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1、它会跑和跳。I have . It is . It has and . It has . It can and .2.我的动物朋友是白色的。它有红眼睛和长耳朵。它有四条腿和一条短尾巴。它会跑。My animal friend is white. It has and . It has four legs and . It can .3.我的动物朋友黄绿相间。它有两条腿和两对翅膀。它有一张大嘴和一条长尾巴。它会说话和飞。My animal friend is . It has and . It has a big and a long . It can and .五、按要求,写句子1.It ha

2、s four legs and a short tail.(改为否定句) 2.they, and, big, have, big, eyes, bodies.(连词成句)六、根据首字母提示补全短文I have two a f .O is red and the o is b , They have big ears. They have big eyes and big b . They have no legs o arms, but they have big t . They can s . I often w them swim in the water. I like them ve

3、ry much.Grammar time & Fun time1、选词填空1.I (have/has) a nice bag.2.He (have/has) a good friend.3.They (have/has) some books.4.We (have/has) some flowers.5.She (have/has) a duck.6.My father (have/has) a new bike.7.Her mother (have/has) a vase.8.Our teacher (have/has) an English book.9.His brother (have

4、/has) a basketball.10.Her sister (have/has) a nice doll.二、从栏中选出栏相对应的答句 ( )1.Do you have an animal friend? A.Yes, it does.( )2.Does it have a long tail? B.No, it isnt.( )3.What can it do? C.Yes, it can. ( )4.Is it a rabbit? D.No, I dont.( )5.Can it run fast? E.It can fly.三、根据中文完成句子1.“你们学校有多少台电脑?”“有十台

5、。” many are there in your school?There are .2.在她的前面有三只猫。There are three in of her.3.迈克喜欢打篮球,他很擅长打篮球。Mike likes basketball, and he is playing basketball.4.我的动物朋友有大大的眼睛和长长的耳朵。My friend has big and long . 5.“你的杯子里有一些牛奶吗?”“是的,有一些。 there any milk in your glass? Yes there is some.4、介绍一下你的动物朋友My animal fri

6、end小提示:My favorite. It has. They have. It/They can. I love my.Sound time & Culture time一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是(S)否(D)相同( )1.summer use( )2.cup bus( )3.cute uncle( )4.umbrella unit( )5.rubber student( )6.use blue二、翻译词组1.晴朗的天气 2.出来 3.带一把伞 4.看见秃鹰 5.三只北极熊 6.在加拿大 7.在澳大利亚 8.在中国看见熊猫 Cartoon time一、默写文中2个单词1.一个新朋友 2

7、.不要叫 3.十条腿 4.两条大手臂 5.给它一个蛋糕 6.喜欢你的手指 7.一个硬身体 8.不是腿 三、单项选择( )1. I big eyes, but my mother .A.have;dont B.has;doesnt C.have;doesnt( )2.A:What can it ? B:It can;swim B.does;swimming C.doing;swimming( )3. a dog on the farm. It big eyes.A.There is;have B.Have;has C.There is;has( )4.A:What Tim ?He a

8、 duck.A. does;have;have;has;has C.does;( )5.A:Can he lunch now?Sure. He can.四、连词成句1.those, not, two, are, arms(.)2.its, hard, body, is(.), is, is, and, the, white, red, other(.)4.they, tails, big, have(.)Checkout time & Ticking time1、完成书P34“Look and say”1. 一个大身体 2. 一条长尾巴 3. 在农场 4. 在二楼 5. 一

9、杯牛奶 6. push me 7. in the park 8. a computer room 9. have a picnic 10. red eyes 3、找出错误选项并在横线上改正( )1.Does Liu Tao has a big rubber? A B C( )2.They have big body and tails?A B C( )3.The beds are the three bears. ( )4.There isnt some soup in the bowl. ( )5.Does you have a big bag?4、完型填空I 1 many animal f

10、riends. Theyre very lovely. The rabbit has big eyes and its ears 2 long. It can 3 and run. The tiger has a big mouth. It likes 4 .The elephant has 5 ears and a 6 nose. Its 7 are big too. The bird can 8 in the sky. It has two 9 . I like my friends very 10 .( )1.A.has B.have C.had( ) B.are

11、 )3.A.jumps B.jumping C.jump( ) B.eats C.eating( )5.A.long B.small C.big( )6.A.long B.small C.short( )7.A.feet B.foot C.foots( ) )9.A.swing B.wings C.wing( )10.A.many B.much C.lots of5、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. A dog (have) four (foot).2. The monkeys (have) (not) wings.3. My animal

12、has red (eye) and short (tail).4. There (be) some milk in the glass.5. A:How many (library) are there in the your school?B:Two.Unit4 Hobbies2、翻译词组1.打篮球和踢足球 2.篮球打得好 3.擅长踢足球 4.和我的兄弟一起 5.打乒乓球 6.弹钢琴 7.许多书 8.看电影 9.都喜欢游泳 10.读故事 三、选择填空( )1.My sister likes the B.playing C.plays( )2.My friends c

13、an football well.( )3.I not good at Chinese and C.are( )4.She likes reading storybooks.A. too C.also四、按要求写词1.have(第三人称单数)复数) 3.hobby(复数) 4.all right(同义词) 5.well(形容词) 6.she(复数) 7.stories(单数) 8.lets(完整形式)现在分词) 10.peach(复数) 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Yang Ling (have) a hobby.2.

14、Su Yang and Su Hai are (twin).3.I like (play) football. I (be) good at football.4.Monday is the (two) day of a week.5.She (like) (dance).She can (dance).六、阅读短文,选择正确的答案Hello, I am John. Im 11 years old. I have three teachers. They are Mr Carter, Miss Green and Mrs Black. Mr Carter is a new teacher. H

15、e comes from the UK(英国). He likes playing football. His lesson is so funny that we all like him very much. Miss Green is our art teacher. She likes drawing pictures. Mrs Black is our music teacher. She is very kind(和蔼的). She likes dancing and playing the piano. They are all nice and we all like them

16、.( )1. I have new teacher(s).A. three B.two )2.Mr Carter likes .A. playing basketball B. playing football C. playing volleyball( )3.John is .A. ten B. eleven C.twelve ( )4. is an art teacher.A. Mr Carter B. Mrs Black C. Miss Green( )5. likes dancing and playing the piano. A. Mrs Black B. Mr C

17、arter C. Miss Green1、写出下列动词的现在分词 2.swim 4.draw 7.sing 8.write 10.water 二、选择填空( )1.I like B.reading C.reads( )2.I can play basketball well, but I not good at football.( )3.She not good at playing football.( )4.He likes playing table tennis.A.too C.

18、also( )5.He likes playing basketball .( )6.They like swimming.A.both B.all C./ 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I like (skate). I can (skate) very well. 2.Lets go (skate) this afternoon. 3. Youre really good at (skate), Billy.4.I (not) like skating now. 5.He also (like) playing table tennis. 6. She likes reading (st

19、ory).四、根据汉语提示,完成句子1.I (喜欢) playing basketball and football.2.I (擅长) playing basketball and football.3. I like drawing (也).4. He (也) likes playing table tennis.5.They (两个都) like swimming.五、小练笔,告诉大家你的以及你朋友的爱好HobbiesI like. He likes. She likes. Song time一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同( )1.yes you ( )2.cake da

20、nce( )3.make bag ( ) summer( )5.young yellow ( )6.juice umbrella( )7.kite him ( ) dog( )9.three meet ( ) you1.穿黄色的衣服 2.一顶黄帽子 3.我们都喜欢爬山 4.非常喜欢跳舞 一、默写文中5个单词二、英汉互译1.Look out! 2.和我的弟弟 friend 4.许多书 the piano 6.在冬天 7.have an idea 8.一个好主意 9.on the ice 10.一个冰洞 三、按要求写词语1. doesnt(完

21、整形式) 2.he(宾格) 3.I(物主代词) 4.that(复数) 5. skate(现在分词)序数词) 7.well(形容词) 8. story(复数) 9. friends(名词所有格)反义词) 四、单项选择( )1.A: What you doing? I like singing.A.does; like B.does;likes;like she like ? NO, she doesnt. A.Do; dance B.Does;dancing C.Does;danceing( )3. Li Hong is good at .A.draw

22、B.drawing C.draws( )4.They like playing table tennis.A.too B.the other C.also( )5.He can play basketball . A. well B.good C.nice( )6. Xiaohuas mother going . A. likes; shopping B.likes;shoping;shopping( )7.There a hole in the ice. A. is B.are C.arent一、完成书P44“Look and say”以及“Think and write”1.

23、弹钢琴 2.擅长游泳 3.喜欢跳舞 4.看电影 5.双胞胎兄弟 stories football fathers hobby 9.on the ice 10.have an idea 3、按要求改写句子1.Helen likes reading stories.(对画线部分提问)What Helen ?2.I like playing table tennis.(用he改写句子) He table tennis.3.Helen likes climbing.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)A: Helen climbing? , she .4.Wang B

24、ing likes playing basketball.(对划线部分提问)What Wang Bing ?5.I am good at dancing.(改为一般疑问句) you good at ?6.The book is behind the clock.(改为同义句) The clock is the book. 7.Yang Ling likes swimming and dancing.(对划线部分提问) What Yang Ling ?4、阅读短文,选择答案 Mary and Sally are good friends. They are English girls. They

25、 speak(讲) English. Mary is eleven years old. She can sing. Sally is twelve. She cant sing, but she can dance. On Sundays, they play with their friends. They play different(不同) games. Some play football, some like riding bikes, some like singing and dancing and some do puzzles. They are very happy.(

26、)1.Mary and Sally are .A.sister C.friends( )2.Mary is and Sally is .A.13;12 B.11;12 C.12;12( )3.Mary can and Sally can;sing B.sing;dance;dance( )4.They play with their friends .A.on Saturday B.on Sunday C.on Saturday and Sunday( )5.Some of them like .A.speaking English B.singing and dancing C.playing basketball

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