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第三套新人教版九年级英语全册导学案Unit 3学案2Word格式文档下载.docx

1、6.厕所_ 7.浴室_ 8.正常情况下_ 9.再说一遍_ 10.仓促_11.get some money_ 12.get some information about the town_ 13.get some magazines_ a newspaper_ some stamps_16.get a dictionary _ 17.get a pair of shoes_ 18.over there_【合作探究】主题:礼貌的问路。1.认真的阅读P17,P18和P135,P136(Section A 1b,2a,2b),画出有关问路的句子,把这些句子读熟。(小组长带读

2、,齐读)2.根据提示完成下列句子。(1)打扰了,请问你能告诉我洗手间在哪吗?Excuse me. Could you tell me where the restrooms_? (2)打扰了,请问我能在哪里买到一些药吗?Excuse me. Could you please tell me _ _ _some medicine?(3)打扰了,你能告诉我怎样去书店吗?Excuse me. Could you tell me_ _ _the bookshop?同义句:Excuse me. Could you tell me_ _ _the bookshop?()打扰了,你能告诉我怎样到达那儿?Ex

3、cuse me. Could you tell me_ _ _there.=Excuse me. Could you tell me_ _ _there.拓展:1小组内讨论,总结其他的问路方式。2完成下列句子。(1)你能告诉我到洗手间的路吗?Could you tell me _ _ _ the restroom?(2)打扰了,这儿附近有洗手间吗?Excuse me . _ _ the restrooms near here?(3)打扰了,请问你能告诉我这儿附近是否有洗手间吗?Excuse me.Could you please tell me_ _ _ the restrooms?小组活动:

4、总结各种礼貌的问路方式。指路(一)认真的阅读P17,P18和P135,P136(Section A 1b,2a,2b),画出有关指路的句子,把这些句子读熟。(二)翻译下列短语。1.沿着.走_ 2.经过中心大街书店_ 3.在你的右边_ 4.在银行旁边_ 5.去三楼_ 6.在.和.之间_7.向左转_ 8.在街道的另一边_【巩固练习】1用词的适当形式填空。1.Could you please_ (tell) me where the restrooms _(be)?2.Could you please how _(get)to the bookstore?3.Could you please how

5、 I can _(get) to the bookstore?4.Im _(excite) to try the ride.5.We _ (normal) say “toilet” or “washroom” in English.6.You dont need _ (rush).2选择题( )1.Could you please tell me _?A. Where is the restrooms B.where are the restroomsC.where the restrooms are D. Where the restroom is.( ) 2.Could you tell

6、me _ the library? to get to to get get to get 导学案参考答案:自学检测:1. restroom 2.stamp 3.bookstore 4. beside 5.postcard 6.washroom 7.bathroom 8.normally9.pardon 10.rush 11.取一些钱 12.获取一些关于这座城镇的信息 13.买一些杂志 14.买一份报纸 15.买一些邮票 16.买一本字典 17.买一双鞋 18.那边合作探究:礼貌问路2.(1)are (2)where I can (3)how to

7、 get to ,how I can get to (4)how to get , how I get2.(1)the way to (2) Are there (3) if there are(二)1.go /walk along 2.go past/pass the bookstore 3.on your right 4.beside /next to the bank 5.go to the third floor 6. between and 7.turn left 8.on the other side of the street巩固练习:一 1.tell , are ge

8、t 3. get 4. excited 5.normally 6. to rush 二 1.C 2.AUnit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Section A 3a 3b 主备人第2课时1、重点单词和短语:suggest, try , come on ,pass by,try2、帮助学生进一步熟悉关于使用英语询问和指明道路和地点的常用短语和句型3、帮助学生学会使用宾语从句,谈论自己去过的地方4、引导学生通过开展小组学习活动培养协作意识,培养自己的快速阅读能力【重点】【难点】 1.掌握单词和短语:suggest, try

9、 , come on ,pass by, try2.通过情景对话的阅读训练,了解疑问词引导的宾语从句 一、翻译官1. .怎么样 2.来吧 3. 起初,首先_ 4.在去.的路上 5. 经过,路过 6.走向前去 _ 7. 开始表演 8. 在门口 9.尝试 1.suggest用法 I suggest the plan to him.我向他建议这个计划 She suggests going out for a walk.她建议出去散步。 She suggests that you (should)go there tomorrow.她建议你明天去哪里。 (1)suggest 动词,意为“ ” ,名词形

10、式为 (2)suggest 做动词时,后接 作宾语,也可以接 作宾语。suggest还可以接 引导的宾语从句,但是that 引导的宾语从句位于动词要用“ +动词原形”, 可以省略2.try的用法(1)try 可以做名词,意为“ ” have a try eg: You should have a try.你应该试一试。 (2)try也可以做动词 try on ( 结构,代词放 ,名词放 ) try to do sth try doing sth Try ones best to do sth 3.on ones way to “ ”,后面接地点副词(如home,here,there)时,不加介

11、词On my way home , I bought a new pen .在我回家的路上,我买了一只新港币。by the way in a way in this way lose ones way I、选择题。1. He suggested that they use a trick instead of fighting A. should B. would C. could D. Do2. The teacher suggested music when we are stressed out. A .listen on B. listening to C. listens to D.

12、 listening at 3. I found a wallet on my way home. A. / B. to C. for D. On4. I usually go there by train. Why not by boat for change. A. To try to B. trying to go C. try to go D. try goingII、完成下面的句子1. 我建议我们早点回家。 I suggest we go home early.2. 我建议买点饮料和零食。 I suggest some drinks and snacks.3. 在我上学的路上,我见到

13、一个老朋友。 On school, I met an old friend. 4. 只要你努力学习,你将会取得进步。 You will make great progress as long as you study. 九年级英语导学案 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Section A 4a 4d 第3课时1、掌握重点单词wonder , nearby, mail, ride(1)Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the bookshop?(2)Excuse me. Co

14、uld you tell mewhere the bookshopis ?(3)Excuse me.Which is the way to the bookshop, please?(4)Excuse me.Where is the bookshop, please?(5)Excuse me. How can I get to the bookshop, please?3、掌握疑问词引导的宾语从句的用法1.掌握疑问词引导的宾语从句的用法2.熟练表达问路的正确句型并正确地为他人指路一、翻译短语1.抱歉 2.去东方 3.在购物中心 4.想知道 二、常用问路的句型:Excuse me. Do you

15、 know Excuse me. Could you tell me?Excuse me.Excuse me. How can I get to the bookshop, please? 特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句用法: 1.疑问词引导的宾语从句的语序当宾语从句由 (如who, whom ,whose, what, which)或 (如where, when , how, why等)引导时,这时引文词就是宾语从句的引导词,宾语从句用 语序。即“引导词+主语+位于+其他”,如: I want to know what is your name . ( 错 )I want to know what

16、 your name is. ( 对 ) 2.疑问词引导的宾语从句和简单句之间的转化 在英语中,疑问词引导的宾语从句可以可以转化成 “ + 不定式”的结构,在句子中做及物动词的宾语。I didnt decide where I should go.I didnt decide where .I、单选题1、Excuse me. Can you tell me how _ get to the cinema?A. can I B. do I C. I can D. I do2、Do you know _?A. where is the post office B. how can I get to

17、 the post officeC. which way can I choose D. how to get to the post office3、Wedontknow_theydidit. A.howB.whoC.whatD.which4、Iwonder_.-Zebras.A. whatdocalltheseanimalsB. howC. whatD. howanimals5、I want to know _. A. whom is she looking after B. whom she is looking C. whom is she looking D. whom she is

18、 looking afterII、完成句子1、 Could you tell me how _ (mend) the bike?2、I dont know what I shall do next. (改为简单句) I dont know _ next.3、你能告诉我最近的邮局在哪吗?Could you tell me _ _?4、我不知道他将何时来。I dont know _.5、你应该试试那边那个新的乘骑设备。you should try that new ride _ _ . Unit 3 第四课时导学案Section B 1a 2d第4课时 mall (n), clerk (n), c

19、orner (n), fascinating (adj), convenient (adj), inexpensive (adj),(1)Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat? (2)The clerk suggest they go to the museum.1.掌握单词和句型。2.学会用宾语从句来描述事实 1. 饭店 2.地铁 3. 商店_ 4.博物馆 5. 厕所 6.建议 _ 7. 便宜的 8.方便的 9.不拥挤的 10.迷人的 11. 市场和中街的拐弯处 12.想要做某事 1. interesting 和interested

20、的区别(1)interesting 是形容词,译为“ ”主语通常是 ,或修饰 ,可以作表语,也可以作定语。(2)interested 是形容词,译为“感兴趣的”;“对感兴趣”,主语通常是 ,且多用于be / get / feel / become interested in结构中。The book is very interesting. 这本书很有趣(表语) That is an interesting film. 那是一部有趣的电影(定语)I am interested in this interesting book 我对这本有趣的书感兴趣2.inexpensive是形容词,译为“ ”同

21、义词为 ,反义词是 3. tell sb to do sth 的意思是“ ” tell sb not to do sth 的意思是“ ”4. want 的相关短语 (1)想要某物 。 (2)想要做某事 。 (3)想要某人做某事 。( )1. Harry Potter is an _ book for children, but my cousin arent_ in it at all .A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interestedC. interesting; interested D. interested; interesti

22、ng ( ) 2. The bag is too_ ,I _ pay for it. A. expensive , can B. inexpensive , can C. inexpensive, cant D. cheap, cant( ) 3. Tell him_ be late for school A. not to B. doesnt C. to not D. dont( ) 4. My mother wants me _ some water.A. to drink B. drinking C. drank D. drinks( ) 5.Can you please tell me ?A. where is the post office B. where the post office is C. when will the train leave D. whats your nameII、翻译句子1. 我想要个苹果 2. 我想要买个包 3. 我想要你给我点建议 4. 我对有趣的故事感兴趣 5. 你喜欢那种食物?6. Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat?Section B 2a 2d第5 polite, politely, speaker, request, direct

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