该是先站起来。解析sad Dlow Cterrible A.angry 24 BB 的语境可知作者说话的声音很小。with my head down根据“”解析 test D sentence Ctalk BA.meal 25 B 答案3 解析 根据后文的语境可知这位老师找作者进行了一次谈话。26A.if Bwhy Cwhen Dhow 解析 根据语境可知这位老师问作者是否需要帮助。27A. firstly Bfinally Cinterestingly Dstrangely 解析 由于从来没有人这么关心过作者,而这位老师主动问他需不需要帮助,这让作者很感动,所以终于告诉了她关于他家庭的情况

16、。28A. better Bsmaller Cworse Dhigher 解析 根据语境可知老师是在安慰他,说事情不会更糟糕了,只会更好的。29A. look Bsmile Chand Dbook 解析 根据语境可知这位老师每次看到作者的时候,都会对他微笑。30A. phrases Baccent Cvocabulary Dstudies 解析 根据语境可知这位老师在课后给作者进行学习上的辅导。31A. happy Bdangerous Chard Dlonely 解析 根据语境可知,作者感觉自己不像以前那么孤独了。32A. told Basked Canswered Dtroubled 解析

17、 根据语境可知在离开那所学校的时候,终于作者问这位老师为什么对他那么好。33A. died Bmarried Cappeared Dfell 解析 根据语境可知,老师告诉作者,她的母亲在她还只有十岁的时候就去世了,所以她知道没有母亲是多么不容易。34A .with Bfor Cwithout Das 解析 这位老师告诉作者,她知道没有母亲是多么不容易。35A cheat Bforget Cbelieve Dupset 解析 根据语境可知,作者是想说他永远不会忘记这位他最敬爱的老师。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的

18、四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。The great violinist Isaac Stern was born in 1920 in what is now Ukraine.His parents moved to San Francisco the following year.His mother began teaching him the piano when he was six years old.Later,he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory,and he progressed quic

19、kly.When he was sixteen,he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra(管弦乐队) During Word War Two,Stern played for thousands of American soldiers.After the war,he 4 was the first American violinist to perform in concert in the Soviet Union. Stern had a strong connection to Israel.He supported yo

20、ung musicians there.He performed in Israel many times,including during the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Stern also supported artistic development and freedom.He was an advisor when the National Endowment for the Arts was founded. In 1979,Isaac Stern visited China.He met with Chinese musicians and stude

21、nts.He taught them about classical(古典的)Western music.His visit was made into a film,which is called “From Mao to Mozart:Isaac Stern in China” Stern expressed his opinions about the part that music plays in life.he said,“Music makes life better for everyone,especially for children.People need it as m

22、uch as they need bread.” Stern supported and guided younger classical musicians,including violinists Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman,cellist Yo-Yo Ma and pianist Yefim Bronfman.Isaac Stern died in 2001. 36Whats the best title for this passage?AA Great American Violinist BBrief Introduction to th

23、e Great Violinist Isaac Stern CMusic in the Great Violinist Isaac Sterns Life DThe Importance of Music in Life 解析 主旨大意题。通读全文,可知这是篇关于小提琴演奏家Isaac Stern的简介的文章,故选B项。37What do we learn about Isaac Stern from the first paragraph?AHe spent his childhood in Ukraine. BHe joined the school orchestra at fiftee

24、n. CHe started to learn the piano before he was ten. DHe made very slow progress when he started to study music. 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段的“His mother began teaching him the piano when he was six years old.”可知C项正确。38All of the following performers are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT a_. Aviolinist Bcellist Cpi

25、anist Ddrummer 解析 推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要是讲小提琴演奏家Isaac Stern的,文章最后一段提到他支持过小提琴演奏家Itzhak Perlman,大提琴演奏家Yo-Yo Ma以及钢琴家Yefim Bronfman,文章并没有提到鼓手,故选D项。39In Isaac Sterns opinion,music is_. Asomething that people can live without Bmost important to adults Cvery important in peoples life Dmore important than anythi

26、ng else 根据倒数第二段Isaac Stern所说的“People need it as much as they need bread.”可知他认为音乐在人们的生活中非常重要。Kim:My parents are planning a vacation for our family.Do you have any ideas for a good place to go for family bonding?Jenny:Last summer,I spent a week at Twin Peaks Dude Ranch near Salmon,Idaho,and what a won

27、derful week it was.The food was excellent.Activities included horse riding,camping,fishing,bird watching and swimming.You can relax in hot water while watching the wildlife go 5 by.In fact,it is a perfect place for families to enjoy. Christina:I think Bermuda is a great place for a family vacation.If you live on the East Coast,it only takes two hours by air.I have stayed at many hotelsboth large and small.My two favorites are the Southhampton Princess and the Rosedon Hotel.Bermuda is a place that has great weather from J

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