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1、论中国英语学习者在跨文化交流中的失误研究汇总 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目: A Research on Cross-culture Communication Failures by English Learners in China 论中国英语学习者在跨文化交流中的失误研究 系 部 外语系 学科门类 英语 专 业 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 2013年5 月2日AcknowledgementsThis piece of essay is the result of support and contributions of many people. First and foremost, I

2、cannot go without mentioning the constructive suggestions and technical support from my guider, Mao Yingying. Secondly, my appreciation is given to Zhou Ying and Zou Xiaorong, my English teachers, who have given me all necessary assistance during my studies. Last but not least, I would like to thank

3、 my family, friends and roommates for their unyielding support for encouraging me to overcome the difficulties and complete the paper.AbstractSince Chinas reform and opening up, the past years have witnessed the dramatic and breathtaking changes in China. The opportunities of communication between d

4、ifferent countries are ever-increasing. However, the high-frequency of cross-culture communication also gives rise to more failures in interactions of people in different culture backgrounds. These failures, which include large part of pragmatic failure advanced by J.Thomas in early 1980s, are major

5、 obstacles of understanding of intercultural communication. In this paper, the author try to explore typical cases of interaction failures of Chinese learners of English in intercultural communication, the substantial reasons of them as well as the according solutions to address the problems. Throug

6、h overall analysis of different cases in intercultural communication situations, various reasons could be revealed, which is helpful to resolve the difficulties and realize successful understanding among people in different culture.Key words: intercultural communication; failures; various reasons摘 要

7、自改革开放以来的几十年里,中国大地上正发生着翻天覆地的变革。中国对世界的开放程度越来越高,对外交流的机会也在逐渐增加。但同时,高频率的对外交流也导致了不同文化背景的人们跨文化交流失误的上升。在20世纪80年代,语言学家托马斯(J.Thomas)就首先提出了语用失误(Pragmatic Failure)的概念,这也是我们在跨文化交流中遇到的主要沟通障碍。然而,跨文化交际失误远不止语用失误的范畴,还包括语音、词汇、语法以及非言语交际等方面。因此本篇论文意在探析中国英语学习者在跨文化交际中的各类失误,主要包含以下几个方面:跨文化交际失误的几个方面,跨文化交际失误产生的主要原因,中国英语学习者在学习英

8、语这门语言的时候对英语文化的掌握。通过上述方面的分析,望此论文能帮助中国英语学习者解决所遇到的跨文化交际的问题与失误,并促进跨文化交流的顺利进行。关键词:跨文化交际;跨文化交际失误;产生原因ContentsAcknowledgements IAbstract II摘 要 IIIContents IVChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Significance of the Research 11.2 Organization of the Paper 2Chapter 2 Literature Review 3Chapter 3 Performance of Chinese

9、 Learners of English in Cross-culture Communication Failures 53.1 Cross-culture verbal communication failures 53.1.1 Performance of failures in pronunciation 53.1.2 Performance of failures in vocabulary 63.1.3 Performance of failures in grammar 63.1.4 Performance of failures in pragmatics 63.2 Cross

10、-culture non-verbal communication failures 83.2.1 Performance of failures in body language 83.2.2 Performance of failures in paralanguage 9Chapter 4 Reasons and Solutions for Cross-culture Communication Failures by English Learners in China 104.1 About the questionnaire 104.2 Reasons for intercultur

11、al communication failures 114.3 Factors caused by English learners in China 124.4 Possible Solutions for Cross-cultural communication failures 13Bibliography 16Appendix A 1跨文化交际能力问卷调查 1Chapter 1 IntroductionThe need for intercultural communication can be dated back to time immemorial when wandering

12、ancient tribes encountered others different from themselves and exchanged their belongings with each other. In nowadays, intercultural encounters are far more numerous and important than in any previous time. New technology of transportation and communication, globalization of economy and changes in

13、 immigration patterns has accelerated intercultural contact and communications.1.1 Significance of the ResearchChinas great changes are happening in the earth after decades reform and opening up. As Chinas frequency of opening to the world becomes more and more high, foreign exchange opportunities a

14、re also gradually increasing. But at the same time, the high frequency of foreign exchanges has also given rise to intercultural communication failures among people from different cultural backgrounds. Due to differences in many aspects between Chinese and western language and culture, many Chinese

15、learners of English in communicating with English speakers make communication mistakes. For these failures in verbal and nonverbal communication, the reason is mainly because of language differences, cultural differences and communication failures caused by the learners themselves. In the process of

16、 human communication, different people may receive different information from the same information because of the influence of external factors, and the understanding of the different people for different information also differ in thousands ways. In the same cultural background, the communication failures can occur sometimes, so its inevitable that people in dif

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