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1、金代元好问示侄孙伯安诗云:“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员”。 The old man sat without moving, his wide old hand _17_ on his knees. He thought about the storm outsidemusic ma

2、de by God. He thought of Rudolph and his music_18_ were part of the works of natureboth were works of _19_. He nodded his head up and down, then turned to Rudolph.教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。 “Yes, ” he

3、said . “That is _20_! ”1. A. arrested B. seenC. met D. caught2. A. quarrel B. speechC. talk D. argument3. A. nothing B. everythingC. something D. anything4. A. off B. awayC. up D. down5. A. feelings B. savingsC. activities D. routines6. A. country B. earthC. globe D. world7. A. felt B. roseC. return

4、ed D. turned8. A. water B. fireC. hire D. planet9. A. as B. withC. for D. without10. A. passed B. lastedC. froze D. increased11. A. hope B. wishC. peace D. struggle12. A. greatness B. smallnessC. gentleness D. witness13. A. before B. afterC. below D. again14. A. Into B. InsideC. Outside D. Outward15

5、. A. came B. wentC. threw D. fixed16. A. softly B. hardC. hardly D. easily17. A. grasping B. shakingC. resting D. laying18. A. none B. bothC. all D. neither19. A. wonder B. doubtC. artist D. author20. A. wrong B. rightC. false D. true答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了一位小提琴家在一场暴风雨中和一位守灯塔老人的奇遇,这使得他的思想和技艺得到升华。1

6、. 答案D解析be caught in“遭遇到”。句意:有一天,他乘船旅行,遭遇到了一场暴风雨。故D项正确。2. 答案C解析quarrel“争吵”;speech“演讲”;talk“交谈”;argument“争论”。have a long talk with sb. “与某人进行长时间交谈”。守灯塔的老人救了他并把他带进灯塔,经过很长的交谈以后,Rudolph对老人有了更深的了解。3. 答案C解析代词something指代Rudolph从这场暴风雨中得到的启示,这些启示让他的感觉与以往有了很大的差别。4. 答案B解析away from .“远离”。正是从暴风雨、灯塔和老人处获得的某些启示让他远离

7、过去的感觉,而获得了新生。5. 答案A解析feeling“感觉”;saving“积蓄”;activity“活动”;routine“常规,例行程序”。解析见上一题。故A项正确。6. 答案D解析country“国家”;earth“土地,地球”;globe“地球”;world“世界”。这里的world应该理解为“境界”,这场遭遇和经历让他进入一个新境界。7. 答案A解析feel“感觉,感受”;rise“上升,升起”;return“返回,归还”;turn“变成”。这里的felt指的是“感受到,体验”,he had never known or felt作定语,修饰a world。8. 答案B解析由下文

8、“Moments that were days in the birth of fire and stars”可知这儿要填的是fire。故B项正确。9. 答案B解析介词with的复合结构为“with宾语宾语补足语”,在句中作伴随状语。本句表示风雨交加中,他弹奏了贝多芬的Kreutzer Sonata。10. 答案A解析pass“(时间) 推移,逝去”;last“持续,延续”;freeze“冻住,冻僵”;increase“增加”。pass的主语为时间。11. 答案D解析hope/wish“希望”;peace“和平,平静”;struggle“挣扎”。他的音乐反映出人们的奋斗挣扎。12. 答案A解析

9、greatness“伟大”;smallness“渺小”;gentleness“温和”;witness“证人”。他的音乐还反映出全人类伟大的精神。13. 答案A解析never before 放在句首时要用倒装句型,正常语序应为:Rudolph had never played with such power before. 句意:在这之前他从来都没有这样激情地演奏过。14. 答案C解析与室内谈话和演奏相对应的是外边的海浪和狂风,故用outside。15. 答案C解析come“来”;go“去”;throw“投,扔”;fix“维修”。整句话的句意为:塔顶强烈的灯光穿透黑暗与波涛汹涌的大海,投射出其拯

10、救生灵的光辉。throw与beams构成动宾搭配,意为:投射光束。16. 答案B解析softly“柔软地”;hard“困难地”;hardly“几乎不”;easily“容易地”。这样的激情让他非常兴奋,导致呼吸困难。17. 答案C解析“.,his wide old hand resting on his knees.”这一部分是独立主格结构。rest“撑,依靠”,此处指老人将手放在膝盖上。18. 答案B解析这里用both指代的是Rudolph和his music, 它们都是大自然神奇的杰作。19. 答案A解析wonder“奇迹”;doubt“怀疑”;artist“艺术家”;author“作者”。

11、works of wonder“神奇的杰作”。20. 答案D解析wrong“错误的”;right“正确的”;false“错误的”;true“真正的,真实的”。形容词true在这儿应译为“真正的;名副其实的”。That is true.“这才是真正的音乐”。完形填空(2019济南模拟)I spent last summer volunteering at a hospital.It was a gift to _1_ so many amazing people and Id like to share one of these moments.One day,I was called to a

12、 room where a(n) _2_ woman was staying.Usually I helped with _3_ who were ready to leave.Instead,she _4_ to go to the gift shop.I got a _5_,helped her into it,and headed down to the entrance.When we got there,it wasnt open yet.After a 30minute _6_,we entered the gift shop.As I pushed her around,I co

13、uld see the _7_ in her face as she looked at everything,happy to be out of her room.She _8_ some window decorations,and then saw chocolates.She asked me to push her in that _9_,and then I helped her _10_ all the different chocolate arrangements. _11_ she decided on three different boxes.She told me

14、to write the numbers 1,2,and 3 on the boxes.She _12_ that the nurses were taking such good care of her,so she _13_ chocolates for each of the three shifts of nurses.As we gave the current shift of nurses their box of chocolates,they _14_ offered some to me before taking some themselves.There were _1

15、5_ all around.Witnessing the old ladys _16_ and getting the opportunity to spend time with someone who got so much joy from life were a _17_ in itself.I have so many more stories,and each person made an impact on my life.Ive _18_ that health has a way of bringing people together._19_ is a blessing,a

16、nd being in a place where health is so _20_ and appreciated is unlike anything else.1A.introduce BmeetCattract Ddescribe2A.elderly BstrangeCimportant Dfamous3A.nurses BkidsCpatients Dparents4A.pretended BwantedCfailed Bshopping cartCwheelchair Dbike6A.ride BwalkCdrive Dwait7A.relief

17、BanxietyCjoy Dpuzzle8A.chose BmadeCused Dreceived9A.manner BcaseCdirection Dpoint10A.prepare for Bmake upCfigure out Dlook through11A.Suddenly BEventuallyCFortunately DActually12A.explained BdeclaredCexpected Dimagined13A.exchanged BdesignedCtasted fact Bat a lossCin turn Dat ease15A.w

18、hispers BsmilesCshouts Dcheers16A.kindness BchoiceCdecision Dloneliness17A.lesson BchanceCgift Dfact18A.concluded BimaginedCpredicted Dlearned19A.Health BLuckCVirtue DPraise20A.tested BvaluedCmaintained Dpromoted【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在医院做义工的经历,老人的善良和快乐让作者领悟到健康是福的道理。1B上文提到作者在医院做义工,下文又提到分享故事,由此可知,此处指“

19、见到”许多了不起的人。故选B项。2A从下文16空前的“old ladys”可知,此处指“上了年纪的”。故选A项。3C从语境可知,此处指作者作为医院的义工,通常帮助那些准备离开的“病人”。故选C项。4B上文提到作者通常帮助那些准备离开的病人。结合Instead“反而”可知,此处老人并不是准备离开,而是想去礼品店。5C从下文7空前的“As I pushed her around”可知,此处指“轮椅”。6D前一句提到“当我们到达礼品店时,商店还没有开门”,可以推断此处指30分钟的“等待”。故选D项。7C从空后的“happy to be out of her room”可知,此处指“高兴”。8A上文提

20、到“she looked at everything”,接下来应是“选择”。9C结合语境可知,此处指老人要求作者推着她朝巧克力的方向走去。10D根据空后的“all the different chocolate arrangements”可以推出,此处指作者帮老人“浏览”了所有不同的巧克力的布置。11B在作者帮老人浏览完后,“最终”老人做出了决定。12A上文提到老人购买了三种不同盒子的巧克力并让作者在上面写上数字。接下来是老人向作者解释为何这样做。13D老人解释说护士们如此精心地照顾她,所以她为轮班的护士“买”了巧克力。14C当作者他们给当前值班护士巧克力时,值班护士转而给了作者一些。15B从

21、下文17空前的“who got so much joy from life”可知,此处指“微笑”。16A结合上文老人的行为不难看出,老人是一个善良的人。17C此处指作者的感慨:能和从生活中得到如此多快乐的人在一起本身就是一个“礼物”,和上文第一段的“It was a gift to.people”相呼应。18D此处指作者从做义工的经历中“学习”到,健康常常把人们聚集在一起。19A上文中作者提到健康,接下来说,“健康”是福,符合语境。20B此处指待在健康被如此“重视”的地方和其他事情不同,空处与空后的“appreciated”并列。语法填空陕西宝鸡)I was not excited when

22、I learned I was going to Germany. I had been hoping for France or England. Why Germany? The language is unpleasant and there arent any tourist _1_(attract) like Frances Louvre or Englands Buckingham Palace. I begged my parents to reconsider, _2_ before I knew it, we were boarding our flight to Munic

23、h.On arriving there, we found the houses and roads somehow looked oldfashioned. In January the snowwhite scenery _3_(be) breathtaking. Every morning we _4_(serve) a satisfy breakfast buffet in German style. Almost every day we went to a ski resort and learned how to ski. It took us _5_ couple of day

24、s to get hang of it. We visited Germanys highest mountain peak _6_ the weather was perfect above the clouds.I found _7_ interesting that we had to pay for grocery bags. Because my mom and I didnt know this(and we didnt want to pay extra), we made two trips carrying groceries from the store to the car. I realized that I was being e

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